
If The Shoe Fits


    As author of the Harper Valley series, one might even say the 'architect' of my daughters' ultimate loss of innocence - I must accept full responsibility. Despite their fully consensual stance, many readers might understandably infer, that for reasons of self-gratification, I encouraged their participation in activities that a more protective father may have avoided. Personally I do not share this view - the fact is, they railroaded me into taking them, although admittedly I did little subsequently to steer the three of them from their course of sexual (mis)adventure. Natalie, as has been clearly documented (in "HV Postscript") later embarked on a seriously perilous descent into sexual anarchy before being rescued literally at the eleventh hour.
    Despite the fact that the three of them had cut all ties with the Valley, their lives back on-track. . . . above and below the waist, I had always sensed an unspoken 'desire' if you wish, in all of them, to just once. . . 'return to the scene of the crime. '
    In her last year at school, Jenna often 'looked' at me when I dropped her off some mornings, like she wanted me to take her home and forget I was her father for a few hours once again. Kylie would still come by my room to kiss me goodnight some nights and it didn't need an expert in body language to interpret her real motives for being there. Natalie too would come home from either a date or a girlfriend's place and we would have a late-night coffee in the den. The way she would hold my hand while talking, left no doubt that the memory of our nights spent together was never that far away.

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    There has been another consequence to Harper Valley however. Aside from the hundreds of emails sent-in from readers worldwide - the greater proportion of which remains as I have mentioned before, female - principally in the 18-23 year-old sector - I have heard from a great many fathers (almost always in their mid forties) expressing their bitter frustration not only that they can never sexually possess their own daughters, but that they are unable to express their feelings to anyone. As great a panacea as Harper Valley may have been for them to read in terms of a physical outlet let's say, it has magnified for many, their own heartache and illicit desire for their young daughters. Many believe their feelings are requited but can never take that quantitative step of actually asking their daughters for fear of a subsequent domestic melt-down. Once you suggest your teenage daughter sleeps with you - there really is no way back from that, should she be shocked insensible. A marriage and sixteen years of fatherhood trust shattered by just half a dozen ill-timed words! Who would risk that?
    I have been asked: "What should I say to my daughter that she might understand?" "How can I tell my wife, how I feel about Meredith?" "She often lets me see her after school in just her bra and panties. . . do you think she wants me to touch her?"
    Even such diabolically sad questions as "I know she's only thirteen, but I have these dreadful feelings of wanting to undress her and touch her - am I a complete sicko?" Only other men with similar experiences or feelings can of course understand these situations. In almost every email that touches on this subject, the father's great love and desire for his daughter comes through, rather than blatant lust for the unattainable. " Sadly, every case is different and there are no hard and fast ground-rules. Equally, no concise answers.
    Bob though struck a chord with me. With two daughters just a year younger than Jenna and Kylie, his first email echoed his unspoken wish to if not exploit them sexually himself, to see them dressed provocatively (in company with my own girls I must add) and to be then used and abused in time-honored male fashion. Just why the thought of seeing one's teenage daughters dressed sexily and having considerably older men cum all over their dresses and faces is so arousing, I honestly cannot divine - but having been in the very fortunate position at Harper Valley of actually seeing this happen, both with my own daughters and many other young girls, I can only say it is an awesome visual revelation.

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   In Bob's case I suspect, having two fully innocent and supposedly virginal daughters on site - the concept became even hotter.
    In subsequent emails, Bob forwarded to me pictures of the two girls that to be honest, aroused in myself, feelings not wholly at odds with his own. Angela, a most beautiful brunette, whose eyes held the key not only to your inner desires but hers also, stared up at me with an expression of confidence and allure that belied her fifteen years. Superbly groomed and made-up, the silver cross hanging from the tasteful little chain around her neck added to the carefully crafted aura of innocence, while the solitary red shoulder-strap presented a hint of flirtatious tease that I knew only too well, having the privilege of seeing all three of my own girl's shoulder straps lowered to many an indecent level at the behest of numerous male admirers.
    Tiffany meanwhile smiled up at me from her own photographic study. Technically blonde I suppose, something in her expression reminded me of a youthful Priscilla Presley. Equally well-groomed as her younger sister, something about the sixteen-year old schoolgirl infused my deep interest. Dressed all in white, she was a dream and studying the picture for several minutes, I found it impossible to suppress many an inappropriate image of the young girl in far more revealing a pose and in infinitely less dressier a state if the truth be known.
    It was only in a later email when Bob attached a picture of his wife Amy, that the genetic source of the girls' appeal became evident. A stunningly beautiful woman herself, she did not look old enough to have children much past pre-school, let alone teenagers. Let's just say the Gods had favored Bob to a greater degree than most of us!
    It was during one of our bi-monthly cappuccinos together that I happened to mention to Jerry the enigma that was Bob's wife and their two sexy-as-all-hell daughters. I mentioned also the fact that their father had in recent emails expressed a growing desire to see them dressed-up in the full satin mini-dress thing with nylons, high heels. . . the whole enchilada.

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   "Seem to remember you once bringing Jenna and Kylie thus attired many months ago," Jerry reminded me wistfully. Recalling in seminal detail the effect that had had on the general male populace at the time, I was lost in my own retro thought processes for a moment.
   "And what? You're saying this Bob character wants to go down the same road with his two??" His words brought me back to the real-time.
   "Well whether he's actually wanting to do it, or is just a slave to fantasy, I couldn't tell you Jer. Have to get back to you on that one. Plus one other little problem anyway. . . . "
   "Yeah, what's that?" Jerry asked.
   "He's in LA," I grinned.
   "Oh great Noel, well I guess we can strike that one huh?" he muttered forlornly.
    As it happened, Bob made fairly regular contact with me after that and it was during one such email he finally admitted in lustful detail, the depth of his illicit desires. Not only did he crave some seriously perverted moments with all three of my girls, he longed to see both Angela and Tiffany involved in the action up to their (doubtless) cute little nipples. It was his 'greatest fantasy' he reiterated, to see both, decked out in satiny prom-night dresses or similar, their nylons exposed well beyond their garter belts, and in high heels to boot - being taken repeatedly by more than one man and subsequently having their clothes and faces sprayed with cum.

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    Not the least constructive of fantasies when you come to think about it!
    Given the detailed published recollections of my own girl's experiences at Harper Valley I was in no position to admonish the man for his innate desires upon my own three. After all, the more I studied his daughter's photographs - the more the overall concept appealed to me.
    Now, I freely admit - not every Harper session was recorded for posterity in "The Complete Harper Valley. " One party in fact involved Jenna and Kylie being dressed pretty much as Bob describes - quite obviously a widespread male fantasy, as several fathers had been daring them to attend in evening wear, nylons and heels. It hadn't taken much urging for the girls to comply as I recall. They were so sore that night!
    During the course of subsequent exchanges, I asked Bob not only how "serious" he was about this, but how might such be viewed by both his wife and daughters?
    In his reply he told me (and I had no reason to doubt his integrity here) that of late. . . his wife had taken to displaying her nylon-clad legs "more than ever," in public, and that he felt the girls were heading down the same track. I asked him what he meant exactly and he replied that they were becoming major sexual teases and that his wife appeared not to mind greatly. As to the question "did he think that all three might perhaps be prepared to 'overstep the line of social acceptance?' Bob simply replied that he "didn't know, but that it was killing him in terms of lethal imagery. " That I could well understand!
    Reporting back to Jerry at out next coffee-bar meet, I simply said "I have a gut feeling about this Jer, not only is Bob on the level I'm 100% sure, I really think these girls are up for it. . . .

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  don't ask me why, it's just what their pictures tell me.
   "Even so," he replied, "What's the point? - they're in Los Angeles need I remind you? They may as well be dancing naked in the shopping center there - what can we do about it? Look if you're so keen to get naughty with some young girls in mini-dresses, garter-belts and heels. why not get your three to dress up and bring them back over to the next party. It'd be a sell-out!"
   "I told you Jer," I replied. "We're out and staying out - you all know that!"
   "Then what the hell are we talking about here Noel," he replied.
   "Well I'll tell you Jer," I answered slowly. "I've been speaking to this guy and it's just a sketchy idea at this stage but we could maybe go to LA and meet up with Bob in a decent hotel downtown - like, us having some business to transact, and just see what unravels?"
   "You mean "we" as in you, Kylie and Jenna?" he interjected.
   "I was meaning Natalie too - maybe you and Michelle, Warwick and Brianna? as well.
    He looked at me for a minute. "You've totally flipped - you know that?. . . You want to spend what, twenty grand between us? to go meet up with some guy in a hotel in LA on the off-chance we can fuck his daughters while he fucks ours? Yeah right! besides, you just told me your three were off-limits big time. "
   "This is different," I tried to reason.
   "Do they know anything about this?" he asked
   "Not yet," I told him, "But are you kidding? The chance to go to the US for the weekend - they'd happily dress-up for us.

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   "What, and then spread their legs like in the good old days?" he added sarcastically.
   "I'm not asking or expecting any such thing," I replied, already imagining them doing just that.
   "Bet you wouldn't be advocating they go shopping downstairs to fill-in some time either," Jer levelled at me accusingly.
    I knew of course that in the event this could be arranged somehow, the instant they saw Bob and his family they may perhaps twig to the whole deal and realise why Jerry and Warwick had brought their kids too. I didn't figure they would be all that disappointed in me either - a last hurrah as it were. You know, when I think about it - I really need to be locked up.
   "Incidentally Jer," I said, putting my coffee on the table, "Got something you might be interested in. "
   "Yeah?. . . what's that?" he replied.
    I pushed the photos of Angela and Tiffany alongside his ham and cheese melt. He almost choked. "Saints and sinners," he muttered, "That's really his daughters?"
    I pointed out one from the other. "And this is Amy, his wife," I added, pushing the photo of her and the two girls, alongside the other glossies.

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   For a moment he was a study in contemplation.
   "Well lets just say it explains Bob's thinking. . . . and your interest too come to that," Jer commented. I could see his hand was almost shaking. "Jesus mate, they are as hot as your three, how old are they again?"
   "Angela's fifteen and Tiff sixteen," I reiterated. "They look older huh?"
   "I wasn't looking at their faces," he murmured. I could hardly blame him.
    From emailed correspondence between Bob and I in the coming weeks, it was obvious he was keen to pursue the "business meeting" scenario, and that the potential for Jerry and Warwick to accompany us with their daughters also, was causing him to froth at the mouth. Not exactly 'Harper Valley comes to town' but getting on for it!
   "Will they all be dressed up?" he wrote. I knew exactly what he meant.
    Of course the question of his two daughter's involvement, was not one he could answer although God-knows - his preferences were clear enough.
    Having seen Amy, Tiffany and Angela's pictures, Jerry was an instant convert.

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   Warwick simply said he "liked LA anyway!"
    At the point I broke the news to my three girls - adhering of course to the same "business forum" cover-story, they all jumped at the chance. Having additionally one of our major Airlines as an on-going client, I was able to swing a deal for the eight of us at close to half price.
    Two weeks later, Friday afternoon saw our three families checking-in at the United Airlines flight desk before we retired to the refreshments lounge to await our boarding call. Warwick was surprisingly animated, Jer, having trouble keeping his hands off my three, and Michelle and Brianna giggling away like the beautiful little teases they always were. I couldn't help thinking. . . whatever charms Tiffany and Angela might be able to dredge up collectively, they would be hard-pressed to equal, let alone top, the sheer youthful zest and desirability of the five angels we were packing that day. I mentioned as much to Jer who just nodded.
   "If you have any idea what I would like to do with Natalie, Jenna and Kylie," he began, "It's been so long. . . . . ".

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   "Say no more Jer," I cut him off. . . . "I'll only have to mutilate you badly if you tell me!" His sudden glance downwards suggested he wasn't too sure about that one.
    One incongruity about flying to LA from Australia that never ceases to amaze - the fact that you get there a few hours before you left Sydney, courtesy of the International date line. Since we were spending just the Friday and Saturday night in LA, we picked up a cheap Voyager on a two-day rental plan. . . . all the girls expecting obviously to be accorded another Anaheim/Disneyland indulgence - especially with Brianna never having been there. Actually, none of us ever grew up if the truth be known. Why else do you imagine I am Peter_Pan?
    Had not the Wilshire Grand its own parking facilities, we would have been driving the length of Wilshire Boulevarde most of Friday night, looking for a space. Pre-booked, we had three adjoining suites, Warwick and Brianna next to us, Jerry and Michelle - further down the hallway.
    First up, I called Bob and told him we were "in residence.

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  " He sounded pretty happy and we agreed to all meet later for dinner in the Cardini restaurant down in the hotel lobby. As far as the girls all knew, the meeting was purely in relation to a business venture between Jerry, myself Warwick and our American counterpart.
   "It's kind of a formal restaurant," I told my three (Jerry and Warwick I knew, passing along the same information to their girls) "The guy we've come to meet will be bringing his family he tells me, so dress to impress huh?" They had come prepared and with no expectation I'm sure of anything much beyond just sitting there and looking pretty, they took themselves off to the bathroom to set about creating an impression.
    Forty minutes can make such a difference. Three bubbly young daughters walked into the en-suite - three courtesans walked out! Natalie had on a shimmering gold two-piece who's sole purpose appeared to be that of highlighting the deepest cleavage I had ever known her to put on view, as well as show-casing by virtue of its tightness - her now highly spankable rear-end. The sheerest of nylons disappeared up into the forbidden zone, the whole image being set off by a pair of gold-inlaid high heels with some sort of Roman lacing around the ankles. I was thinking - this has to be every man's fantasy - but then I saw Kylie.
    Dresses like that should be illegal. Blue satin, it wasn't so much tight on her as sprayed-on. Whether actually satin or silk I couldn't at first adjudge, I was too busy looking at other things. Like her older sister, her breasts were defying gravity in whatever technologically advanced bra that was and at the point the dress curved in to her waist, her beautiful figure was accentuated to the max. She had on stockings that if I was not mistaken were held up by a sexy garter-belt she must have brought along for the occasion. The smile she tossed me in passing, acknowledged exactly what I was thinking.
    Jenna's outfit removed what sanity I may still have been clinging to. A satiny two-piece, the top was so low cut at the back you could see the clasp of what was obviously a strapless bra.


   Almost metallic looking, the camisole-inspired top hung adrift from that micro-mini skirt by almost two inches, rendering unto the male gaze, a ribbon of naked teenage abdomen that could only ever be tempered with a cold shower. She too was wearing sexy stockings and God knows what underneath. The heels just set off the vision perfectly. Bob was risking his health and he didn't even know it yet.
   "Do we look alright dad?" Kylie smiled teasingly.
   I just looked at those three angels, wanting nothing other than to take them all back to bed right then and there and to fuck them senseless by rotation. I knew instinctively it was their combined preference too.
   "You are the three prettiest girls any father ever had for daughters," I told them. "I don't have to say what I feel do I?" They all lowered their gaze - Natalie even blushed slightly.
    Each had the most conservative of make-up on, that simply highlighted their natural beauty - just a touch of mascara, blusher and lip-gloss. I was having chest pains.
   "C'mon kids, lets go downstairs," I said, opening the door and ushering them out - mainly so's I could take in the full arousing aspect of their sexy little bottoms in passing. And how disorientating were those combined perfumes? Just as well the stairs had a hand-rail!
    Just across from reception, Jer and Warwick, both resplendent in dinner-suits, waited outside the doors to the Cardini with Brianna and Michelle in tow, equally as stunning as my three. Seems everyone had opted for mini-dresses designed, if not to kill - to optically cripple and to induce a Hamelin-like fascination. Michelle's hemline for instance was so far above the knee, I had already made a mental note to be under the table when she sat down.

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    Having previously made a booking for twelve, our table was already set-up and ready. We took our seats, Jer and I at opposing heads of the table, leaving four spaces in the center - two either side for our visitors. Bob's two daughters I figured would be best served seated between Kylie and Brianna.
    Barely had I mentioned that "Bob and his family will be here shortly," when my eyes lit upon on a small group just that second walking through the door. One of them was Bob I'd presume - I really wasn't looking! Angela, hugging her mother's left arm was all I could concentrate on. In a dress not dissimilar to Natalie's, she carried herself like a model. Made-up professionally by the look of it, all I could think of was, how pretty she must look in just her bra and panties. Tiffany was no less captivating and quite honestly I have to wonder how Bob had managed to rein-in his testosteronic urges these past few years. Amy too was quite as beautiful as in her picture looking still in her mid-twenties. The outfit she had on left little to the imagination. He was right - she quite obviously did enjoy flaunting her charms - those which preceded her especially.
    Introductions involving that many people took a while but let it be said Angela and Tiffany hit it off with our five instantly. Even by the time Bob and Amy had met myself, Jer and Warwick. . .

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  the seven girls were all chatting together across the table like old friends. Boys, movies, cell-phones - some things never change!
    Bob's face was a study in fully abandoned lust. Not so much a kid in a candy shop as a greyhound brought up by a family of March hares. The poor guy didn't know which way to look. More than once Natalie caught him staring at her and flashed him one of her trademark "I'm a good Catholic girl, but anyone can be persuaded" looks.
    Not that Jerry was in any calmer a state, staring at Tiffany as a lifer might stare at Miss August as she bends over to retrieve an earring while wearing a bikini. That's OK. . . what I was imagining doing to Angela doesn't bear admission either. In an attempt to distract myself I began talking to Amy but all this achieved was to focus my attentions instead on her "come hither or get lost" cleavage.
    Hell, we were supposed to be there for business - you'd never have guessed it!
    The Cardini is a class act let it be known. Most of the girls settled for the "Sfilatino Al Taccino" - a smoked turkey creation that looked pretty damn good. Jer and I stuck with "Chianina Rustica" a New York cut steak that is so thick it comes with a chain-saw. Amy and Warwick gambled on the Monterey Chicken while Bob slummed it with the Cardini burger which if marketed properly would put McDonalds out of business overnight.

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    Neither Bob or Amy seemed to be watching their children's alcoholic intake and since no-one asked for ID they and ours partook of a cruiser each and God knows how much champagne. . . there were a hell of a lot of empty bottles as I recall.
    How anyone managed dessert I don't know, but after the demise of the Grand Marnier souffle, various bowls of sorbet, sodas and coffees, everyone was running on a full tank.
    Under the pretext then of really having to discuss business, it was suggested Amy and the seven girls retire to our suite for a nightcap, whatever, and wait for us to come up later. With two King size double beds, one single, lounges, chairs and an enormous table - there was more than enough space for them to relax.
   "I can't believe those daughters of yours," Bob said, putting his coffee cup down and missing the saucer by a good few inches. "For Chrissakes guys, I can only imagine what it was like at the parties - your three Noel are unbelievable. That middle one. . . . what's her name? Kylie? Jeez, I'm sorry for saying this - its just the champagne talking. .

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  . . but even reading all that stuff you wrote that she and her sisters did - seeing her sitting there just made me. . . "
   "Yeah, it's OK Bob," I cut him off. "You wouldn't want to know my thoughts either, staring at your two. "
   "Would you really like to fuck them? he semi slurred. Several heads turned around slightly from neighboring tables.
   "Well I can't speak for Noel," Warwick announced suddenly, "But I can tell you this - if your two ever came to one of our parties - they would be coming home pretty sore. "
    Bob was silent for a moment. "You all know I want to see them fucked don't you?" he drawled.
   "Amy too?" put in Jerry hopefully.
   "Sure," Bob answered. .

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  . . "Think its gonna happen?"
   "Let's go upstairs and find out," Warwick smiled finishing his own short black.
   "Just hold on a moment," I interjected. "We're supposed to be having a business meeting here. We can't just go up there after five minutes and expect no-one to be suspicious. As far as I know, none of them. . . . your wife included Bob, have any idea why we brought them all here. . . . right?"
   "I guess not he said," Jer was nodding wisely I noticed.

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   "He's right," he said, "Last thing we want to do is to alert any of them that we have plans afoot. "
    And thus we did the worst possible thing in ordering another round of drinks. Subsequently, there was a truck-load of discussion but it sure as Hell wasn't business.
    By my fifth JD and ice, I was certainly happily disposed towards life let's say. I can't speak for the others but I figure it would not be an inaccurism to describe their condition as er, 'needful?'
    Jer stumbled twice between the checkout counter and the elevator- and they're directly opposite one another. Jenna opened the door to our suite.
   "Oh Hello dad," she smiled "Finished your meeting?" She glanced at the other three and surely could not fail to have noticed Bob stripping her with his eyes. . . . nothing she hasn't seen a hundred times before of course.
   "Three of them," Bob muttered under his breath as we entered the room. . . "God and I thought I had problems with just my two!"
    Inside another shock awaited.

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   The table over near the TV contained now a veritable jumble of empty glasses and vodka-cruiser bottles. There appeared to be also more than the usual amount of giggling. Brianna, Kylie and Tiffany were spread comfortably over one of the King-size beds, Natalie and Amy were seated over by the window - both drinking some beverage that would appear to have originated from Room Service and enjoying each other's company, to judge by the occasional laughter and Amy's propensity to touch Natalie's arm when making a point about something.
    Angela, Jenna and Michelle had commandeered the other double bed and were equally engrossed in some animated discussion. The good news is that whether any of them knew it or not, more than a hint of sexy panties was visible - in Tiffany's case, some of her garter-belt as well. Pretty much all their skirts and dresses had ridden up their owner's thighs to a degree and it would have taken decidedly more will-power than the four of us men had on site, to overlook the smorgasbord of temptation in various coronary-inducing poses around the room.
   Bob's none too quiet "Jesus Christ" as he looked around the suite said it all!
    Figuring to take the softest option on offer, I simply drew a chair up beside Natalie, asked if I could refresh either her or Amy's drink - that being merely an excuse to pour myself another one.
    Bob and Jerry took themselves off to the far side of the room, Bob none too surprisingly sat himself down near Kylie while Jer seated himself way nearer Tiffany than he need. Judging by Tiff's "you gotta be kidding" glance in his direction, I wouldn't say he made that great a first-up impression. Brianna though flashed him a genuinely warm smile and moved in a little closer.
    Warwick then sidled over to the other bed and no sooner had he sat down there than Michelle cuddled his arm and nestled right up close and personal. His expression suggested he wished it had been Jenna!
   "You two know each other well?" Angela asked in all innocence. Michelle giggled, as did Jenna of course.
   "Oh yeah. .

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  . really well," Michelle told her, "He's my father's best friend, along with Mr Baker over there. We all see heaps of each other. "
   "Our dad doesn't have that many friends," I heard Angela drawl in her rather attractive Cali accent. "Such a shame," she giggled like the sexy little fifteen year old she is.
    Closer to home, I was finding Amy a major distraction. She certainly had all the flirtatious moves down pat - eye flutters, crossing and uncrossing of the legs for effect. Not exactly the Sharon Stone/Basic Instinct shuffle but enough to let me know her nylons only reached up a finite way and that beyond that, lay areas one might find very interesting. I was certainly interested.
    More than once I recall wondering if she had a thing for girls. Just the way she would rest her hand on Natalie's thigh occasionally or the hot smiles she seemed to be giving her. I could have been wrong. . . and certainly Nat didn't seem to notice anything unusual.

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   How was I ever going to get my hands in this woman's panties, never mind anything else.
    Natalie's sudden "Oh my gosh dad," followed by her hand over her mouth, more to limit her giggles than anything else, had me turn my head sharply.
    God knows how Kylie had gotten sucked in to the action - last I saw, Jerry was snuggling up to Brianna, but unless my eyes deceived me, Jer was planting a couple of smoochies on Kylie's arm and shoulders. Making little attempt to escape her fate, she was giggling along with Brianna. Tiffany's face was priceless.
   "Mr Clarke" she spluttered, "Are you crazy? Her father's just over there talking with my mom
   "I don't think she minds too much," I heard Jer reply. "Besides Tiffany, we often do this - you should try it!"
    So saying, he kissed Kylie flush on the lips. Tiffany just sat there staring. She also appeared to be inching her way towards Brianna - either for moral support or to get a better view of proceedings. I couldn't tell which.
   "You don't mind your friend kissing your daughter?" Amy asked incredulously.
   "Not really up to me to mind is it?" I replied. "Kylie's old enough to know who she wants to kiss her and who she doesn't. Besides," I held my glass up, "alcohol does bring out the uninhibited in us doesn't it?"
    Amy looked as shocked as her daughter momentarily but this changed to outright confusion as she happened to glance to her left and saw her husband not only holding Brianna's hand, but beginning to kiss her softly. Not a metre away on the bed, Tiffany's hand went to her mouth.

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   "Dad," she cried out, "What's happening here?"
    Amy quite obviously about to call her attorney with instructions to start divorce proceedings, was halfway out of her seat. Taking her arm I restrained her.
   "Its just the bourbon reacting Amy, he doesn't mean anything by it - trust me. " I said.
    Having had more than her share herself, she half fell back into the chair. I passed her her drink, figuring that the more she had right now the better she might handle whatever was to come. To my right, Natalie was emptying her glass too and if I didn't know better, she was looking a little the worse for wear herself. I tossed her a smile and turned back to Amy.
   "I can't believe this," she was murmuring, watching now as Bob's hands were inching up to within centimeters of the underside of Brianna's rather seductive breasts, encased as they were in that silky little top that invited one to slip a hand down where they shouldn't. Brianna was happy to let the man kiss her and being forced ever further back on to the coverlet, that dress was no longer making any pretence at decency. Her garter belt was plainly visible as was a hint of those delicately laced panties. Wasting no time, Bob slipped a hand up between her legs and from what I could see, was beginning to rub her softly right at the apex of those slim nylon-clad legs.
    Tiffany looked towards her mom in desperation and at the point Jerry slid his hand down Kylie's top, right alongside her, openly feeling her up while kissing her passionately, I could feel the mood of the room subtly changing. No one could watch such intimacies without a degree of involvement.
    From Tiffany's viewpoint it wasn't even a man's influence that brought her undone - simply Kylie taking a hold of her hand as she permitted Jerry free license to caress her body curves.


   Even as Amy's hand flew to her mouth in shock, Tiff allowed herself to be drawn up between Jer and Kylie, and Jerry's first kiss of her admittedly highly desirable lips, meant there was no going back - for any of them.
    Bob's paedophilic indulgence with Brianna wasn't so committed that he failed to see what was happening to Tiffany and if that wasn't a wicked smile escaped his lips right at that moment, then I'm a poor judge of paternal appreciation.
    On bed number two, Warwick had Michelle on her back and was beginning to caress her breasts rather lewdly, covered up of course, as they still were. Following her sister's lead, Jenna had taken a hold of Angela's hand and despite the fifteen year old's understandably shocked condition I was almost certain the carnal activities being transacted virtually alongside them, had her attention fully riveted.
   "Kiss her dad," Natalie giggled as she got up, intent it would seem on joining her younger sister and Angela. I looked across at Amy who was just glancing wide-eyed around the room muttering almost incoherently, "This can't be happening - they're all just young schoolgirls. "
   "Well you're not," I suggested, patting my lap and figuring "What the hell, nothing to lose here. "
    In retrospect, I have no doubt it was the alcohol that was making all the decisions at this stage. Just how much the girls had consumed was an unknown quantity but this, combined with their sexy attire had to be a factor in their rapidly lowering inhibitions. For my three of course, it was a chance to re-live some wickedly fun times and they weren't about to bypass the opportunity. From Angela and Tiffany's viewpoint - how do you think they felt seeing girls practically their own age being felt up by adult men just an arms-length away? School was definitely in!
    Amy must have figured it was a case of que sera sera too, as she showed little in the way of hesitation before seating her well sculptured rear down in my lap. I had suddenly the most kissable of moist lips but centimetres from my own. She was no amateur.
    Fully willing to submit to the wandering hands routine, I can only say that seeing that which I could, down her generously curved cleavage was nothing to the sensations afforded by gently fondling those wonderful orbs.
   "OMG mom," issued from young Angela's lips as she noticed her mother's submissive repose.

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   At the point however Warwick then groped her own breasts while still attending to something of interest well up beneath Michelle's crumpled skirt, she had other things on her mind. Amy was no longer watching anyone. Merely wanting to be kissed now and judging by her legs - inching apart by the minute - certainly a candidate for some upskirt therapy.
    In between some dexterous manipulation of Amy's remarkably skimpy little knickers, that itself was causing my newly come-by friend to moan audibly, I could see Bob having the time of his life with Kylie now. Her blue satin dress pushed right up to the waist, one could only make the comment that her fully exposed garter-belt, slender stockinged legs with one heel off, the other dangling from her foot and open soft-skinned thighs, must inevitably invite the worst of male attention. Even Jer turned his attentions from the front of Brianna's wholly visible panties to mutter his encouragement.
    Still clinging on to Kylie's right hand, Tiffany watched her father's indecent handling of her new friend, barely able to credit what she was seeing, let alone knowing what to make of the indiscriminate kisses she was receiving herself from Jerry. She was even more disorientated when Natalie seated herself beside her on the bed and replaced Kylie's hand with her own, allowing her sister to now pay full attention to what Tiffany's father was doing to her.
    It took but the judicious slipping of two fingers beneath Amy's panties to discover the wetness on site. Sprawled inelegantly across me now, I allowed myself the luxury of feeling up her sexy little bottom as with my free hand, I unzipped myself. Hardly any point playing the coy guest any longer. We both wanted the same thing.
    Aware of course that her breasts were highly visible down her top. Amy wriggled them for effect as I kissed her. She was, if not a pole-cat on heat, then a lioness ready for all-comers.

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   I had no need to position myself, she did it for me, and encouraging me to slip her panties down, she guided my erection to where it definitely wanted to be. Entering her with consummate ease she gasped as I pushed hard up into her. This was way better than even a JD and ice!
    Following the progress of the other players around the room was getting more difficult.
    Strangely, rather than making any attempt to fuck Kylie for the moment, Bob had somehow persuaded her to wank him instead. He really did want to see a young girl in her prom dress, splattered with cum I realised. He was to get his wish. Not a minute later - mind you Kylie is no slacker when it comes to hand-jobs - he let out a highly vocal "Oh God" as he spurted a heap of sticky white stuff right across her panties, the tops of her stockings, the front of her dress, even managing to catch her cheeks with a few wayward spurts. The expression on Tiffany's face was of total disbelief, but I could hardly fail to notice her hand inching its way beneath the hemline of that sexy little dress as Jer managed to slip his erection deep into Brianna's pussy, that she was thoughtfully presenting as a viable option, holding her panties aside as she was at that moment.
    Seeing once again, my own daughter on the receiving end of a stream of hot cum, I was reminded of the best of those Harper nights and relinquished forthwith a somewhat hot stream myself - exactly where Amy had planned. We didn't waste any on her panties however - all was stacked neatly deep inside her vaginal storehouse. I felt her beginning to purr.
    Now don't think that Warwick was reading a comic book all this time either. Having moved on from Michelle. . .

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  . and quite what he had done with her I don't know, although I did notice a pair of silky little blue undies on the carper that definitely weren't Jenna's. . . . he now had Angela and Jenna flat on their backs (still holding hands) while he knelt between them.
    I could see Angela crying out "No, No. . . " as he began pushing both hers and Jenna's skirt up. As both their garter-belts were exposed, Angela half-heartedly pushed his hand away but was persuaded by Jenna to just lie there and accept her fate. The impending visual indecencies were I realised, having a most constructive effect on my own erection that was re-solidifying by the second - much to Amy's pleasure it must be admitted. Lying still face down on me, she was unable to observe her two daughters' somewhat precarious situation, which may have been just as well.
    Bob? You couldn't fault his enthusiasm either. Not content with my daughter's hand in his pants, he was paying Natalie the kind of attention she had been weaned off for several months.

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   With his hand well up under her dress now, he was applying pressure to a most indecent spot, to judge by her enforced wriggling. She and Kylie exchanged words of some kind but I couldn't make out what they were. Tiffany's "Oh my God dad. " however was fully audible - wished I could have seen the fun her hand was having somewhere up between those slim and stockinged legs.
    Although my view was sometimes stifled by Amy's mass of hair obscuring proceedings, I did notice Warwick finally getting either hand well inside both Jenna and Angela's silky knickers which brought soft moans from both girls. Seeing her younger sister's plight, Tiffany called out "Ohh Angela" but was unable to contribute further to the conversation as Jerry, evidently going for broke, had disentangled himself from between Brianna's legs and was now embarking on a program to apply evidently some selfless therapy to the teenager's well defined breasts.
    Watching Tiffany's aggravated assault, Bob was one happy man. "Pull her panties down Jerry," he vocalised clearly, while pursuing the exact same course with my eldest daughter, who clearly was putting up no resistance to having her own undies tugged down. . . . no easy chore when one has to contend with a garter belt. Not wishing to be excluded from the communal entertainment underway, I noticed Michelle beginning to kiss Jenna now, slipping her hand down my daughter's front and fondling her breasts even as Warwick attended now to her lower extremities, maintaining a similar investigation of Angela's still concealed pussy.
    It was too much for me. Having only to get Amy to arch her hips marginally, I gained re-entry in seconds and this took care of our joint concentration.

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   "Fuck me," she all but whimpered, kissing me passionately, whilst wriggling her bottom to gain maximum penetrative pleasure. Actually, the pleasure was all mine, now I think about it. Exactly what satisfaction Bob was accruing from seeing his wife fucked in the position she was, I can't say. I suspect he was concentrating more on his daughter's immediate defilement and Natalie's skimpy white-lace knickers that he was so busily extricating.
    Amy was fully given-over to uninhibited indulgence that might have drawn attention to herself had not the other girls' vocalised pleasures been such an aural distraction.
    Experiencing now considerable frustration in finding those garter belts such an impediment to removing the girl's panties, Warwick was forced to enlist Jenna's help, who by deft unhooking of certain key clasps with her free right hand, paved the way for Warwick's progress. Although on her back still, I could see Angela gasp as my youngest daughter's panties made their way below her knees - exposing to all her small triangle of dark brown curls - one that Warwick's fingers were now lost in, as he sought out the real prize.
     Perhaps the sight of her friends now fully exposed and keenly felt-up pussy triggered the end of her part-time resistance, but Angela I could see was now unhooking her own garter belt and allowing Warwick to tug down her panties as well. I couldn't begin to impart to you just how hot those kids looked with their skirts up around their hips, breasts straining against the clingy evening-wear as Warwick took full advantage of the parted Red Sea - fingering both girls now as they wriggled and gasped in pleasured delight. Inclining his head towards Angela, I noticed her slip an arm around his neck, allowing him to kiss her passionately. Alternating then her lips with Jenna's, he had both girls crying out in needful complicity within minutes.
    Over on the Western Front, Jerry was in no mood to take no for an answer and despite Tiffany's brave, though some might say half-hearted struggles to maintain her fully dressed state, she was fighting a losing battle. Groping her youthful breasts at will, Jer not only had her skirt so high, those silky little knickers were full exposed, he was half way to getting them off her, having either navigated somehow, her garter belt, or by simply ripping his way south. Brute force is often a most successful option faced with such constraints. Whatever he had done, the insides of her thighs now contrasted whitely with those slim stockinged legs that kicked and wriggled in a flurry of girlish resistance.

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    As Bob finally rid Natalie of her panties, exposing her charms to one and all - he grinned his undeniable approval at his eldest daughter's on-going molestation. "For God's sake fuck her Jerry," he drooled.
    Pretty sure that's what Jerry had planned as he appeared right then to be re-positioning himself for a full frontal challenge. Tiffany was holding him at arms length, probably unaware that her left breast was now three-quarters free of whatever sexy little bra it was she had on. Luckily, from a male viewpoint, her nipple was a part of the exposed section and it looked to me one healthily aroused little nipple at that.
    My all-up view was greatly enhanced at that moment as, having completed another procreative cycle within Amy's delightfully compliant little pussy, she had taken herself off to the washroom for a make-over - least until she saw Tiffany's impending rape which caused her to sink to the floor hand to mouth. . . if not sobbing, then in the first stages of severe shock.
    Despite having Warwick's penetrative fingers well up inside their own pussies, performing unspeakably naughty things, Angela and Jenna were both angling glances at the other bed, spellbound in regard to Jerry's progress with Tiffany as vocally encouraged by the girl's father.
    Having reached the business end of his fumblings, Jerry was in the process of aligning his tool-of-trade with Tiffany's highly arousing slit when, she cast one last despairing look at her father, plainly asking the question "Are you going to let him rape me daddy?"
    Given that Bob himself had my daughter's legs spread to the max and was enjoying the sensation afforded the back of his hand by her stockinged legs, he could hardly be seen as an unbiased third party so far as Tiffany was concerned. The fact is, he thrust into Natalie at precisely the same moment that Jerry penetrated Tiffany's personal airspace with an ease that would suggest her virginity had caught the early train.
    Hard to know who to watch? With Natalie crying out in pleasure, Tiffany crying out in fake distress and Angela and Jenna thrusting their hips up to make it easier on Warwick's fingers - I could but thank the Gods of erotic dysfunctionality for this latest visual treat. Kylie and Brianna even were making the most of their time together I noticed. Just slightly away to the left of Bob, they sat alongside one another, riveted by the sight of Bob's cock penetrating Natalie's pussy with rhythmic precision.

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   If then seeing Brianna's hand slipping its determined way up beneath Kylie's hemline en-route to her probably drenched pussy wasn't an added attraction par excellence, then I don't know what is.
    Bob was deliriously happy. Openly fucking Natalie now like a deranged manikin, observing Jerry's debauched handling. . . make that aggravated penetration, of his eldest daughter, not a nipple's reach away, must surely have been at the very apex of his wildest fantasies. Sighs, moans and cries of passion rent the air as everyone's daughter began to suffer various degrees of sexual meltdown.
    Amy I noted was still the far side of the room on her knees and more likely than not, unaware she had one hand up beneath her skirt, idly frigging herself senseless as she watched her two girls cross the line from middle-class innocence to uptown whore with little or no coercion. Angela especially, was bucking wildly beneath Warwick's digital caresses while Jenna had spread her legs so wide, one was draped lewdly across Angela's thigh.
    I could no longer remain a passive observer.
    Tiffany was a sight close to, not just on account of Jerry spurting at that moment, his entire procreative wad deep inside her, but by virtue of the fact, her sexy little breasts were now almost adrift from her bra and were jiggling in time to Jerry's thrusts. She barely even noticed when Bob leaned across Natalie's used and abused body, to fondle her himself once or twice.
   "You fuck her now Noel - please," he almost whimpered as he saw me approach. Tiffany was almost out to it - which suited my needs admirably I have to say. She made no attempt to close up her legs as I took Jerry's place, who quite the worse for wear, sank down on the far-side edge of the bed
   "You OK sweetheart," I muttered to Natalie who just gave me the biggest smile as she clung now to Bob, arching her hips up to milk the last of the storehouse.

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   Her pussy glistened and her breasts straining to break free of their (probably unwanted) restraint.
    Tiffany's eyes opened as I manoeuvered myself between her slim legs. Her expression, somewhat one of resigned acceptance, yet maintaining also a glint of flirtatious tease, drew me to her. I kissed her softly and that really changed the playing field. Lips like that you don't taste every day - and I wanted to taste more. She returned fire with fire and slipping into her effortlessly, a new-found passion took care of basics while I worked both her breasts free of her top, fully exposing those pretty brown nipples that pleaded to be suckled. Not that easy to do while you are gratuitously fucking their owner, but I managed nevertheless.
    Bob meanwhile had moved-on from Natalie and even as I pumped Tiffany's hot little pussy full of more naughty stuff, I saw him take up residence alongside Warwick across the room, before pairing off - him with Jenna and Warwick with his youngest daughter, both of which they then proceeded to fuck openly. Angela was crying out "Noooo" but her body language was anything but confrontational and within seconds her legs were as spread as Jenna's, her arms around Warwick's neck tightening their grip to ensure he was going nowhere.
    I didn't even notice Amy settling herself alongside me on the bed. Emotions of both guilt and sympathy washed over me as I watched her tenderly take a hold of her daughter's hand even as I was pumping the remnants of whatever limited semen I had left. into Tiffany's spread and well-worn little slit. Somehow it just made it all the hotter. I noticed Amy looking at her daughter's exposed breasts, her clothing in total disarray and the spots of cum that adorned her inner thighs. The smile she gave her daughter at that second was an indefinable moment of tensionable release.

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   "Can we?" came the soft familiar voice from behind me. I let go of Tiffany's waist Turning my head, everyone else in the room was consigned to ancient history. My beautiful Kylie knelt there, her arms held out to me. There never was anyone else really, I knew that now! Pulling her to me, I kissed her and all those months of abstinence faded into the ether. I suppose I took her panties off but I don't remember. Lying back for me and opening up like the most beautiful rose in the early morning sun, I took her. . . transported her to a place only she and I can ever visit. Her scent intoxicated me and the softness of her lips and breasts befuddled the few senses left operational. I was aware of her beginning to whimper and realised I was entering her with passionate intent. I knew we had done this down through the ages and that we are destined to play the same role - perhaps in bodies of alternate sexes - for maybe all time. It won't be long enough!
    I would have had left insufficient stocks of cum to impregnate a hamster but it didn't matter. Just being there was everything. Kylie knew that and simply smiled up at me as she felt me reach my plateau letting me know with her eyes that she had reached hers too.

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   I lay with her afterwards, just brushing her hair out of her pretty eyes and telling her how much I loved her. As always, she made me feel the adventurous schoolboy rather than the assured father. Let it remain thus
    Bob meanwhile was indulging his carnality with my youngest daughter. . . . the last technically to get herself fucked this day. Having obviously run the gamut of his "cum-all-over-their-evening-dresses" fantasy, he had managed to strip Jenna somehow. She was in fact the only girl totally naked at this point - and how hot did she look? Her well-furred little pussy spread wide, encouraging him to thrust in to depths unknown, she was moaning audibly and more than happy to have him rubbing her breasts and pulling hard on her nipples even as he gave it to her big time. As their build-up neared the final frontier, Jenna was thrusting her own hips up like a total slut on heat - that actually is exactly what she was at that precise moment, and everyone watching knew it.
    Right alongside her, Young Angela was taking a shellacking from Warwick, much to Bob's undeniable pleasure at witnessing so close at hand, his youngest daughter's repeated penetration. "That's the way Warwick," he managed to get out between his own thrusts, "fuck her sexy little brains out. "
    I don't think I have ever seen two girls taken further down the path of sexual fulfilment - two men either, come to that. The four of them were not far off needing life-support moments later. Two filled to the brim, the others butt empty.


   I've always wondered if Angela was a virgin! The silent tears running down Amy's cheek might suggest she had been.
    Jer, evidently with still some gas in the tank, had Brianna now giggling furiously as he tugged her panties well down past her knees. I figured it was time to have a look at the bigger picture.
   "Guys, Guys," I called out, eyeing off Jer's progress with his best friend's daughter. He relaxed his grip on the waistband of Brianna's hot little knickers allowing her to gratefully tug them straight back up - still giggling loudly it should be noted. I had now everyone's attention.
    "Just a thought I'm having people," I said. "All of us - you two especially," I added, making eye contact with Bob and Amy, "have had way too much drink to even think of driving. What say the four of you bed down with us for the night. . . we got more than enough space in the three suites if we use the spare trundle beds. I'm sure the girls don't mind snuggling up. " That brought both gasps and giggles.
    Bob looked across at his wife.

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   "Makes sense honey," He said or rather . . . . slurred.
    Amy looked at him then at her two daughters, both of whom lay sprawled and very sated on their respective beds.
   "I guess that's OK with me," she answered finally. "Not going to make much difference to anything now is it?" she added almost petulantly.
   "OK, that's settled," I replied. "Now let's figure out who goes where?"
    Well if that wasn't the cue for verbal warfare, I don't know what was. No-one could decide or agree on anything. Everyone wanted to be with someone that another party figured was their existing right already. It ended up me tossing a coin to sort out the Montagues and Capulets.
    The upshot was that Tiffany, Jerry, Jenna and Brianna were accorded the next-door suite, whilst myself, Angela, Amy and Michelle remained in our own room, with Bob, Warwick Natalie and Kylie bunkered up in the third suite. Just one ground rule! No discussions or disclosures the next morning.

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   Whatever was to transpire, if anything. . . to stay personal and private.
    The other eight transients, including my three misfits, stumbled out of the room with their respective room-mates, in varying degrees of sobriety, having first made themselves decent (well from a dress-sense at least) The other three men were about to die a horribly unnatural death I kept thinking.
    Clearing up the room first which took a while, given the empty plates, bottles and glasses that littered the place, we simply took a double bed each. Michelle had her dress off and was snuggled up beside me in seconds. Amy and her daughter were still in the washroom attending to make-up removal. I already had Michelle's bra off and was gently fondling her exquisitely sexy little breasts when the other two emerged in some erotically charged night-wear and crawled into their own bed. The only two members of the same family together I imagine. Under normal circumstances I would have been praying for an invitation, but given the imminency of my beautiful young companion, my mind was in lock-down mode.
   "Good night Noel," they both chirped. "Night girls," I replied, my mind wholly engrossed with the softness beneath my hands right that second. "Sleep well," I added, wondering just who was going to be doing too much of that this night.
   "I've soo missed you," Michelle whispered.

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   It didn't call for an answer, simply a kiss - a long and passionate one. She melted beside me. Drawing down her panties, she wriggled out of them and fully naked now, manoeuvered herself atop me, spreading her legs wide so that my entire reproductive system was trapped beneath her warm and protective pussy.
   "You have my full attention sweetheart," I muttered softly, nuzzling her neck and feeling her breasts making delightful contact with my chest. Despite the love I held for my own three and Larissa too, Michelle had always held a special place in my heart and this was the night I wanted to share that niche with her to the full. My hands smoothed over her curvy little bottom as I kissed her lips, pouring out the nonsensical drivel that one does at such times, re-enacting the male courtship ritual that has thus far ensured the survival of the species. Slipping into her, I felt her gasp then settle into fully receptive mode as her legs clamped my hips either side completely submissive now and needing only for me to complete the act that her sex needed.
    It was as it eventuated, quite unlike previous copulatory efforts - neither rushed or physically exacting. For the longest time, I simply remained inside that wonderfully receptive little cavern, penetrating her slowly and feeling with extended clarity, that which I was doing to her. Whispering words of a language they don't offer as an elective in year nine, I thrust up into her with such delicate precision, I could feel her vagina's reaction to each and every incursion. Some may have noted over the years, that gradual yet purposeful penetration, builds to a far greater plateau than the "slam-bang-thank-you-ma'am" technique employed by the novice lover as well as the unthinking and unimaginative male partner.
    Michelle's body tensed momentarily and she clung to me in ecstasy. I felt her own orgasm taking her out - venting its pleasure in an outward spiral as I came myself. Forget the quantity - this was sheer quality!
    Kissing her, I eased her alongside me, put an arm around her and hugged her to me. She was asleep in seconds.

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    The room should have been enveloped in silence. It was for a while and then on the borderline of my REM stage I heard a sound and it was definitely not mice.
    The softest little gasp, bodies stirring slightly and then the merest wisp of muted dialog. "Ohh mom, yessss. . that is soo nice!"
    God had orchestrated the final touch for me - mother and daughter discovering the joys of sensual togetherness. Was this a first? Was incest a thing of regularity in Bob's household after all?. . . did it matter???
    As if in answer, I heard Angela giggle softly. . . "Not too hard mom, Noel's going to hear. Ohhh, wish we could have done this before. .

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  . "
    Given the images such whisperings were conjuring up, I was finding it very hard to drop off. Was three-quarters through counting my third flock when I was suddenly aware of someone at my side gently tugging my arm.
   "I just can't get to sleep - can we talk for a bit?"
   "Sure Amy," I said, momentarily angered at losing count of my wayward woollies, "Lets do it in comfort though. We're never gonna wake this one up. "
    So saying, I gently eased Michelle's warm curves over further and made room for my newly come-by guest.
   "She's a very pretty girl isn't she?" Amy whispered, clambering beneath the covers.
   "You have no idea. " I was tempted to say, but simply mumbled "Uh huh!" instead.
    Somewhat of a pained silence ensued. "I guess you heard us just now?" she asked, inclining her head towards the far side of the room.
   "Well now Amy," I replied "I'd be lying if I didn't hear the odd er, sentence. Speaking of very pretty girls though, your daughters both, fall effortlessly into that category I'm thinking. "
   "Thank you," she murmured politely. A rather delicate arm had lain itself against my chest meanwhile.

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   I wasn't complaining.
   "Amy," I whispered, "None of my business I realise, but have you and Angela. . . . well I guess Tiffany as well. . . ever - you know, done stuff before?"
    She almost giggled. "I swear Noel. . . we never have. I don't know what happened between the two of us just now. .

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  . it just kinda seemed like the thing to do. She was simply lying up against me and my fingers made like they had a will of their own. Next thing Angela had her hands in my panties and we sorta lost it. " She paused for a moment. "You and your second eldest daughter. . . Kylie isn't it? You guys have done it together before haven't you?"
   "Yeah," I replied, "Was it that obvious?"
    Then, before further conversation could resume, I found Amy's lips but centimetres from my own. It was no longer time for 'true confessions," but rather a double period of Sex-Ed.
    That transparent little nightdress was an early casualty followed by the skimpiest bra I ever had the pleasure to remove from a panting female. Tugging her knickers down, stripped away that last vestige of modesty leaving little more than one-fifteen pounds of rampantly sexy womanhood astride me and ready for whatever I was of a mind to dish out.
    Must have been the alcohol still resident in our respective blood-streams but no sooner had I fingered her to orgasmic solace than Amy whispered "Can we have a little fun with Michelle you think?" Not even under threat of torture dare I ever admit my own thoughts had been embracing a remarkably similar concept.
    Still out to it amazingly, I was able to manouever her slim form between us.
   "Oh wow, she's naked, you evil man" Amy giggled, "Was she fun?"
   "Depends on your idea of 'fun' Amy," I answered, "But in the fully accepted sense of the word, I'd have to say, yes she was.

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   I've always had a soft spot for Michelle - such a cutie!"
   "I'll say. " Amy murmured, "sexy little breasts too" she giggled. It was only then that I could make out in the gloom, Amy's hands cupping and lightly fondling Michelle's delicate little mounds. I was right - this woman definitely liked girls!
    Now call me perverted in the extreme, but even given the sexual excesses of Harper Valley, nothing in my short-term memory came close, in terms of an arousal factor at least, to having that sexy little daughter of Jerry's lying between us totally naked and open for the two of us to carnally abuse at our leisure - and don't assume either, that Amy took the high road whilst I restricted myself to the low road.
    Both of us took escalating pleasure in fingering her unprotected slit whilst we fondled both breasts, either independently or together. Amy, it should be recorded for posterity, was taking the greatest delight in sucking Michelle's right nipple additionally, even as her fingers delved deeper still between the girl's parted legs.
    That Michelle would wake up sooner or later was hardly in dispute. More than likely her own semi-conscious moans of pleasure were partly responsible for the event.
   "W-w-what are you doing?" she mumbled, hips still in pleasurable transit.
   "Well sweetie," I whispered, "It's like this. Amy sleep-walks and I just woke up as .





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