
Slavery The natural state


Chapter 1 - Introductions
“I had a really good time tonight” he said.   “I enjoyed meeting you. ”  He held out his hand.   She reached up and kissed him on the lips.   It was not a good night kiss.
“Why don’t you come in for a night cap” she offered.   “I don’t really feel ready to say good night just yet. ”  Her voice was suggestive.
“I really should get home” he said.   “I have an early day tomorrow, and I have already had more to drink than I should be trying to drive with. ”  Her kiss was tempting, but he really didn’t want the blind date to go any further than it had already.
She reached up and touched his face and then let her hand slide down his neck and then down the front of his chest.   The gesture was provocative, and it had the desired effect.   It turned the tide of the battle between reason and desire that had been raging between his brain and his groin.   She was not his type.   She would not have been attractive even if she had not been overweight.

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    It had been a blind date setup through a computer dating service.   Her profile had not been very specific and had not included a picture or he would not have agreed to the first date meeting.   It was obvious that she was willing, but he was old enough to know that if he fucked her there would be obligations.   He knew he should say good night and let it mean goodbye, but he had had a little more to drink than was normal for him, and he hadn’t been in a woman in months which was not normal for him.
The door opened had he let her lead him into her apartment.   He resolved to keep this short and make his exit long before things got physical.   If he got on her he knew he would have to call her probably even see her again.   He would end up feeling sorry for her and then it would turn into a messy thing.
“Sit down” she said “I’ll get us some wine.   I think you will like this one; not at all pretentious.   It has only the slightest touch of alcohol.   It will help you sober up a bit before you leave. ”  Somehow her words actually seemed to make sense at the time.
“I really should be getting to bed” he said.
“Well, let’s not rush things” she scolded.

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    Her voice was suggestive enough to make the double entendre obvious.
“I… I didn’t mean…” he had no idea how to get out of the verbal mess he had gotten into.   She sat beside him and handed him a glass of red which he sipped because he didn’t know what to say.   “Ah…” the stimulation went through him leaving both shock and arousal in equal amounts as her hand went up the inside of his thigh.   He leaned back on the couch automatically his legs parting slightly.   Her hand continued up and slid over the growing wad at the top of his thighs.   “I really can’t… I mean I really have to…”
She silenced him by putting her mouth over his and kissing him.   By the time she lifted off of him he was groping her breast.   He could not exactly remember how that had happened.   He hadn’t had to seduce her, and that alone was driving him wild.   He pushed her back against the couch beside him and moved over her to take the initiative. Her moves suggested he could do whatever he wanted to her and whether that was his imagination or truth it had the same effect.   He had completely forgotten his resolve; he was going to fuck her.
She unbuttoned her blouse and unhooked the front clasp of her bra making it easier for him to get at her.   It felt as if he had ordered her to do that, but he could remember saying anything.

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    It didn’t matter.   He had his hand inside her bra cup and was working on her before the kiss ended.
“Please be gentile with me” she begged.   “I haven’t had it in a long time.   I’m awfully tight.   I’ll do whatever you want, but please don’t hurt me. ”  He lifted off her and held out his hand to help her up.   She led the way to the bedroom.
Before he really knew what was happening he was pulling off his turtle neck shirt.   He had lost the sports jacket earlier but could not remember taking it off.   She was kneeling on the bed pulling her skirt up over he ass.   Her blouse and bra were gone and she was naked from the waist up and if she had been wearing panties she had lost them earlier.   She squirmed around and positioned herself, spreading her knees to give him a good look at her beaver in the dim light.
“Go ahead” she offered.   “Take me like a bitch.

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  ”  She lay her breasts down on the bed, arched her back and put her hands against the headboard to brace her body against his thrust.
He crawled up on the bed behind her and knelt between her knees.   He undid his belt unzipped his pants and took his penis out of his underwear.   He bent forward slightly and shoved it into her.
“Ah… oh god it’s so big” she moaned as he gave it to her.   All thought of being gentle vanished with the first penetration.   He bent forward and put his hands against the headboard above her and began to hammer on her with his hips.   She was panting as each thrust forced the air out of her lungs.   He grunted in ecstasy.  
The entire episode lasted only a few minutes.   She was tight on him and she was actively squeezing with her cunt muscles.   His cock had gone in like an iron rod and he fucked her like an animal.   Finally he bent down and grabbed her shoulders.   He arched his back to the limit of the tendons and forced his hips against her thighs.   He knew he was hurting her.

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    He knew she hadn’t seen a lot of action and his cock was longer than the tube he was forcing it into.   He didn’t care.   He was beyond caring.   He began pumping her full, empting himself into her.
When he was done breeding her he collapsed on top of her trying to catch his breath.   His penis softened quickly and he rolled off onto the bed beside her; his pants and underwear still around his knees.   At first he was just a little embarrassed, and then he began to feel the guilt.   He had not done one thing to help her enjoy the intercourse.   He had gotten completely lost in his own needs.   He had not even made an effort to control himself or delay his ejaculation.   There had been almost no foreplay; to make him feel worse he had really enjoyed it.   He had come into her house determined not to get in bed with her.   He didn’t find her attractive.   He couldn’t even say he liked her.   He had just used her; hurt her and loved every one of the few short minutes.

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“I’m sorry” he apologized.   “I normally don’t…”  She was lying on her side beside him smiling up at him.   Her expression silenced his remorse.
“You shouldn’t apologize” she said.   “You’re a man, a real man and you just took me the way a man is supposed to fuck a woman.   You should never apologize for your masculinity. ”
He raised his eyes to meet hers. She was lying on her side looking up at him.   She wasn’t beautiful, her body wouldn’t have been sexy even if she lost fifty pounds, but lost in the feelings that her eyes conveyed, he didn’t notice.   All of her physical attributes were gone in that instant and it was just her.   He had used her, and yet she had welcomed it.
“I am very aroused” she said.   “I need to masturbate.   I can go in the other room if you find it offensive. ”
“No… I won’t mind at all.

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    I…” he said it automatically.   Normally he would have loved to watch a woman masturbate, but he had come hard and was not the least bit sexually stimulated.   A beautiful woman he would have enjoyed watching; this was more charity.   He had not gotten up and left immediately because he felt guilty about how rough he had fucked her and felt he should give her a little more time.
“Human’s have survived for thousands of years, hundreds of thousands” she explained, “mostly because of our ability to breed. ”  She rolled over and opened the drawer on the night stand and took out a small diameter dildo.  She flicked the switch on the base and the device began to squirm like a snake, bending and straightening in the middle and the head began to revolve as well as vibrate.   She shut it off and lifted her leg.   He was staring at the device.   “Do you want to stick it up me” she asked.   “I think I’d like that. ”
He was breathing through his mouth.   Despite his depleted sexual state, he nodded.   His hand was shaking as she wrapped his hand around the base.   “Don’t be shy” she advised.

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    “I like it to go in hard. ” She guided his hand to her pussy and then spread her lips.   He felt uncomfortable holding something that felt like a penis, but he went with it.
“Are you ready” he asked.   He didn’t wait for her to answer.   He moved the head around and thrust it up her.   She gasped as it went in.   He turned on the switch and then put his finger against the base and pushed the last few inches into her.   She was panting.   She closed her legs holding the device in her.   She closed her eyes and to enjoy the sensations.
“I have studied human anthropology extensively” she continued.   “It really is fascinating how our ancestors used to live.   Small groups, ten to twenty men and women lived together in caves or encampments.   The men and older boys would go out in a group to hunt.

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    Humans need the concentrated proteins of meat and the men could only hunt the larger animals in groups.   The party would usually be out for a day or more and would return with the kill animals gutted.   As they approached the camp, the women would get themselves ready.   Mmmm…. ” She moaned as the mechanical device in her cunt continued to push her closer to climax.
“What do you mean ‘get themselves ready’ what did this involve?” he was trying to hide his curiosity.   His mind was envisioning the images her words were painting for him.
“In the center of the main room of the cave” she continued, “they had rocks or large logs spaces several feet apart.   The women would strip and spread furs over the pedestals.   They would kneel and bend over the supports.   If a woman or girl was not aroused she would apply animal fat to her lips to make the penetration easier.   As the men approached they would see the naked females waiting and ready for them.   The men had spent their time and effort, often risking their lives to bring the meat that the group needed.   The women offered themselves as their part of earning their share of the kill. ”
“Oh my god” he said.

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    “They just presented and waited for the men to mount and rape them. ”  He tried to sound shocked, but his own sexual arousal at the images she was describing was hard to disguise.  In his mind he saw in vivid color the scene before the communal fire in front of the cave opening; eight to ten women of all ages kneeling, bent over rocks or logs with their asses raised to receive.   Men of all ages standing or kneeling behind them humping like animals grunting and coming.   The men would move from hole to hole filling whatever pussy was available and recovering quickly from each ejaculation ready to fill the next woman whoever she was.
“The women were only raped when they refused to submit” she continued.   “If all of the women presented, no one particular pussy got over worked.   Usually it was the women that made sure that all of the females who were old enough to receive did their part to take the men’s semen.   The men were aroused by the women’s bodies, and then even more by sex that was going on all around them.   In an orgy setting, men seldom care which hole they stick their cock into. ”
“That must have been so awful for the women” his voice was not the least bit convincing of his feelings.   She glanced down and he followed her eyes to see that he was rubbing his penis.   His face reddened, but she only smiled.
“I’m ready to come” she said.   “Why don’t you put that thing to good use?”  She opened her legs and pulled out the dildo that had been inside of her.


    She laid it carefully on the night stand where it continued to squirm and vibrate eventually falling onto the floor.
He crawled on top of her and she opened her legs and lifted her knees bringing her pussy up to meet his advance.   He carefully pushed up her attempting to be gentler than he had been before.   The dildo was smaller and shorter than his cock and it had tightened her up.  He had to force his way in.
“Don’t wait for me” she cautioned.    “I’m ahead of you, and I like it rough. ”
He grabbed her arms and began to pump her hard.   It was his custom to sleep after he came, and he usually did not get hard again unless the first delivery had been unsatisfying.   He had come hard, and drained his balls.   He was aroused, but dragging out another load was going to take considerable effort.   He wasn’t even close when she started groaning and he felt the uncontrolled convulsions in her thigh muscles.   He picked up the pace slamming into her hard which only pushed her faster.   She was finished even before he felt the start of his orgasm.
“Don’t stop” she said.

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    “Don’t worry about me. Keep going until you finish. ”
He resumed his harder faster pace trying to force his orgasm to the surface.   She bore down with her muscles squeezing his penis trying to help him.   His mind fixated on prehistoric women and the ancient breeding rituals that she had told him about. In that situation, men would not attempt to stall or restrict their natural orgasms.   Why would they?  If the woman didn’t cum with them, another man was right behind him ready to finish her.   If a woman finished earlier, and a new man had just mounted her she would cum and then have had no choice but to wait while whoever was on her got off in her.   Even if she was exhausted she would have to wait until all the men were ready to release her.   It was natural the natural way for men and women to fuck.
His own thoughts and imagination consumed him and as he felt the tingling that went down his back, across his hips and down his legs he felt the woman squirming under him.   She was pumping her legs to his rhythm.   She was going to climax again.   He grabbed her wrists and pinned them over her head and began driving his cock straight down into.   He pulled out as she lifted her knees and he reposition to drive straight into her G spot.

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    It was the move they both needed.   They went over the edge together and he began shooting into her as her heavy thighs crushed his hips holding him in her.
He shot load after load into her and then collapsed on her limp body.   His sexual interest was drained, but he images remained.   So many things suddenly made sense to him.   A younger woman with a tighter box would get more attention, and it made sense that her body might require more stimulation to reach orgasm.   Younger men mixed with older men fucking women of equally diverse ages.   A man could fuck whatever way was natural for him.
“You think you might have enjoyed life more in a simpler time” she asked.   She had seen the distant look on his face and guessed what was on his mind.
“Well” he said “I suppose that lifestyle would be fine for the men, but I think civilization has made it vastly better for women. ”
“Better for women?” she sounded shocked.   “What are you talking about?  Maybe better as long as you’re skinny and young with huge tits, but you can’t possibly believe that this is better for anyone else.   Don’t get me wrong, civilization has done a lot to improve the lives of people, but it has ruined sex for everyone.   I mean, look at me.

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    This is the first intercourse that I have had in three years that didn’t involve my fingers and that toy and I had to practically drug you and tie you up to get you to use me.   You think I prefer masturbating to having men lined up to jump my ass.   Hell even the pretty little bitches get old and then they’re left alone with their fingers.   God made men and women and gave them a need and men came along with their silly rules and poisoned the most beautiful thing in the world.   It’s the worst thing that men ever did.   I hope they burn in hell for it. ”
“Men?” he pushed himself up on one elbow.   “You think men did this?”
“Of course men did this” she said.   “The damn sex laws started with the patriarchal religions.   A man had to ‘own’ his woman and even if he didn’t want her pussy, he couldn’t let anyone else have her. ”  She spit to the words out with sarcasm and disgust.
“How do you know so much?” he changed the subject.   She was obviously passionate about something he knew nothing about.
“Everybody knows this” she said, “well, everybody with any advanced anthropology training.   For obvious reasons, anthropologists don’t publicize the facts about what is natural human sexual behavior, but it’s not a secret.

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    You can imagine the political implications, not to mention the religious ones if the average person knew what was normal behavior. ”
“What if a woman didn’t want to participate?” he asked.
“Strange question” she replied.   “I doubt that happened often.   Children grew up watching in the background.   Younger children watched older children move out of the shadows and take their place on the pedestals.   The boys and girls knew what would be expected of them when they got older. ”
“Still” he pressed.   “Children are often rebellious. ”
“There are different schools of thought on that” she explained.   “Usually the very young children stayed back in the shadows during the sexual intercourse.   As they got older the young boys had to accompany the men on the hunt before they were allowed to participate in the sex.   Young girls were left alone until their tits started to grow and their vaginas were large enough to receive.   When that happened the older women would inspect her vagina and decide if she was big enough to take their place with the women.   Some in my profession believe that if a boy refused to hunt, or a girl refused to kneel, they were excluded from meals until they submitted.

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    They either participated with the community, or they starved to death.   Most of us believe that refusal was not an option.   A girl that refused was stripped and held in position by the other women while the men forced her open.   She was usually treated roughly until her will was broken and she took her place willingly.   Boys who would not assist the men in the hunt were treated as women, taking it in the ass along side of the other girls.   Humiliation if not pain changed their attitude. ”
“That just seems horrible” he said.   His penis was dead, but his blood was racing again.   He tried to fake a socially acceptable attitude that his hormones rejected.   The vision of a young girl begging to be let go as the women stripped her in front of half a dozen men who were all erect and ready to take her swam through his head.   Then she was forced to her knees and her legs pulled apart by the women who she knew as mothers and sisters.
“Horrible” she asked; “Horrible like the clan not being welded together to protect each other from attacking animals.   Do you mean horrible like men being killed in a hunt because they were short handed and unable to take down the animals that were stronger and faster than them because a young boy was a coward?  It was how our species survived.   No, sex welded the community together.   More important, sex mixed the gene pool to create a being that was strong enough to survive.

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    This monogamy nonsense has made us genetically inferior, weak.  If primitive men and women had not bred randomly, we would never have gotten out of the caves.   That is our legacy.   That is the way we as a species survived.   What is horrible is what the religious pigs have done to us. ”
“But the women had no choice” he argued.
“Do you think men have a choice?” she asked.   “Do you think the men coming back from several days alone on the hunt really had a choice when they saw the females presenting their pussies?  Do you think men today have a choice?  Look at you.   Your hormones drive you to fuck anything you can get to hold still.   Right now you just finished with me, and you are rational, but try going a few months without sex, and see if you have any choice when a woman offers herself.   Men are just as much a slave to sex as women are.  If they weren’t, they would never put up with the crap they take.   Men and women are both slaves.  You can either fight it, or you can be yourself and try to enjoy life the way it was meant to be lived.   If you fight your nature, it will turn into a perversion.

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