
Caroline - Part 2


Chapter 5
The weeks passed. As Caroline had feared, her and Justin drifted apart as school was winding down for the summer. They tried having sex again, with roughly the same results. There hadn’t been any pain the second time, but Justin finished way too soon and once again she had been left unfulfilled. To make matters worse, since they had started having sex, Justin had lost all interest in performing oral sex so she was reduced to not receiving any pleasure at all. She became disinterested in having sex, and Justin eventually became disinterested in her. So they had split up and now her sexual gratification had been reduced to masturbation. On the plus side, her self-induced orgasms seemed much more intense since losing her virginity.
Tabitha and Steve were still together, although Tabitha decided to hold off on sex after what had happened to Caroline and Justin. She said that while she liked him, she didn’t think that he was ‘the one’. She confided to Caroline that she was still interested in girls and would welcome the chance to try that side of life if the opportunity presented itself. Caroline had also been thinking about it, but wasn’t quite ready to tell Tabitha about her feelings yet. She had the feeling that Tabitha would approve and that their first lesbian experience would no doubt be with each other, but that might be a little weird. She was sure Tabitha had seen her sneaking looks at her, but she hadn’t mentioned it. Maybe someday she’d work up the nerve to come right out and tell her.
One day they were once again in their regular booth at the A&W.

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   Tabitha was telling her about her and Steve’s date the previous night. He was pushing her for oral sex, but she didn’t know if she could bring herself to do it.
"He promised that he wouldn’t . . . " She looked around to make sure no one was eavesdropping and leaned in closer. " . . . that he wouldn’t cum in my mouth, but how do I know he won’t?"
Caroline shook her head, swirling her straw in her mug of root beer. "It really isn’t that bad, Tab. "
Tabitha nodded dejectedly. "Maybe not, but still . . .

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  " She sighed.
They sat there in silence, each lost in their own thoughts until Tabitha looked across the restaurant and saw Jennifer’s older brother, Alan, walk in with another guy. She leaned forward, her hand resting on Caroline’s.
"Wow! Look what just walked in with Alan!" Caroline turned to see Alan, tall and blonde like his sister, walk in with a handsome guy of about twenty with long, wavy brown hair that fell to his shoulders. He smiled as Alan said something and Caroline’s heart skipped a beat.
"Who is that!?" Tabitha whispered.
Caroline shook her head as she watched them get their order and sit down a few tables over from them. Both girls knew Alan quite well from hanging around with Jennifer and he was always friendly and polite to them. Tabitha had developed a serious crush on him when she was thirteen and she still seemed a little nervous around him. The restaurant was a somewhat crowded and they appeared not to have noticed them.
She turned back to Tabitha. "I’m not sure. Maybe it’s someone he knows from college. " Alan was in his first year of university and had just came home for summer vacation a few weeks earlier. They looked back over at them and the guy with Alan caught her gaze and smiled at her.

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   She quickly looked away. "He smiled at me!"
Tabitha played with the ice in her mug and said nothing. Caroline finished her drink and looked up at her. "Let’s go say hi. "
Tabitha’s eyes grew wide. "What!?"
Caroline stood up. "C’mon! We know Alan! Let’s go meet his cute friend!" She began walking over toward them. Tabitha hesitated, then got up and reluctantly followed her over to their table. Alan and the handsome stranger looked up as they approached. Caroline thought she would melt when he smiled up at her.
"Hi, Alan!" she said, then flashed a dazzling smile at his friend.
"Caroline! Hi!" Alan said, smiling at her. He looked over at Tabitha. "Hey, Tabitha! Wow, you guys look great!" They had just turned fifteen when he went off to college and now both were sixteen, and had filled out considerably since he’d been gone.
Caroline felt her face getting hot.

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   "Thanks . . . uh, you, too!" She glanced at his friend.
"Oh, sorry," Alan said, gesturing toward his companion. "Caroline, Tabitha, this is Greg. We go to school together and he’s working here in town this summer. "
"Ladies," Greg said, bowing his head slightly and giving them another heart-stopping smile.
Caroline managed an awkward smile. "Nice to meet you, Greg. " Her eyes sparkled as they held his gaze, his warm brown eyes searching hers. Then they shifted to Tabitha before settling back on Caroline.
He slid over. "Please . .

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   . join us," he said, gesturing to the seat next to him. Caroline glanced over at Tabitha, who shrugged and slid in next to Alan. Caroline took a deep breath and sat down next to Greg, fully aware of his eyes on her.
"So what are you two up to this summer?" Alan asked, munching on a french fry.
Caroline shrugged. "Nothing much. We still have to get through finals in a couple of weeks. "
"Are you graduating?" Greg asked, still watching her intently.
Tabitha giggled and Caroline shot her a dirty look before answering. "No," she replied. "We’ll be juniors next year. "
Greg appeared surprised. "Really? Shit, you look older than that!"
Caroline laughed. "Don’t you know that’s the wrong thing to say to a girl?"
Greg chuckled.

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   "You’re absolutely right. Please accept my humble apologies, ladies. I meant it as a compliment!"
Caroline looked into his warm, brown eyes. "Apology accepted," she said softly and smiled.
He continued to stare at her until he realized it was making her uncomfortable. "Sorry for staring," he said. Caroline fidgeted nervously. "There’s just something about you . . . I can’t quite put my finger on it. " He studied her for a moment, then gave her a disarming grin. "Are you sure you’re a freshman?"
Tabitha chuckled and once again, Caroline flashed her a dirty look. "Yeah, I’m pretty sure," she replied.
Tabitha spoke up.

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   "So what are you guys taking in college?"
"I haven’t decided yet," Alan answered. "But Greg’s taking English Lit. He’s either gonna be a teacher or a writer. "
"Probably both," Greg added with a grin. "I don’t want to be a starving writer!"
Caroline turned to him. "That’s what I was thinking of taking in college. What’s it like?"
He shrugged. "So far it’s pretty basic. When you first start you have to take a little of everything. Eventually I’ll be able to concentrate on my major. "
Caroline nodded thoughtfully. "I have to write a report on ‘The Great Gatsby’ for finals. It’s a great book, but tough to analyze. "
Greg nodded, seeming surprised that she would actually like such a classic novel. "That’s a good book - one of my favorites.

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  " He pulled out a notepad and jotted on it. "Tell you what, if you need some help, give me a call. I’m home practically every night. " He tore the page out and handed it to her.
"Thanks!" she said, looking at the paper. "I may just take you up on that!"
"I hope you do," he replied with a smile. They chatted for a few more minutes, then the girls got up and said their goodbyes, promising Alan to stop by for swim sometime over the summer.
Alan and Greg watched them go and Alan shook his head. "Careful, man. She’s a little young!"
Greg watched her ass until they disappeared out the door, letting out a low whistle. "She sure doesn’t look too young to me!" he said with a grin.
Tabitha and Caroline left the A&W and walked in the direction of the mall. Tabitha glanced back. "I think he likes you," she exclaimed with a slight grin.
"You think so?"
"Uh, yeah!" she relied.

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   "He gave you his number, didn’t he?"
Caroline fingered the paper in her pocket. "Yeah, but . . . do you really think so?"
Tabitha nodded. "Didn’t you notice the way he was checking you out?" Caroline didn’t reply. There was no doubt in her mind that he was interested. She would have to be a total idiot not to notice the sparks between them. "Are you going to call him?"
Caroline feigned thoughtfulness. "I don’t know . . . do you think I should?"
Tabitha shrugged, suddenly turning sullen and staring at her feet. "I dunno. It’s up to you.

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Caroline glanced over at her and wondered again why she was acting like she was jealous of every guy she showed the slightest interest in. Maybe she was jealous.
Chapter 6
Later that night, Caroline was struggling with her Gatsby report. She couldn’t stop thinking about Greg and was getting nowhere. Something about him stirred up some very lustful and erotic feelings in her, making concentration impossible. She pulled the crumpled paper with his phone number from her pocket and stared at it, then at her phone. ‘The hell with it,’ she thought as she picked up the phone and quickly dialed the number before she lost her nerve. ‘If he didn’t want me to call, he wouldn’t have given me his number!’ She put the receiver to her ear and listened as it rang once. He picked it up halfway through the second ring.
"Hello?" His rich, warm voice made her heart skip a beat.
"Uh, hi . . . Greg?"
"Yes?" His voice sounded distant and she wondered if she had made a mistake by calling him.
"It’s Caroline.


   We met this afternoon. "
"Of course!" The friendliness instantly returned and she could almost feel his warm smile through the phone. "Hi! I’m glad you called!" They made small talk for a few minutes. She loved the sound of his voice. Her nipples grew hard as she pictured him while they talked, imagining him without his shirt on.
"The reason I called," she said several minutes later, "is because I’m having some trouble with my report and I was hoping you could help me out. "
"I’d love to," he replied without a seconds hesitation. "I don’t have any plans tonight. Could you come over?"
She thought for a moment. Her parents were out on one of their ‘dates’. About once a month they’d go out for dinner and a movie and sometimes stayed at a hotel downtown. Her mother called earlier and said that they wouldn’t be home tonight.
"Sure," she replied, and wrote down his address. It was an apartment building only a few blocks away. "I’ll be there around nine.

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"Sounds great!" he said. "I’ll see you then!"
She hung up the phone and got undressed. Then she took a shower, shaved her legs, trimmed her pussy, and looked through the closet for something that would be enticing, but not too slutty. Maybe he only wanted to help her with her report, but she wasn’t taking any chances! She selected a pair of jeans that showed off her assets. She considered going braless, but decided against it. No point in being too obvious. She chose her sexiest one, a white lacy number that matched the thong panties she wore. She pulled on a tight t-shirt, then slipped a white cotton shirt over it, only buttoning the bottom few buttons. She checked her hair and makeup. Satisfied with her appearance, she gathered up her notes and started the short walk to Greg’s apartment. She arrived a few minutes past nine and pressed the intercom. He answered in a few seconds.
"Come on up!" His voice was tinny through the cheap speaker. The door buzzed and she went inside, climbing the stairs to the third floor. Her legs were shaking and her heart was pounding as she stepped into the hallway and scanned the doors for number 308.

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   Before she got too far, a door opened about halfway down and he stepped out.
"Hey, there! C’mon in!"
He stood aside and held the door open for her.   She could feel his eyes on her as she walked past him into the apartment. He closed the door behind her and offered to take her light jacket. She handed it to him and looked around. It was a small, one bedroom apartment with a combination kitchen and living room. The bedroom and bathroom were off to one side with a small closet by the door. It was immaculately clean, the only clutter being a laptop computer and a few books on the coffee table in the living room.
"Make yourself comfortable," he said, gesturing toward the outdated, but well kept couch. He cleaned the books off the table and closed the lid on the laptop. "Can I get you something to drink?"
"Do you have any wine?" she asked, trying to sound casual as she took a seat on the couch.
He grinned. "I may have a bottle or two here somewhere!" He went out into the kitchen area and opened the fridge. "So what are you having trouble with?" he asked as he opened the cupboard, retrieved two glasses, then came back into the living room. He held up the tumblers apologetically.

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   "Sorry, no wine glasses. "
"That’s ok," she replied with a smile as she accepted the glass. He set the bottle on the coffee table and sat down next to her. He smelled wonderful and she shivered a little when his arm brushed against hers.
"Now, what’s the problem?" he asked, nodding to her notebooks on the table. He leaned back and placed his arm along the back of the couch behind her. They began talking about her report. He explained a few things to her and she made some notes in her book. After about an hour of this, she closed her notebook.
"This is great," she said with a smile. "You’ve really given me some good ideas. Thank you. "
He returned her smile and divided the last of the wine into their glasses. "Always happy to help a pretty girl," he said, raising his glass in a toast. She blushed at his compliment.

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   He leaned forward, grinning. "Are you blushing?" She giggled and pushed him away playfully. His grin widened and his eyes sparkled mischievously. "You are!"
"Stop it!" she said, still giggling. The wine was starting to lower her inhibitions. He leaned back on the couch, his grin fading to a curious smile as he studied her thoughtfully. She turned to him, her face becoming more serious. "Do you really think I’m pretty?"
He leaned closer and took her hand in his, smiling at her. "Of course you’re pretty! Gorgeous! And smart, too!" His large, warm hands enveloped her small one and his eyes locked on hers, sending a shiver down her spine. She felt herself leaning closer to him and he moved closer. When their lips met, her heart skipped a beat. And when his tongue probed at her lips, she parted them and thought she was in heaven as his tongue teased hers. She could feel herself getting wet just from his tender kiss. They separated and he smiled at her. "You’re a good kisser, Caroline," he said.

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   He cocked his head to one side. "Alan told me you’re only sixteen. Is that true?"
She swallowed hard and nodded. "Yeah," she replied quietly, looking down. "Is that too young? I mean . . . " He cut her off with another quick kiss.
"Some people may think so," he said. "But I’m only nineteen. It’s not a huge difference. Besides, you don’t act like a sixteen year old. You’re more my age, at least intellectually. " He moved his arm from the back of the couch to her shoulder and pulled her to him. They kissed again, this time for a longer period, and with even more passion.

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   She felt his hand move from her back to her waist, then down to her tight buttocks. She kissed him harder, letting him know that she approved. He pulled away and looked into her eyes. "What time do you have to be home?"
Caroline smiled, took a deep breath, and decided to go for it. "Tomorrow morning," she said softly, her eyes locked on his. "My parents are away for the night. "
He grinned and arched one eyebrow. "Really?" She nodded and pulled him back to her, kissing him hard and pushing her tongue deep into his throat so there could be no question as to her intentions. He kissed her back, then pulled away, panting for breath and smiling warmly. He brushed a strand of hair from her face. "Would you like to spend the night? I make a mean omelet!"
She bit her lip and nodded. "I’d like that," she whispered.
He suddenly looked at her querulously. "You’ve . .

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   . done this before, right? I mean, you’re not a virgin, are you? I don’t want to be responsible for corrupting a minor!" he added with a grin.
She giggled and shook her head. "No, I’ve already been corrupted!"
He smiled and stood up, pulling her to her feet. "Ok, then. " His eyes moved over her body, drinking her in. "I can’t wait to see that hot little body of yours!" he breathed, meeting her eyes. She gave him a sultry look, unbuttoned her shirt, and removed it. Her firm round tits strained at her bra under the tight t-shirt. He smiled approvingly and removed his own shirt, revealing a very well-toned chest and abdomen. She reached out and slowly ran her hand across the rippled muscles of his chest. He scanned her body again, then glided his hands lightly along her arms, then down her sides to her waist. They locked eyes as he moved his hands to the button of her jeans, unfastened them, and lowered the fly. She made a small mewling sound when his fingers brushed against her panties when he lowered the fly. His fingers slipped inside her jeans and he started to rub her damp pussy over her panties when she grabbed his hand and pulled it away.

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"I need to . . . freshen up first. May I use your bathroom?" He smiled and pointed toward the door, then sat down on the couch.
"I’ll be right here . . . waiting patiently," he said with a wink. She walked over to the bathroom. "Nice butt!" he called out with a low whistle. She turned around and stuck out her tongue at him before closing the door.
She looked at herself in the mirror and fidgeted with her hair for a few seconds. A college guy! She couldn’t believe it! She pulled her jeans off, then tugged her t-shirt over her head and removed her bra. Her firm, round tits bounced free, the nipples engorged and sensitive.

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   She gave herself a quick once-over, then pulled her t-shirt back on. It fell to her hips, leaving her white thong just visible. Satisfied with her look, she gathered up her clothes, stuffed her bra into her purse, and opened the door.
Greg had dimmed the lights and removed his jeans. He sat on the couch in his boxers, sipping on his glass of wine. His eyes grew wide when he saw Caroline. "Wow! You look sexy!" he exclaimed, setting the glass on the table. She walked toward him and he stood up, the bulge in his shorts becoming larger almost before her eyes. They embraced and he bent down to kiss her, his hands going under her t-shirt to her warm flesh. He slowly lifted the t-shirt over her head and tossed it aside. He took in her firm tits and body, clad only in her revealing thong panties, then settled on her chocolate eyes. "You really are a beautiful woman, Caroline," he said, brushing her cheek. She nuzzled his hand. "Are you sure about this? I don’t want you to do something you may regret later. "
She took a deep breath, her breasts heaving.

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   "Yes, I’m sure. You see, I . . . " She paused, searching for the right words. "I’ve only had sex with one other guy - my ex-boyfriend. And it was . . . well, it wasn’t what I expected. "
"Let me guess," Greg said, his tone understanding. "It wasn’t good for you, it was over too soon, and he broke up with you the next day. "
She grinned. "Close, but I broke up with him. "
He raised an eyebrow.


   "Would I be prying if I asked why?"
She sat down and he sat next to her. "Before we had sex, we uh . . . did some other things. " She looked up at him. "Oral sex. Anyway, after we had sex, he wouldn’t do it to me anymore. He said that he couldn’t put his mouth where his dick had been, or something like that. "
Greg shook his head. "So you broke it off. Good for you. " He took her by the shoulders and turned her so she was facing him. "If you’ll let me, I’ll show you how sex is supposed to be. The idea is to be more concerned about your partner’s pleasure than your own.

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   If you please them, they’ll try harder to please you. Everyone’s happy!"
She raised his hand to her lips and kissed it softly. "Sounds wonderful!" She moved it to her breast and locked her eyes on his. "Show me, Greg. Teach me. "
Gently, he began to knead her firm breast, giving the nipple particular attention. She sighed and closed her eyes when he bent over and kissed the other one, then sucked it between his lips. She moaned in pleasure. Pulling his soft lips from her engorged nipple, he whispered, "Do you like that?"
She opened her eyes and smiled down at his handsome face as he kissed her tit. "Couldn’t you tell?" she breathed.
He continued to kiss the soft, supple flesh of her tits and between kisses said, "Then tell me. If I know exactly what you like or don’t like, you’ll be a lot more satisfied. " He paused his tender kisses and grinned up at her. "Besides, talking dirty makes it a lot hotter!"
She giggled and nodded. "Ok.

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He looked back up at her. "Ok . . . what?"
"Ok, I’ll tell you," she answered.
"Then tell me, baby. What do you want me to do right now?" She seemed hesitant, as if embarrassed to say such private thoughts out loud. "Don’t be shy, Caroline. Do you want me to suck on your nipples?" She nodded demurely. "Well, ok then. Say it. "
She took a deep breath and finally said, "S . . . suck on my nipples.

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He smiled and nodded. "That’s a start," he said softly and lowered his lips to her erect nipples, sucking hard on each one in turn. She moaned and held his head to her breast, fingering his long hair. After pleasuring her tits for several minutes, he lifted his head and looked deep into her eyes. "My turn, now," he said with a mischievous grin. Caroline looked down at the even bigger bulge in his boxers, then glanced at him, a twinkle in her eye.
"What do you want me to do?" she asked him with a smile. He leaned in and kissed her.
"I want you to suck my cock," he whispered. "Then I’m going to lick your sweet little pussy until you cum. " He paused, looking directly into her large brown eyes. "And then," he continued, "we’re going to fuck until you beg me to stop!" She looked into his face, expecting a joking grin, but she could tell he was dead serious. He stood up and faced her, the tent in his shorts at her face level. She looked at it, then up to him and saw him wink at her. She grasped the waistband of his shorts and tugged them down.

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   His hard cock flopped out in front of her. The large head glistened with precum and the scent of his musky sex filled her nostrils. Her eyes took in his erect member, which looked a little longer than Justin’s, although the thickness was about the same. But the helmet-shaped head was much larger than the shaft. He read the expression on her face; he’d seen it before.
"Don’t worry," he said. "I’ll be gentle. " He moved forward slightly and Caroline, taking the hint, grasped the heavy organ in her hand. She moved forward and kissed it, then licked around the bulbous head, tasting his tangy precum, before moving her tongue along the shaft, then back up to the tip. She parted her lips and slid it over her tongue and into her hot, wet mouth as far as she could without gagging, then began to move back and forth. Greg sighed and lay his hand on her head, gently pushing her forward. For a sixteen year old with limited sexual experience, she was doing one hell of a job! He could tell that she liked doing it, which made up for a lot of her inexperience. She sucked and slurped noisily on his hard tool, stroking it with her hand as she did. He sucked in his breath through his clenched teeth and threw his head back. "Oh, yeah! Suck me! Yes!"
Encouraged by his words, she stepped up her sucking and began caressing his heavy balls with her other hand.

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   Greg moaned louder. He prided himself on his ability to hold off his orgasm until he was ready, but this little high school junior was about to make him cum! "Shit, Caroline!" he gasped, holding her head to slow down her frantic sucking. "If you keep this up, I’m gonna cum!"
She slipped his thick meat from her mouth and looked up at him. "Isn’t that the idea?" Before he could answer, she took it back into her mouth and resumed her incredible blow-job. He groaned again as her hot little mouth coaxed him closer to his impending release.
"Oh, shit!" he gasped. "I’m cumming!" His balls tingled as her soft tongue teased the sensitive head of his throbbing cock.
"Mmmhmm!" she murmured, raising her eyes to his and sucking hard on him. Her cheeks were dimpled inward as she seemed to be trying to literally suck the cum from him. He moaned and closed his eyes, his breathing becoming ragged. Suddenly, his body went rigid and he groaned. Caroline was prepared for him and took in a deep breath a second before his cock erupted, splashing his hot seed against the back of her throat. She began to swallow it quickly as he kept shooting, refilling her mouth with every shot. He began to jerk and shiver as she continued sucking hard on him, taking every drop of his thick, salty cream into her mouth and swallowing it. When his body finally relaxed, she eased up on her suction, but continued to lick and suck on it like a lollipop.

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   He shivered and moaned as she did, then collapsed to the couch next to her, his chest heaving. He looked over at her as she licked her lips and settled in next to him.
"Wow! That has to be the best blow-job I’ve ever had!" he finally gasped as he put an arm around her and hugged her nearly naked body to his. She giggled and snuggled in closer, folding her legs under her on the cushion.
"Really?" She turned to him, genuinely surprised.
He nodded and smiled contentedly. "Really. Are you sure you’ve only done that a few times?" She slapped him lightly on the thigh.
"What kind of a question is that to ask a girl?" she scolded half heartedly. He laughed and squeezed her.
"I didn’t mean it in a lewd way," he replied. "But it wasn’t hard to tell you were having almost as much fun as I was!"
She nodded. "I was. It really turns me on. "
He slid forward and dropped down to the floor on his knees, then moved over in front of her.

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   "I like doing it, too," he said with a wink and a grin. She placed her feet back down on the floor and he pulled her to her feet so she was standing directly in front of him. He licked his lips and stared at the small triangle where her thong underwear covered her aromatic pussy. Her scent was intoxicating and his hands went to her panties automatically, slipping them down to reveal her neatly trimmed pubic hair over her slit. He could see drops forming on her engorged little slit and breathed in the scent of her sex, savoring it like a fine wine. He pulled her thong down her shapely legs and she lightly stepped out of it. She sat down on the couch at his urging and he pushed her legs apart, opening her slit to reveal the succulent pink flesh inside. He leaned in and kissed her inner thighs, moving from one to the other as he slowly worked his way up to her secret, wet treat. He paused, his mouth hovering over her swollen lips. She could feel his warm breath on her excited sex and was practically shaking with anticipation. He stuck out his tongue and touched it to her wet lips, then slowly licked up almost to her erect little clit, but didn’t touch it. Not yet. Caroline cried out, making little sighs and mewling noises the whole time he was licking her. He raised his head and looked up at her face, licking his lips. "What do you want me to do?"
Without hesitating, she put her hand on the back of his head and cried, "Lick my pussy!" Her eyes were wild with lust.

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   Greg grinned and lowered his mouth once again to her steamy slit. He began methodically licking along her lips, spreading them with his fingers so he could get to the sensitive pink flesh under them. She groaned and squirmed, crying out from time to time whenever he touched on a particularly sensitive spot. He moved his tongue across every part of her little pussy, making mental notes of any areas that made her cry out. One spot he found that really made her squeal was the little area between her pussy and asshole. When he touched his tongue to it, she arched her back and cried, "Oh, yes!!" He smiled to himself and filed that away for later.
Moving back up to her pussy, he pushed his tongue deep into her, swirling it around inside the confines of her tight vagina. Caroline responded with more cries and held his head in place. He pushed a finger into her and she squealed with delight, pushing downward to try to force it in deeper. Then she began a rocking motion, fucking herself with his finger while he continued to lap up her copious juices. She was moaning and tossing her head from side to side, on the brink of an orgasm, when he moved up to her hard little clit. Still finger-fucking her, he pushed another finger into her at the same time he sucked her little love button into his mouth and nibbled on it with his teeth. Her reaction was immediate and forceful. She arched her back and cried out in pleasure, forcing her increasingly wet pussy harder to his lips.
"Oh, shit, yes!" she cried, her body going rigid, then relaxing over and over as he pumped his fingers in and out of her.

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   He began to tease her clit with his tongue while still keeping up his fingering and nibbling. She completely lost it.
Her cries faded off to a strangled gurgle and her body remained completely rigid as she climaxed for several long seconds before finally releasing. She began moaning and crying out again, her supple young body jerking and shuddering under his loving touch. Her movements were so erotic that his cock was almost completely hard again. By the time she cried "Enough!" and pushed him away, he was ready to fuck her. Oh, god, how he wanted to fuck her! But she needed a few minutes to come down from the orgasmic high he had helped her achieve and he settled back on the couch, holding her small, sweat-soaked body as she caught her breath. He placed the fingers that had been inside her to her lips and she automatically opened her mouth and sucked them inside. "Mmmm . . . " she murmured as she sucked her juices from them. Fuck, she was so sexy!
She opened her eyes and pulled his fingers from her soft lips, kissing them before smiling up at him. "So that’s what I taste like!" she said with a dreamy smile as she licked her lips. "Not bad!" He grinned at her and she closed her eyes again, letting her head rest against his arm.

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   Her body was still buzzing from the incredible orgasm. He brushed a few strands of her damp hair from her face and she turned to look at him. They held each others’ eyes for a moment, then kissed passionately, each tasting the other on their lips and tongues. While they kissed, Caroline’s hand sought out and grasped his stiff cock and she started to stroke it lovingly. He moaned into her mouth and pulled his lips from hers, unable to keep his desire at bay any longer.
Without saying a word, he stood up and pulled her to her feet. He spun her around and pushed her forward so she was bent at the waist facing the couch. She reached out and grabbed the back of the couch while he pushed her feet apart and moved up behind her. He gripped her slender hips and pushed his throbbing meat against her tiny opening. Pulling back on her hips, he slowly worked his thick cock into her hole and began to push it into her. Caroline raised her head and gasped as her pussy was spread like never before. Unlike her first time with Justin, there was no pain, despite Greg’s bigger size. The only thing she felt was instant and delicious pleasure as his thick head was fed deeper and deeper into her hot, steamy depths. When he had about four or five inches inside her, he began a slow fuck, not pushing it in any further. Caroline sighed and moaned, not appearing to be in any pain or discomfort.


   After a few strokes, he pushed in a little deeper. She gasped, but didn’t cry out. He continued with this method, gradually feeding the remainder of his throbbing member into her tight cunt. She was moaning almost non-stop and her tight little pussy was gripping his cock like a velvet-lined vise.
He began to move easier as her pussy became accustomed to his size and picked up the pace for a few seconds. Caroline cried out in unabashed carnal pleasure, her voice shaky while he jack-hammered in and out of her. When he slowed and resumed a more relaxed pace while he regained control, Caroline turned to look back at him, her face flushed. "Oh my god!" she exclaimed, "that felt so good!" He grinned at her and began to move faster again, once more pounding at her tight cunt. She turned back around and lowered her head between her outstretched arms, her small body rocking from his animal thrusts. She lost all sense of everything except that his cock was working her young cunt like it had never been fucked before! She could feel her orgasm building and moaned, begging for him not to stop. Greg concentrated hard to maintain control and continued his merciless assault on her tender pussy. She began to cry out louder and he could feel her pussy contracting on his hard shaft, squeezing it tighter as she built to climax. With a loud groan, her body went stiff and he felt her clamp down hard on his cock, stopping him deep inside her. She grunted and her body jerked spastically several times before she relaxed and he could once again move his hard member inside her hot pussy. She gasped as he pulled out, then pushed back in again.

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   Her head was lowered between her arms and he could feel her body quivering on shaky legs. It had been a very intense orgasm. Realizing that she needed to sit down, he pulled from her dripping snatch with a wet, slurping sound and she fell forward, collapsing to the couch. He sat down next to her and gently turned her around into a sitting position, taking her small body into his arms and holding her head to his heaving chest. Neither spoke as they each sat there trying to catch their breath after their very animated love-making.
After a few minutes, Caroline lifted her head from his bare chest, her hair clinging to her sweat-soaked brow. She smiled up at him. "Wow! Th . . . that was the best one ever!" He smiled down at her and caressed her damp hair. She looked down at his hard cock pointing upward at full hardness and looked back up at him, a sexy smile on her lips. "Why did you stop? You didn’t cum yet!"
He kissed her head. "You needed a break," he said, squeezing her naked body to his. She reached over and began to stroke his cock, slick with her juices.

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   She looked back up at his face.
"Break’s over," she said with a seductive smile. "Let’s go into the bedroom. " She released his cock and stood up, waiting for him. He looked up at her and smiled, then took her hand and allowed her to lead him into his bedroom.
His king sized bed practically filled the small room, leaving very little space for his dresser and small bedside table. She went over to the neatly made bed and threw the covers back, then with a ‘come hither’ smile, she got on all fours on the sheets, and looked back over her shoulder, waggling her small little ass at him. "Come on, lover!" she cooed. "I’m waiting!"
He grinned, his hand stroking his cock, and quickly went over behind her. His hands gripped her narrow waist at the same time his cock pushed against her swollen lips and ready opening. She sighed when he penetrated her, loving the feel of his long, hard cock sliding along the sensitive walls of her vagina. He pushed forward until he was in to the hilt, then began to move again, increasing his speed immediately until they were once again moving at the same pace as earlier. Their bodies slapped together and he could feel the weight of his balls as they smacked against the flesh of her thighs. He slowed after a few minutes in an effort to postpone his own orgasm, but Caroline thrust her hips back and called out.
"No! D .

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   . . don’t stop! I’m going to cum again!" Feeling about ready to explode, he picked up his speed, closing his eyes in concentration.
"Oh, shit!" he gasped, realizing a few seconds later that he was too far gone to stop himself. "Oh, shit! I’m gonna cum!" Caroline pushed back as he thrust all the way into her and held him there. His cum boiled from his balls and coursed through his long cock, exploding deep inside her warm, wet pussy. She felt it shooting inside her and it triggered her own orgasm. Her cunt squeezed involuntarily on his cock, forcing his seed from it in what felt to him like one long stream. They both groaned, their bodies straining as they experienced intense, simultaneous orgasms.
Finally, Greg finished emptying his hot seed inside her velvet tunnel, but couldn’t move his sensitive organ until she stopped cumming and relaxed her strong vaginal muscles. He leaned over her, completely covering her small body with his, and placed his hands on the bed beside her, gasping for air. Time seemed to slow to a crawl. A drop of sweat rolled from his brow down over the bridge of his nose, quivering on the tip for a long second before falling to the skin of her neck, where it disintegrated into many tiny drops and was absorbed by her damp flesh.
Caroline was also trying to catch her breath, her body twitching and shuddering whenever his cock shifted inside her. After they had both regained some strength, he slowly withdrew his deflating cock from her.

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   A flood of their combined juices flowed from her gaping pussy, some oozing down her thighs and more dripping to the sheet under her. He grabbed a box of tissues from the table next to the bed and passed them to her as she rolled over onto her back. Her chest, face, and pubic area were flushed a deep red and her breasts heaved as she dabbed at her tender pussy with a handful of tissues. She tossed the wadded up ball of tissues at the garbage can, but missed. She didn’t care and held out her arms, inviting him to join her on the bed. He took her hands and lay down next to her, pulling her warm body to his. His cock, wet and sticky with their fluids, pressed against her leg and left a wet trail along it. They kissed hard, their hands moving sensuously over each others’ bare flesh. After a few minutes, they moved up so that they lay with their heads on the pillows. Greg pulled the covers over them and cradled her in his arms, stroking her hair lovingly. She lay her head on his chest and kissed it, a smile of contentment on her face.
"That was really special," he whispered, kissing her forehead. "I hope we can do it again soon!"
Caroline traced his nipple with her finger. "Me, too. I never thought it could be so good!"
"Why don’t you stay here tomorrow? We could spend all day together in bed," he suggested.

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Caroline kissed his hard chest. "I’d love to, but I promised Tab we’d get together tomorrow and work on our papers. " She squeezed him.
Greg was silent for a moment. He moved a hand to her back and gently caressed her soft skin. "Why don’t you both come over? I could help you both. "
Caroline looked up at him and raised her eyebrows. "I don’t think we would have much fun with Tab here. " She scanned his toned chest muscles and grinned. "And I doubt I’d be able to keep my hands off you!"
Greg sighed, then chuckled softly. "You’re right, I suppose. " He paused for a moment and she lay her head back down on his chest. As he resumed running his fingers through her hair, he said as casually as he could, "She’s kinda cute. Have you been friends long?"
"She’s beautiful," Caroline sighed as if to herself, not realizing she had said it loud enough for his alert ears. His hand stopped it’s gentle stroking, his fingers still entwined in her hair.

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"Pardon me?" he asked, looking down at her with raised eyebrows.
She felt a pang of fear in her stomach. "I mean, . . . uh . . . " she stammered.
He turned her head so he could look into her eyes. "Are you trying to tell me something?" Caroline’s face turned red and she swallowed hard, averting her eyes from his. "Like maybe you two are a little more than just friends?" He grinned and his eyes twinkled.
"N . . .

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   no! Of course not!" she protested, with maybe a little too much enthusiasm. It was the truth, technically. She was attracted to her best friend, and she was pretty sure Tabitha felt the same way about her. Why else would she have told her about her attraction to girls? But nothing had ever happened between them. Still, she couldn’t bring herself to look him in the eye and laid her head back down on his chest nervously.
"It’s nothing to be embarrassed about," Greg replied softly. "Actually, I think it’s very sexy!"
Caroline didn’t respond and he thought she was going to let the matter drop. He hoped she wouldn’t. He could read her pretty well and he knew there was some truth to what he suspected, despite her denial. After a moment or two, she said in a quiet voice, "Do you really think it’s sexy?"
He smiled and continued to stroke her hair. "Oh, yeah! One of my fantasies is to have a threesome with two beautiful girls!" She raised her head and turned her face to his, looking for any sign that he was teasing. She saw none, and lay her head back down on his chest. She could hear his heartbeat clearly and thought it was beating a little faster than before. After another long pause, she spoke again. "I .

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   . . I guess . . . I do sort of . . . have a thing for her. " Her voice was timid and low, almost a whisper. He caressed her back and smiled to himself.
"How does she feel? Have you told her?"
She shook her head but didn’t lift it from his chest. "No. " Then she added, "But about a month ago we watched an x-rated movie with two girls making out. Afterward, she told me that she was attracted to both girls and guys.

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   She thought she might be bi-sexual. "
"Is that so?" Greg replied. "And you two haven’t got together?"
Caroline shook her head again and finally looked up at him. "She didn’t say that she was interested in me. And I didn’t want to make the first move. " She watched his eyes for moment, but he didn’t respond. She lay her head back down. After a moment, he spoke.
"Well, she told you her secret, so I’m guessing she sensed something between you and was hoping you’d tell her you felt the same way about her. " He shifted his body and turned her face to his. "Why don’t you bring her over tomorrow?" He smiled, his eyes searching hers. "Maybe we could all fulfill some fantasies!"
Caroline looked shocked. "You mean all three of us?! Together?!"
He nodded, shrugging. "Sure, why not?" She thought about it for a moment. It would definitely be hot! But would Tabitha go for it?
"I dunno," she finally said thoughtfully.

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   "She might not be up for it. Don’t tell her I told you, but she’s still a virgin. "
Greg smiled, unfazed. "So what better way to lose your virginity than to have your best friend there to help you?"
Caroline considered this. She had never thought of it that way. "Good point," she conceded. "But I don’t know. The most she’s ever done is a hand job. " As if to emphasize her point, her hand went to Greg’s soft penis, which twitched at her touch. "But I’d love to introduce her to Little Greg here!"
He pulled back. "Hey! What do mean, ‘little’!" He tried to keep a straight face, but couldn’t.
She laughed and stroked it as some hardness began to return to it. "Ok, sorry. How about . .


   . Greg Junior? Is that better?"
"Much," he replied with a grin. He leaned over and kissed her. "Why don’t we get some sleep? We can talk about this more in the morning. "
She looked up at him with an impish grin. Her hand was still holding his nearly hard cock. "Just give me a minute!" she said, and ducked her head down lower. He sighed and lay back on the pillow as her warm mouth enveloped him.
Chapter 7
Caroline awoke alone in his bed to the smell of coffee brewing and bacon frying. She opened her eyes and took in the unfamiliar surroundings, her mind still foggy. Slowly, the previous nights’ events came back to her and she smiled, stretching her naked body which was only partially covered by the rumpled sheets. She got out of bed and found one of Greg’s plaid work shirts hanging on the closet doorknob. She pulled it on and went out into the kitchen, buttoning it up as she walked.
Greg was busily preparing breakfast, dressed only in his boxers. He looked up and smiled when he saw her.

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   "Hey there, sexy!" His eyes scanned her barely covered body, then he looked into her eyes, a disappointed look on his face. "I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed!"
She ran her hands through her hair, which she knew was a mess, and went over to him. She kissed him on the cheek and grinned, looking down at the sizzling bacon. "Smells wonderful!" He nodded toward the bathroom.
"There’s a new toothbrush in the medicine cabinet," he said. "And you’re welcome to take a shower. Breakfast will be ready in about twenty minutes. "
"I think I will," she said, unbuttoning the oversized shirt. She slipped off and slung it over her shoulder. "Where are the towels?"
He stared at her naked body. "Huh? Oh, there’s a clean one hanging on the rack. There are more in the closet if you need them. " She winked at him, then turned and headed into the bathroom. He watched her perfect ass as she went across the room and closed the door, then shook his head as if clearing it and went back to making breakfast.
Twenty minutes later, they sat down to eat.

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   Caroline had put his shirt back on and her damp hair hung loosely to her shoulders. She discovered she was very hungry and practically inhaled the breakfast he had prepared. True to his word, his omelets were indeed delicious. They chatted amiably while they ate, with none of the next-morning awkwardness that usually followed a first sexual encounter with someone you hardly knew. When they finished, she carried their dishes to the sink, her slender legs disappearing seductively under the shirt. He was getting hard again just watching her walking around dressed like that. She came back to the table and around to his side, glanced down at the tent in his boxers and smiled mischievously. Taking his hands, she pulled him to his feet without saying a word and dropped to her knees before him. She looked up at him as her hands gripped his shorts and worked hem down over his erect penis and down his legs. He kicked them free while she turned her attention to his now raging hard-on, wrapping her small hand around it and pumping it slowly. He kept his eyes locked on hers as she opened her mouth and slowly swallowed about three inches, sucking hard on it. He sighed and began to move his hips slightly, matching her bobbing motions. He groaned as she worked her warm, wet mouth around his hard cock. Her tongue flicked and teased the sensitive head and he knew he wasn’t going to be able to resist her erotic oral ministrations for very long.
After only a few minutes, Caroline sensed a change in his breathing.

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   Recognizing the symptoms, she increased her sucking while at the same time stroking the part of his shaft she couldn’t fit into her hot little mouth. "Oh, shit, baby! I’m gonna cum!" he groaned.
She paused her sucking and pulled her mouth from his throbbing tool, but continued to stroke it. "Oh, yeah! Cum in my mouth! I want to go home with the taste of your delicious cum on my breath!" With that, she bent back down and took him back into her mouth, sucking even harder than before. Her dirty talk, combined with the wonderful feel of her hand and mouth on his cock sent him over the edge.
"Oh, yeah! Oh yeah!" he panted. "Unghh!" She felt his cock swell and her mouth was instantly flooded with his warm cum. She savored it on her tongue for a second, then swallowed it. She repeated this until he finally emptied his entire load into her mouth, then sucked on the sensitive tip until she had sucked every drop from him. She looked up at him, licking her lips. "I love sucking your cock and swallowing your yummy cum!" she said with a grin. He returned her grin, a contented look in his warm eyes. He pulled her to her feet and kissed her passionately.
When they separated, Caroline glanced over at the clock on the wall. "I better get going," she said.

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   He gave her a disappointed look. "I told Tab I’d meet her at lunch time. " It was now almost eleven o’clock.
He sighed and reluctantly released her from his tight embrace. "Ok," he said. "Promise you’ll come back?"
She nodded emphatically. "I can’t promise Tab will come, too, but I will ask her. "
He nodded, looking thoughtful. "Don’t tell her what we’re planning. We can try to convince her together after you get here. "
She considered this. "We’ll see. I’ll just play it by ear. " She kissed him, then looked around. "Now where are my clothes?" He helped her collect her clothes from where they’d ended up the night before.

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   Greg remained naked, watching her get dressed. When she finished dressing, she kissed him goodbye with a not too subtle caress of his semi-hard penis, then left to meet Tabitha.
To be continued



