
Mom passed away, being sent to dad


I was born a 1/2 thai 12 white american boy, Now I am a lady boy aka Shemale. My mom died recently so I am off to live with my american dad. Scared, he knows I have gone thru some major changes but has not seen me since I was 10, and I was still his lil boy then. Not sure how he will react when I meet him at the airport with hair to my waiste, breast and wearing a dress.

So here I am his 18 year old boy(lol) in a pale yellow dress along with bra and panties and sandals. Now to find dad, think I will start with the cell number. I am sort of shaking, have this feeling I am going to get slapped and be homeless. There he is, looked a bit shocked when he answer fone and I said hi dad its me, very fem voice. I told him I was walking over, and he asked what I was wearing, I said a yellow sundress. He just replied, I seee you. Gave me a big hug and kiss on my head. Asked wht he should call me now. I smiled and said I go by Ana, and some call me Pixie cause I am so little. He said that I make a very pretty girl and that we have alot to talk about. I said dad I am a ladyboy, still have my male equipment. He smiled and said well we wi talk about it and I can explain it all to him.

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   He said maybe over dinner, I giggled a bit, thinking this is going better than I thought.

Wegot to a little bar n grill and the waitress came over said hi to dad by name and asked who I was, he smiled and said this is my daughter Ana. She smiled and said, thought you had a son and you were getting him from the airport. I said, I am a shemale, so I sort of am his son. She got big smile on her face, sat down and said "oh i gotta here this" and giggled, looked at me and said u r quite a pretty young lady. Said my name is Sheri.

So I explained to them that I always felt I was a girl and at about 18 started dressing more and more fem and I had a friend that got me hormones. So I jumpstarted puberty withh alot of female hormones. Dad asked how I got them being so young, I giggledd and said dad I luved in Thailand you can practicly get them out of gumball machines.

We stopped at the mal on the way to the house, I got a few dresses skirts and blouses, some shoes. then I saw the lingerie shop. Grabbed dads finger and off I went, he was sying No Pixie pls, dont make me go in there. I giggled lookedd at him and said keep it up and I will model 1/2 the store. I got him in there and asked what his fav color was, he repllied FLANNEL. I laughed and said thats not a color.

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   He smiled and siad I look really pretty in yellow. I said ok, yellow it is. I found a nice see thru, with a lil matching skirt. OFF TO THE DRESSING ROOM! LOL. let's see what this does to dad, lol. I changed walked out, no bra. Asked what he thought, he looked at me, IDK what the initiall look meant, but his eyes drifted to my breast. I looked down, thought a minute and said, They are black like my moms. He smiled al litttle and said Always loved your moms sexy black nips. Looked like he was about to cry, then I saw tears, I went over hugged him tight, said I was so sorry. I looked up at him, he said you look so much like her now. I asked him if what I have done tto myself realy bothered him, He smiled said it didnt and kissed me on the side of my nose. Asked it I wanted the nightie, I smiled and said oh hell yeah. He told me to find a few more. I found some nipple shields.

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   asked the lady how they worked. She said we have glue on and the type held on by a piercing, I smiled said Piercing, she showed them to me. I got 1 pair of each. Most of this stuff was very new to me. I saw a display with like flesh color gell things, and asked sales lady what they were, she said breast enhancers, I smiled, said HUH? She smiled and told me I need a bra on for her tto show me, i was digging arround in a nearby bin and she said shud be 1 cup size bigger than you are. I found a nice yellow one, pulled the nightie top off and started to put it on, dad said your not shy are you. I turned around and said ok, you wanna be that way come over and clasp it for me. thinking I am going to gett a smack on my ass, he came over and did it. sort of shocked me. The lady told me to sip them in between my breast and the bra. I smiled at her, and said no I think not, turned to dad, handed them to him, and said would you mind. oh he was beat red. he snickered a lil, said sure what the hell. I am thinking, he is letting me push him a bit more that I thought he would. Dad asked if I wanted a pair, I thought about it, said I could fill out a top better, and dad asked the lady if she had any that were more my skin tone.

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   she dug thru boxes and found a set. I slippied them in, and put my dress back on. Well done for here

Off to the food court, I was looking at the nip covers and dad asked wht the 1 set had holes thru them, I told him for girls with pierced nips and he asked id mine were, I smiled as I took a bite and said Nope but I can hope. I looked at him and asked why it didnt bother him that I am a lady boy and not really his son anymore but more his daughter. answer shocked me. He told me that he was aot like me and if he had more guts he wud be just like me right now. I smiled so big, asked wht he didnt, hesaid, when he was my age it was totally inacceptable and ev1 he knew would have disowned him. I said not too late. He said and I do rather enjoy masturbating, i smiled replied yea me too and I love the taste. I asked why he didnt do it now, he smiled and said a bit to late now. I looked at him and said, never too late if it makes u happy

Off to my new home, got there walked in, aaaaaaaaaaaah it is a dam trainstation compared to where mom and I lived in Thailand. 2 floors a huge pool nd nice deck. Thenext few days were pretty ez, I swam a bit, kept the house clean. dad got hime between 2 and 6 ev day. So I decided to go up to my room and relieve myself.

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Laying my head propped against the headboard on a pillow, I started playing, finally got my huge(lol) 4" cock hard and started to jerk off, a hand under my balls, I sort of enjoy a bit of pain when I do it. In walks dad(knew I shud of closed the door) He turned to leave, I said No please dont. smiled at him and told him to come in and we could talk. Sort of patted on my bed for him to sit. He sat down, smiled at me, and said so do guys enjoy u giving them anal, I laughed said ok I never been on a date let alone with a guy and, wow I dont believe u asked me that. He giggled and said u r perfect size for anal. I laughed again and said amd why is that dad, he said your not too big, guys wud enjoy it. I thought to myself ok we are haing a ery open talk, so I said do you enjoy it. he smiled and said been a few years and yes he did enjoy it. I thought ok, hmmm. I asked if he remembered telling me about when he was my age and, he said smiling he did, and he said 1st 1 to cum had to take ev1 elses load, my mouth dropped. He asked y, I ust said if I was ur daughter and not a lady boy would you of just said that. He smiled and said, prob not.

I told him to stand up and I sarted to undo his pants, he asked what i was doing, I smiled dsaid lose the shirt, we r going to have our own lil circle jerk, He smiled ay me, asked if I was sure, I said oh yeah why not. Besides I wanted to see how big he was.

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   I saw him totally soft and said kk we need to fix this and took his cock in my hand and began to play with it. He made no effort to stop me, so I got nervey and slid it in my mouth, didnt take long and he was hard. I pulled him onto the bed in front of me. Grabbed my cock and begin to jerk off, smiled at him and said dont just sit there. he looked at my eyes and told me how pretty they were, then my nips and he licked his ips, I leaned back against the headboard, spread my legs, smiled at him and asked what he was waiting for. He started stroking me, felt good, I moaned softly as I pushed his head closer to my cock. He looked at me smiled, and I said, you know you want to. I propped myself up to watch omg it felt so good. He begin massaging my balls, I said harder, then he took one in his mouth sucking on it and stretching it, omg that felt good. he stopped and licked up the back of my shaft. my body quivered. I asked so where do you want me to cum. He looked at me and asked what I meant, I smiled and said your mouth or your ass. He smiled and said both. and went back to giving me my first blow job, I felt it coming up my shaft, and started moaning.

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   back started to arch as I felt myself cum in his mouth. I pulled him to my face and french kissed him, saying I luv the taste of cum. Pushing him on to his back, and taking his cock in my mouth. He moaned softly and said smacl my balls I'l tell u if it is too hard. I started smacking them, he said harder, so I did as I sucked him off, he said I'm cumming, as he did he said I really want ur cock in me Pixie. I kissed him with my mouth full of his cum. When I was done, I looked at him and asked how to do it. He propped himself against the headboard with his ass on a couple pilows and pulled his legs apart, he smiled and said I want to see your face baby. I smiled thinking, I wont be dating much. aksed if we shud use lube, he smiled and said no, but before I started he put 2 of my fingers in my mouth and guided them in, I twisted them around a bit. He pulled them out and took my cock and put the head against him, and smiled. I slid in slowly, he smiled said doesnt hurt it feels nice. U started pumping as he played with his cock. I said dont cum aggain, smiled and said I'm next. He said it will hurt Pixie.

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   I kept pumping and said I dont care I wanna try it. He pushed his balls down so ev time I slammed uto him I hit them. I felt myself coming and striked harder and as deep as I cud get my 4" cock in hum. felt so good, and he seem to enjoy it. I collapsed on his chest, and kissed his nip a bit. then I asked where I shud be.

He say me up I was straddling him, as he reached between us, I felt the head of his cock against me, and I slid down a bit. He said speed and how deep is up to u. I let all of my weight go and down I went, omg my mouth openned my eyes got huge, he smiled and asked if I was ok. I sort of gasped and said, HURTS LIKE HELL!!! i SAT THERE A MINUTE, SORT OF IN A STATE OF SEMI SHOCK. LOOKED DOWN AT HIM, SMILED AND SAID WE NEED TO GET LUBE NEXT TIME. hE SMILED AND SAID SURE BABY. I came about all the wy up and let my weight drop again, same reaction, ha asked why i was doing it, I replied, need to get use to it. Slammed myself down a few more times as fast as I could, then rolledd off onto the bed. almost in tears.

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   dad came over to me and asked why I did that, I said I have to get use to it, tears rolling down myy face. I said dad, cud u get me some ice pllease, he smiled said sire brb.

When he came back I asked what he thought of his lil Lady Boy. He smiled and said I think your beautiful. I blushed a bit, rolled over and said ok dad, ice me up and laughed.



