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I don't have an issue with this Agency and I trust that they have real photos but I think they need to have an open mind.
I was interested in Maya but the agency told me that she is not available and I am okay with that. They sent me a bunch of other options and I didn't like them. When I told this to the agency, they told me that my number is blacklisted... I mean, I understand there are bunch of people who are wasting your time on a daily basis (I have a friend who is doing this exact same job so trust me, I know) but do I have to make a reservation even if I didn't like the options?
Do you think it is logical?
I don't really mind to be honest, I am a regular so it is their loss but you should think this through in my opinion...
Özetle arkadaşlar, yolladıkları seçenekleri beğenmezseniz numaranızı blokluyorlar :) Kendileri bilir elbette lakin bunun ne kadar mantıklı olup olmadığını sizin takdirinize bırakıyorum.
Maya: Mereba sizinle baya sohbet etmisdik, ayrica benim zamanim paradan daha kiymetli, Ben musterilerme saygi duyuyurum ve karsiligni talep edyorum, almiyancida zaman kayp etmekten engellemek daha kolay oluyor, Ayrica ben hakliydim bunu kabul etdigniz icin tessekur ederim
with love
Pink Harem