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Opmerkingen (14)
Very sexy body, smooth skin, great ass. If you are polite to her she will respond in the same way and offer great pleasures.
This woman is fucking sexy.Great latino ass,big round tits and lovely skin.She is clean and works in a good apartment.If you are nice with her she will be nice too.I visited her 3 times till now and my experience was always great
Worst experience ever. As you'll see in her profile she has removed reviews because she would only get bad reviews. You are better off burning your money than visiting this girl.
She shouldn't be doing this work. She is the WORST, she wants to finish as soon as possible, she does NOTHING, she doesn't even let you touch her.
You will just regret wasting your money and time!
Doesn't worth it, worst experience ever. Paid for 30 mins left in less than 10 as she was keep asking every 2 minutes if I finished. Very passive in bed exactly the opposite of GFE. I do not recommend her at all, waste of money and time.
The worst gilr you will ever go to really don't whiest you money guys