
Dream Study Buddy, and The Perfect Cousin... (Part 1)


I really hate having a talent, where everyone is jumping on me and making my decisions, like my parents. My parents are the ones who push me to go further with my art and studies. That's not what I really am looking for right now in my life as a senior. I have always been the nerd girl who has never had a boyfriend except the special ed kids who think I'm one of them because I have very few other friends. This year is different, my hair has grown a few inches longer then last year, and now it has layers so it looks like a perfect sea of beautiful blonde waves. A lot better then my original brownish blonde hair that was straight with no layers or volume at all. Also you can actually see my cleavage. I didn't realize I had anything to show stuck at a 32 B. When I put on clothes that are form fitting, I look stunning with my petite little tight body showing off my hips up to my mounds of fresh beauty I maintain. As I brush past my parents sitting with Mr. Calirose in the conference room, my mother grabs my arm and harshly whispers to me, "If you don't pull your skirt down and cover that skin on your stomach, you can kiss the full ride goodbye. Act like a young lady!" She snapped at me as I pulled away and rushed out the door, shutting it behind me. Thinking about how I wish I acted like this a lot earlier in my high school years. I've been the "good girl" with a "great future". Trying to stop thinking about how my family thinks im perfect but hardly knows me I briskly move to the front of the office. The attendance ladies smiled at me and asked if I needed a pass.

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   I glanced at them briefly and direct my attention to Mrs. Hatfield and her yellow teeth as she spoke to me. Then noticed her extra large cup of regular coffee she had in her hands cupping it as if she was cold in the office. "No thanks, I think I'll be okay, but could you tell me how much longer there is left of this class period?" I spoke clearly to her. She smiled and took one hand off her cup of coffee and reached for a laminated paper showing our new class day schedule. "There is just about an hour left dear, These new block schedules are hard to understand, but there are 88 mins. in each block. . . " she mumbled out to me. "Alrighty. Thanks. " I said with a smile cutting her off and started out the double doorway of the office. I walked down two hallways glancing around to see if anyone I know is out of class. Of coarse all of my friends would never be out in the hallways missing a lecture or lab.

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   So I walked towards the hallway leading to my class. Ahead of me was the water fountain all the jocks, cheerleaders and typical high school popular people gather. During class there normally aren't many people hanging around it. Just a few who skip class because they didn't have the assignment done. I began to walk closer to it, picking up speed so I could get past who ever was sitting there, so they wouldn't make any comments about how I am prude or a brain. As I reached the fountain I glanced quickly at who was sitting on the floor by it looking down at his book. It was Aden, my cousin the same age as me. He was gorgeous. He played on the varsity line for our football team, huge and buff as ever with beautiful dark hair like my uncle and father, and a smile to die for. He never has really talked to me much except for at Thanksgiving and Christmas, because we are about the same age and our family gets in a circle according to our ages. We always have sat by one another. We normaly share casual talk and open our gifts. Otherwise, not one word at school to each other. In fact I don't think people know we're even related. I kept walking by, but slowed my pace and bounced a little more.

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   Thinking he might look at my legs or up at me, since he hasn't seen me since I have changed my looks. Not a word came out of his mouth as I passed by. I slumped while I walked in disappointment. Then to my surprise I heard him say, "Addison, Just walk by your own cousin and not say Hi?" He said with a curious tone. I flipped around and took little steps towards him. " I actually didn't think you knew me. " I said with a smirk on my face as I giggled. "How could I not notice my own cousin?" He snapped back smiling. "Well, you never talk to me before at school. "I said. "I hardly see you Addison!" He said back to me as I shifted my weight. "Addison, are you any good at calc? I can't understand this stuff at all!" He whined. "Ya, I do. I took that class last year. I still got some of the notes at home.

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   Why? You need MY help?" I glared at him smiling. "Well, if YOU wanted to help me. I mean it pays off to have a smart cousin I guess, even better that your amazing this year. " He said. I didn't know how to respond to that. Amazing. I have never even been told I was pretty. I smiled as he looked at me and patted the floor next to him, motioning me to come sit by him and help. I moved over to him and slid down the wall as I heard and felt the cold floor slap against my little ass. I was humiliated, knowing he knew I was wearing very little or nothing at all to make that noise. I glanced over at him, he smiled and said, "Whatcha got on under that skirt?" I couldn't answer, I just giggled as my cheeks turned red. He leaned in close as I took his book and put it on my lap and started rolling stuff out to him about calc. He everyone once-in-a-while acted like he was interested in what I was actually saying to him. I noticed him glancing up at me every few seconds or his eyes following the flow of my smooth legs, I pretended like I didn't see him. I just kept spouting out math talk to my cousin hoping I was helping.

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  Before I even knew it, the bell rang. I missed all of my Art History class and began to panic. Aden got up and turned towards me on the floor. He put his hands out as I set his book down and he pulled me up with so much strength I was off the ground in no time. I straightened out my skirt and pulling my shirt down like my mother said. Aden moved in closer and I stepped back getting a weird vibe from him. People started flooding the hallways as he moved in closer. "Do you have plans after school?" He asked me as I put my back to the wall. "Ummm no, My Father is picking me up at 3:45 from here. " I responded. "Why don't I call him in a few and see if its okay with him if you come over and help me with calc after school, if That's okay with you that is?" He said with a sparkle in his eye. How could I possibly say no. Normally this wouldn't be anything I thought deep into, but for some reason It felt as if he was the hott stud I've been crushing on my whole life, when I have never even liked him as a person, let alone as my cousin. What am I thinking. He's my cousin.

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   Not some guy I can try to get with and share my kisses and love with. This is my cousin I'm thinking about! Anyhow, who was I kidding. He more then likely has seven other girls he's with at the same time. All on the cheer squad. So I glanced off into space agreeing that it would be okay if I went to his house after school. He smiled and pulled me into a hug, I responded by putting my arms around him too, reaching up on my tip toes so I could hug him. He rubbed my back extending our hug as his hand slid down the center of my back and sliding over my skirt and grasping my ass with his hand squeezing it as he held me tighter. "I'll see you after school Addison. " He said with a grin, as I moved away, released from his erotic yet mind boggling hug. I was shocked and bedazzled as I asked myself what just happened and why I liked it. Classes passed by fairly fast. I thought how weird it was going to be going with him. Acting like we have always gotten along so well as today. The last bell rang for me to get out of my Advance Honors Biology class not learning anything today because of my mind off in the clouds. I stood as everyone exited the room, watching my teacher pack up and walk out.

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   I ran to the back of the classroom to the lab area to the mirror, looking at myself unscrewing my new Berries Gone Wild lipstick that looked killer on me. I prettied my lips up to perfection and smiled as I winked at myself. I grabbed my books and headed out. There was Aden standing by the fountain with his name brand hoodie on and a beanie covering his dark hair, looking as if he was ready to go. I sped my pace up moving closer to him and his group of football buddies. He glanced over and saw me and smiled as he said "Addison, come here girl!" I wedged into the middle of the circle of huge guys who all smelled so good as if I just opened up a new magazine with all the expensive colognes flooding the air. He put an arm around me pulling me closer as he introduced me as his hot lil' cousin. All the guys smiled, Jason across from me put a high five up for grabs as Aden slapped his hand and passed winks. Aden looked down at me, seeing how he was at least 6'3'' and me standing tall at 5'9'', and asked if I had a coat to wear. I shook my head no, seeing how it was warm this morning. "It's raining out Addison, you'll get soaked. " he said as a friend of his made a comment that it wouldn't be a bad thing in the top im wearing. Aden nudged him with a huge grin as he started to take his hoodie off and handed it to me. I turned around setting my books down as I felt one of them lifting my skirt. I was in utter shock.

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   What do I do! My thought process ran wild. Thinking back to the time freshmen year when I saw some of these same guys doing that to Courtney, who now the a hott cheer captain. Courtney turned and slapped him saying "DON'T" in a cute little voice. Thinking about that I spinned around slapping him, telling him to stop and I giggled with a smile. I knew who he was. He sits behind me in my 2nd block class. Burke Kellings. He smiled as I slapped at him and said sorry as he pulled me in for a hug and said, "I'm just playing with you, you're all good now" I smiled back pretending it didn't bother me. Aden asked if I was ready. I agreed and he lead me down the hallway to the parking lot. I walk like I ruled the school, seeing all the other girls glance at me with my hott cousin. Courtney walked up to us and casually walked down the parking lot hill on the south side of our school. "I didn't know you two were friends?" Courtney spouted out with a puzzled look on her face. Aden turned and looked at her with a confident face, "You didn't know Addison is my cousin. " He said.

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   I looked at her and smiled as she said, " Oh, Ya I think I knew that!" She giggled acting like she forgot. "Oh, And by the way Addison, You look killer this year, You both should come to my pool party this weekend at my daddy's yacht house up in the near the shore. Okay?" She said while batting her eyes. "Ya, Maybe Addison and I might show, who knows, but hey, we'll catch you later Court. " Aden said directing me towards his amazing new black Yukon Denali. Both of our fathers are well off. Their dad left them a ton of money and a good education. Aden sweetly opened my door and let me slide in his truck. Making sure I was in he shut the door and jogged around to the drivers side. Aden started it up and asked if I was comfortable. I nodded yes and we began to head out to Aden's house. It was silent for awhile and then he turned on the radio and tried to start a conversation as I sat there not moving a muscle. "I really wish I talked to you more sooner, I don't know why we never have. " He said while glancing at me checking if I was listening. I smiled and shrugged.

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   "Maybe it's because you never talk enough, say what your thinking!" He snapped at me, looking at me and not the road. I pointed forward "Well for starters, Watch the goddamn road Aden!" I said, while giggling. He laughed and smiled back. Then his smile melted into a weird stunned face. "It almost feels like we aren't cousins, Ya know?"He said waiting for a response. "Ya, I do know what your talking about. It's because you normally never talk to me, or even act like I'm alive Aden. To be honest though, the vibes are a little weird. " I said, trying to be more confident. "Oh well, We can pretend we aren't cousins. Everything will be cool. Get to know you some more. " He said, glancing at me, as he turned into the long gravel driveway leading to his house. We rambled on about his past relationships and girls in our class, how he wants something new in his life. Something to thrive off of.


   Someone new. That's when things began to flip. Aden slowly reached over and had his hand softly caressing my thigh. We pulled into his garage and he stopped and shut the car off as the garage door slowly shut. I looked over at him and he was already looking at me. "Addison, you really look great this year. A bunch of the guys were talking about trying to hook up with you. My cousin! I got a little jealous to tell you the truth. " He said, as he glance out into the garage. "It's not like Im going to get with any of them anyways. There is only one reason I would. . . " As I cut off my sentence. "Hold up, What's that reason?" He said, looking interested in what I might say next.

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   "Well, I'm a girl, and I want to enjoy every little thing a girls body will let her. None of my friends are capable of letting me experience that. " I said. "Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying you've never fucked or done anything along those lines?" He asked in shock. "Well, Ya. I mean do I ever get to go out? No. I just. . . Oh I don't know what I'm even talking about!" I said, confused as I started getting my books together. "Lets get your Calc out of the way. " I said as I opened the door. Stepping out moving to the stairs opening the door to his beautiful house. Aden followed behind me and pointed me down stairs to his room, which is more like a living center.

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   Everything he needs. Sofa, bed, sinks everything a kid dreams of. I sat my books on his counter and asked what chapter he was on. He sat next to me on the barstool and moved closer as we began to write calc assignments down. I was really getting into his assignment when I felt his hand rub my back. Up and down my spine, slowly, soft and sensual. I felt shivers run through out my whole body. I again acted like I didn't notice or care. His hand slid slowly down the back of my skirt testing and seeing if I'd make him stop. I knew I should have, but I didn't want him to. I felt my body tense up at the touch of him. My nipples squeezed into Their beautiful form and pushed through my shirt showing them off to anyone's eye. He began to unzip the back of my skirt and played around with the back laces on my black thong. I sat the pencil down and looked up over at him. He leaned in and kissed my shoulder.

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   He grabbed my hips and spinned my around on the barstool so I was facing him. He had both of his hands resting on my hips as he looked at me. "You don't want me to stop, do you?" He asked, as he moved in and began to kiss me for the first time ever. I felt his tongue twist inside my mouth as I moved mine into his, placing my hands on his pecks and leaning in closer. He began to kiss my cheek and started sucking on my ear making his way down to my neck. I whisper for him not to stop, as he kept kissing me. I feel everything in my body start to flow as he reached around me and began to lift my top off of my electric body that was buzzing with fire. I begin to reach up the front of his shirt lifting it off him as we parted between kisses. I toss his shirt on the floor and begin to kiss his neck and chest. I have never done any of this before, but it is like magically coming to me as an intuition on what to do. I kiss his chest and lick around his nipples and he unsnaps my bra. I slide off the bar stool and keep kissing his stomach as my hands automatically un do his pants and he stands up as I pull them down to nothing. There in front of me is his rock hard cock. Something I have never seen nor touched before. I get so into it and kiss the tip as I gently lick around the head.

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   my hand begins to stroke it as I slide more and more of it into my wet mouth. Bringing it back out with a suck I look up at him as he pushes my head back in for more. I feel so awesome pleasing him and feeling my body tense up and squeeze as my mouth squeezes around his cock. My lips suck and move faster and faster as I feel for the first time feel my pussy swell up with thoughts of him pounding away at me. I begin to sweat as I face fuck my cousin. His cock getts bigger with out understanding why. I keep sucking while thoughts stomped into my mind of him sliding it in my tight hole. I got more and more aroused by my own thoughts on what my tongue is doing. My hand slides faster and faster and I take it all in my mouth, sucking harder and harder, making lil moans along with him, his dick swells and his body comes to an utter halt, as I lick like a little kid not wanting to give it up. With out knowing what was about to happen, shots of hot, salty cum shoot into my mouth hitting the back of my throat. I swallow like its mine. All Mine. I suck a little more and another shot of Aden's cum hits me again and I devour it. Aden reaches down and pulls me up to his face as he begins to kiss me and finish pulling my skirt down and bra off. There I am standing naked for the first time in front of anyone.

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   But this is not anyone. This is my cousin. My hott fucking cousin who is running his eyes up and down me. Seeing my long legs, perfect hips and perky full tits in front of him. He pulls me closer as he grabs my ass with both hands and lifts me onto the tall counter top. Now my head is a little higher then his. I pull him into my chest as he starts kissing his way all over my body. I get this tense shocking feeling of him brushing his hand across my wet pussy. It sends quivers up me. My body squeezes. He keeps his head with mine. Kissing me holding my attention in one place and fucking with my mind in another. I again feel his hand brush up against my pussy again sending me into overdrive. His fingers slowly spreads my wet shaved pussy. I feel the cold air as his finger invades my pussy.

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   Moving up and around slowly pushing it in my tight hole. I twitch wanting more. He slides it in and out so slow, making me want to scream. I run my hands up and down his back kissing his shoulder while holding on to him so I don't lose control. Aden slowly takes his finger out and replaces it with two. I moan with delight and pleasure. He Finger fucks me as my pussy gets hotter and wetter wanting more. My mind is in a blur, all I want is him to spread my tight little hole and put his hard cock in me. I spread my legs out on the counter letting him see it all and I lay back resting my head. I Feel his soft tongue torturing my pussy lips and my clit as I scream and squeeze. I begin to breathe heavy as he drives his tongue deeper in my hole. My hands wonder all over my body. One hand pinching and playing with my clit as the other squeezes my nipple and twirls it around between my fingers. Moaning and feeling his tongue licking and teasing the right spots I tense up and feel my body rive as my juices flow. My whole body calms down.

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   My breathing is slowing down till I sit up and see Aden again. He brings me to him and pulls me close. I get to his ear and whisper "Fuck me Aden. " I couldn't say any other words then that. Aden lifted my sweaty body up and carried me to his bed. Laying me down. He pushes between my legs and starts to rub his cock. I moan thinking about the feelings I'm about to feel. He gently, but with force pushing his cock into my tight little hole that begins to conform to it. He pushes a little harder but reaches a stopping point. All at once he tells me to shut my eyes, I do so as he pushes with more might and pops its way through as some blood forces its way out. My hands flung up and grasped the sheets on the bed, holding tight through the pain. He pulls it back out and back in again filling me up. My pussy throbs to the feeling and begins to feel amazing. Aden slowly puts it in and out as I begin to rock along with his motions.

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   We get on beat and he moves faster while my body sucks him all in. I moan and feel out to control. We move faster and faster as my pussy get wetter and and wetter feeling on fire. I scream for him to pound at me harder and he drives it in my pussy as hard as he can over and over. I feel this throbbing sensation as my pussy palpitates faster. His cock gets harder as he moans along with me. Fucking me in his bed. He begins to explode inside me as my pussy clinches down on his cock and he pounds it in me one last time. His cum shoots everywhere inside me as my juices spin around dancing in my pussy. I lay there twittering with a light head as Aden leans over me. I lean up and kiss him, letting him fall beside me. We lay there totally sweaty and smelling of sex. Not exactly knowing what happened, I did know I loved every second of it. An hour must have passed by as we just lay there connected. I glanced at the clock asking Aden what time my Father wanted me home.

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   "He said when ever we finish, and just for me to bring you home. " Aden responded still laying still. I moved slowly as I got up and asked if I could use his shower. He said yes pointing to where it was. "I know Aden, I am your cousin and have been here many times with our families. " I said, with a naughty look in my eye. He smiled as he got up and followed me in. We showered together talking about how fun it would be to fuck in here. I was giggling like a little school girl. He gently washed my back and dried me off. I put my skirt back on and my shirt asking him if I could borrow his hoodie. He agreed and walked into the laundry room around the corner. I took my thong and put it on top of his calc book and laid it on his bed. Aden came walking out in a pair of sweat pants and a football t-shirt. He grabbed his keys and looked at me seeing if I was ready.

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   I moved slowly towards him and he pulled me in for another kiss. More of a passionate kiss telling me things are going to be okay. My mind was doing back flips as I contemplated on everything that happened, and how it happened all to fast. Isn't that what I was wanting in my life. Change and a new perspective. Aden's cell phone started ringing, interrupting our kiss. He reached for it on the counter and answered it. He smiled and started talking about how I was such a great help on calc, and that we were leaving the house now. Aden said bye and looked at me with a grin. "You are my dream study buddy, and the perfect cousin. " He said, with a big smirk on his face as he slapped my ass directing me up the stairs. I went bouncing up the stairs looking back to see him looking up my skirt. I smiled and grabbed his hand to lead him to the car. We pulled into my driveway making no movements what so ever, Aden blew me a kiss and said, "I'll call you bright an early tomorrow, I want you to hang out with my friends. My boys want to get to know you.


   So ask your parents if you can crash at my place, if they will permit that. " He said, with a smile. I nodded and winked as I shut the door and waved goodbye while he backed out. Tons of flowing energy was in me still as I walked to my house door. I wonder what he meant by he is going to get me bright and early so him and his friends and I could all hang out together. He wants me to "get to know the boys" as he said. Guess I'll have to wait till tomorrow. Getting to know the boys could be fun, I told myself starting to see erotic things scamper through my head. I giggled and pushed the door open. (End Of Part 1).



