Samantha was my girlfriend of several months now, we had begun dating over the summer of my freshman year in high school and now into my freshman year we were becoming somewhat of a serious item. She was the first girlfriend that I have ever had, so I made sure that I doted on her and indulged her every whim. We would talk on the phone for hours at a time, of course at her bidding - I simply muttered affirmatives every time she paused to ask if I know how it was, or if she had done the right thing in buying this or that. And contrary to what I would have thought boyfriend and girlfriend were to do especially so relatively late in a relationship, I had yet to kiss this black haired beauty. I know she had had boyfriends before, so I know she wasn't timid or shy about the subject, the opportunity simply never presented itself. The more we were around each other in public, it seemed the more distant she would become. In private we were all about cuddling, but we never really entertained any ideas - well, at least I think she didn't. So this strictly platonic relationship continued throughout the months, until in the early spring months we were all invited to a big party that the seniors were having. Now, to be a freshman and to be included in a Senior gathering was a big deal, so us and a few of our more upstanding friends all decided to head up there. The party was being held at this one senior's house named Todd. His parents were out of town for the weekend, you know, the typical party situation. His house was loaded - wetbar, swimming pool, ample space. It was in a rather secluded area, surrounded by lots of forest and trees, so as not to be noticed by the general public - all the better for us party goers. I piled in one of the senior's car next to Sam, giving her a quick smile when my gaze met hers. I noticed that she looked especially gorgeous tonight, she let her hair down straight, her black locks that I was so crazy about hung down to the small of her back. Sam always wore somewhat riske outfits, she was one of the more liberal girls in town (increasing my frustration and embarassment, as you can imagine) and never thought anything of shocking a few adults.
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But tonight I noticed her outfit was exceptionally revealing. She wore an extra tight and short black miniskirt that I had never seen before, her top was definetly not meant to be worn that tight, it was of a mesh-like material that was nearly see-through, which let off a heavenly sheen when she moved about. The material perfectly clung to and defined her young breasts and cleavage. I won't lie and say she was the bustiest girl I'd seen, but she did have those breasts that seemed uniquely and perfectly porportioned to a girl of her size, the kind that you imagine on any long haired petite beauty - the kind that were always perky and perfectly set on a girl's chest. I saw that the nipples were sticking out quite noticeably. I smiled inwardly - surely this was a sign of a good night to come! Her lips were done up with that sort of "come hither" passion red lipstick, and her eyes had just the right amount of eye shadow. The car pulled up to our destination, and Sam opened her door and proceeded to slip out of the car. What she didn't know (or did know) was that the friction of the car seat nearly made her slip out of her dress as well. The material of the miniskirt rode up, revealing the entirely of her smooth and perfectly defined leg. I thought this was enough to make a man die happily. I heard a click on the stone driveway, and as I slid over and looked out I saw to my absolute delight that Sam had worn my favourite pair of black pumps with the straps that wrap around a woman's calf. My dick sprang to attention on sight, and I was glad I had worn loose pants. Sam stood and shook her hair out, those beautiful locks spreading out caused my dick to ache in my pants. She was giving me serious blueballs and the night had not even begun. The shirt she wore glowed in the moonlight, and I noticed for the first time that at least 2 buttons had been undone, allowing one to sneak a peek at the upper swells of her delightful breasts and a large amount of delightfully soft skin.
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She wore a gold pendant that hung down into her cleavage that was almost tempting you to stare at it. She began to walk towards the house, swaying her lucious little hips and walking like I never saw her walk before. I noticed that all eyes turned to Sam, and more to the point, the little ass on her that looked so inviting. At this point I was absolutely beaming and brimming over with confidence to have such a girl to show off. My eyes drifted to her back, and I stifled a gasp - she wasn't wearing a bra. The thought almost broke the button on my pants - all one would have to do is to undo another button and those breasts would be completely visibile - which was not far from what they were already with that shirt. We moved inside and proceeded to get fairly tipsy, I was feeling no pain and Im sure Sam was as well. She talked among my friends and with me for a while, but I could see that something in her eyes looked different, almost distant and calculating, but daring at the same time. It was at this time that Todd called a bunch of people into his basement for a round of 'entertainment' as he called it. Sam readily agreed and brought me in tow with her down the steps. I couldn't stop staring at her ass and nearly tumbled twice. We all gathered and sat in a circle next to our respected dates, and for those without dates they sat in between couples. Todd sat at the head of the bunch, and with a big grin told us that we were going to play some games. We all wanted to know what games. "First, we will have a little competition.
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" he smiled one of those shit-eating grins that you smile when you know you have the best chance of winning. "It is a test of - manliness on all of your parts. What do you all say, guys?" And of course, with the beer and various drugs pumped into us, we all heartily agreed, not wanting to seem effeminate or wimps in front of our girls.
"Very well. I've heard a lot of you guys talking it up about how big you are, or how well you can please a girl. Now, we'll see who's boss. Each lady, unzip your partner and see if what you find is what you were promised lay within. " No one spoke or moved for a moment. I immediately broke into a cold sweat. My cock, out in front of everyone? Every girl in the room staring at it? Not to mention in the presence of several other guys? Remember, we were a couple of freshman in a group entirely comprised of 18 or 19 year olds, most if not all of whom had banged their partners more than a few times. I doubt that any of these girls would be new to seeing their boyfriend's dick. All over the room I heard zippers coming open, and one by one meat started to appear in the hands of smiling partners, looking around the room to make sure everyone saw how well their man was endowed. The other freshman were slow to comply like us, but their dates tentatively unzipped and manuevered their date's cocks out into the open. At the same time as being mortally terrified, seeing little Jenna, who stood no taller than 4'11, editor of the yearbook and this club and that, the straight arrow among us, with her tiny hands wrapped around a pulsing cock with an embarassed but satisfied smile on her face. She began to rub gently, and I heard her date take in a bit of air.
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All around the room people began staring at me. I didn't know what to do. "Ok, John. Notihng to be afraid of here, just another slab of meat - you ain't got nothing that these girls ain't seen before. " Everyone chuckled at his remarks, which were more to poke fun at me than reassure me, Im sure. Sam looked at me, her beautiful brown eyes suddenly seemed cold and distant, she gazed down at the bulge in my pants demurely, as if she was almost reluctant to see what was inside. She began to unbuckle my pants, looking down and avoiding eye contant. It seemed the only reason she was doing this was it was as if she was under orders and simply wanted to see it through before moving on. She unzipped my pants and my cock sprang out - I had not worn underwear in preparation for the rest of the night. I looked up at her to see her reassuring smile - but I didn't get one. Instead, her face was a puzzle, almost disinterest with the subject that lay before her. She didn't take hold of it like the other dates, she simply looked at me and then back to Todd who was eyeing my equipment along with everyone else in the room. I read their faces, and I could plainly see wisps of amusement or unimpressed looks being cast my way. Todd switched his attention to the rest of the group "Ok, now the ruler. " Carrie, Todd's girl, gently took his meat in one hand and placed the ruler against his cock with the other.
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She proudly read off 9 1/2 inches. I saw I had no chance of beating that. Sam was twisted around, her eyes glued to Todd's cock. She seemed mesmerized by it's length, and even when the ruler was being passed around she didn't take her eyes away. I caught Todd's gaze meet Sam's, and they seemed to share a moment. The ruler finally came to me and Sam looked down at it almost in annoyance. She still wouldn't grab hold of my cock, so I ended up having to hold it up for her while she measured. She read off 5 1/4 inches - clearly the bottom of the barrel. I thought I heard a few stifled laughs and saw the faces of many of the beautiful girls in the room a look of amusement and contempt as they eyed my prick. Todd nodded and smiled "Alright. Now that we're all exposed, why don't we play a game called Anything Goes. . " he smiled, and then continued "In this game, quite literally - anything goes. The person, or persons who are voted the most outrageous win. And remember, you can do anything to anyone, anything goes - no rules.
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The boldest wins. " he looked around, his eyes for some reason, falling on Sam. "Anyone can start first. " Sam had changed since I last looked at her. She now stared at Todd with something that could only be described as pure lust. I saw this drive in her eyes and I knew that it was a mistake to go into the basement, but I didn't know how big of a mistake it was until later. Carrie began first, she let down her golden hair and shook it, leading it spread over her shoulders. She graciously began undoing buttons on her pink blouse, one by one. She pulled it off slowly, revealing a black bra with a set of absolutely delicious looking tits. She smiled, rotating her hips with her hands on her knees, daring the rest of the girls. One by one the other girls complied, and bras came into view around the room. Even sweet little Jenna stood up and gave a hell of a dance for us, gently stipping off her blouse, revealing small tits encased in a B sized bra. Only Sam did nothing, she hadn't moved from the last time I looked at her, her gazed flicking from one man's meat to the next - avoiding mine, I noticed. Carrie once again took the lead, slowly rotating her hips as she unzipped the skirt she was wearing and teasingly slipped out of it. Underneath was a black thong that left little to the imagination.
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Again, the girls followed suit, with Jenna stepping out into the middle of the circle and stripping off the skirt she was wearing, revealing a more modest looking thong and a small ass that just begged for someone to slap. The guys followed Todd's lead, and began rubbing their cocks, and grinning at the girls. Looking back it must have been Todd stroking his cock that set Sam off. Before I knew it, she had stood up, striding to the middle of the floor with those exquisitely sexy heels. She began swaying to an invisible music, her eyes gently closed and she began to run her hands senuously down her torso, letting her fingers play in her cleavage and over her thinly-covered breasts. She made sure to bend over and give the whole room of a view of her beautiful thighs. She smiled seductively at all present, even through closed eyes, which made her all the more sexy. Then, she turned and faced the majority of us, her back to Todd, eyes closed, and slowly rocked her hips forward and back, letting her head loll backwards slightly, arching her back and thrusting her pelvis in our direction. She placed her hands on her neck and slowly slipped them down along the collar of her shirt. I realized, to my horror, that she was going to undo the buttons on the shirt, and that she wasn't wearing a bra. She would be the first girl to go this far, and I would be treated to her breasts only at the same time as every other hungry eye in the room. She slowly slipped her hand to the button, eyes closed, and slid it out of it's comfortable position on her chest. Immediately the sides of her breasts were in view, she teased everyone for a few seconds longer, and then without warning undid a second button. The shirt was only kept on by the two buttons, one at her navel and one a few inches higher. She let the material fall back from her hands, and an audible gasp ran through everyone in the room.
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Both breasts now were revealed by the shrouding material, her naked breasts bared to everyone in the room. She slowly danced in a circle making sure everyone could see. My cock might have grown another 1/4 of an inch as soon as I saw that. I saw the shock on everyone's faces, to think a freshman would be so bold? Well, that wasn't the only surprise of the evening.
She gently cupped both breasts, tweaking and pinching the nipples, and rubbing them in circles. She leaned her head down and lashed her tongue at one of her nipples briefly, before lolling her head back and continuing kneading them. Most guys had taken over the jacking off from their partners and began rubbing their cocks in earnest at the sight. Sam opened her eyes slightly and took in all the men stroking their cocks, and it turned her on to know it was all for her. My girlfriend that had never even thought to kiss me was now bearing her body for the pleasure of naked strangers in a room. She continued to undo the bottoms, and soon discarded the shirt altogether. Her breasts hung perfectly on her petite frame, and she stopped a moment for everyone to admire just this fact. Then she began rubbing herself all over, running her hands senuously up and down her body. She luxriously strode over to each man, coming within a few inches of their faces, she arched her back to where her nipples were within a few centimeters of their face, and ran her hands through her gorgeous black hair. She then passed to me, and I gave her the most confident smile I could muster at the time. She met my gaze with a look of cold disinterest - she looked through me as if I wasn't there.
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She walked passed me, bringing her heel over my legs to emphasize the point that she delibately passed me by. I was stunned - why was she acting like this? She passed over to Todd with a delicious looking smile on her face. She flipped her hair into his face, gently surrounding him with her hair. I heard a gentle moan and I realized they were kissing. From this angle I could see clearly Sam's tongue entering his mouth - senuously, luxuriously. She stepped back, and turned back to the rest of us. She began slowly to unzip the miniskirt she was wearing. She didn't even wait for the other girls to remove their bras, but continued as if nothing in the world could stop her progress. She slipped the skirt lower and lower off of her clinging hips, finally pushing it down to her knees and stepping out of it. And there she was, in all her glory. She bared her naked body to the entire group. Shock on the faces of the men and complete awe on the faces of the girls present. Her pussy was decorated with a neatly shaved patch of her running just above it. The lips were completely puffy and I could actually see the fluid dripping from her into the carpet. Again she began to grind her hips and arch her back, giving everyone a perfect view of her little body.
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She again arched her back until her pussy was a few inches from the face of every man, pointedly ignoring me. She then strode over to Todd, a picture of feminine beauty, complete naked with her black heels and black leather straps lacing up from the heel almost halfway to her knee. She kneeled down in front of Todd, face to face with him, and kissed him again. She smiled as he pulled away and began to lightly suck on her nipples. Her eyes closed and a smile of bliss flowed over her face. She then lowered herself down to the carpet, her eyes cast upwards at Todd in complete lust, and she moved forward. I was completely unprepared for what happened next. I saw her tongue traced the entire length of Todd's 9 1/2 inch. He was so much larger than I, almost twice the size in face, and twice the girth. Another audible gasp came from the awed crowd. Soon, all the girls were soon removing their bras and thongs, following Sam's lead. Meanwhile, Sam gently took the head of Todd's cock into her tiny mouth, her eyes never leaving his. I had never felt so humiliated in my life, yet my cock was as hard as ever. All premise of her being my girlfriend was lost, as no one even glanced at me after the show had began. Couples began to assume various positions with their lovers, some sucking cocks and other boys sucking on nipples.
Sweet innocent Jenna leaned down, completely naked, and began sucking on a stranger's cock like a girl possessed. Her partner moved off to pleasure one of the single senior girls. Meanwhile I noticed Sam had forced almost all of Todd's cock down her throat. He was groaning, running his hand through her beautiful hair, the hair I had stroked for hours and loved so much. She had both her tiny hands wrapped around that long shaft, sucking him for all he was worth. Suddenly Sam rose up, and turning around, straddled Todd's cock, holding her pussy just above it. She looked directly at me this time, a stare which I recognized to be both a dismissal and a challenge. She then closed her eyes and sank her pussy down onto Todd's throbbing cock. She let out a loud whine as she felt him hit bottom in her tight little cunt. Immediately she began bouncing up and down on his throbbing meat, gasping for air. Todd reached around and cupped her beautiful breasts, roughly kneading and pawing them. He roughly grabbed her hair and pulled her head backwards - that beautiful hair that I could never bring myself to grab for fear of damaging something so fine. To my surprise, she grunted and hissed "Yessss!" as he pulled it. I heard Todd speak up. "Do you like that, you little slut? Do you like my big cock?" I couldn't imagine someone saying such things to Sam, I was about to intervene when I heard her reply.
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"Ohhhh, I love it. You- your big cock feels so nice in my tiight pussy. " She gasped as he slammed a few thrusts home. "Ohh, Todd. Don't ever stop fucking me! Don't ever stop!" It felt like the end of my life. Tears streamed down my face, and I began to cry, forgotten amongst a sea of bodies swept away in complete ectasy. And despite all that happened I was still stroking my cock, pounding it in my hand, because no one would come and take care of it for me. I was the odd man out in the corner of the room. I heard several guys come by me and ask me almost politely for a shot at my lady, but they passed me by without even waiting for a confirmation. A second man stood in front of Sam, still bouncing up and down on Todd's cock and offered his cock. She looked past him, over at me, a look of contempt dawned on her face as she saw me alone and stroking myself. She took the man into her mouth, sucking on him, but not taking her eyes off me, in a humiliating stare. I had to look away, I couldn't take this. Just about everyone in the room would use my beautiful Samantha that night - by morning she was stretched out on a table in the basement completely naked except for her heels, with sticky cum covering her face and tits, and dripping out of her tiny cunt. Her shirt had been torn, and was now tattered and lying next to her on the floor while her mini skirt was no where to be found.
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After she had passed out from her exhaustions, a lot of the guys came and took polaroids of her lying stretched out on the table - proof that they had fucked this beautiful freshman. In the morning, I noticed her wandering outside on the front lawn with a shirt half torn revealing her breasts and a missing mini skirt, she had not bothered to cover herself and her pussy was clearly visible for all to see. We ran into each other one more time, me sitting with my hand on my cock again and she looking down at me. She looked down upon me from a distant place, despite her near nakedness. "I don't love you, John. But I do care. I think you need help, and you're going to talk to a psychologist or we'll never speak again. " Her voice said she cared, but her eyes told another story. I began to sob again uncontrollably, stroking my cock even harder. I came, covering my hands with my cum. She recoiled, disgusted - even though her body was covered already with cum. I thought I could see a smile of satisfaction creep onto her face as she walked by and out of my life forever. .