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I had a wonderful date with Sara again. She is a wonderful woman, I am always happy when I see her. The photos are 100% original, my best blowjoe of my life. I love sex with her. She always takes her time. And never look at the clock. I was afraid that she was no longer in volos. because it was no longer available. I checked the internet again. found her new number. and she had told me that her cell phone was stolen. and I'm glad I got her back. This is my fifth time with her and it's always nice to see her. Her breasts are just huge and plump when she takes you in Spanish. You enjoy it, you are great. See you soon
and a fantastic girl does it with pleasure, with the oral she made me crazy, and a bio girl, we had sex in the shower and she is fantastic I want to meet her again thanks Sara
Poli kali empeiria,den leei oxi se kati,triferi kai epikoinwniaki.Matares wraio proswpo kai antexei dinato sex.pragmatikes foto ,fisiki ,apsogi epikoinwnia kai anesi xronou
Traduceți în Engleză5th time i met Sara and she was very nice!!Everytime im dating this girl i feel that she's my person!! A true personality that gives you everything in bed !! She satisfies me...i cant wait to meet her again!!
πεταμένα λεφτά n..χάλια πιπα πιπα χάλια σεξ ..τον έπαιξα για να χυσω και έφυγε.. και επειδή την είπα έχεις άλλες φώτο..και ειδικά τα βτζια την είναι χάλια.. έβαλε βλέπω κι άλλες φώτο..όπως βλέπετε μέχρι να της ξανακούσει έχει πολύ χάλια βινύλια..παιδιά πεσμένα λεφτά...ούτε πιπα ούτε σεξ δεν ξέρει να κάνει..και πρώτα πληρώνεις το ξενοδοχείο και μετά από 45 λεπτά έρχεται...μακρια
Răspunde: 6 monesprodpathouse na kaneis ranteuou mazi mou epidi den itheles xenodoxio Kai den simgonous na paw me tous Filou sou oute se Autokino opws zitouses den thexomoun otan telika me epises na erthis monos tin prwti for den irthes sto ranteuou Latzhose mou pou dextika deuteri sinyntisi zitontas mou signomi gi Olaf os eines Kai irrhes telika sto ranteuou Maß methismenos legontas mou oti i ilikia sou den sou epitrepi panw apo mia fora Kai oxi Eukola oles mou i Foto einai alithines selfie xwris Filtra an Kai exeis malosi me to sapouni mia xara ta kataferes Kai piomenos Kai sou arese an exeis esi ta Themata sou den sou ftaii kanis Na vgazis ta Apothemena sou Stous Allous lipame gia sena
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