
Big Boy, Big Dick Chapter 1

Sex Stories

The protagonist of this story actually exists and something like what Iwrote about in this story happened. A former coworker of mine's sisterwas apparently involved with him at one time, which is how I found outabout him. HOWEVER, since I didn't know this person myself, all thedetails of this story, including names, places and circumstances shouldbe considered completely fictional and wildly embellished.

It was the early 1980's and AIDS hadn't really become a concern yet. Pretty much all the STD's everybody knew about could be cured with adose or two of tetracycline, so the main worry was more about pregnancythan anything else. Mike Ashton was 6'3" and a strong 190 pounds by thetime he entered tenth grade. He had a couple girlfriends in junior high,but those relationships were shortlived, though he lost his virginitywith one of them.

The thing with Mike was that he just didn't give a shit, whether it wasabout school or chicks. So any girl that decided she wanted to get withhim was basically signing up for whatever he wanted to dish out. He was apunk rocker and wore his hair closely cropped at a time when most kidsstill had long hair, though he didn't spike it. He usually dressed inblack jeans, a white t-shirt, a black denim jacket and Doc Martens.

When Valerie Scott saw him in her second period American Lit class, itwas love at first sight. "Oh my God, he's way hot!" she bubbled to  hergirlfriends. He caught her eyes one morning in the middle of a lectureand when class ended, he buttonholed her in the hallway and asked herout. Since he was only 18 and therefore couldn't drive, their "dates"were usually at his house, where he was a latch key kid to a single momwho usually didn't get home until after six.

They walked home hand in hand and she followed him into the apartment heand his mother lived in.

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   Cable tv had yet to really take hold inAmerica at that time, so he flipped on the living room tv that sat on acheap stand at one end of the livingroom while the two of them reclinedon the couch, but there wasn't anything on he really wanted to watch. Inthe absence of anything to keep them occupied, he and Valerie startedmaking out. They both got really worked up and he soon had her blousebuttons undone and her bra unhooked. He fondled her round B cups andfiddled with her nipples. He forced his hand under her hip huggers,found her moist pussy and slipped two fingers inside of her, gentlyrubbing the upper wall. She reached over with her righthand and grabbedhis cock through his pants. The length of it just seemed to go onforever and that made her heart race faster. Her curiosity got thebetter of her and she unzipped him and pulled it out. When she lookeddown and saw it she gasped. "Oh my God, it must be ten inches!" shethought to herself. They continued to stroke each other and she had ashuddering orgasm while he shot an enormous load all over her exposedstomach and blouse.

She went to the bathroom and cleaned the cum off of her. She decidedthat things had gone far enough since she wasn't on the pill and kissedhim goodbye, telling him that she would see him at school tomorrow.

Valerie went home since her mom had come back from her retail job andwent to her room. This was also before cellphones could be afforded byregular people and she didn't even have a phone in her room, so she hadto wait until after dinner, when she went over to her best friend LisaTyler's house, to giggle over what her and Mike did.

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   "Ten inches? Areyou sure?" Lisa asked incredulously. "What are you going to do when youhave sex?" she wondered. "God, I don't know. That thing will split meopen," Valerie estimated.

The next morning at school, Valerie repeated the story for the benefitof her and Lisa's friend Sara Pollack. "Oh my God! That's insane!" Saraexclaimed. Mike, at that time, was on the other end of campus with hispunk buddies, so he didn't hear this conversation. The thought, though,of him packing that kind of freight made both of Valerie's friends wet,which added some giddiness to the discussion.

Before their class together, they stood in the hallway and briefly madeout, He gently ground his hard cock through his pants against herstomach, which caused her natural lubricant to make her feel slickbetween her legs. She panted slightly as they broke their embrace andwent into the classroom. He sat in the back looking dismissive of hisinstructor's lecture while occasionally smiling at Valerie. She waswearing a skirt and had her legs crossed tightly. She waggled themslightly, which put pressure on her clit and dampened her little whitepanties.

At lunch, they sat in the amphitheater with her on his lap and exchangedheated kisses, sneaking occasional gropes of each other's genitals. Bythe time the end of the school day rolled around, both kids were full onhorny.

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   When  they got to his apartment, they were all over each other. This time, when she pulled his cock out, she bowed her head and took itin her mouth. She could only get about four inches of it in her yapper,but she did the best she could and, without warning, he ejected hissperm into her piehole. She got up and ran to the bathroom and spit itout. "Why won't you swallow my cum, babe?" "Sorry honey, but the textureis disgusting," she informed him.

He stripped her naked and covered her vulva with his mouth, tasting her15 year old juices and sensing a faint undefinable odor from a full dayof having walked around school and occasionally getting wet thinkingabout him. This was also before it became fashionable to trim or shaveoff one's pubic hair and he had to pull some hair off of his tongueevery now and again while he lapped at her clit and fingerbanged her,bringing her off to a hip bucking orgasm.

As she laid there with her body slunk down in the cheap vinyl couch andher head halfway on the sofa back, he stood up and pointed his long,stiff monster at her opening. "Mike, don't. I'm not on the pill," shepleaded. "Don't worry babe, I'll pull out. " The next thing she felt washis cock being pushed into her and the pressure she felt as his thickmeat stick burrowed into her was both incredibly pleasurable and alittle painful. At eight inches in, it collided with her cervix and sheyelped. "Shit," he thought  to himself. He wasn't thinking about thepossibility of pregnancy at all because he thought of that as herproblem.

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   He just wanted some pussy. He started gliding his cock in andout of her well lubricated cunt. "Oh God Mike, that feels amazing," shemoaned. He was annoyed that he couldn't bury the whole thing inside ofher and his aggression made him stick it to her with almost maliciousintent. "Oh fuck, oh God, ohhh yesss!" she whimpered. "Ah ah ah ah ahah, oh shit Mike, oh God, oh fuck!" she continued panting before herpubic muscles convulsed from an overload of stimulation  and made hercry out in ecstasy. He smirked as he kept hammering away at her and shecame twice more before he pulled out and unleashed a hot, ropey streamof jizz on to her stomach and tits.

She went to the bathroom to clean herself up. He got hard again as hewatched her little ass flex seductively on the way there. When shereturned, he had her stroke him to another orgasm. "God, his cock is sobeautiful," she thought to herself. Her pussy throbbed from theintensity of the friction she had experienced and she was still wet. Fortunately for her, she had her period two days later right onschedule.

The relationship continued for another two months and basically all theydid was fuck at his place. She got tired of the fact that he never tookher anywhere or made any effort to be romantic.

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   So even though the sexwas mindblowing, she wasn't being satisfied emotionally. Not only that,but one of the girls in her neighborhood got knocked up and she wasafraid that was going to happen to her, so she broke up with him.

He was pissed when she said goodbye, but he wouldn't be unhappy forlong. The day after Valerie told her girlfriends that she had ended it,they were over at Mikes. "What do you want?" he asked in a somewhatdefensive tone. "Can we come in?" they requested. "Yeah," he tolerated. "Um Mike, Uh, I've heard stuff about you," Lisa insinuated. "Oh yeah?Like what?" he rejoindered irritably. "Uh, (giggle) is it true you have aten inch dick?" He smirked. "Well, see for yourself," he replied andundid his pants and pushed them and his boxers to the floor. He wasstill flaccid, but he was well hung and Lisa started having an almostout of body experience as she seemingly reflexively dropped to her kneesand took his spear into her hand and surrounded it with her mouth. "Lisa, what are you doing?" her friend Carla blurted. Lisa didn't careas she applied suction to his main vain and soon had it at its fulllength. "Oh my God! It humungous!" Lisa evaluated before she continuedsliding her lips over his now engorged shaft.

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   He was rasping sharply asshe got him closer and closer. Carla couldn't resist and pulled herskirt up and her fingers dived under her red panties and flicked herclit. "Oh fuck," Mike muttered in a strangled voice. His breathingbecame more rapid and as he screamed "Oh fuck!" in a loud voice, shepulled his cock out of her mouth and he sprayed her face with hismanjuice.

Carla was working herself into quite the lather and that got Mike hardagain almost instantaneously. He sat on the couch and pulled Lisa withhim. "Are you on the pill?" he wondered. He actually didn't care if shewas or not. He was just curious how much of a chance these bitches wouldtake to be with him. "Yes," she lied with a smile. She was in totallust and even the prospect of pregnancy wasn't going to stop her fromexperiencing this giant cock. She straddled him and impaled herself onhis pike. Like her friend Valerie, she was able to only get eight inchesof it inside of her. She rocked and undulated her hips to stir his cuntstuffing rod against her vaginal walls and the vividness of thefriction soon had her huffing and puffing while the pleasurable joltsaccumulated in number and increased in force as time passed. "Oh shit,oh shit, God damn, oh shit, t his feels good!" she testified in adesperate cadence.

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   Her tight teenage pussy felt velvety on his weapon asit dodged in and out of her and the heat of the orgasm buckled herknees and made her collapse against him before she summoned enoughstrength to continue. The break dialed the sensitivity of his cock backand she fucked him to another self immolating climax before he launchedsperm rockets up into her womb.

Carla was working on her third orgasm and had discarded her pantieswhile this was going on. Mike pushed Lisa off of him and shoved his headinto Carla's crotch, which was smeared with her juices. The lovelyaromatic taste of Carla's hairy snatch and the musky scent of it drovehim nuts and he licked and sucked on it like it was the fountain ofimmortality, sending her to heaven four times over the next half hour. He undid her blouse and bra and pulled them off of her so he could lookat her teardrop shaped C cups. He slid his dick into her and she gaspedat its girth as it cleared a path inside of her. Carla was an inchshorter than the 5'5" Lisa, but she was able to receive all of Mike'scock anyway. With him already having emptied his balls into Lisa, helasted a good long while and pumped her to another four orgasms beforehe made her marshy twat even messier with his man-naise.

Both girls came over again and again to feel his colossal calker insidethem. They both also ended up getting pregnant by him and had abortionsas a result. Their parents, after putting each of them on restrictionfor a month, realized that they weren't going to be able to controltheir daughters 24 hours a day and put them on birth control. As soon asthe pills took effect, they went right back over to Mike's and let himscrew them over and over. It wasn't only that he had a big salami, buthe was a good looking bad boy and didn't play up to them like too manyboys did at school. This lent him the air of an alpha male even thoughhe would ultimately drop out of school after his junior year.

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   Theycontinued to fuck him even when they had boyfriends just to break up themonotony. For Mike, this was the best of all possible worlds: havingaccess to pussy without having to deal with the day to day bullshit thatwomen carry with them. .



