Deze website is een advertentie- en informatie portal en heeft als zodanig geen verband of aansprakelijkheid met op de website genoemde sites of individuen. De website verkoopt ALLEEN advertentieruimte en is geen escortbureau. De website is niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud of acties van websites of individuen die je via links, e-mail- of telefoon contacten op deze website kunt vinden. Al het geadverteerde materiaal wordt gecontroleerd voordat het wordt gepubliceerd.
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you blocked me again, even though I didn't do anything. Please unblock me. I was going to ask for an appointment. The end of my number is 3151.
hello. I wanted to make an appointment with you, but I think you blocked my number. I'm sorry if I unintentionally made you angry. Could you please unblock it. I would be very happy if you unblock it, the end of my number is 31 51
Emma : I need your full number to check why you were blocked. Send me your full number in PM and we will check.
hello. I wanted to make an appointment with you, but I think you blocked my number. I'm sorry if I unintentionally made you angry. Could you please unblock it. I would be very happy if you unblock it, the end of my number is 31 51