Smut Diaries
April 4, 2007Donny and I are going to get married right after he graduates. I had to get my parent\'s permission, cause I won\'t be sixteen until September, but both our parents are very happy. I think I am. I\'m happy that we will be able to make love. I still can\'t forget that intensely erotic feeling I had when the policemen took me. I want to experience that feeling again. So, so much! But with Donny, like a Christian wife. Not like a Negro and his whore. The awful thing is, I keep looking at those pictures of me with that horrid cop hat sitting backwards on my head and the cop belt dangling half down my hips and Mike\'s badge pinned right through breast. But mostly, I guess, I stare at the cops. The shots of the two new cops masturbating with their sex posed inches from my open mouth. Or the ones of me smiling stupidly while they\'re ejaculating on my face and boobs. But I stare longest at the ones of Ramal and Mike holding my legs open while I push the nightstick deep inside of me. In one, Mike is pointing at the badge he pinned through the width of my nipple with a big grin on his face. In another, Ramal is behind me with his enormous black sex lying on my shoulder. I\'ve turned my head to lick it.
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And then there\'s the awful last one, where I seem to be posing with my legs spread open and shoulders thrown back to emphasize my breasts, while cupping the boob with the badge in it as if to display it. I look like a slut in utter sexual ecstasy. When I\'m though looking, I\'m often wet. What is wrong with me? I will continue to pray about this. I just know being married to Donny will cure all of this horridness inside me. It must!September 18, 2007We\'ve been married three months now but we still haven\'t made love. It was my sixteenth birthday yesterday, so I thought for sure we would do it last night, but we didn\'t. Donny needs to pray over it more. He says we can\'t do it out of lust. It has to be to procreate, like the bible says. I am so, so frustrated! I want to feel like a woman. Donny got a small inheritance on his eighteenth birthday, and he wants to use it to go to Divinity school and learn to preach. But he has to find a part-time job first, cause it isn\'t enough for us to live on. September 24, 2007Donny couldn\'t find a decent part-time job, but he did get a full-time job at a corporate real estate firm here in town. It\'s called "paid intern" or something like that.
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It isn\'t very much money, but it helps just enough. He is going to assist the ad writers and train as a salesman. He\'s a pretty good writer. He really is. The sermons he writes for school are good, anyway. He says he\'ll take night classes or correspondence courses to get his degree. Like I said, he\'s a good writer, but I don\'t know if he\'ll be a good salesman. He\'s kind of timid. September 25, 2007We finally made love. We did it with the lights off and our nightclothes on, though. It was over so quickly. It isn\'t what I hoped it would be. I didn\'t experience that feeling like with the policemen. I cried afterwards. I didn\'t know Donny would be so very small.
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I guess he couldn\'t tell I wasn\'t a virgin. There\'s that at least. October 6, 2007Donny has only made love to me that one time. I am getting so frustrated. I mean so many guys look at me when I\'m out shopping, and some of them even follow me around the store. Like twice this week guys have just been openly flirting with me, and one has asked me out, even though he should be able to see I\'m married. Or maybe he didn\'t think I really was married. I don\'t know. I guess most sixteen-year-olds aren\'t, but I do think I look older, so like I said, I don\'t know. I would never, ever be unfaithful, but I\'m starting to like the excitement of all those guys looking at me. I don\'t know why Donny isn\'t aroused like those other guys are. It\'s very frustrating. Like I\'m not a real woman to him. October 12, 2007I bring Donny his lunch every day at work. I think people make fun of us because we say grace in his cubical.
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Donny likes us to get on our knees when we do it. It kind of embarrasses me, but I do it for him anyway. The receptionist there is named Brooke. She\'s the only woman in the office, and she dresses like a total slut, if you ask me. Sometimes when I\'m eating lunch with Donny, she will come in and just flirt openly with him. She\'s always half undressed, but Clint, the man who owns the business, doesn\'t seem to mind at all. I don\'t worry cause I know I have a much better body than her and am prettier, too. And Donny would never be unfaithful anyway. Clint, the owner, is a really interesting man. I\'ve only met him twice, so I don\'t really know him, but he\'s really intriguing. He seems just so very assertive and confident. He\'s in his late forties, I guess, but still quite handsome in a rugged sort of way. Not at all like Donny, who is also attractive, but more "cute," I guess, than manly. The way Clint looked at me last Wednesday actually made me quiver. He has a way of asking things without asking, if you know what I mean.
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He\'s obviously a man who\'s been with many women. I don\'t think many women would say no to him! He\'s married, but I\'m sure he sleeps with Brooke anytime he wants. But who doesn\'t, really? I bet everybody does. I just know she\'s a slut. I can tell by looking at her. I really like Clint, though. He\'s a real gentleman. If he sleeps with Brooke, I know he doesn\'t really think much of her. You know, like she\'s just available and easy and stuff. He\'s so polite to me, and if he was to sleep with me (I mean I would never, ever let that happen!!!!), I know he would really, really respect me afterwards. Not like Brooke!I\'m kinda bored. October 17, 2007Donny told me today that we got invited to a party at Clint\'s house on Friday. I\'m so, so excited. Donny thinks he\'s the only one of the interns that Clint invited! That\'s kind of flattering, I think. I wonder if that\'s true.
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One weird thing, though. Last Friday, Brook stopped me as I was leaving Donny\'s office and said just the strangest thing to me. Right out of the blue she said, "Clint has taken an interest in you, little Christian girl, and you know he always takes what interests him," and smirked and walked away. I was completely startled. I didn\'t know for absolute sure what she meant by that, but I could kinda guess. I should have said, "Well, I\'m not you, Brooke," but I didn\'t say anything. Her remark did have a curious effect on me, though, a little frightening, but a teeny bit exciting, too. It must mean he admires me. I hope for more than just my looks. But then how could he? He really doesn\'t know me. Oh well. It\'s just too hard to figure out. Donny and I have only made love that one time so far. I wonder if it\'s something bad about me. I try to tell him I want to, but he just seems to ignore it.
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I mean I can\'t just like walk up to him naked. I would if he wouldn\'t get all upset, though. It would be fun. I like to be looked at. I know that\'s the sin of vanity, but I just can\'t help it. I wish somebody would look at me before I get old!!!!!October 20, 2007Clint\'s party is still playing out in my head. I don\'t think I behaved like I should have. I feel very guilty. I had wanted to buy something new and attractive and maybe just a teeny, teeny little bit "sexy" for the party, but I knew Donny would be offended, so I wore a modest silk dress that I bought for our engagement party. I chose it because it\'s the only outfit I have that even hints that there\'s an attractive body underneath it. I could tell that even this much sexuality bothered my husband, though. As it turns out, I guess he was right to worry. But I have been so frustrated with Donny, and I just wanted to be looked at, you know, like a woman. That\'s all, just looked at and appreciated!My frustration with Donny must have made me very susceptible to the Devil\'s temptation that night. That\'s the only way I can explain what happened, except maybe that there\'s just something wrong with me.
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I guess I wasn\'t really surprised when Clint asked me to dance. Not after what Brooke had told me. I kind of expected it, actually. Maybe even looked forward to it. I don\'t know. I know I kind of rehearsed what I would do if he did ask. I would be very cool and sophisticated, and he would be just so impressed with me as a woman. That\'s not quite what happened though. I really like to dance, but never get the chance to because Donny thinks it\'s not right. So when Clint asked me, I looked over at Donny to ask with my eyes if it was okay, and he just sort of nodded in what I hoped was permission. He didn\'t look too happy about it, however. If I had known what was to happen next, though, I probably wouldn\'t have agreed to dance with him. Most of all, I\'m so dismayed at my reaction to it all. I need to pray about it, I know. I keep asking myself why, when Clint steered me over to a corner of the room and after a few minutes of very innocent dancing and chatting, very slowly and very deliberately and with absolutely no encouragement from me began to feel my body through my dress, I didn\'t at least resist in some way.
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But I just didn\'t. He was so bold about it. He put his right hand right on my breast! I did ask him what his wife would think, but he just laughed at my apparent naiveté. After that, I didn\'t say another word or in any way indicate that he should stop. It kind of hurt to be laughed at like I was some stupid little girl. Even though I guess I am. Since I didn\'t want to be embarrassed that way again, I just let his hands play wherever they wished after that. I was pretty tense at first, and I know he could tell, but it didn\'t make him stop. Why should he? He had never asked my permission in the first place. He is a remarkably confident man. It\'s just like what Brooke said, he just takes what he wants. And I guess he wanted me. Maybe I wanted him to want me? As much as I hate to say it, that might be true, because after a few tense minutes, I did sort of feel myself start to relax. And then I just let what happened happen. Here\'s the sick part: slowly but surely, I began to feel that wonderful tingle beginning to grow inside me, the exact feeling I had had with those strange policemen.
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I didn\'t want it to end this time. I am such a horrid person. Even though he was being pretty discrete about the way he was touching me, I could see others beginning to watch as his hands encircled my petite waist, dropped down my hips, and easily pulled me closer to him. I glanced over anxiously at my husband when his hands descended to the contours of my bottom and, cupping it, pulled my body even tighter to him. Fortunately, Donny was talking to an older man who had steered him into a corner with his back to me. I felt very tense and awkward at first when Clint pulled me so close, but then I just gave in completely. I closed my eyes tightly, put my head down on his shoulder and melted into his body. Almost instantly, at this little bit of apparent encouragement, he began openly to fondle my breasts and caress my nipples through the dress with his fingers. I felt myself start to tense up again, but I tried this time to relax again. I was certain that most of those dancing near us were aware of what Clint was doing to me, and when I glanced quickly around I saw that I was right. A number of Donny\'s coworkers and their wives were watching intently. Still, I made no effort to stop him. God, I know I should have stopped him then, I just know I should have, but sadly, I no longer cared who was watching. All that mattered was that tingling in my belly that had now grown to encompass my whole body. I molded myself to him and moaned gently into his ear.
I desperately wanted the seed those policemen had planted in me that night to bloom at last. To my credit, I did whisper "Please, no" when he tried to kiss me, I\'m certain it didn\'t seem very convincing, though. I just let him do it. After that, I said absolutely nothing as he expertly enveloped my breast, though I\'m sure my quickening breath and stiffening nipples spoke volumes. "Brooke was right, Temple," he whispered in my ear as he turned to walk me back to my husband with his hand on my bottom. "You have a beautiful body. I want to see it. I want you to come to the office. Call Brooke and make arrangements. I want it to be soon. "Oh God, what incredible confidence this man has, I thought, as he handed me back to my husband and walked away. I didn\'t talk to Clint for the rest of the evening, but I was so aware of his presence. I could feel the touch of his hands on my body the whole night. I knew I should have said something more during all of the time he was fondling me, should have at least suggested some resistance. But I didn\'t.
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At that moment, I was his and I guess he knew it. To be honest, he probably could have taken me right then. It\'s horrible to say, I know, but it\'s true. I don\'t know what has become of me. I just don\'t know who I am anymore. For the first time since that night with the policemen, I felt that stirring in my belly, that vague promise of a pleasure that I had never yet experienced. Oh God, I want it so much!!!! I am so awful. I will pray hard about it, I promise. October 23, 2007Over the weekend, I had firmly decided that it would be impossible for me to do what Clint wanted. After all, I\'m a married, Christian woman. The horrid thing, of course, was that I actually had to talk myself out of it. You see, I really did want him to see me, see me nude, to appreciate my body. My husband has never seen me totally undressed. In fact, the only people who have ever seen me nude were the policemen on that strange night I was raped. I thought about standing nude in front of Clint so much, and the vision of myself being admired by this man was so intriguing, so alluring, that I had to fight myself to repel the thoughts.
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Vanity is such a terrible, terrible sin. But I know I have a really nice body, and I did so much want Clint to see it because I knew he would appreciate it. He\'s so sophisticated. It\'s not like he would be a lecher or anything. I just knew he wouldn\'t be. He\'d able to appreciate the pure beauty of my body. I lasted until yesterday, Monday, before I calledAnyway, here\'s the compromise I made with myself. I would go to his office, but I wouldn\'t let him undress me. He could touch me, though, like he did when we were dancing. Yes, I know that is a sin, too, but I just couldn\'t say no totally. And he wouldn\'t be actually touching my flesh. I called Brooke and made an appointment to see Clint. I could hear the smirk in her voice when she called back to tell me that Clint would see me that afternoon. I told Donny that Clint wanted to see me to ask about some gifts he was buying for his wife. Donny seemed to like that.
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I think it made him feel important that Clint wanted his wife\'s advice. I was very nervous, understandably so, I think, walking into Clint\'s office, especially because one wall of the room is one-way glass, and I could see everyone in the office. Even though I knew they couldn\'t see me, it was still nerve wracking. But Clint was quick to ease my fears. He just smiled as I walked in and told me how beautiful I looked and how glad he was that I\'d come. He gave me a hug and a gentle kiss on the cheek. He was as cool and sophisticated as I knew he would be. "I\'m very pleased you\'ve come, Temple. Brooke thought you might. I wasn\'t sure," he said, delicately brushing the outside of my breasts with his fingertips. A great shiver of anticipation surged down my spine, but I vowed this was as far as it would go. "How old are you now, Temple?" he asked. "Sixteen," I answered, feeling rather embarrassed to be so young in front of this terribly sophisticated man. "You have the body of a goddess," he said, and stepping slightly back from me, he began slowly but quite confidently to unbutton my blouse while telling me again, how "pleased, honored, really" he felt that I had come to visit with him and show him my "incredibly sensual" body. I was just completely stunned at his assurance, and at his confidence that I had come to show him my body, but mostly totally shocked at my own response.
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As I said, that was not my plan. Not at all. Yet, I stood there and let him continue to undress me. He never asked my permission. He just assumed that that was what I was there for. As for myself and my "resolve," I never offered even a hint of resistance, either physically or orally. I just stood there and let him do what he wanted. I just cannot believe I let him do that. But I did. Having gently removed my blouse, he walked to his desk, turned, and said that he\'d like for me to take off the rest of my things. Over my shoulder, I could clearly see the staff calmly going about their business, and now Clint wanted me to undress myself in what I couldn\'t help but think was right in front of the entire office. This was going to be harder to do. Much harder. In my earlier fantasies, before I had decided against it entirely, I had really assumed he would undress me, if it came to that. I could deal with that, I thought, but this was so blatant.
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Like I was admitting that I was his. That I was just one of the common sluts he used. I really did not want to be one of his tramps. I wanted to be special. But nevertheless, for some strange reason, I couldn\'t disobey. I did exactly what he told me to. I unfastened my skirt and squeezed myself out of it, letting it puddle at my feet. I stood before him in nothing but bra, panties, and heels. I was stunned at my behavior. I had become utterly wanton. Utterly. "The bra, please, Temple," he said simply, and the way he said it made any resistance seem almost ridiculous. To my credit, I hesitated a moment, but then, closing my eyes, I did exactly what he asked, exactly what he knew I would do. Reaching behind me, I unclasped my bra and pulled it from my shoulders, though for some reason I continued to hold it beside me. "Temple," Clint smiled.
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"I\'ve never seen breasts so beautiful, so full and so flawlessly shaped. Brooke has great tits, as everyone knows, but she bought hers," he said chuckling. "I know. I paid for them. Yours are perfectly natural, and I do mean \'perfect. \' You\'re the most beautiful women I\'ve seen. Why do you keep yourself hidden?"It thrilled me that he called me a woman. "Now the panties, sweetie," he nonchalantly ordered next. I truly loved that he appreciated the difference between Brooke\'s implants and my natural development. That was very "special. " I mean it really, really was. And I must admit that I did so much want him to see me nude and to appreciate all that, as he said, I had kept hidden from the world, but this would be impossible to do. I just could not do this final thing. Clint seemed to sense this, and taking a small penknife from his desk, he walked over and expertly slit the sides of my panties and let them fall to the floor. I was now, finally, totally nude! And as excited as I\'d ever been in my life.
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He was the first man to have seen me nude since the policemen. And this was so, so different!"Magnificent," was all he said, as he stared at me in earnest admiration for some time, asking me to turn slowly so that he could "drink in the entirety of my beautiful body. " It was the perfect thing to say. Even though I know I\'m attractive, like all women, I\'ve always been kinda ashamed about how I look totally nude. I have really nice hips and bottom, but I\'m rather slim and as a result my boobs look disproportionately large to the rest of my body. And it is my breasts that always attracts attention, so I really did need to be put at ease. "Don\'t you think that maybe my boobs are too big for my body?" I asked nervously. Clint just laughed out loud, and taking my breasts in his hands said, "You do have large breasts, Temple, but no man is ever going to say a woman has too much tit!" laughing again and squeezing my breasts provocatively.
Then, touching my chin lightly, he tilted my head up and kissed me. It was just so perfect. It wasn\'t gross or vulgar, but in its simplicity, it was intensely passionate, leaving me light headed but ardently alert. When his hands dropped to cup my sex, I simply collapsed into his arms. I was surprised that he didn\'t comment on the fact that I was shaved, even when he began to caress me down there. Obviously, he was just so much more sophisticated. To him, I guess it just seemed perfectly natural, just like it did to me.
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It\'s funny how comfortable I felt then. It was just like I thought it would be. He could appreciate the pure beauty of my body without making it ugly or lustful. "You look like a living Barbie doll, Temple, absolute perfection," he said, moving now to thoroughly explore my body. The touch of his hand on the side of my breast was electric, sending tremors of pleasure deep into the most sensuous parts of my quickly yielding flesh, and yet somehow I felt he was expressing earnest appreciation for my body rather than lewd lust for it. I can\'t write more now. October 24, 2007It\'s hard for me to write down the rest of events of that day. I honestly hadn\'t expected to end up nude in front of Clint, though I can\'t now deny the surge of pride I felt in his very vocal appreciation or the excitement of his hands exploring my naked flesh. But I also must have sensed that Clint was not finished with me. So I can only blame myself that, when he moved to delicately embrace my breasts and to fondle my responsive nipples, I had to take deep breaths and to close my eyes to keep from fainting. My heart was pounding so hard that Clint couldn\'t have helped but feel it as he stroked my heaving breasts. When he pulled me closer and took a nipple lightly between his teeth, my knees literally buckled and he had to catch me to keep me from falling. When his hand dropped to the softness of my vagina, I must have signaled my complete surrender. I had honestly assured myself all through this that I simply could not let this happen. Over and over, I said to myself that I could not let him make love to me.
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Still, when he kissed me again full on the lips and let his tongue dart between my teeth, I knew that he would have to be the one to stop it. I no longer had any control over myself. And when he asked me to kneel down in front of him, I did. I knew instantly what he was going to ask next. I thought stupidly that perhaps this would actually be the way to prevent his taking me. I knew he would be surprised at my freakish ability, just like those policemen were. I hoped that would be enough. But I also secretly hoped he would like and admire what I was about to do for him. I wanted him to be surprised. But as it turned out, he was not as surprised as I was when I again glanced at the window and saw Donny talking to Brooke but seemingly looking right at me kneeling there nude in front of his boss! I saw that Clint noticed too, and giving a little chuckle, said gently but with considerable command "Loosen my belt and unbutton my pants, Temple. It\'ll be all right. He can\'t see you. "I felt horrible with Donny seeming to stare straight at me that way. Guilt washed over me, and I was about to get up from my knees when Clint grabbed my hair tightly in his fist and turned my face up to him. "Temple," he simply said.
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"Right now!"I was all a flutter. I didn\'t know what to do. But Clint did. At his insistence, I again turned my face to him, and though I fumbled a little with the belt, I soon had him open. And suddenly, there he was before me. I felt faint at the sight of the full erection of his truly majestic manhood. My hands were trembling as I lightly touched its rigidity and pulled it carefully to my lips. Though I could swear I felt Donny\'s eyes on me, my gaze never left Clint\'s as my lips encircled his magnificent sex and I drew him to the back of my mouth. And then looking up at his enchanting eyes, in one move, I drew him fully down my throat. The look on his face was one I shall never forget. "Temple, my God," was all he said. I withdrew and pulled him again deeply down my throat four more times, my eyes never leaving his. "Where did you learn to do this, Temple. Not with Donny, I\'m guessing. ""It\'s just something I can do, I guess," I mumbled, sucking him again deep into my throat.
"Do you do it with Donny?""Ohmygawd no," I said, gasping for air and fondling his swollen rod with my hands and stealing a quick glance at Donny. "He would think that it\'s a sin," I said softly, lowering my head. "He was so angry when I once suggested it. He made me pray to make me a better wife right after I suggested it. ""I don\'t know if it\'s a sin or not, baby," he answered, cupping my chin and lifting my head, "but I\'m going to use your \'talent\' regularly," and holding me carefully in this position, he began to probe my mouth, roughly pushing himself deeply in and out of my throat. This is hard for me to say, but it was exactly the way I wanted to be treated. It would be better if I couldn\'t so clearly see Donny seemingly staring at me, but even then, I knew I wouldn\'t stop. That vague urge deep in my belly that I had once experienced with the policemen and had hoped for forever since had returned. This time, I wasn\'t going to let it leave me! I received each of his vigorous thrusts into my throat compliantly. That wonderful feeling continued to grow inside me. When he withdrew and lifted me to my feet and carried me to his desk, all of my defenses evaporated. My only desire now was that he complete his carnal knowledge of me. I was just hopelessly in his thrall. "I\'m going to fuck you now, Temple," he said, lifting me onto his desk and pushing me down. "I hope your delightfully smooth pussy is as rewarding as your mouth.
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Your cunt probably doesn\'t get a lot of use either, does it, honey. "I just shook my head and said meekly, "No, sir. Hardly at all. " I offered no resistance whatsoever. I simply accepted the fact that I had no control over my urges. I wanted him to "fuck" me. As awful as that is to say. Turning my head as Clint pushed me down on to the desk and lifted my legs to his shoulders, I suddenly noticed that Donny was still there, talking to Brooke. I could sense him staring right through the glass at me as I prepared to surrender my little-used body to his boss. "Clint," I cried, "I can\'t do it with him right there. I just can\'t"Clint just laughed. "It\'s okay, baby. Just hold on. Lifting the phone, he told Brooke he wanted to see her. I was in a sudden panic.
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What was going on? Was he going to have Brooke come and see me lying here on his desk totally naked and completely open with his sex poised to enter me? I tried to squirm away when the door opened to admit Brooke, but he held me firmly there. I saw Brook glance at me, smile and wink at Clint, as I lay there, legs spread, obviously ready to be "fucked. ""Brooke, Temple doesn\'t think she can be fucked with her husband watching," Clint said, laughing. "Go divert his attention. "Brooke just laughed. "Well, I guess I was right, wasn\'t I," Brooke grinned, looking at me on Clint\'s desk as he prepared to take the body I had promised only to my husband. "It looks like Donny\'s little Christian bride is about to be seduced," she laughed before walking back out the door. "Enjoy yourself. I\'ll take care of your husband for you, Temple, honey. ""Brooke said she thought you\'d be easy," Clint said, as Brooke closed the door behind her, "but I don\'t think either of us thought you\'d be this easy," he grinned, spreading my legs even further apart. "But you really are easy, aren\'t you, Temple? Are you ready to be fucked?"I should have been deeply embarrassed, and I did feel the blood rushing to my face. I certainly didn\'t think of myself as "easy"! But embarrassment quickly turned to something else entirely when, having meekly answered "Yes, sir" probably to both of his questions, he seized my hips and drove his first stroke easily into my yearning, wet vagina. Donny hadn\'t yet turned to leave, and actually seemed to be watching the head of Clint\'s extraordinary endowment part my labia and begin its long journey into the deepest regions of my body. Regions Danny would never visit. And that deep feeling I so longed for began to grow heatedly as I began stupidly to moan Clint\'s name.
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"You like to be fucked, Temple?" he intoned, increasing the tempo of his plunges into my willing body. "You want to be fucked hard, don\'t you Temple. Don\'t you. ""Yes," I gasped, hardly knowing what I was saying. Donny still hadn\'t left Brooke\'s desk and seemed to be looking straight at me, but it now no longer mattered to me. The exquisite thrill and excitement of Clint\'s manhood invading my body was all that mattered. With each stroke, I felt myself give in to carnal lust. With each plunge into my wet and yielding body, my vagina began to mold itself to his imposing sex. He could have done anything to me then and I would have let him. I felt so in union with him. I wanted to be his ultimate pleasure. I needed him to take my body and make it his. "Ask me to fuck you hard, Temple. I want to hear it. ""Yes, do it, please.
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""Say it, Temple. I want you to ask me to fuck you, ask me to fuck you hard," he said, his breath coming quickly now. I hesitated. I had never used that kind of language before, but the insistence in his voice and my wholehearted desire to please him made it impossible to ignore. "Please, fuck me, Clint," I stumblingly said, hardly able to get the words out. It was the first time I had ever uttered that awful word. "Say it again! Now!"It was a little easier the second time. "Fuck me hard, Clint," I moaned, this time a little louder and maybe more believable. And that\'s what he did. By the third time, my remark was utterly spontaneous. "Yes, fuck me hard," I suddenly urged, my head thrashing back and forth in pure passion like some impassioned whore slut. "Ohmygawd, fuck me as hard as you can, Clint!"I should have been terribly ashamed, I know, but each time I asked him to "fuck me hard" he responded with harder and longer strokes, and with each longer and harder stroke, that acute knot of pleasure so deep in me grew more and more intense, spreading from my vagina, through my breasts, clear to the top of my head. Finally, I felt that wonderful sensation I had desired so long come to fruition. "Fuck me, Clint. Oh God yes, please, fuck me as hard as you can," I implored him over and over.
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My legs were pushed clear back to my breasts now and spread so wide I feared I might split. But I was utterly thrilled to be so open for him, to take each stroke so completely, as he pistoned in and out of me with increasing ferocity. For the first time, I felt like a real woman, being treated like a woman should be, and responding like real woman. I was totally submissive to this powerful man, and it seemed just so fundamentally right. I instinctively realized that the increased force and depth of each plunge meant that he was near to climax, and that he intended to ejaculate inside me. He obviously didn\'t care what the consequences were. I might have been ovulating. It clearly didn\'t matter to him. He was about to be only the fourth man to spill his seed in me, and he was going to spill it deeply and powerfully. And he certainly wasn\'t going to ask my permission! God, he was just so manly!Perhaps that cocky manliness is what primed me for the explosion that took place inside me when I first felt his engorged penis begin to pulse and shoot potent streams of hot semen deep, deep inside me. It was as if that little seed of pleasure the policemen had first planted in me had finally come to flower, to radiate through my entire body, to engulf me in its bowers of sensuality. As each of Clint\'s powerful ejaculations burst so deep down inside me, I gave in to it entirely and let wave after wave of pure, unadulterated pleasure wash over me. I had finally experienced my first climax, the one promised to me as a fourteen-year-old girl, which now at last was fully realized. When Clint withdrew and entered my mouth to inject the last of his sperm into my body, it was with honest emotion that my mouth embraced his sex to signal my ardent and impassioned thanks. Finished, I lay back on the desk, exhausted and fulfilled, and thanked him over and over.
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I finally felt totally like a woman. I owed that all to Clint. November 11, 2007It\'s been nearly a month since that first time with Clint. He\'s taken me seven other times already. Each time seems to make my climaxes more exhilarating. I did feel so much guilt after the first time, and I vowed I would never let it happen again. But I couldn\'t help myself. He wants to see me tomorrow, Monday. I\'m only sixteen and have been married for less than a year, and yet I\'ve already been unfaithful eight times. I can\'t believe this is me. I fear I\'ve become Clint\'s whore. Prayer isn\'t helping like it should. November 13, 2007I don\'t know what to think about yesterday. I did some things that truly shock me. It\'s just that I know I can\'t go without sex now.
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I want it too much. I\'m the devil\'s spawn, I know. On Mondays Clint has Donny take real estate classes all day and then he goes to divinity school at night, so that\'s usually (but not always) when Clint takes me. Yesterday was Monday, so I wasn\'t surprised that he wanted to see me. What followed did startle me though. Clint started out by telling me that he preferred having sex with me in the office (we\'d done it in his office every time except the two times we did it at his house on the weekend), and that from now on he wanted me "totally accessible" to him every day. "No underwear when you come into the office, Temple. No bra and especially no panties," he said simply. "I don\'t want anything to impede my access to your body. That includes when you\'re having lunch with your husband. I want you totally nude under your clothing. "I wasn\'t really prepared for this, but I just stammered "Okay," not really knowing what I was agreeing to. But the next thing was truly stunning. "Also, I want you to agree to become company property, Temple. I\'ve taken the liberty of having Brooke draw up a contract; however, there will be no negotiation about it.
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You\'ll either sign it and abide by it or we\'ll end this affair now. "I was like totally shocked, but his confidence was well placed. I\'m sure he knew by my recent behavior that I wouldn\'t be able to walk away. "What does the contract say," was all I could stumblingly say. "Brooke," he said, picking up the phone, "bring Temple\'s contract in here. " And then turning to me, he said sharply, "Get undressed. "You may be surprised, but I actually didn\'t mind this. Clint had made me proud of my body. He constantly complimented my slender body and large breasts. Plus, I sort of liked the idea of being nude in front of Brooke cause it just had to make her jealous. My boobs are nicer and fuller that hers and, of course, as I said, mine are real and hers aren\'t! My waist is tinier, and even though I\'m slender, my hips are nearly as full as hers and much rounder. I mean I know Brooke is very attractive and everything with a really terrific figure, but I also know that we both know I have the better body! It\'s vain to say, I know, but it\'s true! I asked Clint once if he ever had sex with Brooke and he said that he often did, so I asked him if I was better than her, and he said "Well, you\'re getting there. " That really hurt. I hated that he thought she was better in bed than me, but I guess that\'s what I get for asking. Anyway, being naked in front of her was my only way of getting back at her, so I didn\'t hesitate a minute when Clint ordered me to undress.
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I wanted her to be jealous and I was determined that Clint would eventually think I was better in bed than her, too! I just stood there proudly with my breasts jutting out. I knew it would just kill her!Brooke just sneered at me when she walked in and handed Clint the contract. "Read it to her," he said. I can\'t remember the exact words of the contract, but what it said was that I was now company property and the Clint would "dispose" of me as he wished. I remember that word! "Dispose!" I wouldn\'t be allowed to make any objection to any use he would make of me, including using me to stimulate a sale or sweeten a deal. Being company property, I would be available to other senior sales staff to use as necessary. Most important, I was to obey. Always! No questions! I could see Brooke smiling contemptuously as she read me my "duties. "When she finished reading it aloud, Brooke handed me the contract and a pen. I don\'t know what I was thinking, probably that this can\'t really be serious, but after hesitating a few seconds, I signed it. Unbelievable, isn\'t it? I\'m sixteen, a married Christian woman, and I have just signed a contract making me Clint\'s property. In other words, his whore! But I don\'t feel like that, I really don\'t. And I don\'t think he does either. I really don\'t think he would ever do any of that, anyway. I know he respects me.
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So I signed it!I think Clint was very pleased when I signed with so little hesitation. When he came over and kissed me and thanked me, it just put tingles down my spine. Right then, I guess I sort of wanted to be his property. I mean not really, at least not the way the contract said, but sort of like symbolically? But the conversation that followed was truly puzzling, and made me kinda wonder for the first time what I had got myself into. Turning to Brooke, he said, "I think I\'ll have the company logo tattooed on her somewhere like we did with Jennifer. Maybe on her ass. ""Well, her tits are big as billboards," Brooke smiled sarcastically. "You could put the logo and the company slogan and list all the sales people and still have room to sell ads!" she sneered. Clint laughed. "Yes, she does have a rather large rack on her, but her ass will be just fine. "God, I hate that bitch!"You know what else you might do?" she butted in. "Remember those electric brands with our logo that we ordered when we were labeling those leather briefcases the guys were using last year? Why not use that on her. You could tattoo her ass and brand her right above her pussy. ""Interesting idea. I like that, Brooke, like it very much.
But let me think about it," he added. "The brands were a little smaller than a half-dollar, weren\'t they? Perfect size, I will say that. Do you remember where they are? Above her pussy, you think? Not her ass?""Sure," she encouraged, "If it\'s above her pussy whoever\'s fucking her will see who her owner is. That way, they\'ll know who to thank for the favor. Jennifer got her tattoos lasered off, remember? I brand would be like totally permanent! Everybody would always know she\'s your property then. I\'ll get them for you, okay" she answered, staring snootily at me. That conversation seemed so unreal to me that I really didn\'t pay attention to it. It was just words. I can\'t explain it, but I was certain that Clint was kinda of scaring me a teeny bit was all. I couldn\'t imagine anyone actually doing that to anyone, let alone to me! But I did have a teeny, tiny little bit of doubt, too. But anyway, I\'m absolutely positive I would never allow that! I\'m not completely stupid!When Brooke left the room and Clint took me, I guess the excitement of that strange conversation coupled with Clint\'s surprisingly vigorous assault on my body made this by far the most profound climax of the many Clint had given me. And my goodness, he was so deep in me!November 20, 2007Clint is in Cleveland this week. Today, I tried to go into the office to have lunch with Donny, but I was so obviously braless, that at the last minute I lost my nerve. November 21, 2007Donny was upset that I didn\'t bring him his lunch, so I did today, but I wore underwear. I mean Clint isn\'t even here.
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What could it hurt? Donny and I still haven\'t made love again. November 27, 2007Yesterday was frightening, but I know now that I have only myself to blame. Brooke called me Monday in the morning and said Clint wanted to see me that afternoon. I was totally happy, just so eager and excited to see him. It had been over two weeks since he had last taken me, and I must admit I really, really wanted him inside me again. I have become so addicted to him!So I was like totally surprised at the tone of his voice when I walked into the office. "I have a feeling you haven\'t obeyed me, Temple," he said menacingly. "Brooke tells me that she\'s certain you\'ve worn panties and bra when you\'ve visited with Donny at lunch. That\'s unacceptable, Temple. Need I remind you\'re under contract? When I tell you something, I expect to be obeyed!"Grabbing me by the hair, he pulled me quickly over to the desk and pushed me breast down on it. He walked behind me and quickly lifted the tight little skirt I\'d worn for him up over my hips. Then, stepping back from me, he said, "Pull your panties down," in a voice of complete and utter disgust at my disobedience. I had remembered to remove my bra before I came to the office, but I just somehow forgot about the panties. I could feel the tears already forming in my eyes as I reached back, pushed my panties down, and stepped out of them, apologizing over and over again for wearing them. He invaded me instantly.
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I had never thought sex could be used to punish, but I realized quickly that that was exactly what he was doing to me. His deep plunges into my belly weren\'t meant to be arousing (though in some strange ways they were), but rather to be demeaning, to show me that at the moment I was nothing but a body to him, nothing but a "cunt to be fucked," as he would say later. Each stroke produced more tears. I was sobbing before he had even come near to finishing with me. He never said anything, didn\'t call me names or say ugly things about my disobedience. Didn\'t hit me or slap me. He just continued to use me like a common whore. Finally, he again grabbed me by my hair and jerked me off of his desk and on to my knees in front of him. "Open your mouth" was all he said before he filled it with his semen. He obviously felt I wasn\'t even worthy to receive his sperm in my womb. Tears mixed with the semen that missed my mouth and ran down my face to my breasts. I could taste the mix of salt and acidity when I wiped his sperm from my bosom and placed it apologetically in my mouth. "Temple," Clint said, calmly now, as I finished cleaning him. "Do you understand why I had to fuck you this way?"I nodded my head yes. "It will be the last time I have to do this, won\'t it.
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""Yes," I sniffled quietly. "I\'m just so, so sorry. I just didn\'t think it was so important \'cause you weren\'t here. Please forgive me. I\'m so, so sorry, Clint. Honestly. ""Everything I tell you is important, Temple. Everything! Have you forgotten that I dispose of my property as I wish? Temple, you need some training. But that will be a little later on. Two things for right now. First, I\'m going to give you a job here. I need to keep an eye on you. You\'ll be on probation. Brooke needs someone to do filing for her and you\'ll be perfect for that. She\'ll be your boss.
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You\'ll obey her without question.
You start on Monday. You\'ll remember the dress code, won\'t you?"I replied that I would, and he asked me to repeat what I\'m to wear when in the office. "Nothing underneath," I said. "And from now on, I want that to be absolutely apparent to anyone looking. Do you understand? Everyone is to know you\'re naked beneath your clothes. "I nodded my head yes, though I knew this was going to be almost impossible to do with Donny working right there, but I vowed to try to do it some way. I knew there was no way I could possibly give up Clint\'s wonderful love making, and God knows I couldn\'t endure another humiliating experience like the one I had just gone through. I didn\'t really mind so much the way he used me, not at all really, but I just couldn\'t stand Clint\'s disappointment in me. Believe me, I would never come to the office in panties or bra again!"Second," he continued, "I\'ll want you to meet Mr. Compton, a good friend of mine, sometime soon and later on, I\'m going to give you to Charlie Washington for some on-the-job training," he stated matter of factly. I\'d seen Mr. Compton once or twice in the office, but never had met him formally. I remembered him as a very imposing figure, about fifty years old, with a very athletic build. He was tall and distinguished looking with an air of complete confidence.
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He wasn\'t the kind of man anyone would ever say no to. Charlie Washington was the senior salesman in the office, an enormous black man who was my husband\'s supervisor. I knew that Donny was afraid of him for some reason, but didn\'t know why, maybe simply because he was such an imposing figure. He was a huge man and not at all attractive, but like Mr. Compton, I was pretty certain he was not a man anyone easily said no to. I wasn\'t sure what Clint meant by "meeting" Mr. Compton or "giving" me to Charlie Washington, but from what had happened so far, it probably would involve the use of my body in some way. I honestly don\'t know what to feel about that. I do know that, after what he had just done to me, I am terribly afraid of disappointing him in any way whatsoever. I didn\'t want to have what had just happened to me happen again, and I already know without question that I cannot simply walk away from this. The climaxes I\'ve experienced with him are simply too powerful and too long awaited to ever say no to. I understood completely and for the first time the nature of addiction. And God knows I am addicted! But I just can\'t let it go further than this. I can\'t let another man use my body. I have vowed not to let this go any further.
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December 3, 2007Today was my first day at work. Donny and I talked about this a long time. He wasn\'t sure he wanted his wife to work, but finally, we both agreed that the extra money would be helpful. We could save for Donny\'s divinity schooling much more quickly, and it would be good, he said, that we would both be together more. There were, of course, some problems for me. As I walked up to Brooke\'s desk my first day to ask what she wanted filed, the first thing she said to me was, " Are you wearing panties today, Temple?"I was startled, but managed to say in a very haughty way, "No, I\'m not allowed to, as I\'m sure you know. " I wanted her to understand both that I wasn\'t at all unhappy about my new relationship with Clint, and that I knew Clint told her things about me and that that didn\'t bother me at all. "What would you like me to do today," I said loftily and professionally, I thought. "Oh my goodness. Aren\'t we the uppity little slut today," she sarcastically answered. "I believe Clint wants your lack of panties and bra to be \'apparent,\' and it doesn\'t seem apparent to me. I\'ll have to report this to him when he gets back tomorrow. I would advise you to start wearing clothes a bit more revealing. Take this and file it. "I was definitely upset, so much so that I eventually ended up begging her not to tell on me.
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How humiliating! But I just could not bear to disappoint him again. She just sneered at me. God, I hope she won\'t tell. I do have to be more careful about dressing the way Clint wants, I know. I will tomorrow. December 5, 2007It\'s very hard to dress like Clint wants at work, but I try hard to. When I walk around now, I\'m certain it is completely obvious that I have nothing on underneath. I\'m careful to wear clothes sheer enough to show my nakedness beneath. I get a lot of looks from the guys in the office and tons of smiles and stuff, but when I see Donny around, I\'m like petrified and have to hide. We obviously can\'t have lunch together. He keeps asking me why. Fortunately, Clint keeps him out of the office most of the day and lets me go home before he gets back. This is just so, so difficult. I wish Clint could keep Donny totally away from me somehow. December 11, 2007Yesterday was just so perfect.
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Donny is away for training on Mondays, which means I can finally be myself. I wore this great little micro mini that I bought (and hid from Donny) last weekend and an ultra sheer silk blouse. I left the blouse half-unbuttoned (not that it mattered since the blouse was practically see-thru anyway), and walked right up to Brooke\'s desk. She just looked at me a minute and then said really snootily, "Well, do you think you\'re competition now?" I just smiled and said, "Perhaps. " And unbuttoned another button right in front of her! I was like nearly totally exposed. And I loved it! I was totally nude under this little outfit and for the first time I could just be completely relaxed about it. I enjoyed yesterday just so, so much, and I think a lot of the guys did, too. (Hee, hee) I wonder if I\'m an exhibitionist. I don\'t know if I am, but I sure had no desire to cover up, not at all. I loved the way the guys looked at me. When this guy named Bart walked by, I bent way down over the lower filing cabinets and let him see my breasts like completely displayed. It gave me just this incredibly erotic feeling to see him stop and start to flirt with me. I never once tried to cover up. Know what else I noticed when I looked in the mirror? When I bend over in this tiny little mini I show something else pretty clearly, as well! Hee hee! I made sure a few of the guys saw that, too! God, I\'m so bad! I wish it could be like this every day, but I won\'t be able to be like this again until next Monday. Darn!!!! Clint has to do something about Donny always being around.
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At least I know I won the competition! And Brooke knows it too! I love it!(As I was leaving today, Brooke told me that Clint had just called to say that Mr. Compton will be coming into the office on Thursday afternoon, and that I\'m to make myself available. I don\'t know what to think about that. )December 14, 2007Ohmygawd, what a strange day today was. Sometimes I wonder what is becoming of me. But at least I know that Clint really does appreciate me now, and that I have made him proud of me. That\'s so important. When Brooke called me and told me that Clint wanted to see me in his office, I felt a little apprehensive, I must admit, but I really wanted to please Clint. I was afraid he was losing interest in me, because he hadn\'t taken me in almost a week. I had taken a great risk wearing a very, very revealing outfit that I was sure would please Clint. It left nothing to the imagination. I mean really nothing!! I was exactly what Clint wanted, very obviously naked beneath my clothes. Very, very obviously! I had to hide from Donny all morning, which made me pretty tense. When Clint finally called me into his office, I was sort of nervous and on edge from worry and excitement. I was glad to get out of the general office and into Clint\'s where I could relax some.
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Mr. Compton was seated with his legs crossed, smoking a cigarette when I walked in. He simply looked me up and down, nodded at me, and said to Clint, "A beautiful young lady. I\'ve always been partial to attractive young blondes, especially blondes who dress like that and look like that. I\'ve seen her here before, I believe. Very pretty. And she appears to have a body to match that extraordinary face. Nice tits. She\'s very young. Where\'d you get her?""Yeah, she\'s only sixteen and the wife of one of my junior salesmen. ""She\'s sixteen and married?" Mr. Compton exclaimed. "Some sort of religious thing, I don\'t know. Her husband\'s a few years older and wants to be a minister and apparently doesn\'t fuck her. He obviously doesn\'t appreciate that body quite like I think you will," Clint said, chuckling.
"Once we undress her, I think you\'ll agree she\'s got the body to match the cute face. ""Damn, she\'ll be the youngest bitch I\'ve fucked since high school. You say she\'s good?""Try her and see. You won\'t be disappointed. She has some \'special\' talents," he laughed. So he was going to show me to him. I wasn\'t exactly sure how I felt about that, but I guess it wouldn\'t be so bad. What could it hurt to let him look? God, I am so, so naive! Hadn\'t I been listening?!"I remember how you\'re constantly going on about the tits or ass on this bitch or that one, Dirk, so I thought you might enjoy this one," Clint went on. "She\'s got exceptional tits and the bitch\'s waist is so tiny you can get your hands around it, which makes her ass look pretty sensational, too. Long, long legs under that little skirt, as you can obviously see. " I was torn about how I felt. I liked the compliments, but the language was kind of offensive. I wish he wouldn\'t call me a "bitch. " The language only got more intense, however, and what was said next should have sent me running. "Her cunt\'s as tight as a virgin\'s and shaved smooth as glass," Clint continued, "but here\'s the best part for you, Derk.
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Her cunt is apparently only rarely used, but her ass has never been!""Well, well," Mr. Compton replied, crushing out his cigarette and walking over to me. "What\'s the matter with your husband, Sweetie? Is he a faggot?" "I, I don\'t know," I stupidly stuttered. It didn\'t really matter what I said. He wasn\'t paying any attention. "The only thing I like better than a great set of tits is an unsullied ass," he said, turning to Clint. "A virgin ass, eh. ""Did Clint tell you how much I like anal sex, honey?" he said now to me. "I\'m sorry, but I\'ve forgotten your name. ""Temple," I said demurely, hoping that my conflicting emotions weren\'t showing. I liked the way I was being admired, and it was exciting me greatly, but at the same time I felt as if I was again being treated as merely a body. I certainly did not want to have anal intercourse with him. Or anybody! The very idea was repellant, to say nothing of the pain I assumed would accompany it. But I was positive Clint would never let him have me anyway, so I just relaxed and hoped what Mr. Compton saw would please Clint.
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Mr. Compton turned me around slowly, touching my breasts and hips lightly as he did so. "Sixteen, eh," he said, turning back to Clint. "So, Temple," he intoned. "Cling tells me you\'re an exceptionally good fuck. Inexperienced but willing. That true?""I hope so, sir. At least I hope Clint feels that way," I answered quietly. "You\'ve never been fucked in the ass?""No, sir, never. " I was starting to blush nervously. "Have her undress," Mr. Compton said, turning to Clint and sitting down again. He lit another cigarette and gestured at Clint to get me undressed. "Temple, do as your told," Clint said simply. I saw Clint smile broadly when I slipped my tiny skirt down over my hips revealing my pantiless bottom.
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As my sheer blouse fell to the ground beside my skirt, I saw the gleam of pride on Clint\'s face as his "property" stood totally nude and on display for Mr. Compton\'s appreciation. I felt so close to Clint right then. "Well," Mr. Compton observed, getting up and hefting my breasts in his hands. "You\'re certainly right, Clint. Those are exceptional tits. Quite heavy. I don\'t recall ever seeing a natural rack that size and weight with no sag whatsoever. I guess at sixteen they haven\'t had time to sag," he chuckled. "Beautifully shaped, too. Quite exceptional. Nicely sized nipples. Slightly puffy. I like that.
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Do they bruise easily?" he asked Clint. "I\'ll want to be rough with them, as you know. ""Don\'t worry about anything, Derk. She\'s company property and you\'re an investor. Do what you want," Clint replied. "Enjoy her. ""Company property?""That\'s right. Let me show you," he said walking over to the phone. "Brooke, bring Temple\'s contract in here. "Brooke walked in with her usual sneer at me and handed my contract to Clint, who then handed it to Mr. Compton. "Jesus Christ," he laughed, quickly scanning the contract. "You\'d have to be sixteen to sign this. \'Company property. \' God, I love it.
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Well, let\'s have a close look at your property. "It\'s true, I was Clint\'s property, but I also felt a teeny bit uneasy right then, but when Mr. Compton returned to me and again held my breasts in his hands and stared at them in obvious admiration, a lot of the tension left me. In fact, I could feel myself beginning to respond. "I like the cunt, too," he added, as his hands lowered to cup my aroused mound. "Very smooth. And you say tight?" Mr. Compton went on, one finger slipping gently inside me to caress my clitoris. I couldn\'t help by moan slightly. Mr. Compton smiled. "I see she\'s easily aroused as well," he added. "Oh yes. " Clint answered amusingly. "And yes, her cunt is tight.
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Damn tight. Believe it or not, she says her husband\'s only used it once. You\'ll be one of the few cocks to invade her cunt, and as I said, and you\'ll be the first to take her in the ass. But listen, you gotta try her mouth first. I think you\'ll find it a delightful little surprise," he said. "I\'d suggest you start there and then lubricate yourself in her pussy before you take her ass. Her cunt is sensational, like I said. You\'ve got to try it, even if only briefly"And then nodding at me, he said sweetly, "Go show Mr. Compton that mouth I\'ve been bragging about. "Surprising myself, I quickly walked over to Mr. Compton, my five-inch pumps causing my breast to bounce seductively as I approached. I was actually glad that Brooke was there to see how hot I looked and especially cause I knew I could do something she couldn\'t. I wanted her to be jealous!Kneeling submissively in front of Mr. Compton, I quickly opened his pants. I was determined to show him that Clint\'s pride in me was earned.
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And to show that bitch Brooke that I was a lot more woman than she was. He seemed maybe a bit smaller than Clint in length, as I pulled his sex towards me, but he was quite thick. Very thick, actually, and very, very hard. I could feel the heat from the glowing tip of his cigarette as he reached to squeeze my right breast. I slowly brought his bulging penis to my lips, and then in one quick move, pulled him deep down my throat. I heard Mr. Compton exclaim, "Good God!" and Clint laugh out loud appreciatively. I felt enormous pride at that moment. "What a whore," I heard Brooke say disdainfully. "Where did you find this?" he proclaimed, grabbing me by the ears and pumping my head up and down on his rock hard shaft. I wondered what had happened to the cigarette. "If the cunt is anything like the mouth, I\'m going to \'lubricate\' myself a long time," Mr. Compton said appreciatively. "You were certainly right, Clint. This is rare find," he said, continuing to pump his penis deeply down my throat.
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Finally extracting himself from my mouth, he turned to Brooke and told her to get something to tie my hands with. Sudden apprehension gripped me. When she returned a moment later, he asked her to bind my hands behind my back and lead me over to Clint\'s desk, where, holding me by the hair. he roughly pushed my breasts down on to the desk. "Pull her tits so that all her weight is on them," he said to Brooke while pushing my legs open. "I want to feel her body rocking on her tits when I fuck her. "Brooke was eager to comply. Grabbing my breasts while digging her fingernails viciously into my nipples, she positioned me the way Mr. Compton had ordered. It was terribly uncomfortable with my legs spread completely open and all my weight on my breasts, but I could sense how intensely erotic this must appear to Mr. Compton. Mr. Compton approached me from the rear, and encircling my waist and pushing my thighs even farther apart with his knees, prepared to enter me. It\'s strange how splendid I felt right then and how terribly much I wanted my vagina to be as pleasing as my mouth had been. I was very, very wet, which I hoped would be pleasing to him, and I was certainly positioned to give him total and easy access.
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I was probably not going to be as tight as I was when Clint first took me. He had certainly done much in the past few weeks to open me up. But I did so want to be tight for Mr. Compton. The exclamation that accompanied his first deep, hard plunge into me made me certain I was still as tight as Clint had said I was. That made me so very, very proud! He was much more aggressive than Clint was normally, and I was surprised to discover how much I liked that. I could tell he was trying to hurt me, but for whatever reason, it was exactly the right thing to do. I climaxed almost instantly and was well along to my second when he stopped, pulled out, and prepared to take me anally. I was suddenly quite apprehensive. I wanted desperately to say, no. But fear of how that would reflect on Clint stopped me. "If your little whore\'s ass is as tight as her cunt, I\'m going to have to rend her to open her. You have any problem with that?" he asked. "Not at all. I saved her ass for you, Derk," Clint said.
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"Why would I have any problem with that? I know what you like. Do whatever you want. Her ass belongs to you. If you have to rend her to open her, go ahead and rend her. Like I said, she\'s company property," he said encouragingly. "Open her up. "I wasn\'t sure what "rend" meant, but I didn\'t think it was anything I wanted to happen to me. "Well, I\'d suggest you stick your cock in her mouth then to stifle her scream. This isn\'t going to be pretty," Mr. Compton laughed. I was almost petrified with fear and extremely apprehensive when he jerked me off the table by my hair and ordered Brooke to reposition my "tits" while he adjusted my hips to position himself to enter me. I wasn\'t apprehensive for long. While I was opening my mouth to accept Clint\'s sex, Mr. Compton encircled my waist, and in one quick, hard thrust, violently tore my virginal ass open, driving nearly half the length of his thick cock deep into my tight anal cavity. I was being rent!Fortunately, my scream was stifled on Clint\'s full erection.
"The bitch is tight, Clint, really tight. I\'m still not completely in her. Hold her shoulders down. I want to try to open her up completely," I heard him say through the searing pain of his violent penetration. He drove himself now ferociously into me. The pain was sharp and engulfing as inch by inch he plunged his thick sex deeper into my body. But surprisingly and also quite fleeting, I began to feel this utterly strange sensation rising from my vagina, through my belly to my head. The seven or eight harsh strokes it took to bury his fat penis entirely inside me only intensified it, and each succeeding thrust drove me deeper and deeper into absolute paroxysms of pain and pleasure. I didn\'t know if I was screaming in agony or ecstasy onto Clint\'s muffling sex. When Mr. Compton had finished in me, depositing his semen deep in my rectum, Clint took me, quite hurriedly emptying himself in my womb. Most interestingly though, and this is indeed strange, as I was lying there, listening to them discuss my body and the tightness of my "ass" and "cunt" and hearing them evaluate my performance, I suddenly experienced the most intense climax. No one was touching me, not even myself. But it was so intense! And so strange. I was literally moaning!&n.
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