By A Humble Tinsel Polisher
“… follow her down to a bridge by a fountain, Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies.The only problem is, this is ”not” the Twilight Zone …and it is now many years later.
The drizzly late innings of a one run ballgame night, dragged through the windy corridors of time with nothing moving outside but wet, pregnant, gray clouds lumbering across the darkened sky.
The slippery girth of a female cum stained, monster dildo, lay wet against her acing thigh. Leg muscles so young and firm only hours ago, now wasted tentacles, splayed out in lewd, spent, disregard. Her womanhood, gaping cavernous, burned rivulets of nervous twitches, completely unable to contract, as it jolted spasmodically, with both pussy lips, talking in turn about the magnificent, unnerving, violation that just took place. In a few more days her labia would close enough to look almost normal again, but for now, the naughty wind shall whisper secret messages inside her mutilated womb. Messages she once almost religiously, diluted herself into believing were, the true essence of romance, danced on now in Shiva’s numb concession. Non-specific Sapphic love in unbridled fire, seemingly unquenchable, met by vicious fists and all manner of toys impaling her relentlessly, left all physical sensation to fade into nothingness slowly over the years. What used to make her cum so hard, so quickly, once she learned how to cum, is only a prelude to what she needs to reach the slightest plateau of satisfaction now.
Her sex life started out experimenting with boys and feeling so awkward she just plummeted into lesbianism in an innocent, natural, manner. Or at least that’s how she thought it all began. The pretentiously ominous, sinister side of it all, was something her joyous, adventuresome, spirit never perceived.
She loved telling her best friend in the whole, wide, world all about her encounters with boys and it made them both so hot they discovered that sex of any kind was tremendous. On a Saturday night sleep over, she sat on the bed with Suzi watching a sit-comm on television. Suzi was an Asian girl with long flowing dark hair that shown brilliant, in even the lowest lighting. It shimmered so elegantly with each of the girl’s graceful movements. If there was something, anything, Suzi ever did in an awkward and clumsy manner, there was no Peeping Tom to her Lady Godiva ride through life, to tell of it.
Suzi had the sweetest dark almond eyes which melted everyone that her gaze softly, coyly, dominated. Her engaging little turned up nose never made her appear “stuck up” like many other girls with such dainty noses seem. She was just so down to earth her natural essence exude the supernatural. And those tender full lips were just made for the ten thousand different sex acts, with that cute, little, pink, tongue so controlled in even it’s slightest activity. When she spoke people watched her form words which flickered a fascinating, succinct, harmonious, tone and resound in their ears, as if they were being treated to a delightful opus from a Master Composer. Her breasts were already as substantial as any other “normal” girl in school and the magnificent, succulent, nipples stood soooo inviting, surrounded by dark areola that matched her breast size and complexion perfectly. They were dark and passionate but not as dark as many Asian girls finer erogenous features. She was very self conscious of her nipples as they gave her feelings away in an instant. Those energetic, beautiful, rosebuds betrayed her so often, she was constantly made to feel ashamed of her naughty nature and even the older male teachers in school ogled her in overt ways that might have gotten them fired had she been a prick teasing bitch.
They sat in a school girl cuddle on Suzi’s bed that night long ago, amid her stuffed animals giggling at the television, with a silk Chinese comforter keeping them toasty warm, when Suzi inquired how Christo’s date went with Thomas the night before. Her inquiry instantly became the guarded formula to a prideful mixologist in the girls ensuing interaction for some time to come. “I really didn’t have that good a time,” was her matter of fact answer.
Christobel drew a soft long breath and began to relate the occurrence. She noticed that Suzi’s little pokies were already starting to push her cotton T-shirt out, as she plied, “Well … we … uh … we went to the movies … and … he was acting all Gallant and Chivalrous, … and … I really liked it. That was like, I truly was something special to him, and it made me feel pretty good, so after the movie began I actually welcomed his arm around me. I started getting excited about how we looked sitting there together, so I put my hand on his knee. Oh God, when I did that, it made my heart race so fast, because I had the nastiest thought of moving it up slowly and playing with his dick, right there in the theater, in front of everybody, until he couldn’t stand it anymore! Then I thought I might even jack it off for him. ”
Suzi’s eyes grew wide and her nipples were protruding so invitingly. The excitement written all over her tender face made Christobel want to tell her everything, just to see her all hot and bothered.
Christobel delighted in constructing the tale more than living the occurrence, with her eyes casting themselves down to Suzi’ s ministrations. She also knew with certainty that Suzi could tell what she was looking at, and Suzi didn’t withdraw or even flinch. “When he started rolling it around and pinching it that made a thousand pins, jab me all over, and it spread out from my booby and went all the way through me, even to my toes. My insides were aching soooo much, I didn’t want to sit still but had too” Chrsitobel was getting as hot as she ever had been, telling this to Suzi while consuming the girl’s sex with her lustful eyes, and she felt so thankful when Suzi asked, “How did he do it? Show me. ” Christo had no fear at this point. The young girl truly wanted to roll Suzi’s “love magnets” in her own delicate fingers to show her, exactly, how it felt. She relented though, thinking that would be too forward, so she slowly lifted her trembling hand to her own heaving breast. She grasp her nipple between two fingers. Pulled it out gently, and rolled the tip through her silk top ever so slowly, while her eyes openly consumed Suzi’s beautiful globes. “Just like this,” Christo reported with the softest sexiest voice she’d ever heard come from her dry throat.
“I don’t know what made me do it, but that’s when I just had to feel that big hard dick,” is how Christobel finally continued.
“I let my fingers dance on top it at first just like this,” Christobel leveled as she now finally reached to actually touch Suzi with her other hand. She tapped her nails on the inner edge of Suzi’s knee, in a secret rhythmic cadence, she had no idea she even knew. The sensation of being touched by someone else while so aroused and masturbating, sent shockwaves through Suzi starting in the bottomless pool of girlie cum building deep inside her womanhood and charging out in all directions. Her sensations were so strong that Christobel could feel those same shockwaves pounding on her aura. Sub-consciously she screamed, “Oh God! Yes Come in, come in! Please!” She instinctively knew how to ride those waves and now felt so confident doing that. Her voice turned even sweeter and she projected it into Suzi looking for the place that the delicious tension would eventually find full release. Suzi was now blatantly stroking her pussy right in front of Christobel and both of them knew inside they wanted to cum together. Neither cared how.
As young Christo explained about the pre-cum that she could feel and smell, on His pants and how deliriously hot and hard that thick pole was, she began to cum herself. She glorified the bulbous head and just how good knowing it would soon be deep inside her virgin pussy, raking out all her juices, felt. She sat there panting, with shivers running up and down her spine at the thought of her best friend’s titillation. Her voice began to soften to nearly a whisper, a slow, gravelish, feline sound. Suzi reached for the remote because she didn’t need, or want, the noise protecting her any more. She could feel a driving desire to engulf Christobel’s entire body with her now empty pussy and it felt so good, she couldn’t think of anything else. She needed every part of Christo deep inside her, entirely inside her, with their minds completely together, and their hearts pounding in exactly the same place. As she stretched that T-shirt material hard against her breast grabbing the remote, the outline was splendid and it was surprising to Christobel that Suzi actually had such large beautiful breasts, formed so round and full. She never really noticed how big they were before, as Suzi hid them behind loose clothing and jackets or sweaters all the time. They stuck out directly in front of her like a perfectly carved statue while Christo’s were more conical and they aimed out to each side of her. Suzi had natural cleavage and Christol adored her breasts more than envied them. She needed to consume them. To feel them glide all over her body and through all her most private, vibrant, moistures.
When the television did it’s nose dive implosion Christobel tested the water, “It’s hot in here isn’t it? “ Suzi just smiled and nodded slowly keeping her eyes on Christo’s lecherous face as she began to stroke her sweet slit. Christobel was transfixed and bedazzled by Suzi’s sexy, erect, nipples.
“ I hate my nipples!” Suzi pouted. “How could you say that,” asked Christobel? She locked her gaze into Suzi as hard and as far as her spirit could manage, adding, “They’re so beautiful. So much sexier than mine. ” Suzi swelled with pride and anticipation, knowing where this was going and loving every breath of it. They curled the slippery fingers that were just inside each of them together and ever so slowly let them slip away from that slight embrace. They were both still too afraid to taste their combined essence but something inside made Christo yearn to do just that.
Suzi reached out and let her fingers scan the hem of Christo’s silk top as she lifted it slightly and nervously put it back down more than once. It was making both their desirous hearts ache so badly. When Christo couldn’t stand it for another second she began to lift her arms so Suzi could remove her top and that was all Suzi needed.
As Suzi followed the siren’s voices singing from Christo’s entreating eyes and drew her leg across Christo’s nearest leg to try and turn sideways for her, Christo found another part of her body screaming out for completion. The divine sensation from Suzi forcing her sleek leg between Christo’s caused a fluid thrust that ushered forth like an atomic bomb blast in her toes and traveled headlong to her center.
Christobel envied Suzi as she caught Christo’s hand and brought it, unashamed, directly to Suzi’s superb breast. The breasts that Christobel longed to touch and suckle from, every time she saw her, for as long as she could remember. And suddenly all those sensations began to mingle in the moist, intense, jiggly feeling that overwhelmed her. Her very first tactile entwining with another female felt so good she wanted to cry out, “Suzi I’m in Love with You! This is beautiful!” But she only lay there feeling her fingers trace and encompass Suzi’s breasts. When Christo’s hungry areola felt Suzi’s fingernails return to tracing it tentatively She beseeched her with dynamic passion, “Please, don’t stop. I love this. Please don’t stop!” Suzi was now on fire and she intensified her quest for Christobel’s completion. Christo knew more than felt as if she and Suzi were the only two beings in the Universe, lighting the nighttime sky, as she swam in emotions that convey vast causeways straight into her determined, animal, lust. She thought she truly knew now, what it felt like to be a wanton female as Suzi began pushing her leg up and letting it recede closer and closer to her gushing, pussy which was in constant orgasm.
Christobel knew if she abandoned her report and boldly stated that all she wanted was to fuck Suzi, to make love to her and with her, that it would not go well, and besides this was all brand new to Christo and she just knew Suzi had to have been with another girl before. Her having been with a guy even if it was only once, was working to her advantage now, so she continued, “Yes, I sucked it and it felt so wonderful!” It actually was wonderful and she wasn’t really lying to Suzi she just didn’t say she liked this more. “What happened? Tell me!” Suzi dry pumped her leg all the way up into Christobel’s molten sloppy cum drenched vulva as she turned Christobel’s body on it’s side to receive her thrusts more completely. Chrsitobel was finding it hard to even think but her desperate need for female on female release commanded she continue. A stealth and devious plan was formulating and when she looked into Suzi’s eyes she thought maybe that was why she asked. “Well, after we left the Theater we went over to his older brother’s house and he was finger fucking my hot little pussy all the way there. ” She pressed her hand between their bodies and began playing with Suzi’s hot cunt. Suzi moaned in so passionate a sound Christobel knew how her mother felt each night she cried out into the wind as her father fucked her. She also recognized just how exhilarating it was to even say the naughty word pussy to her best female friend. She wanted to lick Suzi’s ear and nuzzle even closer so she could send wet shivers into Suzi’s core, as she spoke that glorious, beautiful, naughty, word a thousand more adoring times in every way possible, to the first female she ever found herself this intimate with. Her finger slipped into Suzi! Inside her body! And Christobel had to probe every part of it. She quickly found a rhythm that Suzi’s hips gave appreciative regard to, and she pushed harder and deeper while her palm caressed Suzi’s clitty hood in the process, turning and angling each growing thrust.
Now running with the moment she saw the way to make all her and Suzi’s inhibitions disappear. “When we got there they were smoking bong hits and the way they all looked at me, was as if I was just a hot little fuck whore. ” Suzi opened herself to Christobel even more and it became easy to slip two fingers into her tight little, cock squeezing, cunt. “When I took a big hit I stuck my boobs out as far as I could and every one of them started getting ants in their pants. It was so funny! And it felt so good to be a dirty little slut for all of them. Then Thomas was all over me and I was going crazy. Right in front of all those guys. I felt so strange but I liked it. I was the center of attention … but … but it, just wasn’t as comfortable and soft or intimate as we are together right now. ” Looking for Suzi to respond in kind Christo searched her eyes as she finger fucked her with a slight bit more insistence. Suzi just took the fingers, greeting them with eager hip thrusts and nuzzled into Christobel’s neck feeling the intense waves wash over her again and again. She whispered, “Then what happened?” A dejected Christobel didn’t let that disappointment show, she expounded, “When Thomas started finger fucking me like this … [hard push , hard push] … His brother said, “You better take that into the other room before we all fuck her!” Oh God, I was on fire! The thought of fucking all those hard dicks and having their cum dripping out of my worn out, tight, pussy made me cum when I started to walk into the other room. One at a time, each one different than the last and then all together.
Christo continued, “Anyway we got into the bedroom and He pushed down on my shoulder so I got on my knees and he pulled that magnificent beast out of his pants. It was right in front of my face and I just sucked it. ” Suzi moaned out loud, “How, tell me how!” Chrsitobel had now realized her plan and went to work saying, “I’ll show you how!” She planted a sweet little kiss on Suzi’s iron nipple and began to suck it into her mouth. She sucked on those beautiful breasts for all eternity in everyway she could think of, as she began fingering Suzi in her own favorite way. She had two fingers deep inside her, rubbing along the G spot, while her thumb was seizing and bearing down on her clitoris, shifting from one side to the other, and finally right over it, using short faster and faster strokes squeezing tighter and tighter as she went. Suzi came so hard and so loud, Christobel was afraid she’d be having to fuck her whole family. When Suzi came back to life she made Christo’s heart jump all the way over the moon, when she asked, “Like this?” And she began to suck and finger Chrsitobel with equal but slightly more savage aggression. Before she knew it Christobel’s whole body got so tense she could have walked straight through titanium to go to Suzi. To answer Suzi’s feminine love call. With what felt like a nine, on the Richter scale, she let go of all her juices, and cares, and woes, and, well everything else, including knowledge of her body at all! She was floating in infinity, as her own fingers slid soft from Suzi’s worn out sweet slit. Christo was feeling what nirvana must be like for the longest time. She had finally had her first “real” completely mind blowing female on female orgasm. A glimmer of vague vision, where she stood out in the snow fall, next to a white picket fence, in front of a warm home, painted red, never caused her to ponder it’s relevance.
That’s how it went after that with Christobel and Suzi.
Finally she did find an older woman who was “all the way lesbian” and they became secret lovers overnight. Samantha was her name and she taught Christobel virtually all the ways of Sapphic Love. The gentle and rough, Sweet and the Tough. Everything! Christobel was a fast and eager learner. But most of all, she guessed she loved being naughty and hiding it. If it was naughty, even nasty, it was more powerful, and learning that, is what pushed her deeper and deeper into her expressions of physical love. She still went out for a causal fuck with guys sometimes, but that was just to cover up what she was really doing.
After the heart pounding thrill of naughty sex with another woman dissipated, becoming routine, she next found the thrill of being secretly fisted was a means of satisfaction extraordinaire . The psychological aspect of having her lover’s female hand inside her womb and granting her ecstasy was the spoon feeding she devoured eagerly. Her introduction to it was conducted by the simple act of going to “Naughty Lady Parties,” with Samantha, to show off lesbian talents, learn from others, and share the communion of like minded women. Watching other women being fisted, writhing in intense passion, although shocking at first, was what compelled her to fend off her recalcitrance. It surely didn’t look like it was hurting any of the more experienced party girls. The enthusiasm all the fisters illustrated was icing on the cake. The suspenseful interaction while she was going through her preparations were delirious, and the ardent support from her lover was tremendous. When she graduated from her rolling pin preparations and was irrevocably capable of being saturated, feeling the pulse of her blood surging all around that forceful fist, the wrist, the arm, brought her that extra intimacy to truly take her into the cloud of grand mol fulfillment. The gratification wasn’t instant as rolling her vulva on, first the small rolling pin to stretch her muscles for easier penetration and then, on the large peeler log to desensitize her enough to make it as painless as possible, along with being mounted by larger and larger dildos to stretch her out inside, was hard, slow, painful work and it took weeks.
She remembered the joy of violating her little sister’s hot tiny cunt with her clinched fist for the very first time, which was an even more compelling psychological thrill.
Still flirting with the idea of “completely opening” her baby girl, sister’s pussy, she thought back to the first time her older lover Samantha ripped and mutilated her vaginal opening. They had been fisting together for a long while before it happened. She remembered how terribly it hurt for weeks after that, but the look in the woman’s eyes was so amazing when the confrontation took place. She was so completely and desperately in love with Christobel, and Christo’s tongue, that the thought of her ever having another man’s cock inside her, was just to horrible an idea for the possessive, old, woman to bear. The tears that flowed and the intimate sobbing which eventually led to Christo laying there suckling from the woman’s Momma breasts, nearly all night long, were the deepest feelings she believed either of them had ever experienced.
What actually happened was the woman had fisted her into total oblivion, and when she passed out, instead of softly twisting a limp hand out of her stretched and worn frail pussy, Samantha deliberately waited until she felt that pussy begin to tighten around her wrist again, and then kept her fist clenched zealously and yanked it out of Christobel as hard as she could, and at the most damaging angle possible. She was on fire with jealousy and envy as well as such consuming, pathetic need while she felt each sinew of muscle fiber pop and break away from their gathering around Christobel’s young, virile, clitty, into dismal, uselessness. As time stood perfectly still, she passed her knuckles out through the young girl’s minora then majora and that final intense, hard, tugging pop against the shelf muscles just below Christo’s labia, all of which had Samantha’s eyes wide in sadistic, intoxicating exhilaration.
Betrayal, Put Out On The Street.
Those young sissy years were such fond remembrances for her, until she thought about coming home to find what she “just knew” was her one true love, in bed with another woman. If she had found her with a filthy, swinging dick, that would have been devastating enough, but to catch her with another woman was far worse. It violated everything Christobel had been taught to believe was true and real. The nurturing sisterhood sharing real caring, love, and deep knowing, that only a woman can have with another woman was instantly smashed like fetid, smoldering, clumps of fresh asphalt beneath the huge, steamy, screeching man rollers of a vintage Buffalo Springfield. Instantly, everything in life turned into utter bullshit. The sight was burned into her eyes as her heart sunk into the black compressed hardness of despair. She DID lay before the cosmos just a stretched out ribbon of highway to nowhere, to be run over and over, again and again.
She had been staying with the older woman most of the time and hardly ever went home to her parents house even though she wasn’t legally old enough to be on her own.
They had a special “teacher’s day” at school and all the kids were let out at noon that mournful afternoon. Christo’s hormones were raging and she was relieved at not having to hide herself during gym showers so nobody would notice that her vagina was now so much larger than before, and almost always opened well beyond normalcy. She bolted straight home to her lover and threw her book bag down on the sofa. In a little, smiling feline, silent, trod, she crept into the bedroom softly so she could slip under the covers from the foot of the bed and wake Sam up with love sonnets from her thirty tongue on the older woman’s juicy, scrumptious, honey pot. Then she would give herself to the naked Samantha, a fully clothed, sex wet, and willing school girl, so innocent a present, to be unwrapped delicately. That’s when it hit her. Everything became clouded and her heart began to pound so hard it vacillated in disjointed, un-natural, harsh rhythm. Her nerves were shocked into movement so abrasively that electric thunder bolts jumped all over her body. It seemed to raise her full countenance well above the despondent scene as if she were astral projecting. She felt clammy cold, and furious hot at the same time, as her demure eyes tried to refocus in total disbelief. Samantha was laying half on her side and half over another naked, slithering, devil snake in a woman’s body. The woman was only slightly older than Christo but still much younger than Sam.
This was no coincidental occurrence either, because she saw that Sam had her sexiest outfit on.
The hunger in the other woman’s eyes told the entire story to her almost like telepathy. Christo instantly knew that this had been Sam’s previous girlfriend and they were still doing each other when she was at school! She felt her entire soul abandon her that very instant, and salty tears began to burst like sharp needles from her loving eyes, wetting those pouty, pussy loving, ruby lips and running down across her feminine chin. A chin that was made just to wriggle between willing majora and bump hard on distended clits. On Sam’s wanton clit! But it was happening! There was denying it. You could literally hear her heart rip like paper being torn from the sweetest romance novel ever written.
The ingrams that raced through her head in automation like a hazy black and white movie being shown on a small share cable channel, as she hobbled dumbfounded out of the room, were not hateful.
When she silently melted out of the bedroom Samantha didn’t even care enough to follow after her. Christo remembers the other girl stopping and saying something but Sam reciprocated with a self serving statement that Christobel needed to be alone right now and she’d talk to her later. She didn’t need to be alone! She needed to be with a “faithful” Samantha. She needed to have Sam’s arm inside her womb and have Sam’s tongue driving her into delirium, and she needed to be doing the same exact thing to her, together. Christo picked up the heavy book bag and slung it over her shoulder as she headed for the door.
Her wobbly legs somehow carried her home to her family after she walked through a catacomb of dismal, rainy streets for hours, until that last possible road home, with physical exhaustion being her only companion. A flash of foreboding apparition retuned to Christo’s consciousness. As her vocabulary grew, she recalled that each time she ran across a new term expressing Sapphic activity, or with each new experience she gained from her relationship with Samantha, something strange took place. Not always immediately, sometimes it was hours later or even in dreams that night. Her mind always returned to the afternoon sun’s beams waxing and waning through the window of her childhood daycare. She was always riding that rocking horse, feeling the scintillating, pressured, rhythm on her private parts, and the old woman’s tones tickle as they slipped into her ear unheard. She struggled in vain to comprehend what those words indicated. Then she would see baby Jennifer sitting on the other side of the old woman and they would smile at each other, grateful for one another’s presence. The contemplation vanished, as the reunion was fought down by some unknown intruder and her attention was ripped into a separate storage area in her brain. The cold rain pelted her face and disguised those tears of true love, lost, forever. As her weeping slowly subsided into whimpers, her feet found the strength to ascend the portico of her parents abode. She drew a long breath as she reached for the door and walked inside slowly.
Home, where she would hide all her feelings from everybody, except sweet, naive, Jennifer.
The phone did ring that evening and Christo took it in her bedroom. Her eyes were reddened but, either her parents didn’t see or they were just to busy with their own lives to care. Jennifer sat by her big sister with their thighs pressed delicately against each other. For some reason whenever Christobel was emotional, it turned sweet, empathic, Jennifer on immensely, and softly rubbing thighs together had been a signal they both used to initiate more intimate contact frequently. It always went un-noticed by their parents and even their closest friends, but they could both feel it making their insides undergo that peculiar urge with emergent, intensifying, familiarity.
This time she sat very still listening to the conversation in complete disbelief. “How could you?” was how Christo started. “I thought we were in love. [PAUSE] I let you mutilate me! [LONG PAUSE] I even sucked your shit out of your ass hole, and ate it, because you wanted me to prove how much I loved you. ” With tears flowing down her face she continued in extreme agitation, “No, no I won’t listen! You said you loved, only me. No, I don’t want to come over … I never want to see you again!” With that she slammed the phone down and didn’t answer it when it rang … and … rang.
Finally Jennifer spoke softly to Christobel as she queried her, “Did you really eat her shit?” Christo didn’t answer at first but when Jennifer asked, “Did you actually suck poop out of her ass hole?” she angrily replied, “Yes, I thought we were in love! I thought it would be forever. ” A few minutes went by in silence as Christobel made the, all too conscious, decision that she would never, really, love anyone ever again. She was only half aware of Jennie saying something very softly. Sometimes Jennie’s voice was so lyrical and hypnotizing it drove straight into Christobel’s subconscious making her libido rapidly swell to maximum proportions.