
Lost & Found Part 4


“Becky, I’d like you to meet Brandy. Brandy, this is my friend Becky. ” They shook hands and Becky said, “Oh aren’t you a doll? Please come in, both of you. ”I turned to Brandy and said, “Brandy, why don’t you look around and see if find some clothes you like while I talk to Becky for a minute. ” She bounded off to the young ladies section. “Becky, I need some help here with my cousin’s daughter. ” I told her the story of how my “late wife’s cousin” came to be with me. I finished and Becky looked at me with a wink said, “Yeah, cousin. Right. I know how you like underage girls. ”“Hey, you are the one who didn’t tell me you were only seventeen when we met. ” I pleaded. “I don’t think that would have mattered to you. How old is she?” she asked with a giggle. “Nine. ” I said sheepishly.

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  “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything. Now, lets find some clothes for this girl before those things she has on falls off. ”We walked over to where Brandy was looking at some shirts and Becky said, “OK, before we get you some new clothes, I need to take some measurements without all of those clothes on. ” Becky turned to grab a tape measure and turned back and started to say, “Let’s head back to chang…. ” and for the second time in five minutes stopped what she was saying in mid-sentence. This time it was because Brandy had shucked off all of her clothes in an instant and was standing there naked in the middle of the store. Becky looked her over for a second or two and then cleared her throat to composed herself. “OK,” she started, “this works too. ”I didn’t say a word. I was still shocked by Brandy’s comfortableness with her own nudity and I wasn’t expecting this display. Becky bent down and started taking measurements all over. I started to wonder if Becky was enjoying this and just then her hand grazed against Brandy’s pussy as she took the measurement of Brandy’s inseam. “Hey,” I though, “I haven’t even done that. ” Becky looked at me and smiled. Yep, she was as still wild as ever.

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   Brandy didn’t even move. After what seemed like an eternity of Becky “measuring” Brandy across her chest, tummy, bottom, tummy again, she said she had what she needed and led the little naked angel by the hand over to a rack of clothing. “Hmmmm, lets see what you would look good in. ” Becky said to Brandy. I grabbed a magazine and sat down in a chair. Becky really loved her job and enjoyed getting clothes for Brandy and holding them up in front of her to see how they looked. Somehow, I suspected that it was just an excuse to look at Brandy. After about ten minutes of parading Brandy around the store naked, Becky had Brandy try on some of the outfits to see how the looked. She set the clothes on a chair in front of a mirror by the front counter and came back over to talk to me. She plopped right down on my lap and said, “So, how have you been?” in a deep, sultry voice. She started running her hand over my chest and neck and wiggled her ass a little bit. Feeling my cock start to harden she asked, “Is that for me or for her?” “Becky, you always could make me hard in an instant,” I half-lied. She could make me hard that quick, but this one was not because of her. I’d been hard for almost a day now. I tried to change the subject.

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   “How’s business?”“Great. But don’t change the subject. I want to talk about what I feel on my ass. Has it been getting any action?” she purred. “I’ve not really had any desire for that for a while. It still works, but its not on ‘Search Mode. ’” I joked. “Well,” she said with another wiggle of her ass, “It seems to have found something on its own. I think that we definitely have to get together some time and knock the rust off of it. ”“You always were a delicate flower. ” I smirked as I squeezed one of her ass-cheeks. With that, she leaned in and stuck her tongue down my throat. As she and I were playing tonsil-hockey, Brandy stepped around the counter and asked, “Can I wear this outfit home?”I broke from the kiss and told her she could. She was wearing a light blue skirt and a white top and looked adorable. Before I could tell her so, Becky had hopped up from my lap and was hugging Becky telling her the same thing.

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   She then bent down and gave Brandy a kiss on the cheek. Becky packed up all of the clothes into a half-dozen bags, along with 3 or 4 pairs of shoes. Apparently, even at this age, a girl can never have enough shoes. I asked Brandy to start carrying the bags out to my truck, and asked Becky how much I owed her. “Nothing. ” was her response. “Now, c’mon. ” I persisted. “You’ve got a business to run here. I can’t expect you to just give your product away. ”“Tom,” she cooed, “There wasn’t anything that I wouldn’t do for you even before you loaned me the money to open this store, and I’m not about to charge you now. Business is great, I’ve had a lot of success and am doing quite well, and I wouldn’t have even had the chance if it weren’t for you. ”Just then Brandy came in to grab the last bag of clothes. “Brandy, make sure you thank Becky for the clothes. ” I told her.

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  “Thank you Becky. ” Brandy said with a big smile. “Oh, you little doll, you are so welcome. ” grinned Becky. “Give me a hug. ”Brandy stepped over and reached out her arms to Becky. Becky wrapped her arms around Brandy, and I could see that her breasts were mashed up against Brandy’s head. Becky pulled away and bent down to give Becky a kiss. Instead of another quick peck on her cheek, Becky placed a big kiss right on Brandy’s lips. I was shocked. I knew Becky was a wild-child, but didn’t expect this. The kiss lasted a second or two. Standing up from the kiss, Becky said to Brandy, “Go ahead and take the last bag out to the truck, honey. ”Brandy did as she was told, and Becky stepped up to me. “Let me know if you need me to help you with anything.

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  ” she said as she ran her hand over my crotch and squeezed my hard-on through my pants. Turning to look at Brandy as she started to get into the truck Becky squeezed my cock again and said, “Anything. ”My eyes slowly un-crossed as she let go. We hugged and had a quick kiss as I was leaving the store. As I got into the truck I heard Becky squeal, “Oh, I’ve got to call Kristen and tell her who I saw! She’ll just die!”I rolled my eyes as I got into the truck with a throbbing hard-on. Brandy looked at the bulge in my pants and said, “I like Becky. She seems really nice. Do you like her too?”I told her that she and I “dated” a few years ago as I squirmed a little bit so my hard-on wasn’t as noticeable. Since we were in town, I figured I’d do some shopping for some farm stuff, so I headed to the dealer. From there I stopped by the feed store, and then was getting ready to head home when my stomach started to rumble. I looked at my watch and it was a little past noon. Brandy was hungry too, so I pulled into a pizza joint and we went inside for lunch. The place wasn’t too busy, just a few businessmen and some teens. I sat in the booth thinking about Becky as Brandy and I chatted a little bit. Brandy had turned so she was sitting with her back in the corner of the booth, where the booth met the wall.

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   She had her right leg across the seat with her new sandal dangling off of it, and her left foot on the floor. The waitress came over to take our order and we got a large pizza with everything on it and some sodas. The waitress left and brought our soda back in a hurry. She seemed preoccupied with Brandy and asked, “So, what are you guys up to today?”Brandy told her that we went clothes shopping and she’d gotten this new outfit and some other things. The waitress looked Brandy up and down and said, “That is a lovely skirt. I really love seeing skirts like that. ” The waitress left, but came back several times to refill our sodas, and to compliment Brandy on her skirt. Brandy just smiled and thanked her. Our pizza came and we finished it off in a hurry. I leaned back and stretched and saw a table of businessmen looking our way and smiling. I had no idea what they were smiling about, but smiled back at them just the same. Our bill came and I gave our waitress some money and told her to keep the change. I thanked her, but she assured me that it was her pleasure. She told us to come back soon, and told Brandy to dress up like that again. We piled into my truck for the drive home and Brandy was soon asleep.

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   I couldn’t help notice how beautiful she looked with her head against the window and the sun shining on her strawberry blonde hair. I also noticed how short of a skirt she had on. I couldn’t see anything, but I could see most of her thighs. I wondered if that was why the waitress was paying so much attention to Brandy. “Could she have seen Brandy’s panties?” I wondered. Brandy woke up just as I pulled onto my farm. I told her that I was going to take the supplies out to the barn and drove over there. Brandy and I got out and started to get the things out of the back when Brandy said, “I have to go pee. ”“OK, well, you can go ahead and walk back to the house and I’ll be back in a few minutes. ” I said while picking up a bag of feed. “That’s OK,” she announced, and lifted her skirt to reveal that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Looking down at her pussy she took her index and middle finger of her right hand and spread her bald, pink lips and let out a stream of piss about four feet long. She looked up at me, sighed “ahhh” and smiled. I couldn’t help but stare. Her pussy was pink and moist, with a little hood over the clit.

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   I’ve always loved seeing girls pee, but had never seen one this young doing it. She finished, pulled down her skirt, and grabbed a bag of feed to help me take into the barn. Still slightly dazed, I asked, “Um, didn’t Becky get you any panties to wear?”“She put them in the bag. She told me that I shouldn’t wear panties until they had been washed because it might cause an infection. ” was the answer. So that is why the waitress paid so much attention to Brandy. She could see her pussy. And those businessmen too. They all had a free “twat-shot. ” Well, its not like she would be embarrassed if she knew they were looking. I wondered how many people had seen her pussy. We put away all of the supplies and Brandy helped me with some chores. Several times throughout the afternoon she bent over and I could see her pussy and a couple times I got to see her pink little asshole wink at me. My cock got harder and harder. I had to take care of the cattle and didn’t want her in the corral with me.

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   Some of these cows weighed 1,200#’s and I didn’t want Brandy to get stepped on or worse, so I told her to stay on the outside of the corral. Of course, a child will want to get as close as they can, so she climbed up onto the top of the fence gate to sit there. She hooked her feet onto the second board from the top so she wouldn’t fall off. The fence is about 5 feet high, and from that height I had an almost eye level view right up her skirt. Her legs were spread so that she would be more stable on the fence, but to me that just meant that her pussy lips were now open. I just stood there and stared as I looked right up this nine year old’s pussy hole. I couldn’t see up her much, which I guessed to mean that she was still a virgin. I was lost in the delicious sight of her spread pussy that I didn’t even notice the cows walking towards me. One of them gave me a playful nudge with its head that snapped me out of my daze. Brandy just laughed. I fed the cows and ran some water for them, and started back towards the gate to exit. Again, I was at eye-level with Brandy’s open pussy. Just as I was about to open the gate, Brandy jumped off of the gate and right into my arms. Had I been ready for her, I would have caught her more gracefully. As is, I barely managed to catch her and my left hand ended up her skirt and right on her bare ass.


   I set her down quickly. “I’m sorry Brandy. I didn’t mean to touch you there. You just caught me by surprise. ” I pleaded. “That’s OK. ” she said as she skipped off towards the truck. I watched her little tush bounce away. We got back into the truck and headed back to my house. When we got there I told Brandy to take her new clothes to the laundry room and I’d do some wash. I grabbed the rest of the bags and headed in after her. We put the bags down in front of the washer and I said that I’d do her panties first so that she had some to wear. “Whatever. ” was her typical child answer. I wondered if she really wanted to wear them at all.

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   I told her that I’d do the laundry and asked if she’d let the dog outside. She called Buddy and they were out the door in an instant. I picked up the bag that had the underwear in it. I stopped. I was expecting little girl undies. You know, the ones with smiley faces on it or puppy dogs. Instead, Becky had filled up the bag with big girl undies. Bikini, string-bikini, thong, g-string, see-thru, and even some crotch less ones. The exact same type that Becky always wore. I think she was trying to help me out. After the displays I’d just seen, I didn’t think that I needed any help. I started the wash and went into the kitchen. I looked out of the window and I could see Brandy playing with Buddy and it made me smile. After what she’d gone through with her foster family she needed some fun. Usually, after the chores are done, I’ll relax and read for a while or work on a project or just take a walk.

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   I didn’t want to ignore her, so I went out to see what Brandy would like to do. She liked the idea of a walk, so, with Buddy at our sides; we headed out through the fields and into the woods. We walked for an hour or so. I pointed out several types of flowers which she picked and generally had a very pleasant afternoon. I noticed the sun starting to go down, so we headed back. Buddy spotted a rabbit and gave him a good chase. We got back home and I asked Brandy to throw the washed clothes into the dryer and put another load into the wash while I started supper. She was such a sweet thing that she never even complained about having to do some work. I’m not a chef, but I know my way around the kitchen pretty well. I always enjoyed fixing supper for my late wife, and very much liked trying new recipes. Nothing to exotic, but something with some flair. So, as a special treat for my special guest, I fixed burgers, fries and a salad. (Something told me a nine year old would probably not like couscous and artichoke heart. )We ate at a more leisurely pace than we had for the past few meals. I guess that her body was finally getting used to having food in its belly, and wasn’t pushing her to get as much as she could before it was gone.

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   We sat and talked for a couple of hours. I told her about my life growing up, and about my late wife. She was genuinely sad to find out what happened, probably because it had happened to her parents. I noticed the clock on the wall as Brandy yawned. It was eight, and already dark outside. Without being asked to, Brandy cleaned up the mess from dinner while I went to get the last load of clothes out of the dryer. I took them into Brandy’s room and started to put them away when Brandy came in. “Do you want to take a bath before bed?” I asked, half hoping for another show like last nights. “Can I take a shower instead?” she responded. “Sure. ” I told her. “You can do whatever you’d like as long as you are here. ” I reassured her. And again, she stripped off all of her clothes without the slightest bit of embarrassment and went and got into the shower. I saw that Becky had included a few nighties with the sexy undies that she gave to Brandy, but luckily, she’d also sent a couple pair of regular pajamas.

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   Well, regular in the sense that they weren’t see-through or crotch less, but even these were skimpy. I took a set into the bathroom and set them on the toilet. Brandy was washing her body as I came in, and since she was showering in the shower with the glass door and walls I could see everything. She was running her hand over her chest, and then turned around with her ass facing me and ran the bar of soap between her ass cheeks for what seemed like an hour. Then she turned back around and started soaping her pussy with her hand. I didn’t say a word as I watched with my cock as hard as a rock. She soaped and soaped her pussy good. I didn’t know if she was trying to get off or not, but I couldn’t figure out why she needed to wash it that much. I’d just seen her pussy a few hours ago, and it certainly was smooth and clean. She saw me standing there, but didn’t stop washing herself. “I put some pj’s on the toilet. ” I told her, trying not to sound guilty for being a voyeur. “OK, I’m almost done and then I’ll come help you get to sleep. ” she announced. I walked out with a quizzical look on my face.

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   There it was again. “Help me get to sleep?” She’d said that several times. What did she mean by that?I went into my room and got undressed and hopped into the shower just to quickly rinse off. I didn’t have time to stroke my meat in there because I knew she’d be done showering in a minute or two. I got out and dried off. I usually sleep naked, but since I had a guest over I figured I’d better wear at least boxer shorts, (even if my cock was already hard) so I grabbed a pair and put them on. I was just about to grab my housecoat when Brandy knocked on the door. I told her to come in. She looked adorable. The pj top didn’t come all of the way down to her waist; there were a quite a few inches left bare. Her pants were the stretch type “jams”. They weren’t tight on her, but tight enough I could tell that she hadn’t put any panties on underneath. I could also see her camel-toe crotch. My cock got harder. “Are you ready for me to help you go to sleep?” she asked with a smile.

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  “Why do you keep asking me if I need help?” I shot back. “Well, my foster parents said that boys need help going to sleep. They can’t get to sleep on their own, so they need girls to help them out. ” she told me. “How do you help out?” I asked, still not comprehending where she was going with this. That was all the opening she needed. She dove to her knees in front of me, whipped my boxers down exposing my hard cock standing at its full attention, grabbed it and started sucking and stroking it. The instant pleasure was overwhelming. My cock had been hard most of the day, even though I’d jacked off that morning. She was good too. She could only get the head and a little of the shaft in her mouth, but she knew how to get her hand wet with spit and stroke the rest of my cock with that hand, while squeezing my balls with the other. I came quickly. I pulsed shot after shot into her mouth and she swallowed all she could. Some of my cum oozed out of the side of her mouth. My knees gave out on me and I collapsed back onto the bed.

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   My cock slid out of her mouth with a “pop”. Brandy stood up and licked the rest of my cum off of her lips and cheeks. Satisfied that she’d done her best to ‘help me get to sleep,’ she told me good night and went into her room to go to sleep. I lay there not saying a word. The last drop of cum was dripping out of the tip of my cock. I was ashamed because I’d just gotten a blowjob from a nine-year-old girl, but she was right. I was going to fall asleep easily tonight. **end part 4**.





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