
My life as a girl


He stood up and unbuckled his pants and let them drop to the ground. Pushing me down to my knees in front of him, his cock hitting me in the face. God it was at least eight or nine inches and his balls hung heavily down.
“ There you go you little tease. ” He jokingly said. “ Its all yours to enjoy my beautiful bitch. ”
His bitch! That’s what he called me. I didn’t know what to do. So I did the only thing I could do, I opened my mouth and started to lick.
But I am getting ahead of myself. To really understand my situation, you have to know me and what lead up to me on my knees in a moon lit park. Let me explain.
My sister Julie and I are identical twins in body mind and spirit. We both stand 5’ 6” and weigh 105 lbs. We both have the same figure, with the measurements of 30-inch chest with size b cup breasts with nipples that even make themselves known under a bra and blouse. A 21 inch waist and around our ass we come in at 27 inches with long slender legs.


Our faces entertain the same voice, eyes, ears, button nose and a mouth circled by soft narrow lips. We have the same hair texture that is dirty blonde in color. At one time I kept my hair shorter than hers, but for reasons that will become known, I now have it the same length.
People say that twins will experience the same feelings at times. I don’t know if it is true with other identical twins but in our case it is true.
At times I will suddenly become sad or upset or even depressed and burst into tears for no apparent reason and later find out that Julie went through some emotional experience during the day.
Not to sound conceded but I know by the way guys look and stare at my sister that we have beautiful bodies.
As with all twins, no matter how identical they may appear, there is always something different about them. This is even true in our case.
The difference between my sister Julie and I involves gender! She is all girl with a beautiful bald pussy. I on the other hand am all girl except that I have a bald crotch with a four-inch cock when hard and two balls to go with it. I think that when we were being given our genes inside Moms womb, Dads contribution fell very short.
To top it off, my own body doesn’t know what to do with my out of place male organs. When soft, they disappear inside my groin as if to say, “ I am not really here. ” 
They will pull up in me to the point where my hairless crotch will look like my sisters pussy lips.

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   Talk about being really fucked up. My mind tells me that I am a girl at times and then will later remind me that I am a guy.
When I started growing breast it began to pose a problem for me at school so I began to wear a workout bra or tights to keep them hidden under baggy shirts.
My mom took me to the doctor one time when I was sick with the flue and while she was out of the room I asked him about my growing breasts. He told me that some young boys do experience it but that they go away eventually.
I asked him not to tell my mom and he complied with my request. Every morning I would get up and wrap myself and wear baggy clothes and I kept it a secret even with my family.
When it came to attending gym class in school I would have my gym clothes on under my other clothes and would just pull them off and then redress after class.
When the gym teacher began to dock my grade for not taking a shower so I found reasons to talk my parents in letting me home school.
So in the seventh grade I left school and was able to avoid problems I would have encountered. Thus my breasts remained my secret.
Mom and Dad both worked and so during the day I was the only one home and given certain chores to do such as laundry, mowing the lawn, cleaning the bathrooms in the house and other household chores. I would also help get my two younger sisters off to school.  
One day I was cleaning Julie’s bathroom and picking up her laundry to wash it, I began to wonder how I would look in her clothes; after all I knew we had the same body.
I undressed and started putting on her clothes.

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   As soon as I slid on her silk panties I changed. The feel of them sliding up my legs and thighs and then over my butt was like nothing I felt before.
Next I put her bra, skirt and blouse on. I stood and looked I the mirror turning to see every angle. I even lifted my skirt and turned so see what others would if the short skirt failed to conceal me. I was a girl in every way and no one would be able to tell.
I felt alive, sexy, and so complete as if my body and all my senses were in harmony. Released from the male bonds, not forced to feel a different way then I was meant to feel. God I was as sexy as my sister!
I thought about putting on make up but decided to avoid it thinking that if anyone came home I would be harder to change back into myself.
Everyday when everyone left the house I would go upstairs and change clothes and become Julie. I would dress in her sexy mini skirts or shorts. Putting on different outfit each day. All day long I was this sexy girl going about my chores.
That’s all I could think about! Getting everyone out of the house and running upstairs to change clothes.
I even grew my hair long like hers.

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   During the day I would wear it down and the illusion became more complete.
When I had to be myself I would pull it into a ponytail, which was more masculine, and the guys in the neighborhood thought I was kewl. Dad did not like my long hair but he tolerated it but not without his comments.
I started feeling confined in the house so I started taking walks around the block.
I even became bold enough to walk down to the shopping mall during the day dressed like her to pick up a few items. No one noticed, just accepting me as a woman. The guys would give me the same looks I knew they would give my sister and would even flirt with me.
At times I would go into clothing stores and try on girl clothes being helped by saleswomen with out being suspected.
Weekends and evenings I would dress like myself and hang out with my friends in the neighborhood.
My sister’s life was in full swing, popular with the boys and envied by the girls because of her beauty.
When Julie became a cheerleader I was so excited for her.
When she went to the school dances I could almost see myself there.
I started living my life through hers. Each day I would listen intently to the details about her day.
Julie and I would talk for hours each night and no doubt about it we were not just identical in looks but also in mind and spirit.

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   We shared the same feelings on everything.
The only thing I didn’t tell her was that I was dressing up in her clothes and becoming her during the day.
When Julie started high school, she began struggling with her grades and was about to be removed from cheerleading till she brought them up.
I on the other hand was very good at school, probably due to not having the distractions of a social life at school.
I began to formulate a plan on how to bring her grades up and allow me to have some kind of interchange with the people in her life.
The plan I came up with was for me to tutor Julie on her homework at night. Then on days when she had tests I would attend her classes dressed like her and take her tests. Then meet somewhere and make the switch back.
When I told her of my plan she at first was shocked and then laughed hysterically. I then realized she had never really known how identical we were.
After she recovered she began to look at me, at every detail of my face and features.
Suddenly she got up and went to her room and she began to pull out some clothes that she had doubles of. As I walked into her room she said to me as she turned and looked at me with a perplexed look on her face.
“ Ok, Kacy show me how this will work. ” Julie said handing me the clothes mockingly.

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“ Alright, I will be back I a couple minutes. ” I said.
God this was so exciting, I was finally letting her in on my secret. A secret I wanted to tell her so many times. My stomach was in knots hoping this wasn’t the end of our really close friendship.
“ Try on the red mini with the white blouse first. But if they don’t fit don’t force them on. ” Julie said with a tone of amusement in her voice.
I went to my room and began to get changed. I pulled on a pair of her panties, which fit perfectly and then pulled off the workout bra that hid my breasts. It felt good to release my tits from the under the workout bra and into her bra that formed around my breasts.
After fastening it I pulled the top on and then stepped into the red skirt she had given me and slid it up over my hips and fastened it. I brushed out the wrinkles in my skirt and then took my hair out of the ponytail and brushed it. It was the same length as hers. I made the final adjustments and went to Julie’s room.

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As I opened the door and walked in she turned to look and froze!
She just stood there speechless staring. I stopped breathing not sure what she was thinking.
I think that’s the first time I have ever seen her unable to say a word and the first time I was not able to read her thoughts.
Out of my baggy jeans and loose fitting shirt with my breasts sticking out, her tight fitting clothes showed every curve of my body, a body that I had kept hidden from her as well as the rest of the world.
When she did move she walked slowly over to me with her mouth stuck open and not taking her eyes off of me, not even blinking.
Julie circled me tugging here and tucking something in there. Then she grabbed my breasts and drew back realizing they were real!
“ No Way! Kacy those are real!” she finally stammered.  
“ Yes they are. ” I said in a shy voice.
I walked over to the mirror with her following in disbelief as if she had been duplicated in some mold. She stood in silence not believing her eyes.
Finally I couldn’t take the silence anymore so I asked,
“ Well what do you think?” my nerves on edge.
“ Well, we will have to do something with your hair, hum, also some make up and your finger and toe nails. ”
I could tell Julie had recovered from her shock because the look of shock had taken on a look of amusement.
Julie ushered me to the bathroom and went to work washing my hair, styling it.

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Then she went to work on my make up applying some eye shadow, mascara and lipstick.
I sat there and watched as my features came to life in the reflection staring back at me. I began feel as if I was really Julie.
She told me every detail about her day and reviewed the details about everyone we had talked about so many times, the other kids, her boyfriend, others that flirted with her, teachers at her school and even the seat she sat in her classes and at lunch every day.
After doing my nails and toes she had me stand in front of her as she looked critically at every detail.
Finally stood there just looking. She shook her head in disbelief.
“ Kacy, My god I can’t believe my eyes! I never knew you looked like me and those breasts! That’s why you wear those baggy clothes isn’t it?” Julie whispered under her breath reaching out squeezing my breasts in silence for a long minute to check again to make sure they were real.
“ Yes they are real, Julie. That’s why I made excuses to be home schooled. Hell Mom and Dad don’t even know! You are the first one to know. ” I said breaking the silence again.
Suddenly she began to laugh and laugh so hard she started to cry and backed up to sat on the bed, just staring pointing at me. After she recovered, wiping the tears from her eyes she smiled and looked at me and with amusement in her voice said,
“ There is more to being a girl than just looking like one. So lets put it to the test.

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   Tonight when Mom and Dad call us for dinner you will go in my place and I will go dressed like you. If we pass this test then there is no question that you can fool them at school. ”
“ Oh no way Julie! Lets not start with our family. ” I said in shock.
“ We have too Kacy! If we can’t face them then we won’t be able to face anyone else!”
I wanted to tell her about my dressing like her and going to the store but then I stopped myself. I didn’t want to tell her because I was still afraid that if this didn’t work out she would really think me a freak or something. And she was right, so I reluctantly agreed.
“Julie! Can you come here I need help with dinner!” Mom’s voice came from downstairs.
I began to freak out. Could I pull it off? Its one thing to fool strangers and dress like this when no one was home.
What would they say if they found me out, I mean look at me dressed like a girl! I decided that if they did find me out that I would tell them that we were just messing around.
“ Be right down Mom!” Julie yelled back with a mischievous smile that infused confidence in me.
“ Ok Kacy girl, lets do it!” slapping me on the ass as I walked through the door. I could hear her laughing as I walked down the stairs.
At first I was quiet, keeping my answers short and to the point not wanting to give myself away.

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“ You’re a bit preoccupied tonight Julie. Is everything ok?” Mom asked as I pulled the roast out of the oven.
“ Oh be careful! Don’t burn yourself! Here, let me do that you go set the table. ” Grabbing the potholders out of my hand.
With every word my confidence grew. I went to the cabinet and pulled out the plates and grabbed the silverware and went to the dinning room table where Dad was sitting and reading some report.
Ok I said to myself, now what about Dad?
I walked behind him and bent down and kissed him on the top of his head.
“ Hi Daddy!” I whispered in his ear. He reached his arm around me and pulled me in for a quick hug pressing my chest against his head.
“ Hey sugar! How was your day?” he asked.
“ Good, we practiced a new cheer and it’s going to be a fun one to do. ”
“ I hope you’re doing something about your grades Julie or you won’t be doing any cheers. ” Dad said not even looking up from his report.
“ I am working on it Daddy more than anyone knows!” I said.
“ Oh remember me telling you about Brian?” changing the subject, “ well he asked me to go with him to the homecoming dance next week.


   I told him yes. You don’t mind do you Daddy?” GOD! I couldn’t believe I was caring on a conversation with him and he didn’t even suspect that I was Tom his son!
“ Did you talk to your Mom about it?” he said just as Mom walked in the room with the roast.
“ No she didn’t!” Mom said in a pouting voice.
Then looking at me she grinned and said, “ Go get the vegetables Julie. You have been dating him for a while now, haven’t you! When are we going to meet him dear?”
“ Soon Mom I promise! Daddy you’ll like him!” I responded, and that lead to a lot of girl talk between us. I was so glad I had remembered all the conversations I had had with Julie.
Dad just sat there shaking his head.
“ I don’t think I will like any guy you date Julie. ” Dad said half to himself.
Then Julie came walking in to the dinning room and plopped herself into the chair.
“ Hey Dad, could you look at the lawn mower. It wouldn’t start for me today. That’s why the lawn wasn’t mowed. ” She said matter of factly.
She looked just like me.


   She sat just like I usually did.
She was wearing one of my shirts and had wrapped her chest so as to hide her breast like I do.
She was wearing my favorite blue jeans with holes all over them.
Dad looked Julie and said “ Didn’t I tell you Kasy to throw those jeans away? Look at them, they are full of holes! You look like you’re dressed in rags. What is it with the kids today? You should pay more attention to your appearance like your sister Julie. And you need a haircut! By the way young lady” looking at me, “ your skirts are getting to short! You better watch that. You might think about letting your Mom help you lower the hem on them. ”
Mom piped in from the other room, “ Oh honey there is nothing wrong with her skirts. She looks beautiful and you know it. And I like Toms hair. ”
“ Oh she looks beautiful alright and the problem is that she is showing too much. Pretty soon she won’t be able to hide her under pants. In fact I would be surprised if they don’t show when you sit down or bend over. ” Dad said eyeing me up and down.
The doorbell rang and dad got up.

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   “ I’ll get it but don’t think this subject is closed young lady. ”
Dad came walking back in the room with Brian strolling behind him.
“ Julie, Brian’s here to see you. ” Dad announced
Julie was right! He was good looking and about 6’3” and well built. Oh god now what! I started to freeze up.
“ Has he had anything to eat?” Mom asked then turned to me saying, “ He can set where Tom normally sits next to you and Kasy can pull up another chair next to him. Julie go grab another table setting quickly, come on girl move it! Come! Come! Dinner is getting cold!”
I ran and grabbed another plate and set of silverware and glass and placed it on the table.
Brian came over and produced a rose from behind his back and handed it to me.
“ Wow, Brian I think your trying to get in good with my mom and dad. ” I said recovering.
His arms went around my waist I gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
“ UMMMM- UMMMM” dad cleared his throat. I walked over to my chair and Brian followed and held the chair while I sat down. Then he went and sat down next to me.
Julie sat down next to Brian and just looked at me and grinned.

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   It was as if she wanted to start laughing at my predicament.
We ate dinner and all talked and laughed Mom and Dad enjoying conversing with Brian. Throughout the meal everyone seemed to enjoy teasing me.
Julie also got into the act “ So Brian, what do you think about Julies blouse and skirt? Dad thinks she shows to much of her breasts and legs. ”
 My head was spinning. What was she trying to do to me?
“ Oh I think your hot Julie and I love the way you dress. ” Brian announced as he eyed me up and down.
“ See, I told you our daughter is attracting too much attention to herself!” Dad told Mom as he pointed his finger at me.
Mom quickly changed the subject detecting my uneasiness.
Karen, one of my little sisters spoke up “ Look at her nipples daddy!” then pointed to my breasts from across the table.
God I just wanted to die as Dad then focused on my breasts and my nipples and then turned to Karen and told them to eat their vegetables.
Dad looked back and looked at me “ I think you and your Mother need to have a talk about your dress and what is modest. ”
Julie’s smile grew even bigger and bigger as she enjoyed the focus being on me.
Under the table I felt his hand on my leg moving around the hem of my skirt inching up. I waited a couple minutes and then gave him a look that told him to “ Stop it!” he had a grin on his face as he then turned his attention to my dad.

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I reached over and grabbed the platter with the pot roast on it and handed it to him. He had to take his hand off to grab the platter
I then put my hand on his leg by his crotch. Wow! What a reaction I got.
I felt his cock start to grow. We continued with the foreplay back and forth throughout dinner with Julie looking on and smiling and at times laughing. Everyone would look at her as if wanting her to explain the sudden laugh.
“Oh sorry I just remembered something from a show I watched the other day. ” And changed the subject but I knew why she was laughing.
I got up and helped Mom clear the table because that’s what Julie always did after dinner. While my little sisters left the room to turn on the TV and the guys went to the family room to rub their bellies and moan about how they had eaten too much and how good it was. Thanking Mom as they left the room.
From the kitchen we could hear the guys laughing and then silence and then laughter again. Mom noticed me trying to listen in.
Mom looked at me and smiled “ Oh go sit with Brian. I will take care of the dishes.

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   He came to see you, not talk to your father and brother. Besides we don’t want to leave them alone to long now do we? Who knows what nonsense they will put in his mind!” 
And with that she grabbed me by the waist spun me around and pushed me through the door to the family room smacking my butt.
I walked in the family room and Brian was sitting on the love seat facing the fireplace. Dad and Julie were sitting in the chairs on either side of the love seat.
The only seat not taken close by was next to Brian. He grabbed my hand and guided me next to him.
I sat there aware of how short my skirt was and how I had to really watch how I sat, legs closed and off to the side.
Brian put his hand on my lap holding my hand as we chit chatted about school, friends and what was going on at his house. Dad asked him if he was ready for the big home coming game?
Julie quizzed him about things pertaining us dating. Damn her she was really enjoying putting me on the spot!
My little sisters, Karen and Holly were in and out of the room making kissing expressions in my direction and then running off laughing only to come back and pull their shirts teasing me about my nipples.
God I felt so put on the spot because all eyes were on me.
Finally Brian asked dad, “ Lets go for a walk Julie. It’s such a nice evening out. ”
I started to make some lame excuse but he stood up and pulled me up.
“Your right Brian,” Julie piped in with a smirk on her face.

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   “ It is a beautiful night and I think it’s a full moon out. Besides all Julie was going to do was play a video game with me. ” Then turning to me she said, “ Oh go, you will enjoy the stroll in the moon light Julie!”
“ You want to come along Kacy?” I said hoping she would bail me out of this predicament.
“No thanks. I think you guys should have some time alone. You don’t need your brother tagging along. ” Julie said with a smile directed at me.
God I wanted to smack her. She was enjoying this too much!
As we walked out the door Dad yelled, “Don’t be gone to long. It is a school night you know!”
“Oh I won’t keep her out to long sir. Were just going down to the park and back. I really like your brother Kacy. He’s a funny guy. ” Brian said as we closed the door. The moons light was bright.

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“ Yeah real funny. Sometimes I would like to punch him!” I said under my breath.
We walked down the sidewalk to the driveway. His hand went around my back to my ass and giving me a quick squeeze.
“Umm Umm, what a sweet ass you have. ” Brian whispered in my ear.
“Stop it! My Dad will see you. ” I said pushing his hand off my ass.
He put his arm around my waist and we walked slowly down the street in silence.
When we reached the park he guided me to a bench then swung me around to face him and then against him with his lips finding mine. His tongue shot into my mouth, probing, teasingly moving it around. I wasn’t sure what to do so I kissed allowing him to explore my mouth.
Then ending the kiss he said. “ I was so excited when you called me this afternoon promising you would give me a blow job Julie. ”
“ I’m not sure why you wouldn’t suck my dick before but I’m sure you will enjoy it.

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   All the girls do it. ” He added.
His hands then moved between us as he started unbuttoning my blouse and pulling it apart exposing my bra.
I didn’t know what to do so I just stood there trying to think. What did he mean I called him telling him I wanted to suck his cock? I was speechless.
Brian sat down pulling my blouse totally off and then unfastening my bra and pulling it off. I was completely topless now. God I have never had anyone see my tits before and here I was with Julie’s Boyfriend under the light of the full moon completely exposed with my nipples sticking straight out for his viewing.
His fingers cupped my tits squeezing them ever so softly.
Brian’s mouth found my right nipple first and with his tongue swirled around it and then his teeth nibbled at it pulling on it and then letting it slip through his teeth.
“UMMMM “ I moaned with pleasure not even realizing I had made the sound.
“OH you like that don’t you babe!” Brian said taking my Left nipple in his mouth and repeating what he had done to the other one.
“ UMMMM “ I repeated my moan instinctively.
He stood up and unbuckled his pants and let them drop to the ground. Pushing me down to my knees in front of him, his cock hitting me in the face.

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   God it was at least eight or nine inches and his balls hung heavily down.
“ There you go you little tease. ” He jokingly said. “ Its all yours to enjoy my beautiful bitch. ”
His bitch! That’s what he called me. I didn’t know what to do. So I did the only thing I could do, I opened my mouth and started to lick.
“ UMMMMM” he moaned as I licked the tip of his huge cock. The tip was smooth like silk against my tongue. I circled around the rim and then sucked the head in my mouth playing with the underneath side of it with my tongue.
“ UMMMMM. All through dinner I could think of nothing else but your red lips around my cock. ”
I lifted his cock up and with my tongue I traced the under side of his cock down to his balls. I licked each ball and then sucked them in my mouth one at a time as I massaged them with my tongue.
Brian’s words kept spinning around my mind.

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   Julie must have called him after I went downstairs. Telling him that she would give him a blowjob knowing quit well that it would be me on my knees in her place. I was set up!
“ OH GOD JULIE, your mouth is so hot on my balls. OH yeah, UMMMM” he moaned.
I licked my way back up to the tip and then started sucking him in and pulling him out slowly using my tongue to probe around his cock stopping only when my teeth reached the back rim of the head. Then I sucked him in till he reached the back of my throat. As I pulled my head back I wrapped my hands around his wet shaft and started pumping up and down.
“UMMMM OOOOOOO YEAH YOU SUCK IT BABE!” Brian moaned as he grabbed my hair and pushed his cock in my mouth till it hit resistance at the back of my throat.
Then with one sudden shove he went all the way down my throat. I fought the urge to gag as he held my face in his pubic hair. Then he slowly began to fuck my throat pulling my head with my hair.
In and out he fucked my face as I licked the under side of his cock and sucked.
I massaged his balls with one hand and reached around and used my nails to scratch his butt cheeks.
It was as if he was growing bigger and bigger and his moans became louder and breathing heavier. Each time he shoved his cock down my throat I felt more like his bitch and enjoying it.


“ UMMMMMMMMMM    OH    GOD I AM GOING TO CUM. UMMMMMMM OH YEAH OH YEAH YOU ARE A SWEET COCKSUCKING BITCH! UMMMM” he moaned and all of the sudden I felt his cock swell and he pulled out of my mouth.
Suddenly he was shooting his wad all over my face and into my hair. Dripping down my chin and onto my breast. Brian shot load after load out of his swollen cock as I continued to pump it with my hands. I began to rub it all my tits as if I was putting lotion on them.
“ Oh god Julie that is like the best blow job I have ever had. ” Brian panted as he helped me to my feet.
“ See, I told you, you would love it and I did pull out before I came like I said I would. ” He said as he reached down and pulled his pants up stuffing his wet limp cock in.
I put my blouse on leaving my bra off. He reached over and buttoned each button slowly for me and when reaching my breasts he abandoned the buttons and took each nipple between his thumb and finger lightly pulling them.
“ UMMMMM” I moaned and after releasing them he reached over and handed me my bra.
“You forgot this. ” He said with a smirk on his face.


I took it and wiped his cum off my face with it and then tucked my blouse in my skirt.
As we walked back to the house we talked about his teasing during dinner and how he was sure my brother had seen him teasing me under the table.
“ Julie, I think you should know how fantastic you were and how hot it was seeing you in the moon light on your knees sucking my cock. You’re the only girl that has been able to suck it all in. ” Brian whispered in my ear. “ And you have the most beautiful tits I have ever seen. ”
“God I must be a mess!” I said when we reached the door. He kissed me goodnight and whispered in my ear, “You look hot with my cum all over your face. ” With that he turned and walked into the night.
I went in and went straight upstairs hoping Dad or Mom would not see me. Julie met me at the top of the stairs with a big grin on her face. I just glared at her.
“ Well we pulled it off! No one knew we switched. ” She said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me into her room and took a better look at me.
Laughing she said, “I can tell you enjoyed your walk to the park.

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   Look at the cum in your hair! I think he certainly enjoyed himself. Come on, lets go wash you hair and you have to tell me all about it! Every detail!”
I was speechless! I wasn’t sure if I should be pissed or be happy! My thoughts and feelings all mixed up.



