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They sent me a fake Arab girl, damn them, they're scammers.
Is it possible to make a video call for less than a minute so that we can verify the pictures?
Bir Arap kızı bana geldi, fotoğrafta değil
100 kilo sarhoş oldu
Otelde çığlık atmaya başladı
Yarım saat oturdum ve çıktım
Kesinlikle tavsiye etmiyorum
Resimler ve dosya sahtedir
An Arab girl came to me, not in a picture
She weighs 100 kilos drunk
She started screaming in the hotel
I sat for half an hour and then left
I do not recommend it at all
The pictures and file are forged
fake i swear
fake i swear
fake i swear
You should post pictures or video from the hotel room
Resim aynı ama çok kötü bir kokusu var. 10 dakika oturamadım. Hiç tavsiye etmiyorum.
The girl without tattoos
And in the pictures with tattoos
profile and photos are fake
The owner of the photos is famous and has a job.
And the name of the owner of the photo on Instagram
this instgram she raly