
Revenge on my wife


Revenge I wanted revenge on my wife, we are both professional people, living and working in London, till the recession came along, I lost my job Lyn my wife was more the high flier a career woman, it was not easy for me to find other posts, in the end I had to take a six month contract in Thailand, I didn't want to take it, but my options where very limited,
The problem, over the years I had suspected Lyn of having affairs, I could never prove it, but the superstitions have been there, and I had suspected some thing was going on now, I was apprehensive about taken this new post,
We discussed it and she was all for it, to much so,as if she wanted to get me abroad, and out the way, a paten had developed ,over time, when I had though she was being unfaithful, and the same routine had started a few weeks before, her lack of interest in the bedroom, she had mid week meetings which where late and she had to stay in a hotel , the odd night away, which can happen I know, we both had to do that some times, also at times she would be more dressed up than I though, was needed as it was only business,

To cut a long story short, I ended up in Bangkok, keeping in touch by telephone, Lyn seemed the loving wife on the other end, I had asked a trusted friend to keep a eye on things if he could, it was three weeks later , he phoned
me to tell me about a problem in the car park , we have at the apartments, my friend had came down to go to work and this guy was going mad he had been clamped, and asked my friend how he get it taken off,my friend was there when this man phoned to get it sorted, he could hear what was said the man told the company he had visited a friend in a apartment, and gave my number?
My friend and the man had both looked at the ticket the man got and it told the time and date it was put on the car, which was the night before, so he been there all night it seemed

I phoned Lyn so I got her that evening, London time, I had phoned the night in question, with out getting an answer, I asked if she had been in, she was quiet , then said no, I was busy at work and got home late, I was getting worked up thinking about what was going on,
Some weeks later I was asking Lyn to come out for a holiday, she put it off butafter a month she said she would see if she could for a week, in the mean time I was getting out , I got to know a guy, and got quite friendly, he knew the place well, we started to use a bar he knew where mostly locals when, it had good food and cheep drink, my friend had only a week or so before he went back, I was still getting excuses off Lyn, five more week went by before she booked a ticket , the little bar I was using, I got to know lots of people and the owners well, I didn't think it was a sex bar like the ones on the mane road, as time past I found out it was, I did get tempted with what was on offer at the back a few times, so I was better known and trusted , I was very drunk one night and talked to much to the owner
Telling him about Lyn my wife at home and what I thought she was up to,and how I would like to get my own back on her, revenge, a few days later the owners wife sat with me talking, and started to ask questions about my wife,
and what I would do, or want to happen to her, I said I would like to catch her at it, know for sure ,next nigh I had the owner and his wife sitting with me, I got more questions, and they suggested I may like watch my wife, I didn't quite understand, it turns out they let her work out the back, she never do that I told them, they both smiled and said they thought she would, and they would film it , and I was to think about it, and make sure I want it to happen, I though what the fuck yes

Lyn would be here in a week, a plot was hatched, I was to bring Lyn to the bar as much as possible,so they could get friendly with her, I picked Lyn up off her flight ,it was morning one, I took her to the bar for lunch, she was not to impressed, with in two days it was our local, she seemed okay with it, any thing she wanted she got, like English food, she even got into the Thai food, it was a lunch time we had a meal, the wife of the owner whispered to me we need Lyn her tonight, we got there a little after seven, the meal was wonderful, it was more like a party going on
Lots of drink, Lyn was chatting away to the owners wife, he came over and I spotted him take Lyn's glass and put another one in it place,she drunk it, ten fifteen minute she seem drowsy, the owners wife helped her up and worked to a door at the back I picked her bag up and followed she was laid on a bed, it seemed she was out cold, I was told its like she is asleep, I could stay for a time, then would have to go, she would remember after
that, we waited she striated, they called in a young teen aged girl who took her closes off, then got on the bed
with Lyn and started to undress her, I was taken to another room, with a mirror which I could see threw, there
was two TVs in there which must of had cameras hooked up to them,
The girl had Lyn naked now,we waited, then it was like Lyn was waking up,the girl lay beside her, sucking one beast her hand between her legs fingering Lyn as she came round, I watched, Lyn started to respond, she looked a little blank in her face, I was told not to worry about that, it was a rape drug they had used, with this one
the sexual feeling as very much intensified, Lyn looked a little limp and she looked down at the girl as if to say what the hell is happing, the girl moved down and got her head between Lyn's thighs and was going down on her, it was not long before Lyn had her hands on the girls head, she heaved her body jerked, some said look she is fine now, she is climaxing, I had never known her to cum so quick before

This when on for a time, I watch Lyn convulse and Buckon the girls face,she had a very strong climax, they got into a 69 position, Lyn was given the girl as good as she was getting, as we watched some one said some thing in Thai and some one left our room, a young man in his twenties, walked into Lyn's room he only had on a pear of shorts, which he dropped to let out a huge dark cock, it was very big, I would say eight to nine inches long but very fat, some one said he very good stud has lots of babies, I should think so the size of his balls,it was not long they where all on the bed together, the thing was Lyn seemed a very willing player in this, I asked if the drug had worn off, I was told no, it in her and making her feel very sexy , it given her a need for sex it will last for two to three hours next time longer, each time she is given it the feeling gets stronger, she has to have it for three days, then she only need a little each day and she want sex for hours, it only put her to sleep to start with, tomorrow you are to give it to her one hour before she come here, then she will want to fuck,I said she is not lesbian, I got a laugh, and was told she fuck any thing man woman animalher self if she can't get it,

We watched the guy mount her the sound was turned up, he was a stud he fucked her like there is no tomorrow
she really got noisy , I watch him fuck her twice, and her get two loads for spunk, I was asked to go back to the bar and wait for her, I was told she would remember what she did, it would come back a little at a time, she want sex as well, I had to wait over an hour before she joined me, looking sheepish, not saying any thing as to what she had done, I made out she not been gone for long, she been gone over two hours, as we left I was given a bag with a DVD in it I fucked her when we got back she was wet and loose and she really got into it

Next day I got the chance to watch the disc I flicked thew it, it was all on there, her with the girl then the stud doing her then the owner hefucked her the stud had another go as well
Late afternoon I gave her the drug she wanted to sleep, it was a restless sleep, she got quite hot and woke up
I suggested we go back she was quite keen, she seemed edgy, we got there I got a beer, as the owners wife came over and greeted us, she took Lyn right away out the back, with out a goodbye a sheep to the saluter, I was sipping my beer, when the woman came back, and was told you watch later, its busy out there , we put your wife in that room later, it was over an hour and a half later she waved me over to go and watch , I got in the room alone this time, Lyn was in the other room with a sort fat white guy, sucking on a not that long cock with a round
mushroom head on it he shot his load in her mouth some on her face and in her hair, he left, the girl came in and helped Lyn clean up, the next was a older Thai man, he was very keen to fuck a white woman and was soon at it with my wife on her back, he then turned her over so knelt and took her from behind till he unloaded up her
I watch her have two more men, and when back and got a beer, this time she was at it for three and half hours

The next day was repeated, she was having five to six men a session, the fourth day she only had a very small
amount of the drug, we where late get to the bar, we got held up she got agitated, when we got there she went
straight out the back, as I got my beer the bar-girl said your wife gone to work, well she had, she got later
each night, looking at the discs I was getting she had severest twelve in one night, later on I found a interesting one she when with an old German couple it was really perverted, she stayed on for three more weeks in that time she started having a few lesbians coming in and ask for her, she was asked to go with dog as she was watch by three guys, she did with help of the girl Lyn has now left her job in the UK and is staying out her with me and works most nights, I am now a partner in the bar which we are moving the back rooms to a digger place, we have managed to pick up two female back packers and they both work with my wife, we got then into it the same way, and are on the look out for some more I sure we get lucky in the summer



