Turning away in shame I replied, Kissing you. Placing her hands on my shoulders, she turns me around and slowly starts to kiss me. Moving her hands down past my breasts, she unties my bikini bottoms and lets them sink to the bottom. She then unties my top, waching it fall into the water. I slowly start to kiss her neck, my fully exposed body is now pressed against her. I unhook her top, moving it to the side, I place my lips on her tender breasts. Nibbiling on her firm nipples, I unhook her bikini bottoms. Moving her toung up my neck, she askes me to lay down on the edge of the spa. With out hesitation I quickly do it. Getting out of the spa, she then spreads my legs apart and gentialy moves her hands towards my pussy. Taking one finger at first, she quickly forces it into my body. Telling me that I am tight, she askes is she can use two fingers. Telling her to hold on I grab my bag, reaching inside I pull out a rubber dildo. Handing it to her she moves it up my leg and then teasing my clit with it for a second.