
Hiking Vaction - ( Complete ) - Written by: Fantasyweaver


       It wasn’t my idea to come up here. My mom insisted that the fresh air would be good for the both of us, I recall her saying “ It’s good to get away once in awhile and have an adventure”, as we packed the car with coolers, back packs , and any other supplies needed for our hiking vacation. Since dad was also way on a very long business trip. . . again. . . my mom thought it would be a great time to take a trip. She was always the nature type despite the fact that we lived near the city in our quiet suburban home. My mom always loved to be outdoors swimming, hiking, rock climbing , and “ Being one with nature as she called it. ” Which some times makes me wonder, why did she marry dad? He was a very up tight, tailored suit, fortune 500 kinda guy, and why he decided to get hitched with nature girl here, I will never know. Me? I preferred to be inside reading or something. But despite me indifference towards the trip her I was sitting in the car half reading a very long book and half day dreaming. Daydreaming about Christy.
       She was the hottest girl in the school and every guy drooled over her when she walked in the halls.

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   The crowd seemed to part just for her as she strut by with her long wavy fiery red hair bouncing off her shoulders. She had a absolute perfect figure, round ass, big breast, and eyes with the deepest shade of blue ever seen, that seemed to shimmer like water just ever so slightly. I knew I had next to no chance of getting her to go out with me, not that I was ugly or skinny, or even fat for that matter, I was just in the gray area. I was just Very smart and very shy, two combinations that just didn’t make the girls come running.  
        Just the same I watched this spectacle just about every day from the confines of my locker as she walked by. Even guys that I knew didn’t even have a locker near here would some times wait around just to catch a glimpse of her before heading off to class. I slumped a little more in my seat and tilted back on the head rest. I imagined her coming up to me from out of the crowd, her feet almost not touching the ground and white glow all around her. She put her hand up on the lockers next to me and come in closer. I would put my hands on her thighs and run my hands slowly up her skirt.
        Pushing out her chest she gave me a great view, looking at  me with those deep blue eyes she said a sexy velvet voice “ Hey, John whatcha yah reading?”
        ‘What the hell’ I said to my self and snapped back into reality like a I just had a bucket of ice water thrown at me. I sat back up in my chair. Noticing the bulge in my pants that was growing I tilled my left leg up a bit and tried to calmly play it off. .
        “ You falling asleep or something on me?” my mom said.

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   All I could manage was a “Huh?” She giggled a little and flicked on the radio turning to some light pop music I didn’t recognized. “Is it any good?” she asked. Still feeling some residual shock I replied “Is what any good?”
        “The book your reading sleepy head” she said jestfuly  “Cant be all that great if its putting you to sleep huh?” Thinking to my self for a second “ Its not that bad, im just tired that’s all. Where are we any way?” I hadn’t noticed all this time that we where off the high way and driving on a more rural road. “ We’re like twenty minutes away from the lodges. Why don’t you take your nose out that book though for now and enjoy the ride. I mean look at this view! Isn’t it gorgeous?” I tossed the thick book into the back seat when the beauty of the scenery finally sank in. Even I had to it admit rather nice out here, it was very sunny but cool and very sweet smell hung in the air. Taking in the air with a deep breath I looked around at all the passing trees and small clearings of grass darting in and out of view.  
        My eyes drifted across to my left looking out over the hill side and taking in the panorama view of the valley below. Still drifting along my eyes came to my mom. I always did admired her for her natural beauty and im not sure if was something in the air or just the wonderful area we where but something seemed. . . different.

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        I traced her with my eyes I suddenly began to see her in a some what different light, not just as the regular nature loving house wife and mother but. . . . something . . . else. I tried to shake the thought of it from my mind. She reached up and hit the moon roof button, breathing in deep and smiling as she just looked on ahead. My eyes brought me back to her , soft slivers of light shining through the trees over head danced over he soft fair skin. It illuminated her long curly blond hair and made her green eyes shimmer in the light. Working my way down I noticed really for the first time how big and full her breast where, true works of art, big full and round with nipples that poked out just a little. Try all I might her figure captivated me and her tight white tank top only made me want to reach out and feel them.
       ‘What the hell am I thinking’ I said to my self trying to bring my bring my self back.

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   This is my mother im gawking at, the woman to raised me and nurtured me. There has to be something wrong with me. But her sheer beauty just continued to torment me enthralling me like a sirens call and the temptation was rising. ‘Ok well just one more look cant hurt. . . Can it?’ My eyes returned to where they left off and continued to drift down. There was a small area of her soft supple skin between where her tank to stopped and her short tan hiking pants began. Her thin waste line formed the perfectly tone stomach and smooth curve in her back. My eyes continuing to follow her immaculate curves. Her back curved down to form the perfect ass, it was flawlessly smooth and round and her the size of it made a tight fit into her tan hiking shorts. It was perfectly complimented her long silky smooth legs. Starting with her thick but tone thighs, I traced down her legs to her perfectly delicate feet daintily garnished with light blue sandals. ‘I wonder why I never really noticed her figure before’ I thought as I retraced my way back up her body, stopping at me favorite spots of course. Answering my own question I thought to my self ‘Cause I gone crazy prolly that’s why’ I laughed inwardly ‘.

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  . . but still she was very attractive. ’
        Finally we turned to another side road and in a few minutes we pulled up to the park center that also catered to skiers in the winter. “ I’ll be right back” she said as she hopped out the car.
        Looking around I noticed only a few cars around. . . in fact not too many on the road up too. I guessed it must be the off season. A few minutes later my mom emerged from the building with that I assumed to be the key to the cabin and a few maps and other papers. As she briskly walked back to the car I noticed her breast bob up and down entrancing me for a moment again.
        She jumped back into the car tossed the papers and key on the dash and we drove off. We traveled up a short trail then to a large main road up to the cabin area. The cabin was nestled far back from the main path and surrounded by tall trees making it quite secluded.

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   From the outside the log cabin looked relatively new, the clear water proof coating still reflected in the sun and the small windows shone with crystal clear clarity. We pulled up to the front and got out take out our stuff from the back, I just stared up at the tall trees and the clear blue skies. Looking at all the surroundings taking note of each detail: tall lush bushes , large scattered rocks, and some large flower bushes growing under one of the windows on the side of the cabin. They were probably one of many and the source of the wonderful smell in the area. I took in a deep breath when my mom interrupted my trance.
       “Come on you, yah going to stand there or help with the bags” She smiled as she tossed a nap sack that kinda caught me off guard. Pausing one last time to look around I walked up to the cabin. Upon entering the cabin laden with bags I noticed it was a rather large. It had a big bed that was bare though, tall rafter ceilings, a large white fan, bathroom, and a small kitchenette, all rather up scale for a hiking lodge I thought. We unpacked, fixed the bed, prepared quick dinner, and then headed out on one of the shorter trails since there wasn’t that much day light left. We headed out the cabin with some light packs in tow. Taking a minute to breath in the sweet fresh air like a aphrodisiac we looked around then headed off into the wilderness. The trail led us off into the denser parts of the woods, bushes, and trees made it hard to stray from the path so we had to walk single file. Lucky for me my mom decided to take the lead, as we started to climb up hill the terrain caused her ass to shift side to side more dramatically as we walked. While she was enjoying the trees I was admiring other views.

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   Eventually we came to a small clearing with a large flat rock jutting out of the mountain side giving a amazing view of the distant valleys and hills.
       “This looks like a nice spot to rest”my mom said.
So we laid down out packs and sat on the rock, we sat just looking out into the distance and admiring the beauty of nature. I was starting to realized why she loved being outdoors so much. I looked around the valley sighting several small rivers, and one particular one that ran across the land scape and then was cloaked by thick groves of trees. Though I couldn’t see it I guessed the source was a water fall or something.
      A cool breeze came by and picked up the tendrils of my mom’s hair making them seem like strands of gold caught in the wind. She shivered a bit then scootched over to me grasped my arm and lean on my shoulder. I tilted my head towards her, looking off into the distance and down at her taking in the moment. The smell of her hair wisped up  and I inhaled it like the scent of a sweet flower, sending a warm haze through my mind and dulling my senses. As she tilted into me I couldn’t help but notice one almost obvious detail, I could see most of her big beautiful breast now. Intoxicated with warmth my mind blurred, slipping in and out of day dream state of mind. With her other hand she pulled down on her top to cover more of her stomach, but exposing her luscious tits just a bit more. I had to battle my with my self to control my carnal desires, her big tits just mesmerizing me, beckoning me to reach out. A imaged flashed in my head of me reaching down to tare off her top so I could rub and caress her big full breast, taking them into my mouth on by one.

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   Drinking in their silky feel and indulging on their warmth, feeling the weight of them in my hands, feeling every inch like a fine silk. The heat built up inside me, burning like a scorching day, igniting my skin as my heart  and breathing steadily increasing. Another hazy imagine flashed in my head of  ripping off her thin shorts , exposing her round ass and illustrious pussy already drenched her warm puss juices waiting to accept my cock. Laying her on her back and spreading her long legs as I penetrated her with my large cock, forcing my self into her awaiting pussy, ravaging her.
       The warmth subsided and a cool breeze slip past calming my inner flames of lust. Ultimately I new I could never live out my fantasy but never the less the thought was still tormented me, tugging at my heart. She was still looking out and didn’t notice me admiring her out the corner of my eye, and completely oblivious to what her own son was thinking. But also I started to notice the bulge growing my pants. She put her hand on my upper leg and rubbed my inner thigh a little. She was still staring off into space and completely un aware of what was inches away from her. I had to do something before she reached up any further and realized the effect she was having on me. I shifted then stood up.
       “What’s wrong hun?”she said.
               “Nothing, I just sort of got a leg cramp” I hunched over and pretending to stretch my legs and hiding some thing else at the same time. She let out a sigh “I guess we better get a move on then its getting late.

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  â€ The whole trip back down I avoided looking at her all cost, that last one was a close call.  
        When we came back it was rather late and we where both kind of tired. We took turns in the bathroom and slipped into some night cloths. While I was in the shower though, I could have sworn I saw my mom wearing nothing as I peered through the shower curtain. But I thought I was just seeing things, when I got out I saw she had a tan towel. ‘ Im so losing it’ I thought ‘ like she would prance around me naked like that. ’
        I opened the window to let in some air, and letting in the sweet smell from the bushes outside. The curtains danced on the cool breeze as I climbed into bed. Since the only blankets on the bed where the ones we brought with us I only had a thin layered blanket to cover up with.
       My mom came out the bath room and was too busy pinning up her hair to notice me looking at her. She wore a pink satin nightie that only went down to her upper thigh and I also noted it was some what ill suited for the size of my mom’s large breast. Looking up she smiled at me and blushed a little. She glided across the room she bent over to the night stand and took something with a glass of water. All I could think about is why couldn’t that nighty be a little shorter so I could get the full view of her perfectly shaped ass, and maybe a little more. I stared at it a little bit longer trying to imagine what was underneath.


       She Climbed into bed, laying down with her back to facing me and laying some what diagonally on the bed on the bed. Softly resting her head on the pillow she drifted off, and so I faced the window, partly so I wouldn’t stay up all night admiring her perfect curves. The sun sank into the night sky and the pale moon light replaced it, illuminating the outside and streaming through the window with its soft silver light.
       I began to drift off, half way to dreaming a rather chill breeze came in across the room and I instinctively turned to my mom for warmth. I was adjusting the blanket when my hand came up and brushed up against my mom’s nightie. A spark went off and I made another pass on her thy. Now fully awake it dawned on me that she wasn’t wearing any panties! Could this be my chance to finally experience what has been tormenting me all day? Could I? No. . . this was my mother for crying out load. . . . But temptation was overwhelming me. Well.


  . . just maybe a little feel and nothing else.
       My hand drifted back down to her hip. I rubbed the outside of her silk pink nighty, if she woke up I could just simply chalk up my actions to trying to playfully tickle her. A weak reason for trying to feel my mom up, but still I could care less, desire had driven off all logic and reasonable thoughts. I watched carefully to see if I had any effect. Nothing, not even a shrug or a twitch. Gaining some confidence I slowly pulled up her nighty a few inches, gently putting my hand under it feeling the warmth of her skin. She still didn’t stir. I caressed her round ass a little more now slowly going up and down. I closed my eyes to enjoy the sensation while I went up and down around and along her groove and cheeks. Her skin as just so soft and smooth, just touching her gave me a tingling sensation up my arm. Looking down I noticed how her legs where pulled up towards her stomach allowing me to feel the full curve of her soft full ass. My hand traveled down the full length of the groove of he butt then running down her thy slowly coming back up again.

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   Again traveling back down her back side to feel her inner thy. But then my hand brush up against something else. Instantly heat shot up my arm as my hand brushed up against the soft folds of skin between her legs and below her ass. The oval shaped folds prominently puffing out between her legs and opening up like a flower bloom. I sat up on one elbow and pulled up her nighty a little more to find that I had the perfect angle on her pussy!
        I recoiled back a little to see if she would stir. Nothing. Any remaining reasoning and logic had been over come by the feeling of excitement and lust. Laying down again I tried to control my breath an excitement and closed my eyes. My hand went back down and felt her soft warm pussy , it was warm, soft, silky smooth, and shaven. The outer rim was so soft and gently folded. I was transfixed on the silk like feel of it, her puffy full lips forming a soft cradle. With two fingers I traced the contour of her pussy, one finger on each side going back and forth. It felt like electricity was going up my hand up my arm and down my spine. In the back of my mind the thought of this being my mother just made the feeling stronger. I rubbed her pussy deeper making small circles, opening and closing her lips.

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   She was getting very hot and wet, I held my breath a little as I slipped my middle finger into her pussy a little bit. She still didn’t move, so I got a little braver and delved in deeper. The feeling was incredible, I couldn’t believe how wet she was, her pussy was smoother then I could have imagined and it pulled back on my finger when I pushed  in and out. By now my cock was rock hard and ached to feel inside of  her. But could I go all the way? To commit such a sin against god? Im mean this was my mother and here I was rubbing her pussy, making her wet, and getting ready to slide my cock into her cunt. Dispelling the last remnants of logic, I thought to my self ‘Well maybe just a little bit just to feel but that’s it and I’ll go back to bed. ’ Slowly I pulled my hand out from my moms wet pussy and reach into my pants. I shifted my body closer , lined my self up, and pulled my 9 inch dick out.
        I tested the waters by pressing my dick up against her ass to see is she would react. Nothing. I pushed in a little more to feel her soft ass against my dick. I though to my self ‘ maybe I can do that later’. I pulled out and shifted down more till I was lined up with my mom’s warm wet pussy I so deeply desired. Warmth and adrenalin rippled through me as I thought about what I was about to do, the taboo thoughts of me filling my own mother’s pussy with my cock swirled in my mind fanning the flames. I held my eyes closed tight as I pressed my cock up against her pussy and rubbed the full length of my mom’s pussy with my shaft.

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   Her pussy lips parting to sink my dick in a little more, and half enveloping the girth of my cock in her puffy folds, her juices spilling onto me forming thin coat onto my cock. Judging by her lack of reaction besides her increase warm and wetness, I thought I was safe enough to enter her now. I pulled my cock back a bit, taking in a few short breaths then slowly guiding my dick into her now hot pussy, gasping as I pushed in. .
        The feeling of my dick inside my moms pussy overwhelmed me so much. Her cunt felt warm, smooth as silk, her soft pussy lips parting taking in my cock, with her body bathing me in warmth as I entered her. As my cock delved into her warm pussy a shock ran up my dick and into me, almost making me push into her pussy a little more then I wanted to. I had to brace my self by putting my hand on her hip. She stirred a little and I froze. I waited a few minutes then nothing else. Part of me wanted to quit while I was ahead. But the rest of me wanted to dive in more. Just so long as that doesn’t happen again I should be ok. Keeping my hand on her hip I pulled my cock out a inch or two then slowly pushed in again. She was so tight but I could still easily slide in.

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   Her pussy engorge my cock and I could feel her pussy opening more to fit me inside her and her body contracting to pull me in.
       At the same time I reach up her nightie to those big beautiful breast, I caressed and rubbed the outside of her nightie feeling the size in my hand. They where even bigger then I thought, barely being able to cover one with my hand. I just had to feel one uncovered! So I pulled down part of the front end of her nighty to expose her huge soft breast. I took it up in my hand feeling the feel weight of it , kneading , gently tugging her nipples with my fingers. Never in my life had I felt something so wonderful and my throat thirst to taste her. Greedily I sucked down running my tongue all along her soft skin lathering it warmth. I pressed my lips down suckling on her nipple, small stream of milk came out as she began to lactate in her sleep. Spirts shot into my mouth and I lapped it up like the worlds sweetest nectar. Breaking off I looked down at her, my cock was buried in my mom’s juicey cunt and a small stream of milk ran down her breast, the site was immaculate. Rubbing my moms tits and having my dick in her pussy felt like pure ecstacy. I continued to push in and out of her, taking in every ounce of the feeling, the warm radiating off us now was incredible. My mom was getting wetter and wetter as I slid my cock in and out of her tight cunt. But  by mistake I came completely out and while was I was going back in I brushed up against her clit with my head on the way back in. She stirred and even more so then last time.

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   I froze, thoughts began spinning in my head, ‘ Oh my god, she’s going to wake up, with her own son’s dick half buried inside her cunt! Oh my god she’s going to hate me and disown me for taking advantage of her like this. She is going to think im sick and send me away. . . can she get pregnant? I cant have a child with my mother!. . Shit her eyes are opening!”
        Completely Frozen I watched her eyes slowly open half way. ‘ That’s it im dead’ I though to my self. Her hand reached downed between her legs, she touched her pussy and my dick that was in it. Afraid of what she might do I laid still while she slowly followed my dick to my balls with her hand  then run it back up to her pussy again. But to my surprise a smile came across her face, she closed her eyes and then did something even more amazing. She adjusted her self and pushed back into me, I looked down to I watch as the rest of cock disappear into my mom’s pussy! This was like a dream, not only was I fucking my mom she was letting me! With my dick fully inside my mom’s pussy she twisted a little and turned her face towards me and said the best words I ever heard in my life
        “Please fuck me some more baby” I was shocked and so turned on by what she just said. “But mom I don’t . . .

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  . I don’t have a condom on. ”
         “Don’t worry bout that hun” she said in a sexy half dazed voiced “lets just enjoy ourselves with this special moment” She reached up and kissed me during which I noticed what was on the night stand, it was a small round case and then realized what it was. I focused back on  kissing my mom, then pulled out my dick from her pussy till it was almost to the end. This caused her to break off the kiss and gasp a little, and as I pushed all the way back into that hot wet pussy of her’s and  she let out a soft moan. She put her head back on the pillow and pulled down the rest of her nighty giving me full access to both her breast. Putting my arm around her waist I repositioned her, arching her back more and giving me a better angle to penetrate her fully  with my cock. Then I started up just like before pushing in and out of her, this time fucking her cunt with my full length. I rubbed and sucked on her breast making  her to moan again and again. Taking her breast in my mouth my tongue danced around her nipple, pulling and sucking it as my hand rubbed her other breast. They were so supple and firm I loved to play with them. Sucking on her breast and sliding my cock in and out of her warm pussy put us both in a heavenly state.
         “Oh god. . .

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  . like that baby. . . . . oh god yessss fuck me like that. . . ”
“Please be a good boy and fuck your mommy harder. . . You like fucking your mom huh?. . .

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  OH GOD im going to cum. . You like having you hard cock inside your mom’s tight cunt?. . . OH GOD im going  to cum all over you cock!!”
         I increased my speed with every word she said and brought her to her first orgasm. Her body tensed up as the wave of pleasure washed over her. Her back arching as a loud gasp escaped her lips, her legs straitening as she reached around to my hip and with one arm to push me in farther.   Her pussy pulled on my cock so much I almost came. I pulled on her waist and gritted my teeth trying to stave off cumming just yet. After the orgasm passed she said “ Oh god that was wonderful please don’t stop. ” I then pulled completely out of her and laid her on her back.
         I crawled to the foot of the bed, taking one knee in each hand I spread her legs before me. I marveled at the site before me, my mom was spread open for me, her hands where up under her pillow supporting her head. I had a full view of both her big wonderful tits now and finally I got to see that perfect pussy that I been fucking all this time; the beautiful pussy my mom has open up for me and welcomed her on sun to fill with his cock.

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  Â  Her pussy was so warm and so wet. My mom’s pussy juices and my pre cum flowed freely from her cunt. It was absolutely perfect. I lowered my self on to her and for the second time I witnessed my cock part and slide past those warm soft lips to disappear into her soft cunt, once when it was all the way in I lowered my self onto her breast. The sensation of both are bodies pressed up against each other was incredible, and the feeling of having my entire cock in my mom’s vagina pressed up against her cervix was divine. It was hard to believe that all these sensation where coming from my own mothers warm pussy. The heat passed between us we just stared into each other eyes then embraced each other. With my hand on ether side of her and her hand around my back I lifted my self up. I could feel her legs tighten a little around my waist then relax when I was in position. Then while still looking into those dark green eyes I started to slowly pull my cock out of my mom’s tight warm pussy and then felt it go back in inch by inch, taking in the smooth silk feeling of her soft pussy as her warmth encased my cock. Our eyes never looking away as we just soaked up the sensation. Then she said the words to set me off again “Fuck me”.
         Now harder then before I pushed in and out her, her warm velvet pussy sliding my cock in and out of her. As she started to meet my thrust she began to moan more and more. The heat was building up and her cunt was nearly gushing her pussy juices out now.


   She moaned in delight as a orgasm hit her , then another, the waves keep flowing over her and she pushed up into me at full force and I pushed back. I was about to cum and couldn’t hold it any longer. ” Oh god mom im going to cum”
        “Cum baby cum in your momma’s hot pussy. . . . . ohhhh yesss. . . . I need your cock to fill me. . . .


  . ooohhh godddd. . . . fill my cunt with your hot cum. . . . . fill your mother please . . . . OOOHHHHH GOODD!!.

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        It was then that the final wave hit us both, her pussy held tight as I thrusted one list time into her going deeper then ever before. I slid clear past her cervix, my cock spasming as my hot cum gushed into her depths. Our body remained tense as what seem for every as I spilled load after load of my cum directly into my mom, filling her my seed. Finally I clasped out of breath on her, too tired to even pull out my cock.
        Only my mom had enough energy to speak “ God that was wonderful. ” She held me close to her “I can still feel all your hot loving cum deep inside me and you cock still inside my cunt. God you’ve completely filled me up!” I managed to muster the strength but still breathing heavily to reply “That was better then. . . . I could have possible dreamed of. . . . your pussy feels so good mom.

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        “I love having your cock inside me I cant get enough, I guess im your bitch now huh” she said beaming smile followed by a giggle. I grinned as she kissed my fore head “ Well form now on when ever you want your bitch, even when you come home form school just call me and ill come up lay on your bed, spread open waiting for you to fuck me. Maybe you can even come in to the kitchen. . . bend me over the counter. . . so you can slip your cock in my pussy and fuck me right there” she ended with a yawn and we both drifted to sleep still embracing each other.

        I a woke to the sounds of bird chirping and the first slivers of the morning light coming through the window. I rubbed my head for a second and all the events from last night came back to me. . . like out of a dream. I remember my mom’s pink nightie and then heat of passion we shared.

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   I could feel my dick becoming hard again as I recounted the night. It all started with that simple feel that lead  to my mom waking up to find my dick inside her, then to her fucking right back at me, and ending with me unloading my hot seed into her.  
       My head cleared from its haze, then I realized who was still under me. My mom rested peacefully, her soft face lay to one side, and her locks of hair sprawled on the pillow. The whole night we sleep in each others embrace, even my cock was still inside her pussy, and seeing and thinking about all this was getting me very hard. Delicately I moved her arms off me as not to wake her, slowly I drew my legs up and with my hand I pulled my dick slowly out her finally coming out with a soft slurp sound. With my cock dislodge from her warm pussy a mix of my cum and her juices ran out of her glorious cunt. I quickly picked up a towel off the floor and put it under her to catch the cum from getting all over the bed. I couldn’t believe how much cum I pumped into her last night. I was about to go get a new towel when I caught its sent. . . . I put the towel up to my face taking in the sweet aroma. It almost smelled as sweet as flowers, wisping its enchanting scent, tempting me for more, and rekindling my inner flame.

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   Putting the towel aside I curiously bent down to my moms pussy, putting me face inches away from her. She smelled absolutely intoxicating. After breathing in the aroma coming off her I decide to try and see how it taste. I got in closer and stuck out my tongue and touched her outer lip with the tip of my tongue, thinking about for a moment it was sweet but salty. I wasn’t bad, so I decided to try some more. I began running my tongue all around her pussy. It wasn’t before long till I started to fully get into it, I caught every droplet around her wonderful cunt.
         I could see my mom starting to wake up, her eyes still closed as she stretched her arms. I continued to lap up the juices flowing from her as she started to rub her breast and grasp the bed sheets with her other hand. She moaned in delight and slowly opened her eyes.
       “ Mmmm what a wonderful way to be woken up” a smile of pure lust beamed across her face “I could get used to this. ” I didn’t reply. She bent her legs and spread them open more for me. I wrapped my arms up and around her legs and pulled in closer, she stopped rubbing her breast and grasping the sheet. She moved both hands down and spread her pussy lips.

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   I stopped and stared for a moment, I looked deep into her cunt and couldn’t help but be awed by it. This is where I once came from, and just last night I filled it once again but with my cock as I poured my own seed into my mother’s awaiting cunt. I leaned in and put my entire mouth on my mom’s cunt , sliding my tongue in as far as it could got and swirling it around picking up the warm fluids from her walls. My mom gasped as I entered her and moaned when I moved my tongue back out her. I withdrew my tongue and slid my tongue along her clit, she moaned with ecstasy in her voice.
        “You taste so good mom, I could eat your pussy all the time” She moaned in response and replied “ I cant get enough of your wonderful tongue” she gave a high pitched out moan “The way you eat me out makes hotter then I ever been. ” I started to lap my tongue around her pussy faster stopping to rub her clit in circles. She dropped her hands and arched her back as a orgasm rocked her core. She barely had time to recover before what I was about to do next. I got up on my knees grabbed my cock and slid it right into her pussy, with one swift motion I put my arm under her back and pulled her up to me. She wrapped her legs around me and I let her arch back just enough so I could suck on tits. She put out her arms and tried to hang on to me, but she could barley hold on to my shoulders as I lifted up and down. She yelled out to me “ OOH GOD YES!. . .

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  . . I cant get enough of your cock. . . . its so wonderful. . . . uuuuuhhh uhhhHHHH ooOH YES! FUCK ME!!”
        I pounded her on my dick hard then ever, bouncing her on my lap. I looked down to see my cock sliding in and out of my mom’s hot cunt, my cock glistened with her juices as I pulled out of my mom’s pussy and glided back in.
       Her golden lochs of hair bounced up and down wildly in the air. “ Im going to cum on your cock again. .

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  . . . . . . . . OH JESUS. . . . . Don’t stop!” And at that moment she tightened her legs around me as I pushed my cock deep into her pussy. Her head tossed back unleashing a guttural moan as I grit my teeth “Im going to cum mom” She lessened her grip on me “ Don’t come yet hun, mommy wants to taste your hot cum.

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  â€ She quickly got off me and got on all fours. I was holding my dick tight trying to hold back for a second more, as soon as she opened her mouth I guided my cock strait into her. She gagged a little and I could see my cock was expanding her throat but she took it all at once, then she started to rock back and forth. Her lips sliding up and down my shaft and her tongue swashing the head of my dick. My senses overloaded and I was about to explode. I pushed her head to base of my cock then released. She choked on the loads of cum I was shooting down the throat, with one hand I reached to down to the under part of her throat. I could feel not only my cock but the heat from all the cum. She tired to swallow all she could, but cum started to pour out her mouth and drip down her chin. She tried to push me off to come up for air but lust had taken over and I held my dick firmly inside of her mouth. I only let up after I spilled my entire load, upon letting go of her she fell back onto her haunches, her arms bracing her from behind and gasping for air. I could now clearly see how much I put into her, cum was coming down her chin covering her breast almost entirely and a few lines even reached her pussy. She was absolutely cover in my cum and we where both breathing heavily.
       “ Im so sorry I just lost control” I blurted every winded. Stopping for breaths in between words.

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   She replied “Its ok, I love. . . I love the feel of your cum shooting down my throat. . . and. . . and being washed with warmth of it. . . . covering me. ” With that she scooped up a large amount of cum off her tits held it up and drizzle it all into her mouth then sucking her fingers clean “Mmmm.


  . oh god you taste so good. ” I just watched my mom as she scooped all the cum off her, she even delved into her pussy to bring every last drop to her mouth and suck it down. If wasn’t so tired I would be all over her again.
       Once we regained some strength we got off the bed and headed to the bathroom. My mom switched on the shower and beckoned me in. The hot water feel so good and instantly relaxed my soar muscles, the cleansing waters washing away everything from last night and this morning. We took turns cleaning each other, kissing, and playing with each other. She knelt down in front of me and cleaned my cock with her tongue and when she had finished she turned around and pressed her body up to the tiles as I ate her from behind. My mom looked so beautiful standing next to me, her skin sparkling in the light as the water washed over her. Streams of water rolling down her back side mapping each curve on her back, her curvaceous ass , and finally parting in two directions as it rolled over the contours of her puffy pussy lips.
        We got out and went back into the bed room. As my mom dried off; I couldn’t help but stare at her figure. It was so soft and smooth, curves in all the right places, and still so tone. I could stare at her all day, body was a art form.


        I heard a large grumble that snapped me back to reality. It occurred to me how famished I was. My mom looked at me and laugh “Yah, I think we both worked up apatite. ”
        We walked into the kitchenette, together we made a large breakfast of eggs, toast, bacon, and what ever else we could get out our packs. We ate or breakfast in silence, just trading looks while smiling from ear to ear. My mom was the first to finish since she ate less any way. She walked back into the room to set out our cloths while I finished up. I put my plate into the sink and walked over. She was putting on her cloths so I started to do the same. I continued to watch her as she got dressed, she slipped on a short sleeve white T-shirt and pulled on her socks. She put her hair up into pig tails and tied a blue bandana around her head. She walked across the room to retrieve her boots and the walked back to the bed, I smiled to my self figuring she was giving me a show on purpose. With her pigtails, blue banana, and white socks rolled down at the boots she looked just like a tree hugger hippy girl, and half naked one at that. Her pants where the last thing to go on and even then she made sure to pull them extra slow, showing off her curves. Even then she wasn’t wearing any panties or a braw under her thin layer of cloths.

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   Mostly likely she knew they wouldn’t be staying on for long. We where full dressed finally, and she bent down to tie her boots.
         I looked up from the bed at her full ass as she bent over, it almost felt like it was calling out to me.   I got off the bed and stood behind her. I put a hand on each cheek and rubbed them in soft circles feeling them shift under my hands. Fondling and massaging them, soaking up there grandeur and hungering for more. I ran my hands along her hips then slid around half way to the front. I pulled my mom up to me a little more straitening her long legs and leveling her with me raging young cock. My hands continued traveling, sliding down her front side shorts then forming a V with my hands rubbing her inner thighs and pussy as I spread he legs apart. Going back up a few inch I undid the first button, the top of her shorts gave small pop as they opened. I reached into the thin layer of cloth and grasped the zipper, smoothly pulling down and listening to the soft zipping noise. My hands returning to each side of her hips and I slid her thin tan hiking shorts down, watching as they slipped over the curves of her ass before me and pulling them down to her thighs. I leaned in to kiss the back of her neck, she abandoned trying to tie her boots and put her hands on the bed.   By then I had already pulled out my cock, and with one hand on my cock and the other hand on her ass I slowly slid my self into her tight pussy. Her hot pussy lips parted engulfed me as I slide my cock deep inside my mom.

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   She moaned softly, taking one hand and lifting it up to her pussy gently rubbing as I pushed in and out of her. With both hands I pushed up her white t-shirt letting her huge breast hang, with both in my hands I began to rub them deeply, pressing my finger tips into her soft flesh, feeling their weight in my hands. I increased my speed pushing into my mom a little harder that made a small slapping noise as my hips pushed up against her lush ass. After a few minutes she stood up fully erect with my cock still in her pussy. Her hand gently rested on her mound and held my cock inside her, she turned her head around, kissed me and giggled.
         “If we keep this up we wont even get out the door” we both laugh “Besides I got something special for you later. ” Quizzically I asked “What’s this surprise you got for me”
         She kissed me again “You’ll just have to wait. ” So she pulled my cock out and pulled her shorts back up. Slightly disappointed but still hopeful about this surprise we walked outside and headed off into the forest.
         On several occasion my mom stopped to consult the map, then put it away and pressed on. I wasn’t sure where we’re going but it seemed she did. We passed beautiful lust groves of trees, small grassy clearings populated with wild flowers here and there, add in the “other” scenery and I wasn’t all that bad of a hike. The trail twisted and turned along the side of the mountains, the trail was littered with rock but had some clear smooth patches along the way. As we got further and further in the dense vegetation seemed to make the air more humid. We walked for what seemed for hours and the sun was starting to get high in the sky, sweat started to drip from both of us and I my legs where getting tired.

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        But my mom encouraged me to press on. Every so often we would stop at a clearing to rest. She would sit on a log or the ground lifting up her shirt letting me play with her tits and undo her shorts to let me play with her pussy when ever we stopped for a breather. I tried to slide my dick into her, some times getting it in, but only for a minutes before she pulled me out her. She said I need to save it for later. A couple hours into the hike my mom turned to me and said “Want to know something?”
       “Sure” I replied.
              “Well to be perfectly honest, I thought about us having sex for along time”
       “Really? When? How Long?” I said a little shocked.
               She smiled “ Well Im not sure when it exactly began, but one night I came into your room while you where asleep and you cock was out and in your hand. I just looked at for along time, I took it into my hand, stroking it and contemplated indulging my self. . . . but ultimately I changed my mind. ”
       “ Ha, figures your such a tease some times” I remarked.
               “ Smart ass” she giggled “Any way I figured I’d get another chance some other time, then I noticed you looking at more then just the trees on the car ride up.

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   I bounced the idea around in my mind for a bit and decided to give you a little bit more. You remember right? Up at the rock cliff. ”
        I went about three shades of red, I couldn’t believe she knew all this time. I bashfully replied “Yes. . . if my memory server me right you practically where showing your tits off to me. ”
                “Ohhh was I ?” She said innocently. I knew she was taunting me and she was enjoying ever bit fo it.
         “So explain this to me then. Why did you bring  that pink little number for if you didn’t know before hand that we end up. . . you know” I queried.
                “To sleep in, in what else? Not wearing panties is another story.

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  . . . ”
         “True” I said after pondering it for a moment.
                “And I was almost worried that you would fall asleep before you found out, but we see how nicely that worked out. ” She spun around and flashed her tits giggled then started to run “ Come on you got to keep up if you want these. ”
         “God your such a tease” and I darted after her. It didn’t long to catch up to her, knowing her she probably wanted me to catch her. I pulled her close to me and kissed her deeply, but we tripped and I ended up on top of her. I pulled up her shirt as she giggled and squirmed, who knew my mom could be so childish at times, she really was a wild spirit. The giggling stopped and she began to moan lustfully again like before as played and sucked on her tits. She seemed to like it even more when I pulled on her nipples with my teeth, she would just look down and moan softly as I played and sucked on her tits one at a time. I unzipped her shorts  and pulled them down, I was about to slide my cock into her pussy when. . .

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                “Wait stop, you hear that?”
        “Hear what ?” I said kinda with my mouth full.
                “I can hear it, where close!”She pushed me off and pulled up her shorts but not bothering to button up. I leaned on my side propping my self up with my elbow and gave out a long forceful sigh , got up and went the direction she ran. When I caught up to her I found her standing near a pool of water some ways off the trail. I stopped next to her crouched over and panting.      
        “Where here” she said as I looked up. Before us was a very wide 30 foot waterfall that lazily sloped down. It collected in a large pool that had a small grassy island raising from the center, the island itself only 8 feet long at the most. The water then headed off a ways then took sharp drop off another water fall. Large black and green mossy rocks and boulders surrounded the pool and made up the slope of the water fall. The water toppled over rocks this way and that way as it made its way down stream. We stood on one of the few parts that was clear of rocks and lead down into the water. The water sparkled in the sun light and was crystal clear, It was like our own personal grotto.
         We where both shocked by the natural beauty of it, then I remember that this must be the waterfall I was thinking of yesterday.

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   No wonder I couldn’t see it, the tall trees and the difficulty to get here make it so private and remote. We both dropped our bags kicked off out shoes and sprawled out to rest on the bank, it was amazing too think we crossed the entire valley to get here, we covered a lot of ground. . . with some motivation too. Speaking of which. . . .
         I turned on my side over to my mom “This was a nice surprise, its so beautiful here”
She grinned evilly “I was wondering when you where going to get to that, and of corse that’s not all I had planned. Follow me. ” She took my hand and lead me over to round smooth rock, it had a flat top with moss growing on the side here and there. It sat overlooking the water and was surrounded by lush grass. My mom then took out a large towel out from her pack and put it across the rock. She knelt down in front of the  the rock.

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   “Come kneel behind me” she told me in a soft gentle voice and obediently I walked over a knelt down. “I know you wanted to do this last night but didn’t get the chance” as she said this she bent over the rock slowly slid her shorts down. . .
         “Hun. . . I want you to fuck me in the ass” My mom rested her stomach on the rock and propped her self up on her elbow and held the edge of the rock with hands. Her luscious full ass sticking up in the air towards me, her cheeks parted slightly revealing her puckered hole. Below that her soft pussy folds pushed out between her legs and dripped with lust, her puffy wings spread open and her cunt opened wide. She slowly reached around with both hands and spread her ass cheeks open and laid there, waiting there for me to ravage her. I moved in closer to her put one hand on each cheek, they were so soft smooth, I took the time to rub and caress them one at a time. Her ass was so perfectly shaped, each cheek was larger then my hand and her skin was so fair. Leaning in I held on to her ass and slivered my tongue into her pussy, picking up all the moisture and spreading it over her pussy and asshole. My mom moaned as I ate her out from behind, letting go of her ass and moving down to rub her pussy to make her more wet while I pushed her into my face more.

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   After spreading as much juice as I could over her ass I pulled my hard cock out my pants. I pressed up against her ass rubbing my shaft in her crack, pushing her cheeks together and enjoying the sensation of her skin against my cock. My mom let out a light gasp as I pushed against her with my cock. Finally with both hands I spread my mom’s ass, I started to move forward. . .
         “Ummm, please be gentle. . . I never done this before. . . . . for any one” My mother said over she shoulder.


   “I’ll try, just relax” I reassured her, I knew she was nervous I could see her holding the rock tighter in anticipation. I pushed my cock up against her puckered hole, I rocked a little trying to loosen her up so I could slide in. Applying a little more pressure I managed to slip my dick into her tight ass, she gasp as I slide the few inches into her. “Im in, are you ready for more?” she nodded her head and pushed her stomach down a little more raising the angle on her ass. She rested her head on the towel and hugged the rock a little. I pushed in more, very slowly, her ass was so tight it was squeezing my cock bit. Inch by inch I slid my cock into my mom’s ass, I stopped every so often and gave her time to adjust to my size, every time I stopped she exhaled trying to relax a little more. I could really see her ass hole really stretching just to fit me in, her ass tightly forming a ring around my cock, wrinkling as my dick slid in deeper expanding my mom’s  ass hole. Her eyes became teary and red, It was hard to imagine what she must have felt like. Here she was having her son was pushing his cock deeper and deeper into her ass, her virgin ass, stretching to its limits just to take in her son’s cock.
          “ Are you ok? Do you want me to stop” I asked concerned.
                  “No” she said with a little sniffle “ God it feels so amazing! My ass being stretched like never before, and the feeling of you inside me is so wonderful. It hurts but I love every once of it, please just push it the rest of the way in”
         “ But its only half way in” I said, I was shocked she could enjoy this much  pain.  “Just do it im ready” she replied and gripped the rock. “Ok just try to relax your muscles as much as you can, it will make it much more easy to go in if Im going to make this in one push.


  â€ She didn’t say any thing but I could feel the pressure letting up on my cock. Sucking I a quick few breaths of air I held on to her hips.
        I forcefully pulled her into me while I pushed in, stuffing my cock deep into her and making her rise off the ground as a pushed against her. And with one thrust I was now completely in my mom’s ass. She flung her head back as she cried out “ OH GOD! You cock is filling my entire ass up! . . . . . . . . it feels like Im being split in two. . .

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  . ohhhhh god it feels so good. . . I need your cock in me so bad. . . please don’t take it out yet. . . I need to feel you filling up my ass” Tears streamed down her face as she was engulfed in pain and pleasure.
        After a few minutes she stopped breathing heavily and got used to the full size of my cock in her ass. She moaned a little when I pushed up against her ass letting my cock slide in just a little bit more. ”Are you ready for me to pull it out now?” I asked rubbing her ass to relax her. She nodded her head to say yes.

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   “Ok when I start to pull out just push like your going to the bathroom, ok?” She nodded again. I pulled back and her muscles contracted to push me out, my cock slipped easily out of her ass with a small pop. I sat back looking at me mom’s ass, her hole was red from all the punishment it had received form my cock .
        My mom called to me over her shoulder “Now that you’ve broken me in it should be a lot easier now. . . . . . . . . now come fuck your mother in the  ass. ” I nodded to her and crawled back over to her. I spread her ass and put my cock at the entrance again and with on thrust I shoved my entire cock in her.

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   She moaned in delight “ OH GOD YES. . . . fuck my ass hard. . . . . fill my ass with you  big dick!”
        I pounded my mom’s ass at full force and she pushed right back into me. I was amazed how my mom could take my cock in her ass like that, I could see my dick sliding in and out pulling on her ass hole as it came out. My cock spurting out pre-cum helped lube her ass so my cock glided through now.   It felt so great to have my cock in her and her round luscious cheeks provided such a nice cushion. I reached up and slid her shirt up to reveal those giant tits of hers, I grabbed and squeezed them as I fucked her in the ass. At one point I pulled her up so I could suck on one for a bit with my cock still in her ass, then I put her down again and picked up speed again holding onto her tits.

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        My mom howled out as the first orgasm hit her “ Oh god yeah fuck me in the ass!. . . fuck me harder. . . . fuck your mom’s sluty ass like im your bitch. . . I know you love to fuck you mother in the ass. . . come on give mommy what  she wants.

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        “ God mom I love to fuck your ass. . . its so tight. . . . ugghh. . . . my cock in your ass feel so great I never want to stop. ”I sped up making a loud slapping noise as I pounded into her sweet ass, my balls banging into her pussy only driving her even more mad. I thrusted  my cock back into her all the way as far it would go. She screamed in pain and delight.

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   Then with all my strength I put my arm around her waste and leaned back. I was now on my back and she was on top of me, I helped her pull the rest of her shorts off then grabbed her thighs. Spreading her open I bent my knees up and started pounding away. My mom reached down to rub he clit while rubbing her tits with the other hand. She never stopped moaning as my cock ravaged her ass and I was on the brink of cumming. My mom could feel the pressure building in my dick “ Please cum in my ass. . . . . I want it so bad. . . . .

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  I want to feel you completely fill my ass. . . . . please baby I need your hot cum in me” she pleaded. She let go over he tits and stopped rubbing her sopping wet pussy and pulled her ass wide open for me. In a high pitched moan she said “ Please cum in me now!!”
        And almost instantly I dumped huge loads of semen into my mom’s ass, and she howled as I unloaded all I had into her “ aaaaaaaAAAAAHHHH PLEASE FILL ME MORE!!!” As the cum kept pouring into her ass the pressure built up to it limits, I had completely filled my mom’s ass with my cum. Large loads of cum shot out of her ass and on to the ground because of the pressure. Finally my body stopped pumping it into her and we both clasped, she lay on top of me with my cock still plugging up her ass. In almost a whisper she managed to say “ So warm. . . . I feel so warm inside.

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  . . . the warmth fills me up from the deepest parts of my body. ”
        I rolled her over onto the grass on her side and put my arm around her keeping her close against me, she pushed out her leg to support her self and placed one hand on the ground in front of her. We just laid there breath and gathering out strength. After awhile I reach down and grabbed the base of my cock. I pulled out and all the cum still inside her came pouring out, dripping all over her legs and pussy and onto the ground. I got up onto my knees taking a minute to take this all in. I looked down at my mother laying in front of me, in these past two days we she has shared every part of her with me, letting the son she brought into this world fill her again with the warmth of his body. The gift she has given me was incomprehensible, she has giving me her love, her trust, and her entire body over to me. I took off what little remaining cloths we where wearing and I picked her up in my arms and held her close to me. I kissed her and carried her over to the water. The cooling water encompassing us I waded in deeper, I set her in the water letting her float on her back but still holding her.
        She looked up at me with her big green eyes and whispered in my ear “ Is that all you got?” I rolled my eyes and dropped her into the water with a resounding splash.

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   She came out of the water laughing, she was still weak but still had enough to egg me on. “Your something you know that?” I said, and she just smiled leaned back and swam over to the island in the center of the water.
        She laid on her back on the grassy bank of the island with half of her still in the water. I swam up to her between her legs. She bent her knees and put her hands behind her head. Some how I knew what she wanted me to do, and with out her saying a word I lifted her legs up with one hand and held them in the air together. I scooped up the cooling water and poured the water between her legs, letting it run down her thighs, navigating the folds of her pussy and washing over her ass. I looked and her hole in awe, she was still gaping about a inch or two and very red. Its amazing how hard of a punishment she took and enjoyed every bit of it, the way her ass hole was gaping remind me of some the anal scene on the net.
        I continued poured more water into her open hole letting it run out washing way the cum with it. She purred as the cool water ran through her. I pulled her into the water a little more submerging her ass in the water. I stuck my two fingers inside her hole washing away all the seed I had put into her. I added a third finger to try and get more out. She arched her back and moaned, as she seemed to be enjoying this.


   I wondered how far I could get in, I added a forth finger into my mom’s ass and she just keep purring at the feel
        “Mmmmmm go in deeper” she cooed. Soon enough I had my fist in my moms ass, her hole stretched beyond what I thought possible. Her soft skin was being stretched and creased together around my fist. She looked at me and nodded. And slowly I began to push my fist deeper into her. She moaned with pleasure as I pushed in deeper, I was past my wrist by about three inches. It was a strange sensation having my hand so deep inside her, I could feel her muscle expanding and contracting around my hand, and the all the warmth emanating from her and all the cum left inside her. I gently rocked my hand in out but not going in any deeper.
        “Oh god that feels wonderful” My mom said putting her hands on her ass spreading her self open more. Off to the left I heard a bush rustle up not to far way form us, I abruptly pulled my hand out of my mom’s ass and spun to see where the sound originated from. My mother gasped loudly when I pulled out of her so fast. I looked off into the distance and whispered “ I think some one’s here. . . .


  . mom?. . . . . mom?” I looked down to my mother. She was now gaping a monstrous 3 inches but slowly shrinking to normal. She just laid there frozen with her hands still spreading her ass open. Her eyes and mouth where wide open, her chest rising and falling as she breathed quickly. I stood there stunned to see her reaction. Finally I said “ Are you alright?” She nodded with tears streaming down her face still shocked, she smiled as her breathing slowed. “ I think some one is here” I whispered “ Im going to go off and creep around back to see if I can catch them. . .

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  . . . are you sure your alright?” She just stared into the sky euphorically and replied rather winded “ Uh huh  . . . . . . Ill wait here. . . . ”
        I crept up to the shore and grabbed my pants and nothing else. Slowly I circled around in the brush to try and come form behind of where the sound came from.

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   Creeping along  I moved through the lush bushes as quiet as I could. I crawled down a small slope parted some tall grass that surrounded a small clearing formed on a ledge that over looked the water. A few feet away I saw  a young girl with red hair, but I couldn’t make out their face from behind. She was on all fours, her blue shorts jeans where throne on the ground. I stood still and gawked, my mouth hanging open , she had one hand on the ground and her other was reaching under her to her pussy. She sat there moaning and sliding two fingers in and out of her very wet pussy. I wondered how long had she been watching us. Some what angry I crouched down and crept up behind her and grabbed her arm. She fell over onto her back as I kneeled over her. Stunned, she still had her hand in her pussy and could do nothing but look up at me.
        I couldn’t believe it, of all the people to be here. For a moment I didn’t say anything I just stared back into those deep blue eyes I so often dreamed of “Christy what the hell on god’s green earth are you doing here?” She stuttered for a second and then realized who I was and batted her eyes in disbelief  “J. . . John?” In slightly annoyed tone I asked “ Christy.

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  . . . . why and how long have you been here?”
         “ I. . I . . . heard the waterfall from down the ridge. I came up for some water and maybe a swim. . . And then I saw two people down below having sex. I just ducked down here and watched.

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  . . and I started to. . . . to” She.



