
Megan and the Fishing Story


     My name is Megan and I have an incredible story to share. As I look back on the events, I realize it was an awakening for me, a gift in fact. But it didn’t start off the way I figured it would. I am an eighteen year old, red-headed, small town girl from the Midwest. Growing up in an ultra conservative and religious family, I was ignorant about many of the facts of life. Especially in the subject of sex. What I watched on TV and what I was subject to was strictly monitored by my parents throughout my childhood and adolescence. I can remember my parents didn’t even let me watch the old Bugs Bunny cartoons as a child because they deemed them too violent and suggestive. This seems strange even to me now, but then I believed every word they said and we would always pray together about such things to strike them from our thoughts. Mostly there were only religious shows on our television set. Kooky maybe, but even now after all that has happened I have to admit that it wasn’t entirely bad to be so cautious. There are so many bad influences and one must consider their effects. I am not like that anymore, not even close as you will see, but I don’t blame my parents for any of it. In fact, it made many things later in life more exciting because I had not been exposed to such ideas or experiences. This story definitely had the most profound and ultimately exciting effect. But let me get back to the story.

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By the time I was fifteen, I still had the sexual knowledge of an infant. I sometimes got strange feelings and desires after puberty began, but I prayed much of the time to fight these feelings. In short, I had not so much as touched myself in an erotic way even by the time I was eighteen. I developed slowly and felt that I was an ugly girl during my adolescence. Being so conservative, my parents dressed me very plainly. I was not allowed to wear make-up (nor did my mother wear make-up) or wear anything that showed certain parts of my body. Basically, I could wear short sleeve shirts during the summer months only and I was only allowed to wear long skirts that barely showed my ankles. Never pants, as my parents forbid it because they showed the female body in a suggestive way they said. By the time I was eighteen and about to graduate, I still had very small breasts and was only about 5'2" tall. So I still felt much like a little girl. And my social development also reflected that. My father was a teacher at a Catholic school for girls and this didn’t help my social development. I know now that sometimes Catholic girls are often the subject of sexual fantasies, and that men especially like to think of them doing naughty things in their dorm rooms at night. This was not the way it was though, at least not in my experience. All my friends and roommates were very nearly as innocent as me.

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   We never even discussed boys or sex or anything together. Ignorance was rampant I guess, or maybe spirituality was really that strong then. I’m not sure. But the closest thing we had to a discussion about sex was me asking one of my more well-developed friends why my boobs were so much smaller than hers. Even at this, we were carful to keep our voices down and prayed after the conversation to ‘cleanse our souls’ from what we had been discussing. Plus, we really didn’t get anywhere because neither of us knew the answer. Life was very simple and structured and dull in a lot of ways back then, but I can’t say that I didn’t have some good times as well. It wasn’t bad for me at all.
During my senior year at the school, my father talked with me quite a lot about my future. Of course, he wanted me to consider becoming a nun and devoting my life to God. It started out as a suggestion at first, but after I revealed to him that I wasn’t sure about it, he began to press me more and more. It drove a wedge between us and I began to rebel a little during that time. Nothing to serious or exciting, but I definitely changed my behavior. I began to think that I wanted to go into the world and experience new things for the first time. It started as just a thought to get back at my dad, but the more I thought about it the more I liked it.


   I hadn’t really thought of what I was going to do with my life until that year, and I always figured I would end up doing something in the service of the church. Now, however, I was researching more and more about other opportunities. By the time I graduated, my father and I were not talking to each other very much as he had pretty much learned that I was serious about striking out on my own, at least for a while. It made him very uncomfortable.
By graduation day, I had already made plans to move. Of all places, I chose to move to Miami. I had saved some money I had been earning for many years working during the summer months and I bought a used car, got my license, and had already made my plans. I figured I could easy my way to Miami and look for an apartment and then a job. I had no idea what to expect, but my main interest was to just enjoy a new life for a while. I was extremely excited. I had done some research on how to go about doing the plans I had made and I felt I was ready. Dad was very proud on my graduation day and we talked a long time for the first time in weeks. He said he understood my plight and gave me his full blessing, and that caused me to cry in delight. Now my mission goal was complete with my father’s blessing and I was excited as can be when I drove away from my conservative home for the first time the next morning.
It didn’t take me long to learn things.

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   After arriving in Miami, I got an apartment that supplied all utilities as well as cable television and I began watching late night movies that would never have been allowed in my parents home. They were not pornographic movies, just regular Hollywood movies, but the things they showed were eye-opening for me. It’s weird to think about it now, but those movies were really the first time I had been subjected to anything of that nature. The violence and sex in them were giving me all sorts of ideas that I prayed on often. These, and many other experiences slowly started to break me from my shell. In the following weeks, I slowly began to change my appearance. I spent a lot of time at the beach and I wanted to look more like those girls I would see in their bikinis. It was shocking at first, but I slowly got up more and more courage to explore. Before long, I had a good job at a local restaurant, I was wearing all the skimpy outfits that everyone else was wearing, I was enjoying wearing make-up and jewelry, and generally becoming happy with my appearance for the first time in my life. I was even beginning to attract the attention of boys down at the beach from time to time. I wasn’t ready for that at all and would easily scare them away with my shyness and awkwardness when they would talk to me. I would feel relieved when they left though. I thought I would just take my time with that. I was still just eighteen and figured there was no hurry in getting a boyfriend.
One Saturday I decided to do something that I had wanted to do for a long time.

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   I had worked the late shift at the restaurant and had the next day off so I decided to finally try deep sea fishing. The day before I had met a man at the dock who said he would take me out for the day for a fraction of the price most of the others were charging. All I needed to bring was myself. He would take care of all the equipment, food, and supplies. His name was Brandon and he was a young man about thirty years old. He was married to a girl named Amanda who was a couple of years younger than him. They both lived on their newly acquired boat, which was very large and nice, and had just begun taking on charters to earn their living. I was immediately comfortable with both of them on my initial visit and so that along with the price was hard to pass up.
Brandon had told me to arrive back at the dock on Saturday at four o’clock that morning. I asked him why so early, and he said it was so we could get to the best fishing areas before the others. I thought that was a good idea, even if it would mean little sleep before departure. I was still sleepy when I arrived at the dock and boarded. They were both stirring in the boat getting it ready when I arrived and we soon departed. I was sitting on the fishing deck in a chair enjoying the cool night air and I fell asleep. I was still tired and hadn’t gotten much sleep after a late and busy night at the restaurant.

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   The next thing I knew, the sun was shining in my eyes and we had traveled way out into the ocean. There was no land to be seen and I heard the boats engines come to a stop.
"We’re here!" Brandon yelled down, seeing me awake. "Let me get you set and we can start doing some fishing!"
He seemed thrilled to be out in the ocean on his boat and I could tell he loved his job. I hadn’t looked up at him until he started down the latter from the control deck and I saw something I couldn’t believe. He was completely naked! I watched in shock and awe as his huge balls and cock swayed back and forth as he descended. Even flaccid, his dick must have been seven or eight inches long! His body was completely tanned and shaven, even his balls and ass! The only hair on him was on his head. And he was well built and muscular. I couldn’t take my eyes off him as it was the first time I had seen the naked anatomy of another man in real life, and the first time I had even seen a man’s genitals. When he jumped off the latter’s second step he turned around and threw his hands out at his sides with a smile.
"Is this great or what?!" He said. "Nothing like the open sea air to get you going in the morning!"
Then he must of seen the look of surprise on my face as I shyly covered it with my hand, speechless.
"What is it Meg? You look like you’ve seen a ghost. " He asked with concern.
"Your naked Brandon," I said, "where are your clothes?" I softly asked.

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"Oh, that. You know about this, it’s on my sign. Clothing optional remember?" He said.
He must have been able to tell from my horrified silence that I knew nothing about this ‘clothing optional’ because he continued.
"Don’t tell me you didn’t see that? Damn! I told Amanda we didn’t write it large enough on the sign. " He exclaimed.
Just then his wife Amanda walked out from the house door and she too was naked! She had shaven her pussy and I could see the front of her clit as she moved to the deck. She was carrying a tray with three plates of eggs and what turned out to be three Bloody Mary’s when she noticed the awkwardness of the scene.
"Is something wrong guys?" She asked. Brandon immediately got on her for the sign and told her my ignorance of the ‘clothing optional’ thing.
"Well, that’s no problem. I’m sure Megan will adjust. Remember Meg, you don’t have to take your clothes off if you don’t want to. But I hope you don’t mind if we do. We are nudists and it’s just kind of a part of our lives.

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  " She said.
I slowly began to tell them I didn’t mind, though it was a lie. I had never been more uncomfortable in my life, but at the same time excited. After all, this sort of thing doesn’t happen every day and a girl in my situation was like a sponge to new experiences. My feelings were tugging at one another, a mix of awkwardness and arousal. The strangest thing is that I didn’t know who I was more attracted to at that moment, Brandon or Amanda! She was gorgeous and I had never looked at another woman that way until then. Amanda sat the food down on a table surrounded by chairs and told me to come and get it. Brandon was already sitting down and beginning the meal when I got up. His cock was so large it was lying limply over the edge of the chair beneath him as he ate. I watched his cock as I sat down, not noticing until I was seated that Amanda had noticed my stares and was smiling at me with a quirky grin. I immediately turned my attention to the food and grabbed my share.
"What is this?" I asked, pointing at the drink now sitting in front of me.
"That’s a Bloody Mary. " Amanda said. "Haven’t you ever had one before.

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"No, not actually. What’s in it?" I asked.
"Mostly just tomato juice and vodka. " She answered, giving me a puzzled look.
I had known of alcohol, being from a Catholic family, but I had never tried it myself, other than the wine we got during service. I decided it was harmless though and took a drink. I found it surprisingly good and quickly began to enjoy my meal. After I had finished, I asked if I could have another Bloody Mary and Amanda quickly rose up with a smile and said, "Of course! I’ll get us all another drink. "
As the next half hour passed, I had drank three Bloody Marys, each stronger than the last, and was feeling another new experience. I was getting pretty tipsy. This was loosening me up and making more comfortable with the situation as we talked about Miami and how much we all loved it. They mentioned clubs and restaurants and all kinds of things they do as I asked questions. They even mentioned something called a swingers club that, at the time, I didn’t know anything about. Then Brandon suggested we get me geared up for fishing and Amanda began to clear the table. Brandon was moving toward the fishing poles when I suddenly said something I couldn’t quite believe.

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   I was again watching his cock sway from his walking and it kind of just blurted out.
"Hold on a minute Brandon. I want to change. " I said.
He turned and looked at me (which is what I was waiting for) as I pulled my t-shirt over my head. Then I undid my bikini top I had on underneath and let it fall next to my shirt on the deck.
"There you go girl!" Brandon smiled. "That’s more like it. Your going to love the feeling of freedom you get. Especially way out here in front of all of nature. "
I smiled back and then pulled my bikini bottoms down and kicked them to the side before walking over to Brandon. He must have been very comfortable with seeing people without their clothes on. He only remarked about how good my body looked, and how much fun I was going to have today. My skin was still rather white as I didn’t tan too well being a redhead, and his comments made me feel good. He told me to get in the fishing chair that was raised up on the end of the deck out the back of the boat.


   I made my way up carefully, still buzzing hard from the drinks, and he handed me a pole and showed me how to get it ready. After a while he let me go at it on my own, having already baited and caste my hook and showing me what I needed to do. I really was enjoying it all. Being naked was exhilarating enough, but I have to admit I was really getting into the fishing as well. It was quite an experience but only the beginning of a wonderful day.
I had been up on the seat for about an hour and had caught a couple of smaller fish. It was becoming more fun by the minute and I became amerced in it. Brandon had been fishing with a smaller pole from the side, but hadn’t caught anything. I had my hook in the water for quite a while just thinking about different things and enjoying the warm sun on my naked body when I realized I hadn’t even had a bite in quite a while. I turned and was about to ask Brandon if I needed to check the bait when I saw something peculiar that made me stop and stare. Brandon still was fishing off the side, but had moved down farther toward the front of the deck. Amanda was standing beside him and was apparently saying something in his ear that I couldn’t hear. Her head was very close to his ear as if she was whispering and I was surprised to see her tongue come out and lick his ear lobe. Then I noticed that her hand, though hidden from my sight, was low in front of Brandon and her arm was moving rapidly. Now most people might have guessed what was going on, but I didn’t as I stared in wonder about what they were doing.

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   Then Brandon sat his pole into a slot on the side of the boat and turned around toward Amanda. I was looking from the side but could now see that Amanda was stroking his penis with her hand. His penis had become extremely erect and must have been at least ten or twelve inches long! I opened my mouth in awe but did not speak. I barely noticed I was still holding the pole as I felt a wetness between my legs. I was feeling true arousal for the first time and didn’t even realize it right away. I almost involuntarily let go of the pole and unhooked it from my waist. I then reeled it in and sat it in a holster on the side of the chair and turned back to the couple. Amanda was just beginning to drop to her knees when I looked again. I couldn’t believe it when I saw her slowly open her mouth, close her eyes, and place Brandon’s penis inside her mouth! She then began to move her head back and forth as she sucked his cock. I hadn’t even realized I was getting out of my seat until my feet were back on the deck. I watched in lust as I walked over beside Brandon and put my arm around his waist, running my hand over his perfect ass. He was a little startled to see me at first because he had his eyes closed, but he only smiled and put his arm around me, feeling my ass as he did. His touch was incredible and I felt my pussy get even wetter as I looked at him. Suddenly he began to lean in and I instinctively met his mouth with mine. We were kissing heavily (the first time that intensely for me) when I heard Amanda’s voice.

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"Hello Meg. Do you want to help me down here? I could use some. " She said.
It startled me at first as I quickly pulled away from Brandon and looked at her, realizing how angry she might be. She only gave me a motion to join her before going back to work sucking his cock. I looked at Brandon and he told me to go ahead if I wanted to. That was all I needed. My pussy was burning with desire and I could feel my juices beginning to flow down my thighs a little. I made my way to my knees beside Amanda and watched as she sucked. Then she pulled her head away and pointed his amazing cock toward me, offering me a taste.
"What do I do?" I asked shamefully.
"Is this your first time?" She asked
I admitted it was and she assured me it was fine and that I should just relax. She then told me that it was really nothing more than sucking, as you might suck a milkshake through a straw. It seemed to make sense to me, although I couldn’t really understand at that time why a guy would like that. It wasn’t me to decide however as I opened my mouth and let his head pass my lips.


   His cock as warm and slick from Amanda’s saliva. And it felt soft on the surface, even though it was as rigid as a log. I sucked for a time before beginning to move my head back and forth like I had seen Amanda do. Brandon was really beginning to react as he moaned louder and louder. It was really turning me on and I had a burning desire to touch myself. Another first for me, I took a hand down to my pussy and began to rub at my clit. I had never experienced it and I couldn’t believe the feeling I was getting. I was really getting into it when Amanda stopped me suddenly. I pulled away and looked at her as she spoke.
"I think I’d better take it again Meg. Brandon’s about to cum and I don’t know if you’re ready for that yet. " She said.
"What do you mean he’s ready to cum?" I asked.
"Just watch. I think you will like this.

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  " She answered.
She then put Brandon’s cock into her mouth and began to suck it feverishly. She had one hand on his shaft and was stroking it as he pumped her head faster on his rod. Then Brandon said, "here it comes" and she pulled her mouth away and continued to stroke his cock. Just then an amazing thing happened as Brandon began to shoot thick white cream from his cock. It was landing all over Amanda’s breasts and a little on her face. Then it began to stream out of his cock onto her hand and thighs as he finished. He fell back onto the edge of the boat in apparent exhaustion as she milked the last of his cum from his cock. I was awestruck!
"You see Meg, he comes a lot and I didn’t want you to be surprised by it. " She said as she licked a little off her hand.
Little did she know that I had no idea about any of this. I didn’t know what happened during sex of any kind and I was frozen with lust and awe.
"Would you like a taste? His cum is really pretty good. " She asked. "You can lick some off his cock or, if you want, off my tits.

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I didn’t hesitate in taking his cock back into my mouth as she pointed it toward me once again. He was still hard and his cum did taste quite good. It didn’t really matter though because something instinctively wicked inside me was urging me to taste it no matter what. Then I found myself looking at her cum-covered tits and I popped Brandon’s cock out of my mouth and moved slowly to her breasts. I took one nipple into my mouth and then began to move from one to the other licking and sucking Brandon’s cum down my throat. I was in a place I had never even imagined and I had no second thoughts about it. I had never even considered being with a woman in that way before. I had never even thought it was an option. I had heard sermons against homosexuality before, but never fully understood what they were talking about. Now I knew and I couldn’t help myself. My mouth eventually explored as high as her neck when she pulled me away and gave me a look of want and desire. Then without a word, she pulled me roughly to her face and we embraced in a passionate kiss that lasted what seemed like hours. Then she pushed me back gently and began to kiss down my body. She took care in licking and sucking each of my nipples and I was loving the sensation intently. I even began to moan as she started for my belly button.

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   It was after she passed that point that I suddenly became aware of her ultimate destination and I grabbed her.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I was just kissing you Meg. Is there something wrong?" She answered.
"Are you planning on going down there?" I asked, as I touched my swollen and wet pussy.
"Yes I was, unless you don’t want me too. " She said with a puzzling look.
I thought about it for a moment and then told her that I wanted her too. But I was self-conscious about my pubic hair. After all, they were both clean shaven and I was in need of some maintenance. I asked her to shave me. I won’t get into too much detail, but she did love the idea and accepted. The entire process was as sensual as her kisses had been and after she finished, I felt a cleanness and freeness that I had never felt. It was soon replaced with overwhelming excitement again however, as she had no more than finished washing me off when she dove her head and tongue firmly on my pussy mound. It was undescribably having her eat my pussy.

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   I knew that I loved her then and there. I felt a strong buildup in my loins and knew something big was about to happen. Just as Amanda inserted a finger into my pussy, I came. The feeling was uncontrollable as I began to buck and scream like a wild woman. Amanda increased her activities until I could no longer take it and had to pull away, begging her to stop. She laughed a little as I laid back onto the deck and tried to get my breathing back under control. Then I wanted to make her feel the same. I rose up and she was already laying on her back with a finger in her pussy. I quickly positioned myself at her mound and gave her clip a flick of my tongue, which made her tense up with pleasure. It took some doing, but I was beginning to understand what made her feel good and she was just about to cum. I was fingering her pussy and she was moaning loudly when I felt something touch my clit. I looked around to see Brandon on his knees behind me and I knew what he wanted. I didn’t answer, but didn’t move away as I turned back toward Amanda. Then I felt his cock enter my tight pussy and I had to bite my lip from the fullness.
"God your tight Meg!" He said.

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   And then he gave a firm push to fully enter my pussy.
His cock was enormous, but it somehow fit. I was tight with a mixture of pain and pleasure as the feeling was like nothing else. He then slowly began to pump in and out of my pussy and I was cumming again within seconds. I finished off Amanda the best I could, but I was almost incapable of anything else but enjoying Brandon’s cock as it pumped in and out of me, faster and faster. Soon he said he needed to cum again and this time I spun around and took his hard cock into my mouth. I stroked it as I sucked, just as Amanda had done, but I didn’t get it out of my mouth before his streams began to hit my throat. I fought off a gag, but held him inside my mouth as he finished. Then I swallowed and it was the best thing I had ever tasted. It was good off of Amanda’s tits, but having this much at once was wonderful. I knew I was hooked.
The fishing was pretty well over with at that point. We spent the entire day exploring and fucking each other until we were all exhausted. We didn’t even go back to Miami that day as we stayed out on the ocean all night. Before we returned on the next day, they had made me a proposition I couldn’t refuse.

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   I was in love with them both and agreed to stay with them on the boat and help them with their new business. I whole-heartedly accepted and knew I had found what I wanted in life. It was so far away from where I began, but it was what I knew I wanted. Our love has grown deeper every day and we never neglect each other’s needs. We are probably what some would call ‘over-sexed’ because we indulge ourselves multiple times a day usually. We have even had a few other clients that have joined us in our sexual escapades. But it is still just the three of us right now, and we are completely happy.



