
Danny's Dream - Chapter Ten


“How much longer?” Matt asked quietly.
            Turner turned back to look at him. He took in the boy’s pale face and sunken eyes and realized that they were probably pushing him too hard.
            “We can take a break,” he offered.
            “No,” Matt replied, his voice sounding as tired and worn out as he looked. “I just want to get this over with. ”
            The tight rib splint around his chest made his ribs ache, or maybe it was the re-inflated lung that made his chest feel like something was pounding on him from the inside. His head hurt and every joint in his body ached. He was bone tired and sorely needed a nap. Talking so candidly about everything that he’d been through, been forced to do and watch over the past couple of months was embarrassing and he wanted to finish the interview as soon as possible.
            “You look like you could use a breather,” Harrison commented.
            “Are we done?” Matt asked.
            Turner stared at the young man, propped against several pillows so he reclined in the bed at a slight angle. The agent finally let out a slow, heavy sigh.
            “Is there anything else you can think of that happened? Anything you haven’t already told us?”
            “We haven’t talked about the cabin yet. ”
            “The cabin?”

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   Kade’s cabin,” Matt replied softly. “It’s where he took us the day he grabbed Amanda, Beth and Sam. ”
            “Okay,” Turner said. “Tell us about the cabin. ”
            “It was supposed to be more filming. He put Angie, Carrie and me in the back of a van with a couple of boxes and made Jenny ride up front with him. ”
            “If he was so hot for Carrie, why put her in the back?” Harrison asked.
            “He liked to keep Jenny and me apart. He knew we had a thing for each other. He used it against us. ”
            “Nice guy,” Harrison quipped.
            “It took a couple of hours at least to get to the cabin. One of the boxes had some extra clothes in it and we just left it in the van. The other box had sex toys in it so we took it with us. ”
            Matt paused and closed his eyes.

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   Since he had done this several times during the twelve hour interview both agents knew he was about to launch into a description of sexual activity that was embarrassing for the young man. They both knew it was hard for Matt to talk about what had happened to him, especially when he had to be so graphic in his descriptions but it was information that they needed in their case against Daniel Kenneth Mitchellson.
            “He made Angie and Carrie strip and have sex on the porch of the cabin while he filmed them. He had them use some of the sex toys. When he was satisfied with that he made Jenny strip and tied her to a tree then stuffed vibrators up – up her… He strapped vibrators inside her and tied her to a tree. He made me strip and have sex with Angie then Carrie. ”
“Where?” Harrison asked.
“On the porch,” Matt replied then continued his monologue. “Then we had to do a threesome using some of the sex toys he’d brought. There was a big motorcycle in the yard, I don’t know what it was. I guess it was a Harley or something, it was big. He made Angie sit on it with her back to the handlebars then he told me to get on it like I was going to ride it only – only…”
            “Only you didn’t ride the motorcycle?” Harrison asked.
            “No,” Matt whispered.
            “What happened?” Harrison prompted when Matt didn’t continue.
            Matt turned his head on the pillows as if he were staring at the wall of machines but his eyes were squeezed shut.

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            “He moved Jenny so I had to look at her over Angie’s shoulder. Then he made us have sex on the motorcycle while he filmed it. I think the two girls, Amanda and Beth, showed up while we were…while…”
            “What happened?” Turner asked.
            “He told Carrie to take care of it while we…finished. He made us keep going until…until we…finished. He told me to get in the van and Angie to get Jenny then get in the van. A little later Carrie came and got Jenny. Then he came in and told us that we were supposed to act like were professionals shooting a movie then he told Angie to get dressed and join the others for lunch. ”
            “What’d he tell you?” Harrison asked.
            Turner noticed that Matt started to shake and turned even paler.
            “You okay, Matt?” Turner asked, suddenly concerned.
            “Yeah,” Matt whispered, his voice so soft Turner barely heard him.
            “Let’s take a break. ”
            “No!” Matt cried. “Please, I want to finish.

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            “Matt, you need a break. ” Turner stared at him unflinchingly. “Just for a few minutes, give yourself a little breather. Okay?”
            “What time is it?” Matt asked.
            Turner glanced at his watch before replying. “Eleven-twenty. ”
            “In the evening?”
            “Yeah,” Turner answered, nodding his head. “It’s night time. ”
            Matt nodded and turned his head back toward the wall with the machines lined up against it. Turner motioned to Harrison and they moved across the room, stopping next to the door.
            “Why don’t you take a break? I’ll stay with him,” Turner offered.
            “I’ll be back in about fifteen?”
            “Sure. ”
            Harrison pulled the door open and disappeared through it. Turner stepped to the side of the door and leaned against the wall. He folded his arms across his chest and stared at Matt, wondering if the young man would ever truly recover from his experience. gay escort erito.girls ellen saint escort slovak beauties escort elite rome escorts escorts girls escort russia veronica carso independent escort girls 

   Turner’s head jerked toward the door when he heard a light tap. He reached out just as the door opened and a tall man with dark hair stepped inside.
            “What the hell are you doing here?”
            “Don’t worry, they don’t know. ” The dark head quickly swiveled toward Matt’s prone form. “I had to see him, see how he’s doing. ”
            “He’s been making a detailed statement for the last twelve hours so he’s a little tired right now. ”
            “Jesus, can’t you give him a break?”
            “What do you think we’re doing now?” Turner returned the glare he was getting. “Besides, he refused to break. I had to insist. ”
            The dark-haired man smiled ruefully as he turned back to stare at Matt.
            “That sounds like him. ” He motioned toward the bed. “Do you mind?”
            Turner shook his head. “Go ahead. ”
            The tall man moved quietly to step up next to the hospital bed.

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   He let his hands fall to grasp the railing alongside the bed. When Matt didn’t move, the man leaned down and crossed his arms on the railings, leaning close to Matt.
            “Matt?” he whispered.
            Matt’s eyes fluttered opened and he turned his head to stare dazedly at the newcomer. Slowly, recognition flooded his brown eyes.
            “How are you feeling?”
            “You told him?” Matt whispered.
            “No, Matt. Kade found out and called him. I called and asked about you but he’d already – he’d already beat you. I – he – I’m sorry, Matt. ”
            “He was so pissed off. ” Matt grinned up at his visitor.
            “I imagine he was. How are you doing?”
            “I’m sore as hell but it’s getting better. ” Matt’s eyes darkened with concern.

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   “How’s Jenny? Has he hurt her?”
            “I haven’t seen her but I don’t think he’s hurt her. He was angry with Carrie for not telling him about you. ”
            “God, what did he do to her?”
            “He just tied her up and made her watch while he screwed Amanda and Angie. ”
            “What about Jenny?”
            “I think he’s a little afraid of her right now. He hasn’t touched her since he – since you…”
            “Are you sure he hasn’t killed her?”
            “I got it from Xi that she’s still there and she’s okay. ” He smiled at Matt’s look of obvious relief. “I’m going to tell him I have a buyer and make an offer for her. To see if I can get her out. ”
            “Do you think he’ll go for it?”
            “I don’t know,” he replied with a shrug of his shoulders. “When we talked before, you said you wanted to take Jenny and go home. You didn’t mention Angie or Carrie…”
            Matt glanced down at the bed as he replied.
            “I don’t know, Nels. It’s like he’s brain washed them or something. They aren’t the same as they used to be. They do what ever he tells them and act like it’s alright.

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            Nels nodded his head.
            “Okay,” he said softly. “I’ll try to get Jenny out. We’ll see if he’ll go for this. He seems enthralled with Amanda so I don’t think he’ll let her go any time soon. ”
            He stared with worry-filled eyes at Matt for several seconds before speaking again.
            “Matt, I want you to know that I’m sorry for everything that happened to you in that house. Especially, my part in it –”
            “I know why you did what you did, Nels. I have to admit at the time I was really pissed off at you and I would have jumped you if I’d been given the opportunity. ” They both smiled at one another. “But my dad’s a cop. I understand undercover work. I may not like what happened, but I understand why. ”
            Nels nodded as he reached into his back pocket and retrieved a small card case.
            “Look, if you ever need to reach me for anything, if there’s anything I can do for you, call me.

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   Okay?” He wrote something on the back of the card before handing it to Matt. “I put the number for my cell phone on the back. It’s the best way to get hold of me. ”
            “Thanks, Nels. ”
            He nodded at Matt and chewed his lip for a minute then stood and turned around to face Turner.
            “If I can get Jenny out, I think it’ll be time for you to go in. ”
            Turner quickly walked over to stand next to Nels. He looked down at Matt.
            “Do you think she’ll cooperate as a witness?”
            “I don’t know,” Matt replied. “She might but she’ll be worried about the others. We talked about trying to get out but she wouldn’t go if it meant leaving Angie and Carrie behind. ”
            “And you wouldn’t leave without her,” Nels said softly.
            “I couldn’t,” Matt replied.
            “I’ll contact him tomorrow and see what he says. ” Nels looked over at Turner.

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   “I’ll let you know. ”
            “Be careful,” Turner said as he slapped Nels on the shoulder then stepped away.
            “Take care of yourself, Matt,” Nels said as he looked down at the young man.
            “I’m working on it. ” Matt offered him a small smile. “Please, get Jenny out of there. ”
            “I’ll do my best,” Nels promised before he turned and left the room.
            “Danny, can we meet? I may have a proposition for you. ”
            “What kind of proposition?”
            “One that could solve your dilemma. ”
            “Who says I have a dilemma?”
            “Xi mentioned she was worried about you. ”
            “I’m free this evening. You want to come over around the usual time?”
            “Sure. One other thing. ”
            “Do you have a digital picture of Jenny?”
            “Yeah. Why?”
            “E-mail it to me?”
            “Why? What are you up to?”
            “Just trust me on this, okay?”
            Danny was silent for a moment before replying.


   “Okay, I’ll send you the picture but you’re going to explain to me tonight. ”
            “Okay,” Nels replied simply.
            Danny opened the door and motioned Nels inside. Nels strode across the room and made himself comfortable in a large arm chair, totally ignoring a naked Amanda chained to the leg of another chair across from him. She cowered on the floor trying to cover herself without being obvious about it.
            “Would you like a drink?” Danny offered.
            “Of course,” Nels replied with a smile.
            Danny mixed the drink he knew Nels would request and handed the glass to the other man then sat down in the chair Amanda was chained to. He released her chain and pulled on it, forcing her to stand. He tugged on it until she climbed onto his lap. The fingers of his free hand played idly with her nipples as he spoke to Nels.
            “So what’s up?” Danny asked.
            “Well,” Nels paused long enough to take a sip of his drink. “Xi has been worried about you since that little incident a few weeks ago. She’s also concerned about the way you’ve been ignoring a certain, as she put it, ‘bitch in the kennel’.

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            Danny gave him a grim smile and nodded.
            “I haven’t exactly been paying much attention to Jenny lately. I’ve been busy with my new pet though. ” He smiled at Amanda then forced his lips against hers.
            Nels smiled in return and saluted Danny with his drink before taking another sip.
            “Xi thought maybe it had something to do with the boy. ”
            “I was never that attracted to Jenny in the first place. She isn’t really that much fun without Matt to taunt. ”
            “Would you be willing to sell her?”
            Danny raised an eyebrow as he stared at Nels.
            “Do you know someone who’s interested?”
            “As a matter of fact, I do. ”
            “How interested?” Danny asked.
            “He’s offered a hundred and fifty grand. ”
            “A hundred and Fifty grand?”
            “And he’ll pay all shipping costs. ”
            “I can’t tell you that,” Nels said with a note of amusement in his voice, a smile on his lips. “Are you interested?”
            “When do I get the money?”
            “I can notify the client tonight.

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   He’ll wire it to you tomorrow. ”
            Danny thought about it for several minutes, taking a sip of his own drink before finally replying.
            “Okay. If he can get the money to me by tomorrow, she’s his. ”
            “I’ll notify him right away then call you with his answer. ”
            “Good. ” Danny smiled and reached down between Amanda’s legs.
            “Would you like to stay and celebrate?” he asked.
            Nels thought for a moment before replying, playing with his drink, running his finger around the top of the glass.
            “As much as I’d like to, I’d better get back and finish some business. Could I see Jenny before I go though? Just so I can tell my client that I saw her and she’s in good shape. ”
            “Sure. Why not?” Danny turned his head to look back over his shoulder. Then he called, “Xi!”
            She appeared almost immediately in the doorway.
            “Yes sir?”
            “Would you please bring Jenny in? Nels would like to examine her.

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            “Yes sir. ”
            She walked through the room and left through another door. Once she was gone Danny turned his attention back to Nels.
            “So how’s Sam doing?”
            “He’s working out wonderfully. He’s a very quick learner. ”
            “He seemed to catch on quickly. I’m glad you like him. ”
            “He’s very talented and settling in quite nicely,” Nels said, turning his head at the sound of Xi leading Jenny into the room.
            Jenny was led over to stand directly in front of him. She was dressed in a plain light blue bustier and dark blue mini-skirt. The four inch spike heels she wore made her legs seem to go on forever. Her hands were bound in cuffs behind her, a leash was fastened to the collar around her neck.
            Nels set aside his drink and slowly rose to his feet, staring at Jenny as he stood. He let his eyes roam over her for several seconds before he finally reached out to lift her short skirt. He dropped her skirt and turned her around only to lift her skirt again.

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   Then he popped open the fasteners on the bustier and let it fall. He turned her back around and stared at her. Finally, he let his gaze return to Danny.
            “She looks like she’s still in good shape. ”
            “You think your client will approve?”
            “I’m sure he will. ”
            Nels made a small motion with his left hand as he sat back down and retrieved his drink. Xi led Jenny from the room, she didn’t bother to retrieve the bustier.
            “I’ll call you in the morning and arrange a time to pick her up if that’s okay. ”
            Danny nodded then suddenly stared straight at Nels.
            “Actually,” he said softly as he let his hand run absently through Amanda’s hair. “Are you certain this client won’t back out?”
            “Positive. He wanted to wire me the money this morning after he saw her picture. I explained that I had to speak with you first. He still wanted to wire the money, just in case. ”
            “Why don’t you just take her with you tonight then?”
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   He took another swallow to help the first down.
            “Are you sure?”
            “Yes. I want rid of her. ”
            Nels was quiet for several seconds. He finished his drink and set the glass aside before he finally answered.
            “Only if you’re certain. ” Danny nodded. “I’ll make sure the money is wired to you first thing in the morning. ”
            Nels rose to his feet and offered his hand to Danny.
            “Thank you for the business. I’d better be going so I can contact my client and he can get your money to you. ”
            They shook hands and Danny set Amanda on her feet then got up and strode across the room to the door Xi and Jenny had disappeared through.
            “Xi!” he called.
            Xi quickly reappeared and they spoke quietly for a moment then Danny turned back to Nels.
            “Xi will bring her back in a moment.

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            Nels nodded.
            As promised it took Xi only a moment to return with the still topless Jenny. Nels bent over and retrieved the bustier and fastened it back around Jenny when she stood within reach. Xi handed him the lead chain and quickly left the room. Nels wrapped the long chain around his hand several times as he turned back to Danny.
            “I’ll reimburse you for the clothing. ”
            “Thanks,” Danny replied. “And thanks for thinking of me when you got this call. ”
            “Any time we can help each other out,” Nels replied with a smile.
            He turned toward the door and tugged at the chain, pulling Jenny forward. She followed him with a confused look on her face. Nels remained silent even after the front door closed behind them. He led Jenny to his car and opened the door for her. He helped her into the front passenger seat and fastened the seatbelt around her then closed the door. He walked around the front of the car and climbed in behind the wheel.

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   He remained silent halfway back to his house. Finally, he glanced over at Jenny and gave her a gentle, friendly smile.
            “You can relax. You’re safe now, it’s over. ”            She stared at him, eyes wide.
            “Ex-excuse me?”
            “It was all a ruse with Danny. You’re safe now. ”
            She turned away from him to stare out the window. He glanced at her again and saw her bottom lip trembling.
            “It doesn’t matter anyway,” she whispered.
            “What’s wrong?”
            “Matt’s dead. ”
            “Matt’s safe,” Nels said softly.
            Her head whirled around and she stared at him in surprise and confusion.
            “But he said – Danny said…he said he was…”
            Nels gave her another small smile.
            “Danny tried to kill him but Matt’s a survivor.

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   He’s in a hospital but he’s okay. I saw him a few nights ago. He’s doing fine. ”
            “Oh, God,” she gasped.
            “I’ll try to take you to see him as soon as I can. It’ll be a few days though. He’s in protective custody so Danny can’t hurt him again. It might be easier to arrange a phone call right now. ”
            Nels glanced at her again and she nodded at him, barely registering his smile through her tears.
            “Danny conveniently forgot to give me the keys to the cuffs so I can’t take them off until we get to my place. I’ll have to cut them off then. ”
            “That’s okay,” she whispered. “Is Matt really okay?”
            “He’s okay. He’s been worried about you but he’s doing alright. ”
            “What – what happened?”
            Nels glanced at her again.

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            “I think I should let him tell you that. ”
            “Please? Xi said Danny had sold him to someone overseas but Danny said he’d killed him. He wouldn’t say anything else. He just kept saying he was dead. Can’t you please tell me what really happened?”
            Nels heaved a sigh and glanced at her again.
            “Danny found out that Matt’s father is the chief of police. He beat Matt severely and dumped him by the side of the road where he originally kidnapped the four of you. He left him for dead. A traveler happened to see a suspicious form on the side of the road and stopped to investigate. They called it in and Matt was air-lifted to the hospital. When Danny told me what he’d done I called a contact and had them do some checking. They found out where Matt was and that he was still alive. He agreed to talk to us and has been in protective custody ever since. ”
            “Us? Who are you?”
            Nels smiled at her again as he pulled into his driveway and pressed the button on his garage door opener. He pulled his car into the garage and parked before he answered.

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            “Let’s just say I work for the government. Okay?”
            Nels helped Jenny from the car, removing the lead chain from her collar and tossing it into a corner of the garage. Jenny heard a loud chink when it landed and turned to see a pile of chains in the corner he had tossed it into. He opened the door to the house for her and motioned her inside. He picked up a toolbox then followed her into the house. He set the toolbox on the kitchen table as he caught hold of her elbow.
            “Here, let me get those cuffs off. ”
            She turned back to him with a questioning look on her face.
            “Sorry, Danny didn’t give me keys to any of the locks so I’ll have to cut it all off,” he said as he opened the toolbox.
            “That’s okay,” Jenny said softly, not really knowing how to respond.
            Nels gave her a friendly smile as he pulled a pair of heavy duty metal cutters from his toolbox. He motioned for her to turn back around and she did so. He quickly cut the cuffs from her wrists and started to examine the collar around her neck.
            “If you’ll hold your hair up I’ll get the lock off of this collar and get rid of it too. ”
            She pulled her hair into one hand and held it up and to the side so he would have better access to the lock that held the collar around her neck.


   He cut the tiny lock and let it fall to the floor with a chink as he peeled the collar away from her neck. Her hands automatically went around her throat, rubbing lightly.
            “Sore?’ he asked.
            “No,” she said softly as she shook her head. “Not really. It just feels strange to have it off after so long. ”
            Nels put the cutters away and picked up the tiny lock. He put the lock and collar in the toolbox before closing it.
            “There’s a master bedroom suite with an attached bathroom at the end of the hall around the corner. There are spare clothes in the dresser and closet. Feel free to use anything in the room. If you’d like to take a shower or a nap, that’s fine. You can use the suite while you’re here. It’s for whatever guests I have. I need to make a couple of phone calls then we can talk if you’d like.

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            “Thank you. I…” She turned to face him but couldn’t quite raise her eyes to his.
            “Why don’t you go check out the suite?” he finally said quietly, breaking the awkward silence.
            She nodded and turned to leave the room. Nels took the toolbox back to the garage then made his way to the living room to make his phone calls. He was still on the phone when Jenny finally reappeared. She had changed to a pair of sweats and an oversized tee-shirt. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. When she stepped into the room he motioned for her to have a seat. She sat down in an armchair opposite the one he sat in.
            “Yeah. Just make sure the money gets wired into the account early tomorrow. Then take him down sometime after that. ” He paused to listen to the person on the other end. “Remember there are still three captives there.

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   I’m not at all sure where they’ll be. I’m guessing at least two will be in the kennel room if it’s early in the morning or late in the evening. ” He paused again. “He would know more about the routines there than I do. ” Another pause. “Okay. Any idea how long before I can make this drop?” A longer pause this time. “Okay, just let me know. I’ll be in touch. ”
            He hung up the phone and looked over at Jenny.
            “How are you doing?”
            “Okay I guess,” she said softly.
            “Would you like something to eat or drink?”
            “No thanks. ” She curled her legs up under herself in the chair and stared at the floor. “How’s Matt? Is he really okay?”
            “The last time I spoke with him a few days ago he was doing okay. ”
            “Can – can I see him?” she whispered.

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            “I –” Nels hesitated for a moment then tried to explain. “We can’t just drop in without notice. He’s in protective custody even though he’s still in the hospital. His father released a statement to the press saying he died to protect him. Nobody is supposed to know he’s still alive. Besides, I’m working undercover here. I have to be very careful when I make any kind of contact with my co-workers. ”
            He felt awful when he saw the sad, crestfallen look on her face. He knew with what she’d been through and the way Danny had probably tormented her with Matt’s death that she’d probably been through hell.
            “Why don’t we call him? Would talking to him help?”
            Her face brightened. She looked up at him with such hope it frightened him.
            “Please? Can we?”
            He knew it was against all the rules and not the smartest thing he’d ever done, but damn it, they were both worried about each other. He had to do something. He picked up the phone and dialed.
            “Hello, can I talk to him?” Nels asked when the phone was answered on the other end.

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            “You’re not supposed to be calling here,” Turner admonished.
            “I know. It’s important. ”
            “What’s up?”
            “I managed to get Jenny out and she needs to talk to him. ”
            “Shit! When –”
            “I’m working on that. Right now I need to talk to him. ”
            “Okay, just a minute. ”
            Nels smiled at Jenny while he waited for Turner to hand the phone over to Matt.
            “Hello?” Matt’s voice sounded stronger every time Nels spoke to him.
            “Hi, how are you feeling?”
            “Better and better. What’s up?”
            “I have someone here who wants to talk to you,” Nels said. “Hang on. ”
            He stood up and strode forward reaching the phone toward Jenny. She reached out tentatively for it, looking up at Nels questioningly. He merely nodded at her and offered her the phone. gay escort erito.girls ellen saint escort slovak beauties escort elite rome escorts escorts girls escort russia veronica carso independent escort girls 

   She nervously took the receiver from him and put it to her ear.
            “Hello?” she said softly into the receiver.
            “Jenny?” Matt asked excitedly.
            “God, it’s you!”
            “Jenny, are you alright? Are you okay?”
            “I’m fine. How are you? He said you were – I thought…Oh, God, are you okay?”
            “I’m good. A little sore but okay. You’re in good hands, baby. He’ll take good care of you. ”
            “Oh, God, M –”
            Nels put his hand over the receiver drawing her attention. He shook his head as he whispered to her.
            “Don’t say his name. ”
            She nodded and he removed his hand.
            “Sorry,” she said.
            “Everything okay?” Matt asked.

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   I just almost said something I shouldn’t have. It’s good to hear your voice again. ”
            “Yeah,” he replied dreamily. “Yours too. I’ve missed you. ”
            “I was so scared. I thought he’d…”
            Matt chuckled.
“That’s the idea,” he said. “I was so worried about you. Is Amanda okay?”
“I think so. I haven’t seen her much. He keeps her with him most of the time. ”
“What about Carrie?”
“He was really pissed at her for not telling him about…”
“Did he hurt her?” Matt asked, his voice suddenly filled with concern.
“Not physically. He’s just screwed with her head so much…”
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  ” He sighed and suddenly he sounded so tired to Jenny.
“I’d better let you go so you can get some rest,” she said softly.
“Please don’t hang up yet,” he cried urgently.
“What’s wrong?” She thought he sounded panicked and was afraid something was happening to him.
“Nothing,” he admitted, embarrassed. “I just miss you and…”
She smiled to herself and gripped the receiver to her ear. She glanced up and realized that Nels was no longer in the room.
“I love you,” she whispered.
“I love you so much,” he replied. “God, I miss you. ”
“I asked if I could see you but…” she wasn’t sure if she should use Nels’ name and hesitated. “He said maybe later. ”
“He has to be careful,” Matt replied. “He’ll take good care of you. ”
They fell silent for several minutes before Jenny finally asked, “Do you trust him?”
“Yes,” Matt replied instantly.

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“Okay, Then I will too. ”
“I know it seems weird, Jen, but he’s a good guy. We talked a little that last night. He was trying to help, trying to get us out. The asshole just found out before he could do anything. He’s a good guy, Jen. He’s just doing a job that isn’t easy. ”
“Okay. Thanks. I feel a little better about being here. ”
“It’s just the two of us. ”
“He won’t hurt you, Jen. ”
“He’s been nice so far. I just needed to be sure. ”
“He’ll take care of you and keep you safe.

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   You can trust him. ”
“Okay,” she said with a laugh.
“That’s the first time I’ve heard you laugh since all of this started,” he said softly.
“I couldn’t laugh when I saw how he treated you…”
There was a pause and she could hear mumbled voices on the other end of the line.
“I’m sorry, Jen. They’re saying I have to go. ”
“That’s okay. You need to rest. Take care of yourself for me?”
“Of course. I love you. ”
“I love you, too”
“’Bye, Jen. ”
“’Bye. Stay safe. ”
She clicked off the receiver and wiped the tears from her eyes as she laid the cordless phone on a nearby table. She heard a soft shuffling sound in the kitchen so she got to her feet and headed that way.

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   She found Nels in the kitchen preparing an evening meal.
“Thanks,” she said as she watched him moving around the kitchen.
He turned his head to look at her and stopped. “You okay?”
“Yeah. ”
He stared at her for a moment then turned back to the meal he was cooking.
“I know you said you weren’t hungry but I’m starving. Of course, I always get carried away and cook way too much. I hope you’ll join me for dinner?”
She laughed softly as she nodded her head. “Sure. Thanks. ”
Danny lay in bed with Amanda wrapped in his arms. His loud snores were keeping her awake yet again. She hadn’t gotten much sleep for the past few weeks, ever since she’d been kidnapped. She had spent every night with Danny and his snoring always kept her awake. She was tired and sore from lack of sleep and the multiple rapes.


   She caught herself thinking of Matt again. He’d disappeared the morning Danny had gotten the phone call that had made him so angry. I wonder what really happened, she thought. She’d heard him taunting Jenny, telling her that he’d killed Matt. But she’d also heard Xi say he’d been sold to someone overseas. Which, she wondered, was true?
The bedroom door suddenly banged open and slammed against the opposite wall. She screamed and shrank against the pillows as a tall figure dressed completely in black with a mask covering his head stepped into the doorway holding some kind of rifle leveled straight at her. Danny sat bolt upright in bed next to her.
“Don’t move!” the figure shouted moving into the room, keeping the gun trained on them.
He moved methodically around the room, searching it. He opened the closet door and checked inside the closet, then went through the bathroom turning on all the lights as he went. A second, similarly clad figure followed the first into the room. He kept a rifle aimed at them while the first man searched through the bedroom, bathroom and the closet then returned to the room.
“It’s clear,” the first man declared.
“Male and female in C10,” the second man said into a headset draped over his head, never taking his eyes off the two figures in the bed.

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“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Danny shouted as he started to climb out of the bed. The first man swung the butt of his rifle around and struck Danny in the right shoulder, knocking him back onto the bed.
“I said, don’t move, dick-head,” the man growled at Danny.
“What the fuck –” Danny tried again to get off the bed.
The second man was suddenly standing next to the first, both rifles leveled at Danny’s head.
“Don’t,” was all the second man said.
Amanda huddled under the blankets of the bed trying desperately to cover herself. The chain attached to her collar rattled as she moved, drawing the men’s attention to her. She froze when she realized they were staring at her. The second man finally stepped around the bed and sat down next to her.
“What’s your name, honey?”
Amanda glanced nervously at Danny then looked at the first man with his rifle still aimed at Danny’s head, between his eyes. Her gaze finally turned back to the second man who sat staring at her in silence.
“A-A-Amanda,” she finally whispered.
He got off the bed and went to the closet. He quickly returned with a long robe which he handed to Amanda.

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“Here. Put this on, Amanda. ”
She took the robe from him and slipped it on trying to cover herself with the blankets as she slid the robe on. She watched as he pressed the ear piece of his headset into his ear and turned away from her.
“Gotcha ya,” he said into the headset. “We’ll be down there in a few. ”
He turned back to the bed and stared at Danny.
“Where are the keys?”
“I don’t know what the fuck you’re talkin’ about,” Danny growled at the man.
“Where are the keys to the goddamn chain? Or am I gonna have to beat it out of you?”
“Fuck you!”
The first man slammed the butt of his gun into Danny’s shoulder again, knocking him back onto the bed. Danny screamed out in pain as he fell back against the mattress. The second man stepped around the end of the bed and shoved the first man back.
“Hammer,” he said as he shoved the man away. “Do something the asshole understands. ”
The second man reached down and grabbed Danny’s cock and balls in his hand then squeezed. Danny screamed in anguish, thrashing about on the bed.

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   The man released the pressure on Danny but not his hold.
“Where are the keys?”
Danny pointed to the nightstand next to the bed.
“In the fucking drawer,” he panted.
“See, Hammer?” The man said as he released Danny. He pulled the drawer out and retrieved the keys. He started back around the bed when he heard a strange sound and his partner called out to him.
The man turned just in time to see Hammer slam the butt of his gun against the back of Danny’s head. Danny’s body slumped to the floor just inches from Rover. He looked down at the unconscious man’s prone form and shook his head.
“Idiot asshole,” he said then looked up at Hammer. “Thanks. ”
“Anytime. ”
Rover continued around the bed and released the lead chain from Amanda’s collar. He then tried the key in the lock on the collar around her neck but it wouldn’t fit.
“Damn!” He looked down at her with angry eyes.

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   “Sorry but that’ll have to wait. ”
She didn’t know how to respond to him so she merely nodded. He looked over at his partner and nodded at Danny’s inert form.
“Can you get him or do need some help?”
“Nope, I can get the little shit. Where are we going?”
“Everyone’s waiting for us in C 14,” Rover replied.
“Let’s go,” Hammer answered.
Hammer bent over and lifted Danny over his shoulder. Rover motioned to Amanda as he stood up.
“We need you to come with us. ”
She slowly climbed from the bed and followed Hammer from the room. Rover followed them. They quickly moved down the hallway to the kennels. When they entered the room Amanda was surprised to see Xi, Carrie and Angie surrounded by five other men all dressed like Hammer and Rover.
Matt sat up in his hospital bed propped against several pillows even though the head of the bed had been raised. Jenny sat on the edge of the bed next to him while his father sat in a chair next to the bed. gay escort erito.girls ellen saint escort slovak beauties escort elite rome escorts escorts girls escort russia veronica carso independent escort girls 

   Turner stood in one corner of the room looking awkward and uncomfortable. A soft knock at the closed door drew Turner’s attention away from the friendly atmosphere of the rest of the room. He moved to answer the door when it swung open enough to reveal Nels, his head stuck around the edge of the door.
“Hi. How’s everything going?”
“Great,” Turner replied, motioning Nels into the room.
“Mind if we interrupt for a few minutes?” Nels asked, raising his voice so the others could hear him.
They all turned to look in his direction.
“We?” Turner asked.
Nels stepped into the room pulling Amanda behind him.
“We,” he confirmed. He pushed Amanda ahead of him, toward Matt’s bed. “I hope you don’t mind, Matt, but I brought a friend with me. ”
“I don’t mind at all,” Matt replied with a smile. He looked directly at Amanda when he asked, “How are you?”
“Okay, I guess,” she replied softly. “Nels told me what happened.

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   I’m sorry. ”
Matt shrugged. “It didn’t have anything to do with you. ”
“Maybe, maybe not,” she replied.
“It was because of me, little lady,” Chief Jamison said as he got to his feet.
Amanda offered him a timid, tentative smile.
“Well, anyway. I just wanted to say thanks for – for what you tried to do. I’m sorry for what happened because of it and I’m sorry it didn’t work. But thanks. ”
“I’m just sorry it didn’t work. I should have been more clear –”
“No, it wasn’t your fault. You tried. ” She started to turn away but Matt reached out and caught her hand in his.
“Amanda,” he said softly, his brown eyes boring into hers.

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   “I’m sorry. ”
“Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault,” she replied as she smiled at him.
He tugged on her hand and pulled her forward. She slowly, tentatively leaned down and he pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“Take care, okay?” he whispered.
“I will. ”
Amanda stood straight again and turned to leave. Jenny got to her feet and excused herself, quickly following Amanda. Nels stayed to talk with Matt a few minutes.
“Amanda,” Jenny called to the other girl once they were in the hallway.
Amanda stopped and turned back to Jenny.
“Amanda, I know this probably seems weird but given what we all went through, if you’d like to stay in touch…”
“I…I don’t know…”
Jenny quickly wrote something on a notepad she pulled from her purse and handed it to Amanda.
“That’s my address and phone. If you want to stay in touch feel free to use it.

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   If not, I understand. I’d give you Matt’s but his dad doesn’t want it given out right now. He’s still worried. If you send something to Matt in care of my address I’ll make sure he gets it. ”
“Thanks,” Amanda finally said as she accepted the paper and tucked it into her pocket.
“Have you seen Beth and Sam?” Jenny asked.
Amanda shook her head, fighting back the tears.
“Beth won’t see anyone. She won’t talk to us on the phone or anything. Sam’s doing okay though. He’s upset about Beth but he’s okay. ”
“If you want to give him my address and phone, go ahead. ” At the surprised look the other girl gave her, Jenny added, “Matt and I figure with everything we’ve all been through we should have our own little support group. ”
Amanda smiled at her and nodded.
“Thanks, I’ll let Sam know.

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“Tell him to call sometime. Matt understands. He went through the same thing. ”
Amanda stared at her in surprise. Jenny merely smiled and nodded.
“It’s true,” she finally said. “It was filmed. ”
“Oh, God,” Amanda gasped.
“Nels said they found the tape and after they’re finished with it as far as evidence, he’ll try to have it destroyed. ”
“How many copies…?”
“We can’t be sure,” Jenny replied.
“God,” was Amanda’s only response.
“Tell Sam to call if he wants. ”
“I will,” Amanda promised.
“Amanda,” Jenny called to her when she started to turn away. “Take care of yourself.

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“I will. ”



