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Dear Alina, are you thinking of coming to Izmir? Please come to Izmir❤️
Will you come to Izmir?
Will you come to Izmir?
Monika : Do you promise not to ask for discounts and not to ask "how much does it cost to send a photo"? 😻😻😻😂This is the reason why the Best Independent Girls like me and my friends don't stay in the city for a long time! Remember, you can visit the slops from the agencies on sale at any time, and stars like Me and my friends, we are only in town for a short time! Always in the best apartments without an entrance fee! If you like to visit slops, please visit, but when my colleagues and I visit the city, please respect us! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Come only to us without discounts and all sorts of nonsense! By the way, I'm only in Ankara until December 2. Don't miss the chance to visit me and my colleagues!!!!!
Will you come to Izmir?
Are you thinking of coming to Izmir?
Elizabett: No sorry
Hi Mari,Will you come to Izmir?
Mari: Hi dear, maybe I'll come 😘
Will you come to Izmir?
Anna: No sorry
Hi Vera,Will you come to Izmir?
Please come to Izmir
Hi NICOLETTE, Are you thinking of coming to Izmir?