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Adana'ya gelecek mi? Bekliyoruz
Can you please bring her back to Adana ?
Sahtekar ajans falan değilim ben. The wellcum dan daha önce farklı farklı kızlarla görüştüm hiç böyle problem yaşamadım.Elvira malesef istisna oldu ve kendilerine de söyledim kötü yorum yazacağımı bu kız için.
Elvira: Evet evet ilk basta ajans sandim sizleri. Kusura bakmayin
she's terrible, dont even pay her a penny. I had a funny 30 minutes experience even though we agreed on 2 hour meeting, she keeps saying "im feeling bad im feeling bad"
Doesnt provide any of the services she and her agency promised
Elvira: Sahtekar ajanslarin yorumudur dikkate almayin :)
Uzun sureligine adanaya geliyorum.Eger bu ajans guvenilir ve gercek profilleri gonderiyorsa cok balli bir musteri kazanacak...
Polly : Bence siz cok balli bir ajans kazanacaksiniz. Bizim disimizda gercek güvenilir ajans yok cunku )
Thanks Viktoria for that amazing 3 hours.I arranged an outcall with her and she made sure that every single moment was worth it. She is master of blowjob, got multiple orgasms when doing 69. We had intercourse 5 times in 3 hours. If you are a man i mean real man, she never gets tired and every time goes crazy and drives you crazy in every position. Will make sure to meet her in near future 😘
Viktoria: Thank you my darling!!! Definitely we will meet again and again and again!!!