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© Prawa autorskie 2025 | Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone | Escort Girls
haklısınız hocam, bu işler biraz da uyum ve mod meselesi bence. kısmetinizde varsa gider mi gider:) enseyi karartmamak lazım. İnsan hislerine güvenmeli biraz her zaman herkes en iyi deneyimleri yaşayamıyor. Bunları dert etmeye gerek, eğlenceye bakmak lazım. Bu görüşmelerin amacı bu zaten bana göre.
Really beatiful girl. İ am really curious her. <3 İ am not agencie's slave or troll account. It's just coincidences. (writing after a bad comment to think fake account)
I'm browsing this lady for a while. My only hesitate is location. If her place easy to enter and exit the building, i must visit her..
Nice girl, looks cool and hot<3
Reply: hi dear, unfortunately I don't have an orgasm with everyone, forgive me 😅
Yes, I know, things happens dear, no hard feelings ❤️ bye✌️
You looks gorgeous 😍
İ accidentally gave 2 stars for looking, it was my or websites mistake.. if you read my review I specifically mention about her beauty… I have to saying that I don’t want to confusion. sorry for that 😞