Topic: Learning about Rape Fantasies
So, me and my friends we are an odd crew. We aren’t the extreme nerds, or the jocks, were aren’t the preps or the Goths. We are just misfits. But this is just who we are. The thing about us is that we could be popular if we really wanted to. We just rather not deal with that kind of pressure, we’d rather have fun, and experience life. So this is one of a series of stories about my friends once we hit our senior year of high school.
So, my name is Delilah. I am pretty tom boyish, and on the shorter side. I am 5’ 3’’, I have dirty blonde hair, green eyes. I enjoy football, basketball, and baseball, so I am pretty fit. Being a tomboy though I have never got much attention from boys. I have had this crush on one of the guys in our group of friends, since sophomore year. His name is Kyle, he plays football, he wrestles, and he is very proud of the number of girls he has gone through. Why would I crush on him then? Well being his best friend, he treats me much different then other girls. The thing is he has never thought of me as anything more then a friend.
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In fact I was the friend he went to talk about his girlfriend problems. It killed me to see this guy that I care for so much with all these skanks that wouldn’t give thought to anything except whether they need to go buy more condoms.
So these are the events that lead to what happened.
We were in English class and it just so happens Kyle’s seat is right beside mine. Which was nice because I had a friend to talk to rather then pay attention in class. My problem was that Laurie’s assigned seat was two in front of Kyle. Laurie was the flavor of the year. Kyle has always wanted to be with her, she was the girl all the guys called a ten. Anyways Laurie didn’t even know Kyle existed, because he wasn’t the party guy. Laurie was so out of Kyles league. She is one of those girls who only hangs with people in college frats. But of course, being Kyle’s right hand girl, I was the one to hear all about her.
So we were skimming through our extremely large English books, and we came across this article called Rape Fantasies. We found it humorous it was about all these middle age women who were discussing love, when one brought up that she read in an article that most women have rape fantasies. All the women were appalled then after they each thought about it they found that each of them did have some sort of rape fantasy.
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So Kyle and I both laughed it off, because there were quite a few people who thought our conversation was open for anyone to add to.
A day or two later our a bunch of our lunch buddies had to do some errands during out lunch, so Kyle thought it would be fun to pick up again with our Rape Fantasy talk. He told me he sometimes fantasized about raping Laurie. I told him to forget about her. I told him being who she is that she would probably all loose and have tons of STDs. He just gave me a look and asked me what my rape fantasy was. I started telling my fantasy to him, but before I go to finish our friends showed up. Kyle announced that his parents were going on a cruise, and that his older brother was suppose to watch him for the week. But being that it was his brothers birthday that weekend, they made a deal that the older brother would buy us a bunch of alcohol to have fun with over the weekend, IF Kyle did not mention to their folks that the older brother was going to be gone for the weekend. I knew that he wanted to do this to impress Laurie, but I never mentioned it. Kyle is not a drinker, and neither am I. So it surprised me Kyle was doing all this. He asked me to come to his party, but I told him there wasn’t any point. I didn’t dare drink yet, plus what’s the point if it was going to be the night that he’d try getting with Laurie. So, I told him no.
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But he kept asking me, until finally he told me he wanted me there to watch his back, to watch the party and such to make sure that there wouldn’t be any trouble. So, being his best friend I agreed to go to watch his back and baby-sit his party since its obvious he had something much more important in mind.
Topic: fantasy to reality A day or two later our a bunch of our lunch buddies had to do some errands during out lunch, so Kyle thought it would be fun to pick up again with our Rape Fantasy talk. He told me he sometimes fantasized about raping Laurie. I told him to forget about her. I told him being who she is that she would probably all loose and have tons of STDs. He just gave me a look and asked me what my rape fantasy was. I started telling my fantasy to him, but before I go to finish our friends showed up. Kyle announced that his parents were going on a cruise, and that his older brother was suppose to watch him for the week. But being that it was his brothers birthday that weekend, they made a deal that the older brother would buy us a bunch of alcohol to have fun with over the weekend, IF Kyle did not mention to their folks that the older brother was going to be gone for the weekend. I knew that he wanted to do this to impress Laurie, but I never mentioned it. Kyle is not a drinker, and neither am I. So it surprised me Kyle was doing all this. He asked me to come to his party, but I told him there wasn’t any point. I didn’t dare drink yet, plus what’s the point if it was going to be the night that he’d try getting with Laurie.
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So, I told him no. But he kept asking me, until finally he told me he wanted me there to watch his back, to watch the party and such to make sure that there wouldn’t be any trouble. So, being his best friend I agreed to go to watch his back and baby-sit his party since its obvious he had something much more important in mind.
It finally came to the night of the party. Kyle was stoked, I was just annoyed with the whole situation. But being the good friend I am I put on my happy face. So I get there a little after the party starts and everything was going smoothly. Plenty of drinks to go around, good music, kids in every corner making out, skanks and jocks grinding to the music in the living room, people half drunk with bottles of liquor in their hands. Then Kyle come up to me looking a bit stressed, he hands me a jack and coke, and tells me “your looking a bit uptight, you should loosen up a bit. ” I was like “I am uptight, whats up with you?” He just says, “have you seen Laurie yet?” I told him no. In my head, I was just like “of course, what else would he really be thinking about right now. ” So he wanders off, and I just look at the drink he handed me. I figure I just carry it around for a bit, so I at least look like I belong at this party. Then I see Kyle, and Laurie is with him. I was actually surprised she showed up.
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Not only that, she is talking to Kyle. Looks like Kyles plan worked. I was so annoyed decided why waste a perfect drink, so I slammed it… and about 5 more after that. About the time it Kyle shows back up and he looks really excited.
He hands me another shot of something else. I just whispered to him. “Wow, she showed up. Congrats. ” And he looked at me and he said, “I know isn’t it great. ” I roll my eyes and mumble “Yeah great. ” He just shakes his head and says “You really need to loosen up, drink that and I’ll come back and check on you. ” I just take the glass, shake my head, and wonder off. By the time I am done with the next drink and a few more I was sad, angry, and swaying all over the place. So one of our friends comes over and tells me that I should go lay down. As she takes me up stairs and puts me to bed in Kyles spare room she tells me I am in for a good story about Laurie when I wake up.
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I must have been out for hours, because when I woke up and everyone was gone. I just wondered around the house, and there was no one there. So I went to the kitchen to get some water and I open the door, and I heard footsteps, but before I turn around. Two arms just wrap around me pinning my arms to my chest.
Then a whisper, “hey there sexy. ” I laugh when I hear it is Kyle and giggle back, “you scared me!”. He said, “that’s the point. ” As he squeezes me a little tighter. At this point I am a bit confused, and I try to wiggle away, but Kyle isn’t letting me go. He say’s “want to know what happened with Laurie tonight. ” Annoyed I tell him, “not really, but I bet your going to tell me anyways. ” He chuckles at me and says, “Do I detect a bit of jealousy there? Well, just so you know, nothing happened. ” I am pretty puzzled and push him with my butt and arms to get him to let go of me and turn around. I just look at him and say, “then why are you so happy then? huh. Are you still drunk, did she decide you weren’t good enough for her or did your plan just not work?” He looks back at me, much differently then he normally does, he looks at me with a caring and lustful look.
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He said, “ No, I am not drunk, and my plan did work… my plan was never really to get with Laurie… it was to get with you. ” I stare at him with my mouth wide open and I am just like WHAT!?!?”
He tells me, “you know I have always liked you, in fact the reason I tell you about all those girls is to make you jealous, I have not really been with as many as I say I have. But I sure did love making you jealous. And ever since we talked about Rape Fantasies, I decided I wanted to make yours come true, or at least as true as it can be. ” I am just standing there dumbfounded, mouth wide open, my button-up shirt slightly unbuttoned at the top. He just steps forward, picks me up and throws me over his shoulder like a fireman. At this point, I have and idea of what is going to happen, so I start hitting him on his back, yelling at him to put me down. He just chuckles, and tells me I am playing it out well. He takes me up stairs to his room, and tosses me on the bed. Rough, yet delicately at the same time. Then opens the tope drawer of his dresser and pulls out two pairs of cuffs. At this point I realize, he wasn’t joking at all. I jump towards the door and he blocks it before I get there. He laughs and says, “ have you forgotten who got the trophy for leading defender of the year?”
He grabs me around the waist and swing me around and tosses me back on the bed, quickly using his wrestling skills to pin me down and cuff my wrists to his bedposts. Kyle has a leg on each side of me parallel to my sides, and he just kneels their over me staring at me.
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Then he gets this crazed look in his eye as if he is trying to get his mind ready. Within a second of that he reaches down a rips my shirt open and buttons fly through the air, I gasped in fright and then I twist and kick trying to get him off me yelling and screaming at him. He continues though, he yanks my shirt from underneath me and throws it off the bed and he tightens his leg to prevent me from moving so much. He reaches back and grabs my tits and squeezes them in a pulsating motion pulling and pushing them, ripping my bra off in the process, then leaning down and he starts to suckle on each nipple a few seconds on each back and forth. Every couple turns taking a nibble and pulling on it just to here me scream even more.
I try and yank away and when I look down to kick him I see a huge bulge in his pants. He reaches in his drawer and pulls out a gag to silence my screaming. As he tries and ties the gag around my mouth I finally get my knee high enough to knee him in the ass knocking his face into the headboard of the bed. He sit back up very red and starts to sweat he says “you asked for it now b!tc#. ” He jumps off the bed and rips his shirt over head and yanks off his pants so all he has on is his boxers. Then he grabs a rope off his floor that he uses in soccer, and ties my legs to the bottom bedposts.
So now I am immobile and he thinks he can do anything. He jumps back on top of me and takes the gag off and shoves his tongue into my mouth and he starts rubbing his body back and forth against mine, in the process I can feel his hard dick rub against me, making me horny. I start to kiss him back and he sits up and slaps me and tells me not to do anything unless he commands me too, scaring me as well. He goes to the end of the bed and unzips my pants and pulls them and my black boy shorts undies off, and then takes of his boxers.
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I yell, “ Kyle don’t do this, just wait until were both sober and ready. ” And he just laughs and says “that will ruin the point of what I am trying to do baby. ” He reaches up and puts the gag back on me and then gets and puts his face right between my legs and slowly licks his way up both legs until he gets to my pussy. He licks around both sides of my pussy lips and then looks up at me a says, “If you didn’t want to have sex yet, then why do you keep your beautiful pussy nice and shaved?” Not waiting for an answer, since I wasn’t able to give one, he returns to my pussy, licking right around the lips, one hand reaching around my ass squeezing the checks the other slowly creeping in and rubbing around my clit. His tongue finally darts between my pussy lips and he starts truly eating me out. I try to hold back, but I muffle out a moan anyways. I stop fighting Kyle, I couldn’t help myself, I started thrusting my pussy at his face trying to get his face as deep as possible into my pussy. As continue to moan in the ecstasy of having my pussy being invaded for the first time Kyle says, “ You going to play nice now huh?” He reaches back into his drawer and pulls out some other gadgets. He had a mini vibrator and stuck that in my pussy just leaving it there, then he climbed back on top of me kneeling just over my head and he takes out the gag, and says “now gag on this” and he shoves his huge 8 inch cock into my mouth about half way, then pulls out and slaps my face and yells at me to stop resisting what I have always dreamed and shoved his cock into my mouth again pushing it further and holding it longer me gagging because of my inexperience.
He let up so I could get some air and then he slammed his dick back into my mouth. I tried to spit it out, because the vibrator was really starting to make me tingle all through my body. He let me up for air just as I yelled. “Kyle, I am cumming!” and he just said tensed up and got all excited, he started fucking my face. All I could see was his huge cock slamming into my face, with my head slamming into the headboard in turn. I moan louder and louder, and start to yell when all of a sudden Kyle’s body gets all stiff and loudly moans, then I get showered with cum, all over my face and tits.
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Kyle then rubs his dick and cum all over my top half, looks at me kisses my forehead, puts on his boxer then leaves the room.
I lay there and I feel dirty and violated, I am trying to figure out what really happened. When fifteen minutes later Kyle comes back in. Kyle rips off his shorts and jumps back on top of me. I notice he is semi hard, and I say “Kyle please, stop. You don’t have to do this. I promise I won’t say anything, just let me up. ’ He shakes his head and says, “ we never got to the real stuff. ” He starts sucking on my tits again as his hand works my pussy, making me all wet. I look down at his hard on, and I know what is going to happen. Kyle guides his huge pulsating dick into my wet virgin pussy and he gives one slow push in, and I scream as he breaks my cherry, He slowly pumps in and out of me, as he still playing with my tits in his mouth. I moan in pain and pleasure and he took that as his key to go faster, deeper, and harder. So he just pounded my virgin pussy with his huge cock, until I screamed “I am cumming” and he told me “just wait just wait!” and after a few more pumps I couldn’t wait, and I started to cum, and as I cummed my pussy tightened against his hard cock, and he started to cum in me before he had the chance to pull out. When we both finished he just laid on top of my immobilized body, with his limp dick still stuck in my deflowered pussy. He then sits up and says, “Thank You… and I am sorry.
but you know you asked for it…” I lay there silently, then just say, untie me NOW. ” He climbed off and put his boxers and pants back on, and then he untied me, and then he went down stairs. I put on my clothes, and looked at the bed, with a million thoughts running through my mind.
It was definitely weird between me and Kyle after that. We avoided each other as much as possible. He started to go to more parties after that whole deal, started really sleeping with more girls. I went to a few parties, or at least for a couple weeks, then I ended up going to a party Kyle was at and we both drank more then we should have, and hooked up again both willingly though. Afterwards he asked me if we could ever be friends again, I told him, I hope so but this is the last party I am going to for a long time… He looks at me and asked me why. I told him… Well a couple weeks ago I was raped at a party by my best friend… and now I am pregnant. He looks at me with fear in his eyes, then after a few moments to thing he shrugs and says, well since your already pregnant does that mean we can do fuck more often?