

@Your tantalizing Nuru and dominatrix
  • Utworzony:21-09-2020
  • Zmodyfikowano:31-08-2023
  • Liczba wyświetleń:9744
  • W tym miesiącu:87

Toneecompanion , Niezależna modelka.

Ostatnio widziany/a: 2023-08-31 00:57:45

Tantra FBSM, Sensual Nuru body massage and Sensual Tantalizing Domination Official Website : Hello, My name is Tonee the Specialist, Your lovely Tantra FBSM, Sensual Nuru body massage and Sensual Tantalizing Dominatrix . A divine Goddess is one who owns her true power she connects with others and guide others to connecting with themselves and finding their true power , potential and healing . A date with me is powerful , full of bliss and creativity. Each moment is spiritually liberating . A date with me is like opening a brand new aged -wine , Those with fine and acquired taste will admire . I create authentic Girlfriend experiences that are sure to be remembered. I am a compassionate and understanding companion who genuinely cares about your happiness and well-being. I am here to listen, support, and create a meaningful connection with you, even if it's in the digital realm. I would best be described as humorous, witty, and authentic. I also appreciate those same qualities in a client. We can relax and unwind or we can have a thrilling, exhilarating time together, better yet, we can have both! ​​No two meetings with me are ever alike and you deserve attention and spontaneity that you truly yearn for.


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Otrzymuj powiadomienia od Toneecompanion o wszystkich ważnych dla Ciebie sprawach.
  • Płeć:Kobieta
  • Orientacja seksualna:Biseksualny
  • Wiek:24
  • Lokalizacja:
  • Oczy:Brązowy
  • Włosy:Czarny
  • Cycki:DDNaturalne piersi
  • Włosy łonowe:Głównie ogolone
  • Incall (wizyta klienta):Prywatny dom / Apartament
  • Outcall (wyjazd do klienta):Wizyty w hotelu i domu
  • Narodowość:Amerykanki
  • Wzrost:164 cm / 5'5"
  • Waga:70 kg (154.32 lb)
  • Palenie:Nie palę
  • Pije:Czasami
  • Tatuaże:Nie
  • Piercing:Nie
  • Niezależny = Niezależny
  • VIP = VIP
  • Z wideo = Z wideo
  • Premium = Premium
  • Nowy = Nowy
  • Supermodelka = Supermodelka
  • Gwiazda porno = Gwiazda porno