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Had a great evening with Victoria very polite very professional and very beautiful! Would love to see her again and have a wonderful conversation with her. Her beauty has me just thinking of her nights and days. Face and body of a goddess 🌹
First impression from texting wont say was the best , didn't want to negotiate price .Finally deserve the company on boat trip .
Can't wait to to meet again and have sex together.
Unforgettable all night experience.Nothing less than i expected . Came to me with a sexy vinyl suit and a pair of high heels .very professional and attractive. i recommend sexy...a night at paradise!!
Instant response to my message and accepted to make video call for meeting confirmation. Cute naturally beauty girl ,much better than i expected.. Girlfriend experience made me feel confort and enjoyed good sex with multiple squirts
I would definitely recommend her
Răspunde: Glad that you had a girlfriend experience with me
Comentarii (9)
come to thessaloniki baby
Victoria: Book me for 24h and I come to you exclusively 👄👄👄
will you come again to corfu babe ?be there until 13/9 .I know u dont have time to respond t emails ,but can t send u via apps .Whether u have time please reply to organise our next trip🙏🙏🙏👄👄👄👄👄👄👄👄👄👄
Victoria: i sent u honey
Θα περάσεις και από την δράμα μια βόλτα μωρό μου???
Come to Agios Nikolaos baby
Victoria: Book me for 24h and i will come for you exclusively👄
Why u keep ignoring me babe? Never ment to dissapoint u .just text if it s everything ok between us🙏