
Wrong Informant


Wrong Informant

By No_Limit
The advantage of being a young woman was obvious, even to Stephanie. Though the 2 years young Reporter often was suffering from doubts, she knew that men always…often…wanted to please her. This skill, though naturally given and not earned, was used by her whenever she wanted to get information from her various sources. This skill, this natural talent also let the young woman know, that informants were true to her. They, consciously or unconsciously always wanted to have sex with her. She, of course, never would get this low to write her stories. She only used her physical appearance to get what she wanted. Stephanie’s chief editor, Mister Welsh, did not mind how she got her information; he only wanted her to continue his best horse in the barn. And she was…though young in years, the too innocent looking, young woman, was as though as her older co-workers. Whenever she got to know about something that would catch her interest, she did everything, literally everything, to unravel that mystery. As she did this time…
Stephanie had heard that John Syne, a member of the Judicial Council, had been a little too interested in the wellbeing of children. Indeed, rumors had it, that Mister Syne kept visiting under aged hookers though his wife Sylvia knew about her husbands preferences and had threatened to go public. This on the other hand was something that John Syne would not want to happen. She would get the attention and their two daughters and, not to mention, a good share of his private assets. And so, as more rumors had it, John Syne hired a private killer who would get rid of a wife that would ruin John Syne’s career.
Misses Syne died last Monday in a traffic accident.

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This fare the police had not been able to verify that Mister Syne was involved in this early good bye to life.
But there was a voice on the phone… a man that somehow had gotten hold of Stephanie’s private phone number. And this man said that he would have proof that the well respected Mister Syne of the Judicial Council had been responsible for his wife’s death.
Of course Stephanie had asked him for proof that his accusations were more than…well accusations. But her asking had not thrown the mysterious man of balance. He had given her names of Assistants to other Members of this Council who knew a little too much for Stephanie’s taste. She had already spoken to them and they had been a little to eager to get rid of the young Reporter. And this voice, this man on the phone, knew about them…
„What do you want? Where can I meet you Mister…?!“
„I want that Bastard behind bars. He…,“ silence, „…got my little sister into this mess. “
Stephanie, who always suspected foul play, had been fully awake by then and knew that she had to get the feeling that this unknown source, this man, had honest motives to provide her with the information. Otherwise she would be on a wild goose chase…
„He fucked her…alright. He fucked a twelve years old girl. Is that motive enough for you? Don’t you believe me?“
His voice had been thick with tears and Stephanie believed him.
„Alright Mister…I’m sorry. But…do you want to give me more information?“

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   Yes I will. In fact I’ll give you documents and photos. A friend of my sister took some pictures… of him and…and…my sister. “
Stephanie nodded.
„Fine… Where can I meet you Mister…?“
He hesitated for a moment and Stephanie was hoping that he did not get cold feet in the last second. This was almost too good to be true…and she would do anything to get hold of those photos…
„Alright… You will meet me today…at 1 p. m. where I live. It’s you wants to get hold of this…and you will leave your world for this. “Stephanie did not know what he was talking about for a moment…but when he told her the location of their meeting she knew it perfectly.
They would meet in the worst part of town. A part of town where only the hopeless and stranded minds of society lived… they would meet in the slums of this city.


It was a hot and dry day when Stephanie drove to their meeting point. She had a knot in her stomach and a very dry throat, and she knew that those symptoms came from the fear she felt. She was tough, she was young and she was what many people would consider to be off a very innocent beauty.

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   Though she certainly did not want to be judged only by her appearance, Stephanie was from this world. Sometimes good looks gave you the advantage, and sometimes it made you a prey. And going alone, unarmed and with only the toughness of a 24 years old Reporter into the slums was certainly going to become a very dangerous situation. Young, white and beautiful women were uncommon and in danger in that part of town. But Stephanie knew she had to go there; this story smelled like her breakthrough. She would step up on the ladder of success. A smile crept over her young face, and even the fine layer of sweat that covered her body and made her expensive silken blouse stick to her body, did not diminish her looks. Yes, she would meet that guy, would get the photos and tonight the papers printing machines would made her a star.

After the blue Pinto had taken the exit, and after it had found it’s way through run down streets, after the young woman behind the steering wheel had fought her fears quit unsuccessfully, it came to a hold close to a ruin.
Stephanie double checked the address and a frown appeared on her forehead when she left her car. She suddenly felt incredibly insecure though she couldn’t see anyone with her on that street. The air was hot and Stephanie felt like she was standing in front of a working hairdryer when her short, dark blonde Hair was blown out of her face.
„Here we go…,“ her heart was beating fast and loud, „…time to become a star. “
The frown deepened when she looked up and saw the house number.
Yes, this was the right address…
No fear, no fear, no fear…
She walked over to the ruin…and when Stephanie stepped into the shades of the house, when she crossed the line between sunlight and an unknown future, her heart was beating took the stairs towards the cellar since she thought she had heard something down below.

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   Light shone through huge holes in the wall and the young Reporter saw dust dancing through the air even when she had reached the cellar…or what was left of it.
„Hello…someone there?!“
The lower part of the foul smelling, otherwise dark building seemed to have been hit by a meteor or something equally massive since at least half of the walls had gaps and holes. And…oh, there was a shadow…moving.
Stephanie’s heart was racing now; sweat covered her slim body and she felt like someone had started strangling her. Maybe it had not been the brightest idea to come here…unarmed and…dressed like she was.
Why the hell did she choose this blouse and those wide, cotton pants…? She looked like a rich girl from uptown…
- I am a rich girl from uptown…. -
The voice made her freeze on the spot. Her heart would come out of her mouth any time now.
„Yes? Is it you…Mister…!“
She did not even have an idea how she was supposed to recognize her informant.
„Good Reporter…oh yes…“
„Misses…are you the Reporter?“
Her heart slowed down.
- Good God… -
„Yes…where are you?“
The next moment a huge and muscular black man with a shaved head came around the corner and the Reporter’s heart stopped beating for a moment.
„It’s me…don’t worry,“ he held out a hand and on his face the young woman could see that he meant it, and so she let down her guard…
„I’m glad you came,“ she smiled while she walked over to the man, and „You have the material with you?“
He nodded and suddenly an expression changed his face into something else. Stephanie did not know what to make of it until his smile broadened and he made a gesture into the direction he had just come from.
Three men appeared…and they had prisoners.

„Please…let my sister go…please.

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These three men were built like the first man: Muscular and tall.
And when Stephanie saw one of those three men pulling a young girl along with another man into the half-destroyed cellar, she instantly knew that she was in deep trouble now.
„What…what is this?“
The four men, dressed in Jeans and dirty T-Shirts, formed a circle around the young Reporter. Two of them held each a prisoner and they pushed them to their knees.
„We heard you are sticking your nose into things…Missy!“
Stephanie knew that somehow John Syne had gotten wind of her research and she also knew that those Gangsters had been hired to stop her from doing her job.
„This isn’t going to work, you know. “
„What do you mean Missy?“
She was frightened to her bone, being alone in the Slums, being unarmed and surrounded by men who could easily snap her neck with one hand and leave her do die.
„Well…I am not going to stop my work, you know. Your Boss will be held responsible for his perverse needs. “
The leader of that group of black men shook his head.
„Well, what makes you think, Missy, that we let you do that?“
There he had a point. What could she do? If she had been reasonable, if she had just told them to stop investigating…maybe they would have let her and the other two „prisoners“ go…
But, of course, Stephanie had been strong and eager and so tough…oh yes…
Someday it would be her undoing…
Maybe this day had come already.
„OK, I think you are right. Maybe I should stop my investigation. “
The man smiled and row of bright white teeth were revealed.

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„Well, maybe you should…Missy. But not before we told you a lesson. “
- A lesson…Oh God…-
What would they do to her? Would they beat her up…
Stephanie gulped away some saliva.
„What lesson would that be?“
The leader nodded towards one of his friends, and that other man put a knife at the young girl’s throat.
Instantly her brother started crying.
„Please…. let my sister go…I will not give the Reporter anything. “
The man with the knife started laughing.
„Too late…“
„He is right, you know, Missy, it is too late for that. “
„But what do you want from me?“
Stephanie went backwards, only to be stopped by a crumbling wall. It felt cool and also final to any escape attempt.
„What we want from you?“
Now he held his head back and started laughing.
„Why don’t you come into the midst of our circle here, and we will tell you, Missy, what you are going to do in order to stop my friend here from killing that little hooker. “
Again she gulped away saliva and slowly, on shaking knees, Stephanie went into the middle of that circle of Gangsters.
„Now, get down on your knees.

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Stephanie wanted to say ‘No’; she wanted to scream, wanted to get as far away as possible from here, but somehow her shaking body had a mind of its own:
She went to her knees.
- Oh God…they are going to execute me…oh God… -
The leader left the perimeter of the circle and came towards the Reporter; he stopped right in front of her so that Stephanie had a good look at his groins. And all of a sudden she knew what lesson they would teach her.
„No…,“ she shook her head, „no, please…I…“
The huge, black man opened up his pants and pulled out one huge, fat penis that got erect the moment it was out of its confinements.
„No…,“ again she shook her head and looked up at the man. Tears of fear and frustration filled her eyes and now she wasn’t so tough anymore, „please don’t let me do this. I’ll stop writing; I’ll stop doing this…I…!“
He did not say one word. Instead he grabbed her short hair and pulled Stephanie closer while he stepped forward…
A huge, brown penis entered Stephanie’s mouth.

„No…,“ she sound came out mumbled.
Stephanie wanted to crawl back, wanted to get this cock out of her mouth, but the man held her tight; his fingers pulled on her short hair and more tears shot into the Reporter’s eyes.
„You stay, Missy…!“
She did not to anything…
For a moment though Stephanie thought about biting his penis off…but she had to dismiss that thought instantly. If she bit him this seriously, she knew, she was going to die. But what was she supposed to be doing? She couldn’t just give this rapist a blow-job…or, could she?
„You suck my dick, Missy…is that understood?!“
And his grip in her hair got tighter…
„You suck my dick, or this little girl will die…!“
Stephanie heard the girl and her brother screaming. They had done something…
What was she supposed to be doing?
- I cannot…Oh God…I cannot suck this penis…it is so revolting…so terrible… -
But Stephanie closed her lips tightly around the big, brown penis and started sucking.

The man groaned and sounds of satisfaction were flowing over his lips while he still held her by the back of her head.

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   He even supported the blow job by pulling her closer and yanking her away. His lower body moved back and forth…his huge cock filled Stephanie’s mouth and sound of wetness, sounds of sucking and heavy breathing filled the half destroyed cellar. Stephanie had never been keen on sucking on a man’s penis; she had only done it a few times for lovers. She had done it, because she loved those men dearly, and each time she had to throw up after the blow job secretly. The feeling of something living in her mouth, the touch of the penis tip against her throat was just disgusting. And here she was, a rape victim, kneeling in a cellar in the Slums, giving a Bastard a blow job.
And she knew, she had to finish it, though the urge of vomiting grew by each and every sucking.
She was almost out of breath and she kept on moving back and forth, transforming her mouth into some sort of vagina since she had closed her lips very tightly around this black man’s penis.
After a minute of heavy breathing, crying and shaking, Stephanie grabbed the huge cock with her right hand and supported the blow-job with it.
But the man took her wrist and pulled the hand away from his cock…
„No help Missy…you suck and move back and forth,“ he muttered under heavy breathing…and Stephanie, the rough Reporter, the innocent looking girl that had the nickname „Bambi“ because of that innocent look…kept sucking on the cock.
Minutes passed and the taste of urine and old sperm had already made her tongue numb when she felt a difference…
He still kept on pulling her head close…kept on pushing it away while his body fucked her head…
She still made sucking noises, and saliva kept on drooling over the cock…
She still shook in fear and disgust…
She still heard the other men…and the brother and the sister…
But Stephanie knew that his orgasm was imminent.
A shaking in his cock…and difference in his breathing…
„Yes…oh yes…good girl…yeahh…. !“
Tears were flowing down her soft cheeks…
- God, help me… -
And a huge amount…
A wave…
A flood of hot, foul tasting sperm shot out of the Guy…and spilled into Stephanie’s mouth.

He let go of her and so his wet cock slipped out of Stephanie’s mouth while she fell back on her butt. Sperm ran out of the corners of her mouth and she started groaning.

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   Instantly the man, who had just been satisfied, was down on his knees…
He grabbed the young Reporter by her throat and his face came so close, that Stephanie wanted to back off.
„Don’t you dare spitting my juice out, Missy…. !“
„I…,“ she started while more Sperm left her mouth.
„You swallow it, Missy…right now…,“ and the grip around her throat became even tighter.
Tears were running down her face and Stephanie looked at the man with pleading eyes.
- Please, don’t make me do that…I cannot…-
She did not say a word, but even this man could understand what she meant.
„Swallow or die!“
The expression on his dark face allowed no doubt. He would kill Stephanie on the spot if she refused to swallow this huge amount of sperm…
And so Stephanie, who could barely see him due to the tears in her eyes, gulped away the Sperm.
She swallowed it and it ran down her throat while she kept on fighting the urge to spit in out.
Stephanie lay helpless on the dirty cellar ground, gasping for air, crying and moaning. She had been raped…
And those four men started laughing. They came closer, circled her and looked down on the young Reporter. She felt humiliated, she felt violated and she hated that Rapist as well as her Informant and his sister.
Hadn’t it been for him and that girl, she would have probably gotten out of this without the blow-job…without the rape. But, now…
Yes, what now? What would they do to her now? Would they let her go now?
„Good girl…good girl.

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The leader had already packed away his cock and bent over Stephanie. He then grabbed her left breast with his left hand and pressed his fingers hard into the warm flesh.
It hurt like the fires of hell.
And Stephanie had to scream her pain out…
The cellar was filled with sounds of pain while the man went to his knees (between her legs) and grabbed her other breast as well.
He started knitting, started pressing her firm breasts against Stephanie’s chest, started pressing them together while his fingers dug deep…as deep as possible into them.
The expensive silk of her blouse send ripples over her chest and caused a tingling sensation that was instantly covered by the pain his knitting caused.
The Reporter was screaming loudly and her slim body moved from side to side in the dirt of the cellar.
It was pretty obvious that those hired Gangsters weren’t over with Stephanie, but she had no chance to think about it. Would they let her go…or would they do more? The young woman had no chance to think because of the overall pain in her breasts. The man seemed to like what he was doing. He liked her having pain…he liked being in control over a girl that was weak. Even to him the name of „Bambi“ came instantly when he saw her…laying in the dirt with a face that was so innocent, so beautiful…so not like the tough Reporter she pretended to be. He was in charge, he was in control…
She had given him a blow-job…
And God, had she been good. Oh yes…

If she ever survived this rape, Stephanie was sure, even in the pain she felt, she would have black spots all over her breasts. He did not care about her, he did not mind her pain…he was torturing her for something she did not do.


„Please let me go-o-o-o-…it hurts so much…please!“
And then, all of a sudden, the man let go of Stephanie’s breast He withdrew his hands, and his chest was still moving heavily when he looked down on the crying woman in pain.
„Good, Missy…good…!“
The Leader went up and stepped over her legs.
„Now…get up, Missy…get up or we will kill the girl. “
The pain went away slowly…and Stephanie found her breath again while she still lay on her back. She blinked away her tears and looked up into the faces of smiling Gangsters.
„On your feet Pussy…now…“
When Stephanie did not do this as fast as they needed her to do that, one man came closer and he kicked the Reporter in her right side…
The heavy boot almost broke her rips…
And again the young woman was screaming out in pain. But she got no chance to think about what was going to happen. The Leader grabbed Stephanie by her blouse and pulled her up on her feet. He then pushed her as hard as he could against one cellar wall…
The winds were hit out of her lungs and a long and painful moan escaped the young Reporter’s mouth.
The man came closer…and when his face almost touched Stephanie’s face she could see into his eyes and all she could see there was the will to cause her pain.
Again he grabbed her breasts; this time he started knitting them softly…his thumps were rubbing over her erect nipples while a bright, white smile transformed his face into that of a man who knew he was in power.
„You know what we’re going to do to you, Missy?!“
She blinked away some more tears and shook her head.
„No…,“ she whispered.
„We are going to…,“ he let go of her right breast and pushed one hand between her legs…, „we are going to fuck the hell out of you.
All hope went away.

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„Hey…,“ the leader looked over his shoulder and the man who had kicked Stephanie into her ribs came closer.
„Wanna fuck her?“
The man smiled and pushed the fingers of his right hand through his thick, sweat drenched hair.
The leader smiled again and let go of the young woman’s breasts; he stepped back and made a gesture that would tell his friend that he could do what ever he wanted.
Stephanie was out of breath…she looked to the leader, looked to the other man and felt like someone was strangling her.
„No…,“ she whispered, „please don’t rape me. “
She knew there was no way those men would stop the rape…
And the man with the thick hair came closer.
He put his hands on her breasts and started massaging them too.

The young woman stood in the dusty and warm cellar of a half destroyed house in a bad neighborhood with her back to a wall. Her face was distorted to a mask of pain and disgust while a sweating, towering, muscular man kept massaging the young woman’s breasts. She held on to the wall like it was her last hope of getting out of this nightmare. The man came closer and kissed the young, white woman on her trembling lips.
Stephanie felt his tongue entering her mouth and instinctively she wanted to turn her head away. She tasted him and the taste let her throat go tight.
„No…,“ she whispered unable to follow her instincts.
The dark man kissed her loudly and let his tongue wander over her teeth while his large and strong hands kept on pressing the firm breasts of a young Reporter.

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The other men stood around the rich girl and their friend. They were watching the rape like they were consuming a movie. Even the so called informant, now pushed to his knees, couldn’t suppress a certain arousal.
The Rapist kept on pressing the breasts…. together, against the chest, causing as much pain as possible…until….
Until he finally let go of his victim…

Stephanie could breath again…she drew in dusty and stale air…blinking away tears, trying to ignore the pain in her breasts. Was it over? Would they let her go after they had violated her…after she had sucked…after…the pain in her chest?
The man, equally out of breath, took Stephanie by her shoulders and pulled her around. She had to go backwards and almost fell over a stone that hit her heard at the back of one foot.
The man grabbed her shoulders harder and somehow he seemed distracted. He pulled her to a stop and let his large, brown hands wander up and down her arms.
„I like your blouse, Pussy. Expensive stuff…right!?“
She did not answer, just looked at the man through eyes that were swimming in tears. The pain in the chest did not subside and the shear realization that she would probably get fucked by all of these creatures made her stiff and without any joy in life. She would not get out of this…
Finally her famous reporter instinct had put Stephanie in fatal danger…
Would they kill her afterwards? Would they kill her if she said „No“…?
The later seemed to be very realistic. And so Stephanie knew that she had no power in her hands; if they wanted to fuck her she would have to endure the fuck; if they wanted to have more blow jobs…she…
Stephanie closed her eyes for a moment before she opened them up again and looked into the tall man’s face.

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„Yes…expensive. It is silk. “
He nodded and somehow he looked like a man who knew what expensive meant; like he was an aficionado in the field of expensive cloth. He looked at her, let his eyes wander up and down and then he smiled.
„I never fucked a girl this rich. “
More tears came flowing out of her eyes and she started shivering; her knees became weak and she was about to fall to the dirty ground when the black man grabbed her shoulders again and yanked her to her feet again.
„Now. . . ,“ he moved the sobbing, young woman across the cellar towards a pile of rubbish. There the man let go of her, walked over to another corner, grabbed something and returned to his victim while his friends and the Informant, who looked like he feared for his life, came closer. Stephanie blinked away some tears and saw that the large guy held up two sacks in his hands. They were filled with something, obviously soft, and seemingly light, since the mans muscles weren’t hard. He came closer and placed them on that pile of rubbish before he returned to the young Reporter.
He placed his hands on her shoulders again and started caressing her lightly.

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„God, this blouse really turns me on, Honey. “
The other men started laughing.
„You should marry that bitch. “
He grinned and his hand moved upwards and then over her chest. . . until he grabbed her breasts again.
Stephanie flinched, she anticipated pain. . . was already on the verge of fainting out. . . but he did not squeeze them hard this time.
Instead he started massaging them lightly.

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  . .
His thumps were rubbing over her erect nipples and the grin on his face became wider and wider while he was watching the girls face.
Stephanie kept on sobbing while she felt as helpless as she could be. What was she supposed to do? What could she do? What?
He pressed on and moved her closer and closer to those sacks on top of the rubbish.
Stephanie turned her head, looked over her shoulder and then already felt her legs touching something hard. She fell over and finally lay on top of those sacks on top of the rubbish. She felt the heat, smelled the sweet smell of decaying something and knew that he would do it. . . he would rape her. . . fuck her. .

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„Oh God. . . ,“ she shook her head.
„Yeah, I am God. . . and God is going to fuck you to hell, Honey. “
And only one second later he shoved his fingers underneath her belt buckle and opened it up. The button followed. . . the zipper next. .

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„Yeah, pull down her pants. . . !“
„Pull down her panties. . . “
„Let us see her Pussy!“
„Yes, we want to see the whole. . . the pink whole. . . we wanna see how wet she already is. “
The first man, the man who had gotten a blow job from her, cam over and bent over Stephanie’s face.

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   He placed one hand on her sweaty forehead, caressing her. . .
„That’s what one fine young Reporter gets when she sticks her beauty nose into things she’s not supposed to do. “
Stephanie looked up, blinked away more tears, and felt her heart thundering in her chest while the second Gangster pulled down her pants. Her eyes went wider and her breathing became almost asthmatic. Stephanie dug her fingers into the filthy sacks underneath her shivering body when her tormentor yanked down her champagne colored silken panties. The young women physically felt the exposure, felt those eyes wander up and down her body.
„Please,“ she shook her head, „please don’t do it. . . please don’t rape me. . . please!“
The man stood up again and placed his rough hands on her knees.

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  . . and slowly he pressed Stephanie’s legs apart.
„Time to fuck the hell out of you, Hooker!“
He released her legs again, only to pull down his own pants. . .
And when Stephanie lifted up her head she saw his brown cock rising and finally pointing towards her. She saw that it was huge. . . long. . . broad. .

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  . and she knew it would hurt. She was dry. . . not aroused at all. . .
She was afraid to die. . .
She was afraid to get raped. . . to get fucked.


  . .
And if that man stuck his cock into Stephanie’s vagina, she knew, it would hurt as hell.
And again he pressed he thighs apart. . . exposing Stephanie’s vagina to his friends.
„No. . . ,“ she shook her head, „no. . . “
He grabbed her pelvis since she wouldn’t be able to close her lap any way at all. He stood between her legs and when he bent forward, the tip of his massive cock touched the lower end of her silken blouse.

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   And that was what the man liked even better.
„God. . . this blouse. . . “
He let go of he pelvis and. . . again. . . grabbed Stephanie’s breasts. He held them tight and while the young Reporter expected him to press them down again the rapist pressed the tip of his cock between her vaginal lips.

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  . .
Her head came up and her eyes widened again. . . her breathing stopped and she shook her head for a moment before she lay back again.
The pressure increased and he implied even more pressure. . . till his huge, brown penis entered Stephanie’s tight, reddish vagina.

The world stopped turning for one moment; Stephanie felt the cock sliding into a tightened vagina, felt the cramps and felt the awful truth: He fucked her, he raped her. And she knew this fact of life would never be changeable again. If she lived to be a hundred, she would still live with the knowledge, that one time, a black man had fucked her against her will.
But the young woman did not get much time to think about the truth in life. Her tormentor started what seemed to be the fastest fuck in human history.

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He held on to her breast, pressed his fingers rather tightly into them, and fucked the Reporter hard and very fast. And all the time his friends kept on chatting about it, kept on laughing and watching the rape rather fascinated.
Stephanie’s body was shaking and was moving up and down the old sacks. Each time he withdrew his penis from her body, she was sure she would slide down to the ground. But the man held her with his pelvis and his hands that would not get off her breasts. Indeed his fingers kept on pressing into the firm flesh, knitting, massaging and rubbing over them and the expensive silken fabric he liked so much.
She closed her eyes and tried to get a hold, tried to press her fingers into those sacks while she was being raped.
The other had come closer and stood in a half circle around their friend and the young Reporter; they were almost speechless…and enjoying the rape.
Again and again his pelvis moved forward and again and again his huge, dark cock entered Stephanie’s vagina. It entered a vagina that hurt like the fires of hell; it entered a vagina…tight and cramped.
The girl pressed her eyelids even tighter and salty tears came running down her soft cheeks. He fucked her…and after a while his fast and hard movements became slower. He was exhausted and he knew that he was about to get what he wanted. And even Stephanie felt that it was about to happen…
- I’m a rape victim…I’m a rape victim… -
And in a final thrust of the man’s penis into Stephanie’s vagina a flood of white and slow running sperm shot out of the black man…into the young and fragile Reporter that had had high ambitions. Her ambitions had brought Stephanie into this dusty cellar in the worst part of town.

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   Her ambitions had let her here where she was being raped.

Sounds of exhaustion filled the hot room and were mixed with sounds of joy and laughter. Sounds of pain could not be heard, not because they weren’t there…but, because the other sounds of power over a beautiful, young woman were much louder. They had control; they could do whatever they wanted to do. This girl, this Reporter was like a sex-toy to them and they would have their sex no matter what.

The man stepped back; his hands slid down her body, let go of her hurting breasts. He pulled his weakening cock out of the throbbing vagina and started laughing. His laugh was the laugh of a man who could do anything he wanted. He had his orgasm…he had fucked this girl. He had knitted her great breasts…had touched this incredibly sexy fabric…this silk that had made him even hornier. He let his satisfaction out by groaning and smiling at the same time.
“This bitch was great…Oh my God, what a fuck. ”
The man who had been given a blowjob came closer and bent over the still crying girl.
“How was it for you Baby? Still horny?”
Stephanie opened her eyes and looked into his sweat covered face. She felt numb, she felt weak and she felt like she did not care if they would kill her on the spot.

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   Stephanie’s body was shaking in pain and when her fingers let go of the sacks, she slid down to the dirty cellar ground.
Her rapist stepped back and the other men bend over her…trying to figure out how this reporter was reacting, what she was doing.
The girl lay on the ground; her beige colored, wide pants lay around her ankles like a snake, her panties on top of them. They could see her pubic hair and when they went to their knees, they could see her vagina. They saw the blouse that the second rapist had been so fond of, and they saw a young woman crying in pain.
Somehow she did not care anymore what those four black men would do to her. Somehow it did not matter if they killed her…
All there was was the pain…pain that filled her head, filled her body and filled the whole room. It filled Stephanie’s world, her very existence. And, all of a sudden, an image popped into her mind. She remembered them…her informant, a man who was kneeing close by. And his sister…yes, his sister, another girl…
The young Reporter opened up he eyes and began sitting up. She looked up, into those smiling and still brutal faces of a gang of black men. Two of them had already been pleased by her…
Two of them had raped her, had destroyed her life.
“Come, Bitch, get on your feet. ”
Before Stephanie could grasp a thought, an idea, strong hands grabbed her arms and pulled her to her feet.

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There she stood…her pants and panties still between her feet. There she stood…raped and bruised…humiliated.
“Please,” she sobbed, “let me go. And…,” she pointed towards her informant, “…and let them go as well. ”
A third man, shorter than the first two, but with a huge belly, came closer.
“Why do you care?”
“Because…,” she felt weak and almost collapsed. But they held her…”because…”
Before Stephanie could say another word the shorter man (he was about as tall as she was) hit her square in her face.

The world exploded in a very bright light. She saw his angry face like an afterimage and went down to the ground again. But before she had found control the man kicked her hard into he stomach and blood shot out of Stephanie’s mouth. She screamed and tried to roll back; she tried to get out of reach. That was when strong hands grabbed her again and pulled her up. She then was pressed against the wall close to the pile of rubbish and sacks. The man came closer…
“Get her pants and stuff off…”
The other men grabbed the Reporters legs and only seconds later they pulled her pants and her panties over her feet. Her shoes followed and now she only wore the blouse that still covered her breasts.

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“You will not care about anything…anymore…bitch. ”
He grabbed her throat and again white light filled Stephanie’s head. She tried to breathe; she tried to stay conscious…
“Now…Honey…do you know what’s going to happen next?”
She blinked away her tears and somehow wondered why he had reacted so drastically about her words. Why would he mind if she cared about the Informant and his sister?
“Do you?”
She shook her head a little…
He then smiled at he and his nose almost touched hers.
“You filthy daughter of a bitch…you will learn what it is…to suffer. ”
She looked at him, her eyes wide, her beautiful face covered with sweat, and she knew that it wasn’t over yet.
And before Stephanie could think he started unbuttoning her blouse. Slowly and with wet and shaking fingers, the Rapist revealed more and more of her upper body.
Stephanie’s mouth was wide open and she did not know why…but it felt like the exposure of her breasts would start the real deal.
Finally the last button was pressed through small hole and the shorter man grabbed her shoulders. His fingers slid underneath the silk and he pulled the blouse down.

Stephanie, the young and ambitious Reporter, stood naked in a hot and dusty cellar. Everyone’s eyes were fixated on her slim and seemingly perfect body. The shorter man did not approach her promptly, and the young woman did not know what she was supposed to do. Instinctively her left hand covered her vaginal area though she suddenly realized that this gesture was incredibly ridiculous.

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   Now that she had already been raped…now where sperm was dripping from her vaginal lips…
Her vision got dimmed by more salty tears and her legs wanted to give in. It was like her knees suddenly had turned into pudding and the air had become milky. She groaned and stumbled backwards, where her back met the bricks of the wall. She wanted to get to her knees…
“Oh God…please let me go…please. ”
The shorter man stepped forward again and grabbed the young woman by her arms again. And again he yanked her to her feet and moved his nose closer to her nose.
“Come, Honey. . . time to teach you another lesson from the Karma sutra. ”
He pulled her across the room and all of his friends (as well as the Informant and his sister) stepped aside.
Stephanie then could make out one old oven…rusty and massive. What would he do to her? Would he burn her?
But no, this was ridiculous as well. He wouldn’t…or would he!?
He pushed the woman forward and Stephanie hit the oven with her stomach. She groaned even louder and her fingers grabbed the opposite edge of the old and rusty oven.

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   And when the shorter man started groaning she turned and saw him laughing.
“Already in the right position Honey… You really want it…do you!?”
He did not let her think and grabbed her pelvis with two strong hands from behind. And at this moment the Reporter knew what he would do to her.
She yelled that one word in complete panic. He simply couldn’t do that to her…. it…
It was something animals would do…
“No,” she repeated.
And he let go of her pelvis.

The relieve did not last very long: Stephanie could hear the sounds of pants being opened and then pulled down. She turned her head and saw his massive cock rising…
He stepped forward and with his left hand he grabbed her pelvis again. He forced his strong fingers as deep and as hard as he was able to into her flesh and hot pain shot through Stephanie’s body. The man looked into the half circle of his friends and held up high the middle finger of his right hand. But he did not want to offend them…
He moved the finger, unseen by his victim, closer to Stephanie’s butt. It almost touched both buttocks…hovered between them, still unseen by her.
“What do you want?”
She was desperate since she already knew what would happen to her. But Stephanie found this to be so revolting, so humiliating, and so unthinkable that she would have accepted any other need from him.

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And then the tip of his middle finger touched both buttocks at the same time.
She started wining, crying and pleading for mercy. But it wouldn’t happen.
The shorter man pushed his middle finger into Stephanie’s asshole.

It was a shock; a moment when her heart stopped beating, a moment when her eyes became wide and she actually was able to see clearly. The finger penetrated her anus and was pushed fast and hart into her rear end. The girl couldn’t breathe…
And the shorter man pushed it deeper into her. He pulled it out, pushed it in and was doing circles. He tried to widen the opening and Stephanie knew what he would do.
“Please don’t…don’t fuck me…please!”
All of a sudden he had lost any interest in widening her anus. The shorter man took his cock into his right hand and stepped forward. The tip of the cock touched her butt and she yelled out all her pain.
“Please…. no…!”
He grabbed her pelvis with his two hands…
His eight fingers and his two thumps were pressed real hard into her flesh and Stephanie screamed out again. More tears shot out of her eyes and she then closed them while her fingers held on tight to the rusty edge of that old oven.


<!--[if !supportLists]-->-          <!--[endif]-->Please, God…. please let it be over…let it be without pain –
She felt the pressure building up; she felt her buttocks parting, felt the huge, brown cock entering her rectum…
And Stephanie felt incredible pain.
The rod widened the tight opening with shear and brutal force; skin broke and blood soon covered the shorter man’s penis. He pushed his cock deeper and deeper and his sounds of lust and power were then covered by the crying girl’s sounds of pain.
“No. . . No…oh God!”
But if there was a God near by he wouldn’t listen to a young woman, to a young ambitious Reporter who had hoped to climb up the ladder of success. No one would listen but a gang of poor and desperate men and two equally desperate victims who were kneeling in the dirt.
Stephanie’s fingers still held on to the rusty edge of that old oven while her legs were pushed apart with kicks from her tormentor. He held her pelvis tight and pushed his cock all the way into her anus. Finally his belly touched her buttocks and when that happened the girl knew that the shorter man’s penis was fully buried in her butt.
Tears covered her face and it distorted into a mask of desperation. The pain was burning so hot and it wouldn’t go away. And then it started to get worse…
The rapist started fucking Stephanie’s ass.

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And hell broke loose.

Each thrust of his hard and big cock tore more thin skin from the inner canal of Stephanie’s anus. Each thrust felt like the man had pushed a burning branch into her back. The knuckles of Stephanie’s fingers were white and her face distorted. She cried heavily and if it wasn’t for the shorter man’s grip, she would have fallen to the ground. But his fingers duck into her flesh and her pelvis while his lower body moved back and forth…back and forth…and his hard and now wet penis pushed his way into the girl’s ass.
The other men were fascinated by the pain their victim had to endure; they were fascinated by their friend and his control over the white slut.
Yes, he taught that white chick a lesson she wouldn’t forget. She would crawl back into her part of town; she would crawl back to where the privileged and white people lived. And, yes, she would then know not to write about something that wasn’t supposed to be written about. She wouldn’t heal for some time…neither her beautiful body nor her privileged white soul.
 And their friend did a very good job.
He fucked the bitch harder and harder into her shaking and now very reddish ass. Her buttocks were shaking like jell-o and blood came running out of her hole.
The started laughing and they pointed at her with dirty fingers.

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   And there was still one man left. He couldn’t wait…
His friends, yes, they were satisfied. One had been given a blow job. One had fucked the bitch. And one was doing her right now.
But Bill…he was last. And he did not yet know what he would do to her. But it would have to be soon. Otherwise, he thought, he would simply explode.
Stephanie was about to loose consciousness. She only felt the incredible pain in her anus and the sharp pain in her fingers that still held on to the edge of the rusty oven. She was exhausted and her whole body was shaking throughout the fuck. Somehow it felt like the rape had lasted now over an hour, but time had no meaning to her anymore. Her only wish was this rape to end now…
And then the thrusts of the shorter man’s penis in her rectum became more violent. He pushed the rod faster into her and then he let go of her pelvis.

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   Instead he grabbed her shaking buttocks and pressed them apart. He now had full view to her rectum and he smiled when he saw his dark brown cock in stark contrast to her white-reddish flesh. He pushed faster…faster…and his breathing became almost asthmatic. He pushed and was breathing heavily…and then…
“Yes, yes, yes…oh…yes!”
Faster, faster, faster…
His victim let go of the oven and almost fell, but he pressed her slim figure hard against the edge of the oven that buried itself deep into her belly and made the young Reporter cry even louder.
“Yessssss…oh yes…. !”
And Sperm shot into Stephanie’s ass. Sperm went its way into the hot and wet body. Sperm ran over open wounds and soon there would be a reason to visit a doctor that would have bad news.
The shorter man pushed again and again like he wasn’t ready to accept that the rape was over now. But after a while his brown and huge cock weakened and he had to let go of his victim. He simply stepped back and let go of her.
Stephanie sank to the ground. But before she touched the ground she had finally lost consciousness.

It wasn’t a dream. It wasn’t sleep.

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   It was pure blackness and the total absence of any thought, any feeling and almost any life. Stephanie’s naked and bruised body lay on the dirty cellar ground and did not move at all. The Gangsters formed a circle around her and the shorter man pulled up his pants. Now it was only one man. Fat Tony he was called. And the name was obvious. His bald head sat on one enormous body that was wobbling with every move he made. He wore jeans and one white tank top, and he bent forward and grabbed the young woman by he shoulders. He then tried to shake her awake but did not succeed.
“Get some water…or something. I wanna fuck her…conscious. ”
The leader of the team, the one who had been given a blow job by the young Reporter, went around the corner and came back only a minute later with one old and rusty bucket of water. He then stepped towards the young woman and when he came to a halt directly above her head he emptied the bucket over that head.

Stephanie was pulled out of the blackness with the brutal force of ice cold water. She gasped for air and her body began to shake again.

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   At first she did not know where she was, but only ten seconds later she looked up into the smiling faces of black Gangsters who had just raped her.
-God…please let me die-
One fat man stood over her and smiled down into her fear stricken face.
“Hello little slut… Wanna have some fun?”
She did not answer but only felt the whole weight of all the pain grabbing her body. She was shivering in pain and had to spat out old sperm and some saliva. More old sperm ran down her chin and she started crying again.
“Please, let me go…please!”
The fat man stopped smiling.
“On your feet slut or I’ll fuck your dead body. ”
Only slowly the young woman stood up and had to grab the fat man’s left arm in order not to fall right back to the ground.
He smiled at her and then she had to watch him opening his pants, letting them down, stepping out of them and…his penis was rising to it’s full erect form.
“Come…,” he grabbed he left arm and moved her towards the old oven again. When they had reached it, Stephanie was turned around and her lower back was pressed hart against the oven.
The fat man took her bare breasts into his hands, looked her deep into the eyes and started knitting them.
“God, you guys were so right…they are perfect. ”
Stephanie did not mind him pressing her breasts anymore; her sense of pain and any hope were gone. She only flinched when he pressed her breasts too hard.

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She did not care at all when he pressed her thighs apart and when she saw that his cock came closer to her vagina. She closed her eyes and felt it entering her body.

She lay naked on the dirty cellar ground. Her chest was moving rapidly up and down, her body was covered in dirt, sweat and sperm. She lay there, her legs and arms stretched apart, with open eyes…looking up into the faces of four Gangsters that were smiling down on Stephanie.
“What are we going to do about you?”
She did not say a word.
“Maybe we should just forget about our orders…maybe we should just kill you. ”
She gulped away some saliva…her heart beating faster…not saying a word.
“No…,” the team leader just waved his thoughts away; “…I say we let her here. She has learned her lesson. ”
His friends mumbled some agreement.
“Yeah…you don’t write about things you don’t deserve to know about, Pussy…right!?”
This time the bruised and battered woman on the ground felt that she had to respond to his words. Too much was at stake…
“Yes. I…I will not write about it. ”
He nodded and rubbed his chin.

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“Good. And…and remember, Honey…if you do write about it, and our Boss hears about it…” he waved his right index finger at her, “…you’ll have guests again. Understood!?”
Again she had to gulp away some saliva.
“Yes. ”
“Good. ”
He was about to turn away when he stopped and turned back. But instead of looking at her, he glanced into the smiling faces of his friends.
“I feel like I could relieve myself; How about you?”
At first the young woman did not know what the man meant. She simply looked into their faces…
“Yeah. ”
“Yes, I can do that. ”
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-          <!--[endif]-->What? –
Then the leader opened up his pants again. Stephanie thought he would rape her again…but his cock did not harden.
“What are you doing?”
She was only capable of whispering…shook her head…and then saw it coming.
A huge beam of urine hit Stephanie square into her face.

The other members of the Gang had come up to the fragile body on the floor; they had opened their pants as well and had taken out their cocks…had started to pee on the girl.

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Stephanie just couldn’t believe what was happening to her; not only had she been raped several times…no, like that hadn’t been enough…now they actually peed on her. Stinky, light yellow urine hit her slim body and mixed with blood and sweat. She held out her hands, shook her head and pleaded for mercy that wouldn’t come.
“This tells you how to work as a Reporter. ”
“Don’t you write about it any more?!”
“…or we’ll come and fuck you again!”
The leader stopped peeing and came to his knees; he shook his head and the other men stopped urinating as well. The man then grabbed Stephanie’s short, dark blonde hair and yanked on it violently. Tears shot into her eyes and the girl’s face distorted into a mask of pain.
“Is that understood, bitch?!”
She did not answer immediately and the leader took this as an excuse to pull even harder on her hair.
“So, you keep on writing things…do you!?”
Again he yanked on her hair and Stephanie let out a cry of desperation.
“No…I mean…I…I will not write about your boss anymore…I promise!”
He started nodding…
“That sounds good. Good for you I mean!”
Another yank…
Then he let go of her head and stood up again. He and his friends (and the Informant with his sister) were still in a circle around the slim, shaking and violated body of a young Reporter. The girl had been raped four times…they had urinated on her…and each and every one of them felt good about it. The Informant felt good, because he hated Stephanie for putting him and his sister into this hell…
The Gangsters felt good because each of them had had a great fuck and a perverse satisfaction from peeing on the young woman.
“Now…boys…why don’t we leave our little Reporter alone.

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   She’ll need some time alone, before she gets dressed and gets back into her part of the town…I guess!”
The other men nodded and uttered words of acknowledgement. They then started leaving.
“What…what about the,” Stephanie pointed at the Informant and his sister, “…what about them?”
The Leader turned around and looked at Stephanie with a huge question mark on his face.
“Didn’t I just tell you not to stick your nose into these things?”
He came back and went to his knees again. He grabbed her throat and pressed his fingers tightly around her neck. Stephanie couldn’t breathe…
Her hands went to her throat and she tried to open his hand…with no success.
But then he let go and started smiling.
“On the other hand…why don’t we do it here Boys!?”
She did not understand…
But when he got to his feet again, when he pulled a gun and when he pointed towards the poor fellow who had been drawn into this political charade, Stephanie knew what was going to happen. The Reporter held out one hand and shook her head; she said “No” without any sound leaving her mouth and could only flinch when the thunder rolled through the dusty cellar.

The Informant lay bleeding and dead on the ground; his sister was crying heavily and Stephanie felt numb to the bone.
“No…,” she whispered, “…no please no…!”
The Leader smiled and his men were laughing.
“This is what is going to happen to your Informant…and his sister!”
A second gun shot pulled the silence apart…and when a head hit the ground with a sound of fate; Stephanie’s eyes were filled with salty tears again…
She shook her head and kept repeating the word “No” over and over again.
“Now…if I were you, Honey…I would keep my mouth shut before we do something unpleasant!”
The man looked into her wet face and war apparently looking for any hint what the Reporter would do.
Stephanie knew that any word she might utter, any sound she might make could lead into her own death. And so she did not say anything; instead she lay back on the dusty ground and closed her eyes.

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“Finally you keep your mouth shut, Baby. Now, remember…if you ever write a word about our Boss…if you ever do anything…we’ll see each other again. ”
She opened up her eyes and saw them leaving. A short while longer Stephanie could hear the Gang walking through the Ruin…and then they were gone. They left a naked, young woman; they left a girl who had been raped and tortured. And they left two dead bodies.

It took her over an hour before Stephanie managed to get to her feet again. Another ten minutes passed before she had the strength to grab her cloth…
And though her body was covered in urine, sweat and blood, she dressed. All the time the young Reporter tried to avoid to look at the dead bodies; dead bodies she was accountable for. If it hadn’t been for her professional drive, if it hadn’t been for her curiosity, the man and his sister would still live. Stephanie broke out in tears and she had to get hold of something or otherwise she would have collapsed again. She placed dirty fingers over her eyes and felt tremors all over her body. She had been raped and those poor people had been shot. But then a thought came to her: It wasn’t entirely her fault. John Syne…
One name: John Syne.


He was the one who had hired those bastards; it was his fault. He…
What if Stephanie could prove it? What…
But what if the Gangsters would come to her again? What if they would rape her again? What, if they would kill her?
She was too confused, too beaten up to grasp a rational thought. And so she stumbled out of the cellar, up the stairs and onto the streets.
No one was there and somehow this reality made her even worse: She had gone through hell, and no one was there to have noticed it. No one was there and no one but her was miserable. Stephanie found her way to her car and sat behind the steering wheel. The car left the curb and the crying and shaking young woman found her way back to her world.

Stephanie drove directly to an ER where she got treatment for her physical wounds. She told some cops the whole story. Maybe not the whole story…
She left out the part of John Syne…and that it had been that man who had hired these Rapists and Killers.
She told them that she had followed a phone call from the now dead informant…without knowing what he would tell her.
Maybe she would rectify those lies later. Maybe she would dig deeper into the sick grounds of John Syne. Maybe she would find out…
And maybe she would get lucky: Maybe these men wouldn’t show up again. Maybe they would not rape her again.

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