Meg eased slowly into the waking world, disoriented and unsure where she was. She was lying on her side on a soft bed, and although she had no covers on, she felt warm and cozy - she could sense sunlight bathing her naked body. But where was she? This wasn't her own bed, she was sure of that. Slowly, she opened her eyes, squinting in the bright sunlight. Her big, brown eyes blinked, and came into focus. She saw a nightstand next to the bed, and wood paneled walls. Then, she remembered.
She was in Blake's bed. And the night before Blake and. . . Oh my God. . . Justin. .
Had it been some weird, twisted dream? No, the memories were coming back with vivid clarity, one after another. It was no dream. She and Blake had been drinking wine. . . chardonnay, she recalled vaguely. And then she and Blake were in bed.
"Good morning. How did you sleep?" Meg recognized the deep, masculine voice of Blake, and felt his warm body pressing against her naked back. She lay frozen, emotionally torn between the shame of the dirty, nasty memories from the evening before and the sensual feel of Blake's firm, muscular chest pressed against her bare skin. His strong but smooth hand gently caressed the swell of her hips, making every nerve ending in her body tingle, and she felt him snuggle up even closer against her.
Her voice had a frightened, urgent quality. She was a concerned, protective mother. Blake's soothing hand traveled over her hips, then along the narrowness of her waist, along her ribcage toward her lolling breasts. "Of course he's okay. He's in the shower. " And sure enough, Meg could hear the running water in the next room. She could hear Justin singing a nonsensical ditty, his voice echoing off-key off of the shower walls.
She sighed with relief, then spoke haltingly. "Blake.
Blake's roaming hand paused momentarily on her firm breast, and then he began insistently caressing it again as he whispered soothingly into her ear. "Hush Meg. . . Justin is fine. What happened last night was natural.
Meg shook her head in despair, and buried her face in the mattress. "I don't know," she moaned forlornly. "It's not right - I'm an awful mother. " The tears stung her eyes, and began to stream down her cheeks.
"Stop tormenting yourself," he scolded. "You're NOT an awful mother. You'll see - Justin is fine. " He fondled Meg's firm breasts, and with his palm he stimulated the nipples until they were hard and erect.
Meg was confused and angered by her body's response. Her mind was wracked by guilt, but there was no denying the eroticism of what had happened last night, and Blake's stimulation was helping her relive the physically powerful sensations. Not even her wildest thoughts and dreams and fantasies had elevated her sexuality to such an extent. Everything about last night had brought her body to unknown heights. . . her son licking her aching pussy. . . and. . .
She cleared her throat. "Blake?"
"Yes?" His fingers gently pinched her pink, erect nipple. His muscular body was glued to hers, and she again felt his erect, probing cock pressing against her ass, her groin. She closed her eyes and purred softly, undulating her hips. She couldn't help it - her pussy was beginning to throb against his touch. A pleasant warm tingle was enveloping her.
"Last night you. . .
Blake froze momentarily. He had a feeling he knew what was coming. But he continued to fondle her erect nipple, trying to hide his nervousness. "Yes I did Meg. And?" he asked in as casual a voice as he could muster.
"Was that the first time you had ever touched him?"
Blake knew this question would have to come sooner or later. He considered being completely truthful, but thought that would be the wrong approach given Meg's state of mind. He settled instead on a partial truth, a response that he had trained Justin on the night before, after Meg had fallen asleep in exhaustion. Hopefully it would work, but if he screwed this up, there would be hell to pay. He measured his words carefully, but didn't stop stimulating her tits. Maybe if he could distract her. . .
"Well," he paused for effect. "It's kind of embarrassing Meg.
Meg tilted her head to look at him. "Embarrassing?"
Blake ran his hand over her flat tummy. "Yeah, kinda. I was. . . I was jacking off in the living room the other day, and Justin barged in on me. "
Meg was listening intently, her eyes searching out his. Blake's warm hand crawled along her stomach, then caressed the smooth sensitive skin along the edge of her pubic hair. "I was mortified," he continued. "I pulled my shorts up as fast as I could, but Justin was looking at me. And he seemed. . . I dunno, curious I guess.
Blake forged ahead. So far so good. "I know it must seem strange Meg. I don't know what to say. " His fingers were brushing through her pussy hair, and so far, she was doing nothing to resist.
After what seemed an eternity to Blake, but was really no more than a minute at the most, Meg spoke softly. "I.
Blake knew exactly what she was referring to, but he redirected the accusation innocently. By "not right", Meg was referring to Justin's youth, not his sex, but he pretended he understood otherwise. "I guess you're surprised that I'm bi, aren't you?"
"Well. . . yes. . . but that's not really what I mean Blake.
Blake let Meg sort out her thoughts in silence, but he was far from inactive. He danced his fingers from her thigh up and over the swell of her hips, and slowly, seductively caressed her smooth ass cheeks. He loved the feel of her bare ass! At once firm, but pliable.
"Oh yes," sighed Meg breathily. She arched her back, thrusting her ass against his probing fingers, seeking out the stimulation they provided.
"Mmmm," Blake sighed. He removed his hand from her wet cunt lips, grabbed his cock, and guided it against her pussy. He slid the swollen cockhead up and down, rubbing it against her and coating it with the wetness of her juices. He chuckled softly. "Someone's getting horny. "
Meg groaned, and pressed back against him insistently. She knew where this was heading. .
Blake's prick was as hard as steel in his hand. The anticipation of fucking Meg again was overwhelming to him, and he knew that Justin would soon come out of the shower. Once again, he was going to fuck this slut in front of her horny young son. He probed her wet cunt with his cock, and rubbed it in circles against her swollen clit. She inhaled sharply in response, and he smiled - he knew she was ready to receive him inside her. He aimed his cock lower, wedging it against her swollen pussy lips, and thrust his hips against her.
"Oh God Blake!" she cried out softly.
She groaned huskily as her lover began to thrust back and forth, his stiff cock sliding in and out in long, smooth strokes. All the while, his talented fingers rubbed her swollen clitoris in tight little circles. She clutched the cool sheet next to her in her clenched fist, and gave herself completely to her lover. She was surprised, in a way, at how she was responding. She had orgasmed time and again last night at the hands of her two lovers, yet here she was again, horny and aching with desire, and needing to cum.
Blake's hand stimulated her expertly. . . her pussy was on fire, pulsating and quivering in her lust.
"Oh Blake. . .
Gradually, her orgasm subsided, and Meg lay gasping, sweat dripping off her brow.
Oh God. He had been watching them. Suddenly the single-mindedness of her orgasm was forgotten, and she was a responsible mother again. She moaned softly, this time in despair. Her confusion was enormous, her mind conflicted. She had to get away!
"Justin. .
"Meg, are you okay?" Blake asked.
"Meg, don't be angry," pleaded Blake.
"I'm. . . I'm sorry Blake.
She buttoned the dress with trembling fingers as Justin hastily put his clothes on. Without so much as a backward glance at Blake, she put her hand on her son's shoulder and prodded him out the door. The two of them left the house, and they walked in awkward silence down the lane to their cabin. All the while, Meg felt Blake's semen bubbling out of her, trickling down her legs. The feeling tormented her, reminding her of what she had just done.
When they arrived, Meg slipped into her bedroom, retrieved her bathing suit from the dresser, and hastily put it on. She walked into the kitchen, where Justin was standing uncertainly. She gave him what she hoped was a reassuring kiss. "Fix yourself some breakfast okay sweetie? I'm going to go for a swim. " She had to get away to sort out her thoughts - away from Blake, away from even Justin. She should stay with him, and comfort him. But she couldn't, not now at least. She strode purposefully down to the beach, waded into the warm water up to her hips, and dove in.
The water felt refreshing and cleansing on both her body and her soul. She dogpaddled for a while, stretching her muscles, and then flipped over, backstroking across the bay. She watched the puffy white clouds moving lazily across the sky as she swam. Her mind was slowly clearing. God, what a trying few days these had been! What was she to do?
For one thing, she thought to herself, she needed to quit being angry with Justin for things that weren't in his control. Why had she yelled at him at Blake's house? It wasn't HIS fault that he was aroused by what she and Blake were doing. And what about Blake? This wasn't exactly his fault either. Or was it? She just couldn't sort it out. She turned back toward shore, and picked up the pace of her swim until her lean muscles were tired and sore. She reached the beach in front of the cabin and staggered onto the warm sand. She bent over to pick up her towel and walked, exhausted, up the beach stairs to the cabin.
Justin was finishing a bowl of cheerios as Meg walked into the kitchen. He dropped his spoon in the bowl and looked up, shyly and uncertainly, as she approached him. He looked timid, scared even, and his expression broke Meg's heart. A loving glow came over her, and she bent down and hugged her son with a long, warm embrace.
Justin hugged her back, tightly. "It's okay Mom. "
"Justin," said Meg haltingly. "What we've done is. . . is. . . ". She didn't know how to finish. "What I mean to say is. .
"It's okay, Mom. Maybe later. "
She shook her head and sighed loudly. He was dealing with this better than she was. "You're growing up so fast," she said finally.
Justin grinned, but didn't reply. Suddenly the emotions welled up inside her. "I love you Justin," and she leaned toward him and kissed him on the cheek.
"I love you too Mom. "
Meg and Justin spent the rest of the day absorbed in mundane household tasks - vacuuming, dusting, washing dishes. Despite the summer heat, Meg put on a pair of baggy jeans and a tee shirt, and over that a bulky sweatshirt. She did her best to act like a mother, and tried with all her might to pretend that what happened the night before didn't really happen. But that was impossible, she found. What happened was reality. And that reality was overwhelming to her. Justin, on the other hand, seemed to be dealing with it better than her. He acted just like he always did, happy and cheerful.
She prepared his favorite dinner for him, spaghetti, and the two of them ate on the front porch as the sun descended behind the tall trees on the far shore of Golden Lake. They made small talk for a while, but always Meg's thoughts took a darker turn, and she fell silent. She absently twisted a lock of brown hair in her fingers, watching the sky turn a vivid red. She thought briefly about calling Blake, but discarded the idea. What would she say to him? He had probably lost all respect for her, which maybe wasn't a bad thing. She felt the same about him.
They brought their dinner plates into the kitchen, and mother and son did the dishes together, Meg washing and Justin drying. She was keenly aware of their close proximity, and the two of them couldn't seem to avoid brushing against one another on occasion. It was discrete and meaningless (or so Meg hoped), but each time it happened, she was disturbed by the fact that it brought a vivid memory of the intimacy the two had shared the night before. And those thoughts were so profoundly emotional. . . and erotic. An unbidden image of Justin laying between her splayed legs, licking her pussy, swept into her consciousness. 'Stop it!' she scolded herself bitterly.
With the warmth of the cabin, combined with the hot, sudsy dishwater, Meg was sweating profusely. Her bulky clothing was oppressive, and she finally relented and pulled the sweatshirt over her head. She glanced furtively down at her breasts, pressing against the damp fabric of her tee shirt. 'I really should put on a bra,' she thought to herself. Her nipples were protruding a bit, and the aureoles were casting a faint shadow through the thin cloth.
She stole a look at Justin. He too, was looking at her breasts. Yes, she definitely should go and find a bra, but she was inexplicably frozen in place.
Meg cleared her throat. "Hot in here," she said awkwardly. They continued to do the dishes together in silence, Meg now very much aware of Justin's secretive glances. Sweat was dripping from her brow, and the tee shirt was getting stickier - it was now glued to her. Her nipples were sensitive and erect, protruding very visibly. Finally, Meg could stand it no longer. She escaped to her bedroom and hastily put on a bra.
The dishes now washed and dried, they retired to the living room and watched television. It was a sci-fi movie, certainly not Meg's favorite, but Justin insisted. They curled up on opposite ends of the sofa, Meg reading a woman's magazine and Justin watching the movie.
His eyelids flickered. "Okay Mom," he said sleepily. "Good night. " He clambered off the couch and Meg watched as he staggered off to his bedroom.
She continued to read for a while, but soon she too began to get tired. But her mind was a whirlwind of emotions. She found herself thinking about Blake. She pictured his face, his body, his laugh. .
The words in the magazine were blurring together in a meaningless jumble. She sighed deeply. What a day this had been! She tossed the magazine carelessly on the sofa next to her and yawned. She wasn't sure what the next day would bring, but she was too tired to think about it. She went to her bedroom, stripped her clothes off, put on a robe, and strode down the hall to wash up in the bathroom. But as she passed Justin's bedroom door, she heard a faint sound from within. She paused and held her breath. There it was again - a groan. Was Justin having a nightmare? She heard it yet again, louder this time. Concerned, she pressed the door open a crack and listened intently.
She didn't hear another groan, but there was a different sound emanating from the darkness of the bedroom within. A rhythmic squeaking sound. . .
But despite the fact that her brain was screaming at her to close the door and leave, her curiosity was overwhelming, and she took a nervous breath and pushed the door open a bit further, peering into the darkness. The light from the hallway behind her streamed into the bedroom, and a narrow sliver of light fell onto his bed. She saw one of Justin's bare legs, shaking and vibrating, as the bedsprings squeaked beneath him.
Suddenly, the noise stopped, and Justin was still. "Mom?" His nervous voice called out from the darkness, and Meg saw a flurry of activity - he was hastily pulling a sheet over him.
"Yes. . . yes, it's me honey," she replied. Her voice quavered with a mixture of guilt and embarrassment.
"Umm, hi Mom. " His voice trembled a bit, and his face was flushed. There was no doubt in Meg's mind - he had DEFINITELY been playing with himself, and he was doing a poor job hiding it. Meg was still ashamed over what she was doing; yet her son's own embarrassment eased her nervousness. A small smile played over her lips, and she relaxed a little. She walked up to the bed and sat down on the soft mattress next to him.
"Watcha up to kiddo?" she asked nervously.
Justin cleared his throat. "Um, nothin'. Just reading. "
Meg smiled down at her son. She felt more courageous. "Um, in the dark?" She touched her son's arm tenderly. "Honey, you can be honest with me. . . it's okay. Were you. . .
Justin gulped, and nodded shyly.
Her hand caressed his forearm soothingly. "Were you thinking about last night?" She couldn't believe she was being so bold as to bring up what had happened the night before, but her mind was working in dangerous, uncontrollable ways.
Justin nodded, and Meg took a deep breath. It was time to get this out in the open. "I guess we haven't talked about what happened Justin. I know it must have seemed. . . strange to you, and it did to me too. " She looked away from his eyes, and her gaze was drawn once again toward the telltale bulge in his groin. It certainly wasn't subsiding. If anything, it appeared to be even larger.
"Mom?" His voice was shaking.
She forced herself to look him in the eyes.
"Did. . . did you LIKE what we did?" His voice was barely audible.
In the deep recesses of her mind, Meg's rational self knew that this was a good opportunity to end this before it went too far. She should tell Justin that what they did was wrong, and they should never discuss it again. She should be absolutely clear on that point. They must NEVER repeat what had happened. But she wasn't feeling particularly rational. Her resolve wavered as she looked down at her son. A deep feeling of love swept over her. They looked intently into one another's eyes for a moment. But then Meg noticed his eyes flicker, and his gaze was drawn toward her exposed, bare legs, curled on the mattress next to him. She sat there in silence, caressing his arm, his bare shoulder, allowing him to look at her as she did so.
"Yes," she whispered.
She couldn't believe she had said it! It was WRONG! But Justin grinned happily, and suddenly it seemed to Meg that maybe it WASN'T so bad to admit it, to accept what had happened. Accepting it didn't have to mean that it would happen again. Did it? Her mind was as if in a fog. She was utterly confused by her conflicting emotions.
"You're. . . . not mad at me?" he asked meekly.
A wave of powerful maternal emotion washed over Meg, and she felt her eyes beginning to water. She smiled down at him lovingly. "Of course I'm not mad at you sweetie. You didn't do anything wrong.
"'Kay. " Justin licked his lips nervously. His eyes darted away. "I. . . I liked it too Mom. "
Meg could only nod - she didn't know how to respond. But before she knew it, she found herself upping the ante. "Um. . . What did you like most?" Why was she DOING this? Why had she asked that? It didn't MATTER what he had liked - it wasn't as if they were going to do it again! But she couldn't resist, whether it was because of lust or curiosity or something else. She charged on.
Justin smiled. The ice was breaking a bit. "I liked all of it Mom. . . but I think. . . ". He stopped and giggled.
He looked up toward the ceiling thoughtfully. Then he screwed up his courage. "I guess if I had to pick something, then I'd say I really liked watching you pee. " He said it quickly, almost blurting it out, and his cheeks reddened with embarrassment.
"Yup. I really liked it. . . and I'd like to see it again. It was like some stuff that Blake showed me on his computer. . . ". He paused, suddenly uncertain.
"Hmm. On Blake's computer? What kind of stuff?"
Her son chewed his lip thoughtfully.
But Justin interrupted the half-formed thought. "I don't think I'm supposed to say Mom. "
"It's okay sweetie. You can tell me anything. " God, it was more than a tingle in her pussy - she was downright horny! She needed to relieve the itch, but not here, not with her son! She couldn't do that, not again. But she felt almost powerless to resist the evil temptation.
She repeated herself. "You don't have to be afraid of telling me. " She caressed his upper arm softly and tenderly as he laid there, then moved to his shoulder, massaging it lightly. Without thinking about the consequences, she shifted her long tanned legs, spreading them slightly, and she knew that Justin would be able to see between them. She also was very much aware that she wasn't wearing panties underneath the terrycloth robe, and Justin would be able to see her bare wet pussy. There was no going back. She NEEDED it to happen.
Justin licked his lips. It was an almost obscene gesture. "Well. . . he has some. . . some movie clips on his computer that he showed me. There was one with a woman peeing on a man. "
Meg's eyes widened. She had vaguely heard of such acts, golden showers they were called if she remembered right. She wasn't sure if she understood the sexual attraction in that.
"Hmmm," she said. "Sounds kind of interesting, I guess. " And then a nasty kinky thought entered her mind. Dare she say it? Her inhibitions were rapidly disappearing. She giggled in nervous embarrassment. "I suppose you want to see that again sometime?"
Justin looked surprised. "Oh wow, could I? I mean . . . maybe I could?"
"Well, we'll see kiddo.
With newfound determination and acceptance, she sat back and spread her legs a bit more, excited by the fact that Justin was ogling her. She glanced down at the bulge between his legs. The sheet was visibly tenting in response to his erection, hidden beneath.
Meg swallowed hard, her body visibly shaking with nervousness, if not virtual terror. 'Oh God Oh God Oh God,' she intoned to herself.
And finally, there it was! This was the moment of truth. For the first time, she had a close look at her son's erection. It was. . . different then a man's, yet not too different at all really. It wasn't quite as big, either in length or girth, as compared to the few adult lovers she had had. Only a few hairs at the base. . . the balls in a tight little sack. But the biggest difference was in how erect it was.
A powerful, erotic thrill ran through her entire body.
Justin nodded vigorously, his eyes closed. Meg scrambled between his spread legs. She felt like a cheap slut, but she didn't care. She took the cock between her trembling fingertips, and licked the length of the underside of the shaft, from the smooth hairless balls to the very tip of the swollen head.
"Uh. . . yeah," grunted Justin.
It was all the encouragement Meg needed. She began to tongue and suck her son lustily, lapping away at his erection with long licks of her pink, wet tongue. His cock jerked and trembled, and his hips jerked spasmodically on the bed. She alternated her loving attention between his balls and the smooth shaft, until they both glistened with her saliva. Justin moaned with pleasure.
"I'm glad it does honey. Your cock tastes sooo good. " She couldn't believe what she was hearing herself saying - she was talking like a whore. But it didn't matter. She was simply expressing exactly what she was feeling. She lifted her face and took the head of the throbbing cock between her soft lips. She sucked fiercely, her cheeks hollow, and Justin gasped with pleasure. She took more of his erection in her willing mouth, then began pumping up and down, gripping him tightly between her lips, her mouth sliding easily on the well-lubricated cock. Her fingers ran lightly and delicately over his balls as she fellated him.
Meg's oral ministration was having a powerful effect on Justin. "OH YES," he cried out, and he began to buck his hips up and down, driving his cock deeper into his slutty mother's mouth. He ran the fingers of one hand through her hair, caressing it lovingly as she worshiped his hard dick.
Meg loved every moment - the taste, the smell, and the tactile sense of the smooth, hard cock against her tongue. But she especially loved the sound of Justin's moans of pleasure.
She released Justin's shiny, dripping wet cock from her mouth and knelt upright on the bed between his legs. She and Justin looked into each other's eyes with silent understanding as she nervously untied her robe, letting it fall off her bare shoulders. Her nude form was exposed to her son for the second time in as many days, and she watched proudly as his lust-filled eyes roamed hungrily over her body. She felt seductive and sexy and desirable, and she crawled up to meet him, straddling his nude form on hands and knees. She knew his cock was only inches from her pussy. She lowered her body and allowed her lolling breasts to hang in front of his face, tempting him.
He needed no further coaxing. He instinctively took a nipple between his lips and began to suck at it hungrily, almost like a nursing baby. Meg closed her eyes and focused on the wonderful sensation of her son's mouth pleasuring her. Thirteen years before, she had nourished him with this very breast. Now, she was nourishing him in a different way - sexually. She heard his satisfied moans as he sucked, and this made her even hornier - the thought that her son could get such pleasure from something so basic.
Almost by accident, Justin's cocked brushed against her pussy, and she nearly jumped out of her skin at the sensation.
She wiggled her hips, maneuvering herself until his cockhead was wedged between her juicy pussy lips. She gasped with passion. She desperately needed to feel him inside her, and she pushed back, more urgently. In one long motion, Justin's lovely cock entered his mother's warm, clinging pussy. Mother and son moaned together, and she settled down on top of him and hugged him lovingly. Justin put his arms around his mother and pulled her close.
Meg scooted her hips back, embedding her son's cock inside her. "Mmm, yes," she purred. "That feels so nice sweetie. " She looked into his eyes and smiled.
They released after a time, and Meg carefully rolled over onto her back, pulling Justin with her. She wanted him to be on top - she wanted to feel his weight pressed against her. She wanted her little boy to take her, to fuck her like a man! And Justin knew exactly what was expected of him - he began to thrust, slowly at first, then faster, moaning softly.
To Meg, it felt wonderful, indescribable, to be fucked by him again. His cock was noticeably smaller than Blake's, but it was so stiffly erect inside her that it didn't really matter. She flexed her vaginal muscles, sucking him into her. Justin moaned deeply with pleasure as he fucked his mother lustily.
"Oh God Justin. . . god yes. . . fuck me!" she cried. She clutched his smooth muscular asscheeks in her hands and pulled him toward her, eager for him to plunge his erect cock as deeply as possible into her tight, wet pussy. She spread her legs as wide as she could and humped her hips upward toward him, grinding her pelvis against him, and was rewarded by the stimulation of the hairless base of his cock sliding against her erect clitoris.
"Yesss," she hissed through clenched teeth. She arched her back, pressing her heaving breasts into her boy's face. "Suck my tits. . .
Her horny son groaned loudly, and he picked up the pace of his frantic thrusting. His eyes were glazed, unseeing in his lust. Sweat dripped from his brow, and his wiry body was a blur as he humped against his mother's writhing body. The room was filled with the sounds of the squeaking bedsprings, the slurping sound of Justin's mouth on Meg's nipple, the liquid slapping of his cock sliding in and out of her juicy pussy, and their passionate moans.
Meg's face was a mask of agony and ecstasy. "OH GOD. . . FUCK ME JUSTIN!" she screamed. She met her son's frantic thrusts with wildly bucking hips. She felt so desirable, so ALIVE beneath her horny son. She desperately needed to cum, and she maneuvered her throbbing clit against the base of his cock, to find the last added bit of stimulation she needed to get off. But the boy could hold out no longer. .
Meg felt the spasms course through the boy's body. She was disappointed at not having cum with him, but that emotion was brief, and she was soon overwhelmed with a deep unabashed love for him. She wrapped her legs around his taut ass, encircled her arms around his body, and pulled him tightly against her, letting him use her to get off. Gradually, his climax eased, and his breathing slowed.
"Oh Mom," he sighed. "That felt so good. "
"I'm glad honey. "
"Did. . . did you cum too?"
"No I didn't sweetie, but that's okay. " She tenderly brushed her fingernails lightly across his sweaty back.
"Oh. " He bit his lip in thought. "But why not?"
She smiled. "Honey, women don't ALWAYS have an orgasm when they. . . when they fuck. " She couldn't BELIEVE she was having this conversation. A few days before such a thing would have been unspeakable. But a change was coming over her. . . she didn't want to dwell on the thought - she wanted to suppress it, to focus on the wonderful feelings her son was creating in her. No, she hadn't cum, but that didn't mean it didn't feel wonderful, both physically and emotionally.
Justin relaxed on top of his mother, and the two lay there in each others loving arms, their body heat mingling and keeping each other warm.
Meg's cunt was still filled by his young prick. She could easily feel that he was maintaining his erection inside her. In fact, not only was he still hard, she could actually detect it pulsating against the walls of her tight pussy. She smiled to herself - here was a pretty clear difference between young horny boys and older men. She wouldn't be surprised if he could fuck her again, despite having just cum powerfully. The thought excited her, and her pussy tingled with desire.
Once again, her mind drifted back to the previous night, to the delightful lovemaking between the two of them and Blake. This time, she remembered with vivid clarity the excitement she had felt when Blake had thrust his wonderful cock in and out of her virgin ass. Anal sex had always scared her. She had never realized how good it could feel, not just physically, but mentally. The awesome mix of pain and pleasure was great, but she thought that it was the NASTINESS of it that was so powerful. And just as this revelation came to her, she felt her son's prick jerk inside her. She marveled at that.
Justin shifted position to kiss his mother's breasts again, and as he did so, his cock slipped out of her pussy with a pop. She felt his warm cum pour out of her cunt and wash into the crack of her ass. And a thought came to her. She could experience the wonderful sensation of being anally pleasured again, if she wanted it. And she DID want it - desperately.
"Justin?" she purred.
"Hmm?" came his muffled response. He was suckling her boobs, and Meg had to smile. He seemed to enjoy doing that an awful lot!
"Remember last night when Blake put his. . . cock inside my butt?"
"Uh huh. "
"Would you like to do that to me too?"
Justin smiled happily.
"Do it right now sweetie. I need to cum sooo bad. "
Justin got on his knees, and Meg grabbed the back of her thighs and pulled her legs back until her knees were touching her breasts, exposing her obscenely gaping pussy and cum-covered asshole to her son's admiring gaze. "Let's do it like this sweetie. I want to rub myself while you fuck me. "
"Okay. " The boy positioned himself between her spread legs, grasped his still-hard prick in his fingers, and with a bit of effort maneuvered himself into the proper position. After some amount of inexperienced fumbling, he wedged his cock head against her tight bumhole and paused.
"Like this?" he asked.
"Yes. That's perfect sweetie. "
"Are you ready Mom? Should I do it?"
"God yes honey. Slide it in baby. . .
"OH GOD YES!" cried Meg. "JUST LIKE THAT!" It felt absolutely wonderful, just like she remembered from the night before, if not better. A little bit of pain, rapidly subsiding, and the delicious sensation of her ass being stretched and filled. She reached out and pulled Justin forward, and his weight pushed her knees down onto her chest. This freed Meg's hands, and she immediately began rubbing her throbbing pussy with both of them while Justin stroked in and out of her pulsating asshole. It felt wonderful! She knew she would come within minutes.
Justin groaned as he slid his cock in and out of his mother's asshole. Their moans of pleasure intermingled. Meg rubbed her hard clit fiercely as Justin sank his cock deeply into her rectum. His mouth was agape, and he was panting, out of breath. Meg thought that he was clearly enjoying this as much as she was.
As if reading her thoughts, Justin gasped sharply.
Meg was so crazed with lust that she almost missed the casual statement. She blinked rapidly. "You've fucked Blake in his ass?" she asked, incredulous.
Justin immediately realized that this was something he was definitely NOT supposed to reveal, and it showed by the expression on his face. Blake had coached him on what to say if the topic came up, and that was definitely not part of it. But there was no sense lying about it. The pace of his thrusting slowed. "Yes," he said shyly.
"I. . . I knew you and he touched each other. .
Justin nodded glumly in reply. It was clear to Meg that he felt he had let the cat out of the bag. But her reaction to his revelation surprised her. She wasn't mad at Blake's stretching of the truth. Instead, the thought of Justin fucking Blake in the ass excited her greatly. And now that very same cock was in HER ass. Oh God! She smiled. "It doesn't matter sweetie, really it doesn't. All I want is for you to fuck me now, and hard!"
Justin grinned, and immediately complied with his mother's demand. The intensity of his thrusting grew at a faster and faster pace. Beneath him, his mother screamed with passion and desire for him. "Oh yes. . .
"Deeper Justin. Harder! OH GOD!" And suddenly, with a loud hoarse cry, Meg was cumming. "YES! YES! YES!" she screamed over and over. Her entire body tensed and convulsed, as spasm after spasm coursed through her. Her clit fluttered, her pussy and asshole convulsed, and her entire body was taut and trembling. And with a loud moan, Justin announced his own orgasm. He plunged his swollen cock as far as he could into his mother's ass and held it there as streamers of hot sperm shot deeply into her rectum.
And the power and intensity and emotion of what had just happened hit Meg hard, and she began to cry softly. They were tears of confusion and sadness and regret, but mostly love. It was a deep, undying love for Justin. He was a bit mystified by her reaction, but he knew enough to comfort her, and he kissed her tenderly on the forehead, until they finally fell asleep in each other's arms.
Two more lazy days passed on the shores of Golden Lake. The summer was drifting by, and Meg was beginning to realize that she had done basically nothing to prepare for the upcoming school year. She loved teaching, but she loved her summer vacations too. Every August, she had to force herself to get ready for the long grind ahead.
And every year, it seemed to get harder. Maybe she was getting burned out on teaching. The students certainly weren't making it any easier. The sixth graders weren't so bad. The eighth graders, on the other hand, were almost impossible to discipline. Thank goodness Justin wasn't like that!
At least she and Bill had the good sense (and enough money) to send him to a private school.
She sat at the kitchen table, notes and papers strewn in careless piles in front of her. She tapped away at her laptop, outlining her classes for the first few weeks of the school year. But she was having trouble concentrating. She stared wistfully out the window and ran her fingers through her hair. Through a gap in the trees, she saw Justin down at the beach, skipping stones.
She sighed loudly in frustration. Her concentration was practically nil. She found herself thinking about Blake. . .
She hadn't talked to him since three mornings ago, when she and Justin left abruptly. Her feelings toward him ebbed and flowed. Generally, she was angry with him. Angry at him, and embarrassed by what she had done.
For one thing, he wasn't AT ALL like her ex-husband. She liked Blake. She liked him a LOT. But how could she face him again? What would they say to one another? Maybe she WAS still angry with him.
But no, this morning she had screwed up her courage and tried to call him on the phone, getting so far as picking up the receiver, tapping in his phone number, and letting it ring. And ring. And then she remembered. He had told her that he was going to be out of town for a few days on one of his short business trips. Oh well, he'd be back. But when? Tonight? She couldn't remember for sure.
And so she had found herself thinking about him all day long. She clearly wanted to see him, but why? It should have been obvious to her - for one thing, she was horny. She had purposely avoided having sex with Justin these last few days. She was accepting of the fact that it was going to happen again, and there was no denying that she WANTED it to happen again. But she felt that maybe there could be too much of a good thing. It seemed important to her to maintain some air of normalcy in their relationship. For both her sake and Justin's.
Damn, she couldn't concentrate. She saved her file and turned the computer off.
She rearranged her papers in.