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Solo per Adulti!
Questo sito contiene nudo, contenuti sessuali espliciti e linguaggio adulto. Possono accedervi solo coloro che sono maggiorenni nel luogo fisico in cui si trovano. Accedendo a questo sito, ci confermi che sei maggiorenne e che accetti i nostri Termini e Condizioni. Qualunque uso non autorizzato di questo sito può violare una legge statale, federale o straniera. Mentre Escort Girls non crea né produce alcuno dei contenuti presentati nelle nostra inserzioni pubblicitarie, tutte le nostre inserzioni pubblicitarie debbono rispettare i nostri standard in fatto di età e contenuti.
Escort Girls adotta una politica di tolleranza zero nei confronti della pedo-pornografia o dei minori che si pubblicizzino o utilizzino il nostro sito. Accetto di segnalare qualunque servizio o attività che violi i Termini d'Uso.
Accetto altresì di segnalare alle autorità competenti ogni sospetto di sfruttamento di minori e/o di traffico di esseri umani.
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Profile from 2017 year, age "23 years"? From which time you suck in Turkey, from 15 years? Why lie so much?
Mila: Arkadaslar bi anlatırım size bidaha boş konuşma olmasın lütfen.. Milanin profil 2017 sene de kurulmuş. Yane 7 sene önce. Ozaman o 23 yaşında yedi. Onun profilde değisim olmamış bu zamana kadar çünkü 2017 den yorumlar var. Öyüzden suan o 29 yaşında 30 olacak 3 ay sonra.. bu kadar basıt hesaplama).
Any chance unblock me?
Lera Hot: Dear, I block EXTREMELY RARELY. I can only have three reasons for this:
1. You ask without a condom or for an extremely cheap price or call
2. You behaved badly with my Independent colleagues (bad correspondence or bad behavior at a meeting, or fake booking, I know all this right away).
3. You ask for "video confirmation", "photos from the hotel room" 🤮 and other bullshit. Please write this to girls of your level, I do not even live in a hotel and have NEVER lived there! Independents of my level never send trashy selfies from a hotel, this is the prerogative of cheap agencies!
People like me have money for expensive photosessions and REAL photos from the TOP locations of the world, my clients will never go for any "photos from a hotel". Therefore, with any such request, I block immediately.
But you can write the last digits of your number, I will see what the matter is
Lera Hot: oh yeah. You really did what you did in point 3, begged me for some "hotel selfies with the door in the background"🤮🤮 I repeat, I DO NOT LIVE IN A HOTEL AND HAVE NEVER LIVED IN ONE!
I rent expensive apartments where there is no entrance fee FOR YOUR COMFORT!!!
I told you about this several times, and also asked you to pay attention to the fact THAT I AM THE ONLY ONE IN THE CITY WHO HAS A WORKING INSTAGRAM! (Lera_Travelgirl)
It didn't help, you were blocked. And this will happen to EVERYONE who doesn't respect my time and my work on my profile.
Sorry, no, there is no chance of unblocking and there won't be. Ask cheap women for this, although if you look at your other comments, your trips to hotels also end unsuccessfully ;) All the best. 💋
why do all the women of this agency have the same faces in the photos? why use such a cheap FaceApp if they are really beautiful? and paying 1500 for entry to have sex with an Uzbek or Kazakh woman is really stupid, gentlemen. Unfortunately, most of the commentators of this agency have a "review discount", which the agency then deducts from the girls