
The Little Halloween WHore


Halloween Whore
Crafted by: Dingo8UrBaby

We lived in Tempe, Arizona, and I was born just after Thanksgiving. And it was now Halloween time of my 16th year, as I lay on my bed trying to decide what I was going to go as this year. I realized I was getting a bit old for that, at least the going out for candy part, but working in my favor was the fact that I am a petite girl, and at the time I could pass easily for being much younger than I was. If I dressed for it I could pull off 18 or so, easily. My body was lean, but not skinny or spindly. And my breasts were right inline with the younger appearance as well, which in a way bugged me - aren't girls suppose to be stacked? - but in another way I liked it. I never had to wear a bra, for one thing!And guys liked the way I looked really good in a snug T-shirt or tank top.

And that had been a neat revelation during the summer which was just ending, since my dad had decided a few years ago that it was time for the family to start going to the local (though unofficial) clothing optional places. I was hesitant at first, even though being "seen" - at least topless - around the house and back yard was pretty normal for me for as long as I could remember. So my dad helped undress me, standing there by the spread-out blanket, and then playfully smacked my bare butt and told me to go play!I discovered that first day how much easier it is to get over the initial first-timer weirdness of being naked in public (even though everyone else was too) if you let yourself get distracted by a game of volleyball. And being only a B-cup going in C, I didn't have the uncomfortable looking "flop" that the bigger girls, and women had going on. I think some of them actually hated me for my body. The guys had their own flopping issues of course, but it didn't seem to bother them. In fact I think it distracted me from the game more than it did them!

That was a wonderful day!After I got tired playing, I crashed on the blanket with my mom and dad and just stretched out with my arms over my head, as mom smoothed on sun block for me, all over without missing and inch. Well, the back side anyway since I had laid on my belly. .

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  . just I was now, on my bed. Outside, the Autumn breezes were blustering against my window. I was wearing only white cotton panties and a T-shirt that said "Dirty Shirty" on the front. My knees were slightly apart, and bent so that my bare feet were up in the air. I was reveling in the freedom, and wriggling my toes a bit when my little brother Mark tapped at my door. He entered when I said "come in!". I say little brother, but only by 18 months. He wasn't a like big athletic jock or anything, but he was at that age when if we hadn't been related I'd have thought he was a hunk. Well, good looking anyway. He'd been one of the guys in the volley ball game. "What ya doin'?" he enquired, perching on the edge of the mattress.

As cool as it was outside (it gets chilly ion Autumn evenings in the desert southwest) he was shirtless and he too was barefoot, for comfort and since it was a rule in our house. So he was wearing only a pair of comfy looking faded jeans. Like me, he hadnot a bit of extra fat on him, anywhere.

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  Not a 6-pack mind you, but a nice normal guy body with good muscles. In answer to his question, I said "just trying to figure out what to be on Halloween". He chuckled, and said "aren't you getting kind of big for that?"I looked back over my shoulder at him, and replied "well kind of, but I look young enough and plus there a party later on. And we have to be in a costume for that". He nodded in an 'ah, I see' kind of way. "Well" he said, "dad sent me up to get you for dinner. And the H-day isn't for another week. Dinner is up and cooling. Now I gotta go put on a shirt to sit at the table, mom says" and with that he stood and walked to the door, and out into the hallway leaving my door half way open.

I wanted to push the envelope a bit, but if I showed up at the table like this - in my little white cotton panties - I'd be sent back up to put something on. So I moved to my dresser and, lowering and taking off the undies, I stood there bare-assed as I looked through my drawer. Then finding what I was looking for, I pulled out and stepped into a bikini bottom. I figured hey, it's not underwear!And that would be my envelope-pushing for the day. At moments like that, standing there with my ass hanging out,I always half way hoped someone would walk by my room and 'accidentally' see me. I giggled internally, and thought 'oh Michelle, you are such a bad girl!' as I bounced out of my room and headed down for dinner.

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The meal passed uneventfully, and though my dad noticed my clothing choice, he evidently decided it wasn't a battle worth fighting. Dinner conversation was light, and I mentioned that I was trying to figure out what to do for Halloween. My dad suggested, "Honey, why not wear your Cheerleader outfit?You're not on the squad any more, so technically it could be a costume". I hadn't thought of that, but I immediately liked the idea!I looked hot in it, there was no denying that, and the skirt was risky short, which I liked. "Great idea, dad!"I exclaimed, and knew that come the Halloween party, that was what I'd do.

I had a few days before the day of the party and tricks-or-treats, and I spent a few of them altering my outfit to be less official looking. After all, everyone who'd be at the party had seen me in it when I was doing cheering. So I wanted it to be sufficiently different to pass for a costume. The jersey was made to be tucked in the skirt, so the first thing I did was crop it a bit and run a new hem into the bottom edge. The finished product was perfect!It came to just above my belly button, so my piercing there would show. Then I added some simple but cheesy ghost and pumpkin appliqués to the skirt. When I was done I looked just like a Halloween Cheerleader!If there were such a thing. I had one more touch to add to the look, but I'd have to pick that up at the mall in the next day or so. I liked shopping at the big indoor mall, the floors always felt cool and nice under foot.

I hated shoes, on principle as well as just personal preference, and went without them whenever possible. 

   Especially in the spring and fall seasons when the ground was cooler. It was fun then to do things like "pigeon walk" on the railroad tracks. That's walking a single rail, balancing like a tight rope walker. The smooth steel warmed by the sun felt very sensual. And at the mall I liked the way some people looked at me, like I was somehow doing something wrong, my footsies being 'undressed' where they shouldn't be or something. It was the same thrill I always felt in the nude area when people who had their clothes on looked at me, and studied my body. Strange how some people have those silly hang-ups!And at first it surprised me how many guys find bare feet on a girl to be just plain sexy, in a Tomboy kind of way.

Anyway, finally it was the afternoon of Halloween day, and as the sun began to set I went up to my room to get into my costume. Standing by my bed I stripped naked, and checked with my fingers to make sure there was no pube stubble that needed shaving. Satisfied with it's pre-pubescent silken smoothness, I pulled on the modified Cheering uniform skirt with the Halloween-themed appliqués I'd ironed on to it. I admired myself in the mirror and liked the way it went to the mid point of my thighs, the hem I'd sewn in falling about six inches above my knees. I seated myself before the smallish vanity mirror and began to work on my makeup. Nothing garish, just the standard pink lip gloss and then some green eye shadow to pick up the predominant color of the skirt, and some glitter there and on the cheek bones. Then I retrieved the special part of the look I'd bought while walking around in cutoffs and barefoot at the mall. .

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  . some Henna temporary tattoos. It was a multi-color design meant to go on the small of the back. Still topless I turned and called to my brother, "Mark, can you come help me for a minute?"

I heard him approaching down the hallway, and since I'd called him he entered without knocking. He stopped, looking at me in only the short skirt, and said "Damn sis. . . I don't think mom is gonna let you go out like that!"Giggling, I said "oh there's more to it, I just need help putting on this temp tatt. Can you do it for me?It's gonna go on my back, like a tramp stamp. "He advanced across the room and took thelittle cellophane packet from my fingers, and said he would help. So I moved to the bed and lay down on my belly. "Just above the skirt so it'll show with the crop top" I said. He opened the packet and positioned the stencil on the small of my back, and began to rub it on. The solution (alcohol I think) felt cold as he dabbed it on. Then he was finished and I felt the stencil peel away from my skin.

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  "How'd it come out?" I asked expectantly. He stood back and surveyed it for a moment and the replied, "Perfect!A real hot work of art. . . oh, and the tat came out good too" he finished, grinning. I knew he thought his little sis had a cute body.

Blushing slightly from the complement, I stood and twisted around to see it in the mirror at the foot of my bed. I loved to watch myself in it when I masturbated. The tat really had come out nicely, and I thanked him for the assist. He looked at my body again, and still grinning said "no problem-o sis" and left, closing my door behind him. Of course it was not at all strange or wrong to be so unclothed in front of him, after all we had grown up together playing naked in the lawn sprinkler and splashing in the little inflatable kiddie pool, or running and trying to get each other in the games of 'tag you're it'. And of course the family hung out at the Naturist club we belonged to, so it was just normal and no big deal. Plus there was that time he'd had to apologize for coming in my room without knocking one summer afternoon, and had busted me laying naked on the bed, wide openand masturbating myself like there was no tomorrow. That had been years ago when we were both having single digit birthdays, and I had only just discovered my magic button and what it was good for a few weeks before. I recalled how that I'd been so close to the edge just then that I orgasmed right then, with him standing there watching me.

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  The point is, if he had happened to have been nude when he came in my room (which of course had happened lots of times over the years) that would have been fine too. Besides, I'd watched him giving it a yank a few times since then!

I opened the other tattoo kit, and carefully positioned the stencil on my tummy, just below my belly button, and started applying the dye. It took me several minutes and it occurred to me I should've had Mark to do this one too. But I got it done, and it had come out just as nice as the one in back. Finally I slipped the now crop-top jersey on over my head, and again appraised the finished look in the long mirror. I liked it!It was just costume-enough to work at the party and while out begging for candy, and sexy enough to be sure I'd get noticed by the guys. The no-bra helped that, with every step I took!Yup, just what a girl wanted!And so with my flat little tummy with its red stylized 'Daddy's Girl' ink in front, and tramp stamp in the back, I bounced happily out the door and down the hallway to go meet my friends. As I grabbed my plastic pumpkin candy bucket, I bid Mark and my mom good bye, and went out the door. She saw the fresh ink on my back, and turned to Mark and said "Please tell me that's a temporary tattoo on your sister".

The pavement was cool and exhilarating beneath my feet, as the gathering darkness of evening had decreased the sunlight available to warm it. I had not even brought shoes or flip-flops or anything, after all part of the fun and thrill was knowing that no matter what happened or where I went, I had to remain barefoot. The cool evening desert breeze caressed my legs, and puffed freely up my skirt to my shaven bareness. And as I walked and swung easily along the sidewalk, it also found it's way up my crop top which was brushing seductively across my sensitive, delicate nipples as I swung my arms. I felt a rush between my thighs as the nips began to harden at the attention of the white knit fabric. I was already enjoying some of the glances I was getting, and I hadn't even made it to the party yet!We were all meeting up there, then going around for candy together before the after party.

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  As I walked, the black asphalt streets I needed to cross were noticeably warmer than the concrete of the sidewalks, and I reveled in the sensations as I strolled. I soon covered the few blocks to my friend Stephanie's house, and bounded easily up the cool concrete steps to the front door.

Before I could knock, I heard the latch retract and the big dark wooden door swung open. "Hi Michelle! I saw you coming up the walk" said Stephanie's dad, as he stood aside for me to enter. "That's quite a costume" he said, smiling, as his eyes appraised me, up and down. "Cool toe ring, too". Grinning at the complements, I said 'thanks' and asked "Is Steph here?"He continued checking out my toe ring and shapely toned legs as he replied that yes, she was up in her room. Thanking him again, I swished past and ascended the carpeted stairs to the upper floor where my friend's bedroom was. I did not look back to check, but I was fairly sure Stephanie's dad was watching me as I did so. I wondered it he could see I wasn't wearing panties, and thrilled at he idea. As dads go, he was a hunk!Whenever I was around him I always felt a strange combination of the natural "daddy thing" attraction most all girls have for their father (or father figure in their life) and the classic "older man" attraction. It was pretty heady stuff, and I had on several occasions felt myself getting wet merely being in his presence, usually in the summer when he was out by their pool in his swim shorts (REAL shorts, not those dorky long knee-length jams the boys my own age wore), or tinkering around shirtless under the hood on his truck.

The door to Stephanie's room was closed, so I called to her "it's me Steph" and then tapped twice before walking in. But the door was locked (they had those in her house) and she called back "just a minute". Maybe 45 seconds later she opened the door, wearing a light terrycloth bathrobe.

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  "Gee" I said with a smirk on my lips, "what took you so long?"She blushed slightly and said "what do you think, smart ass!"I giggled, and entered closing the door behind me. "Your dad looks hunky today" I began, and over her shoulder she replied "Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing". Suspicions confirmed! She'd been masturbating to her father. "Ever thought about making it real?" I asked, but she answered quickly "year, sure, but that's the kind of thing you generally keep to yourself". I nodded. Satisfied, she opened and dropped the robe as she stood before her closet, retrieving her own costume for the night. I had to admit, that girl had as nice a firm young body as I did!

True, she couldn't pass for younger like I could. . . her breasts were obviously not those of a child, for one thing. And she had the 'come fuck me' hips that other girls would kill for!As she stood there sorting her outfit, I thought that her ass was definitely more wonderful than mine. She began to don her costume; a "Greek goddess" outfit. Aphrodite, I think she'd said. The goddess of love!And she looked it, too. With the help of her father who, being a single parent - both mom AND dad - was no slouch with a sewing machine, she had added some folds and a sash thing to a vintage white wrap-around sun dress we'd found at the thrift store.

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  With the brown leather Buffalo sandals she already owned, and a dime store tiara thing from the same thrift store, she looked pretty much the part. I noticed she had slipped on a pair of white cotton panties though, and it made me conscious of my own barely concealed nudity. It was a real rush to feel that way!This made my nipples harden again, and Stephanie said "why Michelle. . . I didn't know you cared!"and we both giggled.

The dress come-tunic was great, and the Buffalo sandals were always really cute on her. She had the cutest toes, and they displayed them just perfectly. Like me she never used nail polish down there. . . we had seemed to outgrow that about the time we turned 18 or so. Which made sense since that was when we both awoke with a start, sexually speaking. Only two weeks after that birthday I graduated from 'rubbin' the nubbin' (as Stephanie called masturbating) to full penetration, though when I was broken that first time is was by my own hand and using a vibrating dildo I'd found in my mom's dresser, one day when I was snooping where I shouldn't have been. I'd discovered self pleasure when I was 7, which is actually not unusual.


  And then when I turned 18 and began having double-digit birthdays I stumbled onto my first orgasm. I'd had to ask my mom what it was, which in retrospect must have given her one hell of a reality check!For some reason, adults forget how young they were when they themselves began having those tingley feelings, and began exploring their own bodies. Anyway I had no idea the thing took batteries and buzzed, so I just rubbed the nub until I was wet, then used it as a black silicon boyfriend to achieve the virgin penetration, and break myself. It had hurt a bit like my friends at school had said it would, but not bad enough to stop me from having a really fuck session with it later that afternoon!The blood freaked me out a bit but Kelly, the friend at school I'd talked to about it, said that was normal and perfectly okay.

I had always been really careful to wash it like new and put it back every time I fucked it, but parents being parents, my mom must have noticed it like being put back different than she had left it, and one day confronted me about it. I admitted to what I'd done, and after a fairly good bare-butt spanking for having gone in her room and snooping in the first place, she then and there presented me with a dildo of my own. I was nearly 18 that day, and she said I could consider it an early birthday present. I'd of course shown it to Stephanie, it was very realistic and penis-like, and since that day we'd been using it on each other - pretending some man was taking turns with us, first her then me, and back again. Stephanie liked to beg for 'him' to stop, like a pretend sex game. Then when I turned 18 my dad found out that I'd graduated to the kind of cock that has a pulse and shoots cum into you, so he took me to a doctor appointment where I was fitted with an IUC contraceptive implant. Since then I'd thought of getting Stephanie's dad to perform that service for me!

Anyway, finally it was time for tricks or treats, and after a hug from her dad as we left, the two of us went out the door to meet the gang and form a foraging pack for the adventure. The way he hugged us, first her then me, there was no way he could miss the fact that neither of us used a bra under the costumes. Again I thought of him watching me going up the steps earlier, and I wondered if he ever got hard thinking about my body.

Part One: Tricks or Treats!
We took Stephanie's wheels, because of the drive to the party place later on. We soon rolled into the parking lot of the local WalMart (the one on West Elliott road) where the rendezvous was.

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  Most everyone else was there, and as full darkness began to become apparent, we all set out together to start ringing bells and collecting the free sugar. There were only seven of us, since Stephanie's boyfriend was out of town with his parents on some lame 'visit the relatives' trip, and my guy was spending the day with his other girl friend. But that just meant I'd have free range on the guys here since I was sure he wouldn't hesitate to be nailing her until he ran out of juiceMy sweetie did love to spread the thighs.

We were approaching the third house of the night, and it was now total nightfall. The street lights were on and the shadows were deep pools of darkness. Joel, one of our troop and a former BF of mine who had got himself tossed off the basketball team for smoking, came up to me and said "Ya know'chelle, no matter how often I see you going barefoot, it always looks just sexy as hell!And the toe ring. . . nice touch. Screw a bunch of fancy girly shoes"I turned and smiled, and said "thanks!A girl likes to know her body choices are appreciated. " And then, "remember the other garment I like to go without?" and continued smiling at him innocently, until I saw realization dawn on his face. "That's right!" I said, coyly "ya wanna see for yourself?"and I began strolling across the lawn of the house we'd just begged candy from, so see if he'd follow. And of course he did!The grass was cool under foot, as I headed for the deepest shadows around the side of the house. From where we stopped, between a pair of just tall enough bushes against the side of their garage, we could see the sidewalk some several feet away, but to passers by we would be invisible in the darkness. I backed up against the garage wall, and then initiated an embrace, and kissed him on his strong, firm young mouth.

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Joel had always been a great kisser, as well as his other boyfriend-related attributes. At the moment I couldn't remember why we had broken it off. He pressed his warm body against mine, and I felt his hand moving slowly up the inner thigh of my right leg. I thrilled with anticipation, and in moments shuddered and breathed a deep sigh as his fingers found their target. He pressed himself against my breasts, firmly, and it aroused me further. I was wet now at his touch, and I reached down to check his readiness. And I wasn't disappointed!There behind his zipper he was firm, and as plump as I remembered. I deftly slid the zip down and open, and loosed his impressive weapon into my firm, warm grip. It made him moan as I squeezed him, and he too began breathing deeper. I was ready to be impaled upon that shaft!I dropped my small purse on the grass and hoisted my right foot up onto the wooden lid of what was most likely a composting bin, which opened my legs more than enough to give him the access we needed. The wood felt rough, and good. We were kissing deeply, our tongues exploring each other hungrily as he slid smoothly and effortlessly up and in, entering me to the limit of his shaft. I stifled my gasp and cry of ecstasy because of the small group of kids going past on the sidewalk.

We fucked there in the shadows as they passed, not 30 feet away, Joel rutting up into me needfully and I receiving him with a wet, ready, sucking cunt. No words were spoken, we merely continued with our mouths locked together, breathing each other's air - one inhaling as the other exhaled.

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  Then he whispered, "oh shit I've missed you Michelle" pumping fully into me with every stroke. I felt his heat of him within me, and I whispered back "shut up and fuck me you huge cock bastard". And so he did. I reveled in taking him there standing, it was somehow much nastier than other positions. But since I was sure this wouldn't be my only coupling this night I decided I could try some others and do a comparison!After more pumping his jabs became more violent and insistent, and I was virtually climbing his cock in my own frantic need. Then suddenly he held his breath and I felt him flood me with his seed. He ejaculated mightily, but finally he finished and stood there, pressing me against the wall and shriveling inside me. He asked, "did you get to cum too babe?"I sighed, nodded against his shoulder, and said breathlessly "yeah. . . . twice!"

We slowly parted, he removing himself from me gently. I had at least taught him that when we were dating!I brought my foot back down to he grass, and took a moment to revel in the cool dampness of the lawn. Not everyone had lawns here, and this little patch was nice. He put himself away, zipped up and took a step back. 

  I smoothed my little skirt and we went to find the rest of our gang. They were sitting the curb talking and passing a joint, and began applauding and hooting catcalls as we approached. I tried to blush demurely, but must have looked as fresh-fucked as I felt. And Joel was grinning so big it was a lost cause. We regrouped and started off again for more candy. I was very aware of the still warm and rapidly pooling spume I was holding inside, naturally Joel was quietly boasting to his buds of what he'd done to me, and the small quiet sounds he's caused me to make.

We hit a half dozen other houses, and then it was time to fuck again. I (nearly literally) bumped into one of the guys on the debate team, and I led him back into a particularly stygian patch of non-light in someone's side yard, where there were a couple of tallish trees. I pulled his costume pants down (he was an ersatz pirate) and started immediately sucking his flaccid cock. But it hardened quickly, and I asked him if he wanted me to stop, or did he want to go all the way with me?Much to my surprise his nervousness and unsure manner was explained when he admitted, with much humiliation, that this was his first time. I grinned and told him no worries, I'd be happy to show him the way!The paver stones of the patio we were borrowing were cool and had an interesting texture under foot. But I had no wish to go on my back in it, so instead I chose all 4's. Dewey's first time out of the gate was to be doggie style!I told him to get on his knees behind me, and then lift my skirt up over my ass. I felt the wonderful sensation of the sudden literally bare-assed nudity!I told him, "see my butt hole?"and he said he did, so I said "well just below that is the place you want. Touch me there, gently.

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  . " I felt his tentative touch, his hand was warm and strong. "oh gawd that's good" I said, "you have a great touch" I said honestly. And then, "now see how wet you're making me there? (more touches. . . ) yes, right there. . . oh shit that's nice. Now, please slide your big hard dick in me there! I want to feel you fucking me!"

He said "oh my gawd" as I felt him parting my pussy, and filling me slowly with hit shaft. He really was built well!And I told him so. I didn't bother to tell him that I was so well slimed in there for him was because of the latent jizz load already in there, that he was fucking on top of. He began the instinctive rhythmic thrusting, and I coached him "slow down tiger, I want this to last a while. It's not like beating off where you hurry to get to the end!When fucking a girl, getting there taking the slow scenic route is the whole idea".

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  But with the nerves and the thrill of being outside, he didn't last more than a few minutes. He began to moan, and I had to hush him so we wouldn't get discovered. He began panting and there it was, the fresh hot fluid splashing into my loins. Oh, I just loved that sensation!He finished emptying himself into me, and then pulled out and stood up. I likewise stood, my skirt falling back down to cover me. I looked into his eyes, and told him "thank you, that was really good - especially for a first time!Now go and keep our secret, and maybe it'll happen again with me some time!Now, go get a bunch of free candy"He smiled and left awkwardly, leaving me there alone under the trees. I moved off the patio over onto a patch of soil between bushes, and opening my purse and taking out one of the drug store disposable douches I'd brought with me, I squatted down like I was gonna piss, but instead rinsed the two cum loads out of myself. It was cold, but fresh. And better than having it all run down my legs when I walked. The sidewalk was hard and cool and I jogged a bit to catch up to Stephanie and the gang. She winked at me. "Here, I got you some extra candy while you were off banging some guy, you little slut!" she said, grinning, and dumped a generous handful of miniatures into my plastic pumpkin.

The scene of screwing various boys in the shadows repeated itself a few more times, and I used the other two douches from my purse. Finally it was time to take our laden pumpkins and paper bags back to the car, and head for the after party, and once we regained the WalMart parking lot it felt good to sit in her car for the short ride back. Steph asked me, "you're not gonna leak sperm onto my upholstery are you?"I looked at her, and saw her shit-eating grin.

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  "Naw" I replied in my best smart ass tone, "I'm tighter than that!"

Turned out I did leak a tiny little bit, but my skirt caught it all.

Part Two: The Party ~
The place where we went to party was a little roadside rest stop park east of town, basically on the edge of the wide open desert. The thing was your typical beer-infused teen silliness with a few burn-outs over on a small rock outcropping getting stoned, but there were several kids there which I didn't know. Oh sure I recognized them from the hallways at school and most I knew their name, but I didn't know them personally. I accepted a freshly de-kegged beer from a tailgate bar, and began to mingle. I settled on the soft cool sand curled my legs up under me. I noticed the soles of my feet were absolutely asphalt street and parking lot black. I avoided getting into a cat-chat circle with other girls, because that tends to scare off the guys. And I wasn't done whoring yet!It's funny, because that's exactly how I thought about it; whoring. Well that, and being a slut. What was funny was that to me those were not negative, or insulting titles. Hey like my dad said about other things, it's not slander if it's true!And the way I had made a cum dumpster of myself ever since that first day I graduated from the dildo, well let's say I didn't believe in deluding myself. Having finished the brewski I went over behind a low Joshua tree to pee. Being without panties did have its advantages!

The night was cool, and the air was still. The desert here away from the city was silent and peaceful.

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   The only noise was the chatter from the small group at the party. I went and tapped myself another beer, and joined the circle crashed around the small campfire the guys had sparked. Too small to be called bonfire, we all sat close in against the growing night chill. I sat legs folded, Indian style, and again noticed how filthy the bottoms of me feet were. Dave, the guy I'd parked it next to saw the sole of the left foot (as it was under my right knee) and said looking at it, "damn Michelle, that is just hot". I willed my black little piggies at him, and the toe ring glinted a bit in the fire light. Testing the waters, he laid his hand on that right knee, his palm felt warm, and strong. I glanced at him, smiling in acceptance of his advance. Leaning over I whispered in his hear "it won't be black when we finish, but I'd like to get your cock dirty tonight too!"

I was feeling buzzed but not yet tipsy when a favorite song came on the boombox, and handing him my empty beer cup I got up to dance. As I started to move beside the fire a few of the guys hooted, and catcalled at me. I loved the attention!As the music progressed and I got into it, someone yelled at me to "take it off, Michelle! Show yur tits!" so I peeled my already cropped top up, off over my head and tossed it to the guy who'd egged me on (I didn't know his name). The night was cool, and my little pink nipples were pointed and firm. I left them alone, not feeling like touching myself here in front of everyone - yet - as I moved slowly and seductively to the music. As I went around the fire someone flipped up my skirt, and there was more hooting. I felt the rush as I began to get wet.

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  Finishing the song, I was feeling more of the buzz now and so I decided to sit down before I fell down. Now THAT would be embarrassing!I sat in the same spot, and with my slender legs out in front of me so I could feel the warmth of the flickering flames on my feet, I leaned back on my arms, displaying my breasts and lovely flat belly with it's "Daddy's Girl" advert just above the hem line of the skirt. Dave laid his hand on my leg again, this time up on the thigh. He leaned in to kiss me, and turning my head to meet him half way, our mouths engaged and we tasted each other's beer.

As we kissed and our tongues sought one another out, I felt his hand move from my leg up to and cupping my bare breast. I heaved a deeper breath in acceptance and again the guy I'd tossed my top to called "you go for it Dave!"And he did, gently - and then more firmly - rolling my hard nipple with his fingers as the group watched. I broke the embrace, and reached for his blue plastic Solo brand beer cup. It was nearly half full, and offering it to me I downed it in one. Then I tossed it in the fire, and returned to the kissing and he returned to the fondling. More hoots from some guys I didn't know. Others around the fire had paired up also, and one girl - a Cheerleader named Belinda - was keeping two guys busy, being fondled by both and taking turns kissing on them and reaching into their pants, though I was the only girl being topless at the moment. I wondered if she'd take them both tonight!Word in the locker room was that she was still a virgin (imagine! At her age!) but that she did like to swallow the cum. I wondered if she'd ever slipped the tongue to some guy and had him wonder what the funny taste was. Anyway, I got shakily to my feet and said to Dave to come on, I wanted to walk. He stood and I saw he had traded his dorky costume pants for your basic cutoffs.

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  We headed off away from the group, I was a bit unsteady on my legs so I held tightly to his strong, warm arm. My young firm breasts jiggled slightly as we walked, and David was enjoying and appreciating the view. "Like what you see?" I asked in a shy voice, and he nodded, grinning. We had moved several yards away now, and I said "then do what you want" and as I reengaged his mouth with mine, he used both hands to make himself happy with my perfect, firm little mounds. I said tohim breathlessly, "strip me. Take my skirt off and lay it down for me. Strip me fucking naked and then fucking take me!"I was absolutely dripping in anticipation.

David released my breasts and slid his hands slowly down my sides, and when he got to my skirt he hooked his thumbs and simply continued the downward movement. It dame off and away and fell to the desert floor at my feet. I stepped out of it, and he deftly laid it out smooth for me to place my ass on. The desert sand was my concern!I went down, unsnapping and zipping down his cutoffs on my way, and as I settled on the small patch of fabric his already enraged penis sprang free from its confines. I made a sound of appreciating for it, and said "now use that thing on me!" as I freely opened my legs wide and gave him access and invitation to what we both wanted to happen. I had never been with him before, so it was the first time I'd felt this particular cock parting my labia and plunging welcomely into my hot, liquid depths. I threw my head back and said softly "yeah, yeah that's it, fuck me. Fuck me, oh shit yes.


  . . "as he rodded me. I said "yes, use me like a slut, fucking whore with me" which turned him on, and in only a couple of minutes he was pumping his load into me. "That's right, give it to me, say goodbye to it, it's mine now" I said.

As he finished, and got up from me and began pulling on his shorts (he had kept his shirt on) I thanked him for coming in me, and told him to send someone back to me with another beer. Due to my slight build and light weight, I truly was a light weight when it came to drinking!He said he would, and walked off back to the group. I laid back on the desert and with my feet together, and drew my knees uptoward myself. I laid there looking up at the infinite night sky, and seemingly instantly a hand with fresh cold cup ofbeer entered my vision. I folded my legs Indian-like again, and sat up. And sitting there in the night air nude upon my own skirt, accepted the beer. "Mmm, thanks" I said, taking a deep drink of three or four swallows. I looked up, and saw a black guy from the football team, but I didn't know his name. He was already without his shirt, and as he stood before me, my legs open as I sat cross-legged, he unfastened his belt and pants and stripped there before me. I looked up at his large organ, and he was handling it as he looked down at me.

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  Then he sank to his knees and his rapidly stiffening cock aimed it's single moist eye at me. Finishing the beer in a chug, I looked at him and said "you assume a lot!" to which he replied, "you just open your legs for me girl, I brought you a beer and now you owe me!"And I pretended to resist as he took hold of my ankles and opened my thighsforcefully.

I leaned back on my elbows then, and he used his large fingers to explore and play with my sex roughly. It was of course still wet from David having used it just prior, and this cock-bearer wasted no time in positioning himself between my parted knees, and placing the big swollen head of his meat sword at my little pink opening. I looked down, watching closely at what was about to happen between my legs. He looked old enough to be in college or something, but I knew he was only a senior at my school. And just before he pushed in entering me with only his swollen head, he said in his deep resonant voice "now you're gonna take a real fuckin' there, little girl!"and I gasped as without preamble his rock hard shaft parted the soft tissues of my young sex, and he began using me. From the fireside, Stephanie watched what we were doing.

I never saw her approach, but through the spinning in my head from the beer suddenly I saw her kneeling next to me as the football monster worked at reaming me breathlessly. He looked at Stephanie as he banged me, and he leaned back so she could see better the details of what he was doing to my body. I was still leaning back on my elbows, and was panting and gasping "oh fuck, oh fuck. . . " as he did so. He still had hold of my ankles and was using his strength and leverage to open me immorally wide.

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  I was merely a hole, a wet tight sloppy thing for him to use, and fuck himself into. . . purely for his own filthy animal pleasure. . . and I loved it!

"You like to watch?" he asked Steph, quietly. She nodded, and moved to better see his massive penetration of me. He leaned forward toward her, and gently but strongly took her jaw in his left hand, and drew her close. He kissed her as he thrusted me slowly, and I said "do it Steph, I want to watch!" and she did, opening to him and letting their mouths explore one another. He continued to bang me as they kissed there above my belly and shaven mound. My head was spinning as he withdrew from me and turned me over, drawing me up then so my naked ass was in the air, and he re-entered me from behind. He was beasting me now, thrusting hard and reaching around to finger my clit roughly, to make me cum whether I wanted to or not!Stephanie was gone, assumedly to return to the party. My face was buried in my folded arms, against the cool coarse sand, as I orgasmed shudderingly against the heat of his thrusting, pulsing cock.

I went in and out of lucidity, the world was spinning I was so drunk.

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  I remembered him finally pumping me full of his pungent spunk, but the next memory is being on my back with someone else riding my naked body. It was hurting, he was being so rough with me. But then I faded out again. Finally I awoke laying on my side, covered partially with a car blanket and back near the fire. It was burning low now, and sitting by me were my best friend Stephanie, who had once again proven herself by making sure I was moved back by the warmth and taken care of before everyone left when the party had run its course, and then looking after me until I woke up. As I regained full possession of my faculties and sat up, she said "well, hello there sleeping beauty!"groggily I wiped my eyes and said, "somehow I highly doubt that". I felt very hung over, and ached between my legs. The only other person there, David who had been fucking me earlier, handed me a beer can, and said "water. Here, I think you need it!"and gratefully I took the can and drank it down. My clothes. . . the costume outfit skirt and top, were in shambles. The top wasn't too bad, but the skirt was soaked in the fluids of my night of perverted debauchery!There was no way I could wear it home like that. I stood naked before them, and used the top to wipe my thighs and dry myself there as best I could. 

  There was a lot to dry!

"Here, one of the guys donated this for you to use to get home" and David handed me a long jersey with the number 18 on it in green letters. It was the breathable mesh kind, bit it was definitely better than nothing!I stretched my arms up, and put it on letting it fall down around me. Being as petite as I am it fell down farther than my skirt had earlier!"Now let's get the hell out of here!" Stephanie said, and we all headed for her car. I dozed a bit more on the drive back to Tempe, curled up on the back seat. When I awoke again David was gone, and Stephanie said we'd already dropped him at his house. Since it was nearly midnight by now, thank goodness for her cell phone, she had covered with David and my parents, and had told her dad what was happening. At least no one had called the cops to come look for us!My folks knew I was spending the night at Steph's house, and her dad was cool enough to have been trusted with the whole story. I was fairly stable on my feet as I got out of her car and walked with her to the house. Which was good, because her dad was waiting for us on the front porch. "Well, hello girls" he said, "looks like you had quite a night of it all right!"as he looked at me, and his own lovely daughter who carried the nasty sodden wad which was my costume. And then as we passed I had just enough time to catch the look of realization on his face as he caught the whiff of my wadded up costume.

I said "thank you Mr. Chambers for letting me crash here tonight. He looked me over, and said "you look like you had a hell of a party all right". That's when I realized the mesh on the shirt was way more see-thru in this light than it had bee outside!And he was obviously quite enjoying seeing my body through it.

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  Then turning to his daughter, he said "Stephie, you go start that laundry for her, and then Michelle, at least you take a good hot shower and then you girls get to bed and get some sleep. It's late. "Steph went through and I heard her starting the washer for the small load, as I began climbing the steps. I looked back, and her dad was standing below watching me. In a moment of DejaVu he stood at the bottom of the stairs and watched me as I went up. After the long day of sidewalks, streets and parking lots the soles of my feet were absolutely black, even after the coarse sand of the desert, the soft carpet felt good under my tired feet.

I went on into the big bathroom and stripped off the jersey, then started the water, and carefully stepped into the large tiled shower. The stinging hot spray was wonderful, and had just got to the perfect temperature when the bathroom door opened, and then closed again. Through the frosted glass slider I could see the blurred form of my friend, obviously already nude. I watched the flesh tone blur of her approach, then pop into focus as she slit the door aside and stepped in with me. It was a large tiled shower area, maybe 6 feet square, and had two shower heads on opposite walls. She turned her back to me, and opened up the flow on the other side. Then she adjusted the shower head so it shot over to the center of the square, and came over to me with a bar of Hawaiian cocoanut soap. I smiled, and she began smoothing the fragrant bar across my shoulders and down my back. She washed me, tenderly, almost lovingly, as I stood there with my back to her.

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  She rubbed the small of my back where the temporary tramp stamp was, and I knew she was removing it for me. It felt wonderful as she moved down to my buttocks, and after massaging my cheeks under the warm water, she parted them and ran her fingers and the steaming water repeated across my tight puckered hole. I was glad Stephanie didn't go in for long nails when she deftly darted a long slender finger into me there, once. . twice. . and then again, a third time, up to the second knuckle. She grinned at me as she did so.

Squatting down she ran her hands down one leg, and then back up making sure the blade of her hand went firmly up all the way, until it hit beside my sex. This was repeated on the other leg, and then she stood and turned me to her. Soaping her hands well, she laid the bar in the soap tray and then placed her palms one against each of my breasts. She soaped them, rubbing gently, and then moved in and we kissed. Tenderly, we opened to each other and our tongues found their pleasure. We parted then, each turning in the stinging spray and rinsing ourselves off. Seemingly in unison we shut off the shower heads, and stepped out to begin toweling ourselves.

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  Down in the study, Stephanie's father toggled from the shower cam to the bath cam, as he sat before his laptop masturbating slowly to his daughter, and her little friend who could easily pass for much, much younger.

He was a bit disappointed when in the bedroom the girls simply got between the sheets together, still quite wonderfully nude,but all they did was cuddle a bit and then spoon together as they fell asleep, Michelle cupping one of his daughter's firm, perfect breasts. "Oh well" he mused, smiling to himself as he shut down the pinhole smoke detector camera in her bedroom, and loaded an M-Peg file he'd recorded of the time Stephanie and some girl from her school had shared her boyfriend in a particularly arousing 3-way, the summer before. He enjoyed this video, and treasured the memory of when he's watched it live as it was recording. Yes, his little girl did fuck particularly well.

The End





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