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I needed to come here and report this experience, because it was too good to keep to myself.
Nanda is exactly like in the photos, in fact she is even better in person, muuuch sexier.
We agreed on a period of 30 minutes, but then I opted for another 30 minutes.
We had really good chemistry, and she gave me everything I wanted, sex with kisses and maybe the best blowjob I've ever received in my life! She is very active, but at the same time calm. It was a really great experience.
I hope I can meet her again, as it was very lucky that we were in the same city at the same time.
Fotoğraflarda görüldüğü gibi hoştu, çekiciydi, güzeldi. Daha sık istiyorum! Kendisini bir süredir sosyal medyadan takip ediyordum ve geri döner dönmez kendisiyle randevulaştım! her şeyin yanında doğruydu
Vertalen naar EngelsSexy porn actress with a very nice for body and an incredible ass . She is exactly like the pictures and the body is even better in reality . 💋 💋 💋
Πρόσφατη συνάντηση, μου άρεσε πολύ το σώμα από τις φώτο και οι κριτικές καλές οπότε ψήθηκα.
Αν και ήταν σχετικά νωρίς, ήταν κουρασμένη και βαριεστημένη. Δεν ήθελε πολλά πολλά, είπε δεν της άρεσει να της πιάνουν το μουνακι της και οι ρωγες ευαίσθητες οπότε και εκεί τζίφος.
Με λίγα λόγια τα έκλαψα τα λεφτά μου.
Antwoorden: I may not have let you put your finger in, but you put a lot of your dick in, didn't you, my love? hahahah bye
Vertalen naar EngelsΕιναι πολυ ομορφη ακριβως οπως τις περισσοτερες φωτο της, το στηθος της ειναι πολυ ωραιο και με καλη αφη. Στα του σεξ ειναι καλη..
Vertalen naar Engels
Opmerkingen (16)
I hope you come Xanthi honey.
Come to Kozani hot baby!!!!
Nanda, Hope to see you in Patras very soon! I cant wait to visit you!! 🥰🥰
come to serres babe!
come to Kos island babes. you will be loved...