Not getting anywhere is better than an attempted failure especially when you trying to go to the moon without the right equipment. As a child I hung around older guys and the way they used to describe sex worth older women made me set a personal goal which was a trip to mars, specifically meaning that I had to find an older women and find out how true all the chit chat was plus the experience. I was more interested in the experience than the chit chat and for a good two years I went in search for this one older woman that would agree to let me satisfy her or the other way round depending on how much of my favourite topic I had missed out on. For two years I changed my dress code and the way I conducted myself in the hope that some older women would realise me and give in. Not just any women but preferably rich women who would ask for a repeat offence once the good deed had been done and would pay money afterwards. In these two years the closest I ever got to older women was the telly after 2200hrs when all the shows for children ended.