
Caroline - Part 3


Chapter 8
Half an hour later, Caroline was in her room changing into fresh clothes when her phone rang. It was her mother. She explained that they had met up with some friends from out of town and would be staying another night. Caroline could hardly contain her excitement when her mother told her that they would be spending tomorrow with their friends, too and wouldn’t be home until tomorrow evening sometime. Would this be all right with her? Trying to keep her voice calm, she said that she would be fine. Then she asked if it would be ok if Tabitha stayed overnight so they could work on their term papers together. Her mother said that would be fine with her and after promising to call if they were going to be late, said goodbye and hung up. Caroline couldn’t believe it! She would be able to spend another night at Greg’s! And with any luck, Tabitha would be there, too!
She was about to pick up the phone and call her when it rang again. This time it was Tabitha. "Hey! There you are!" she exclaimed in her bubbly voice. "I’ve been trying to call you since last night! Where have you been?"
"I’ll explain later," Caroline replied. "Wanna get some lunch at the A&W? My treat!" They agreed to meet there in fifteen minutes and she hung up the phone. She finished dressing and checked herself in the mirror. Makeup looked good, she had on her tightest jeans, and her sweater showed off her tits nicely. ‘Damn!’ she thought. ‘I feel like I’m going out on a first date!’ Then she laughed to herself.

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   Maybe she was!
Tabitha was sitting at their usual booth when Caroline walked in. She was aware of several pairs of male eyes checking her out but she was only interested in one particular green-eyed brunette today. Tabitha waved at Caroline, looking very sexy with her long hair flowing freely over her slender shoulders. She was wearing a red tank-top and Caroline knew that she usually wore a short white skirt with it. A glimpse of Tabitha’s long bare legs under the table confirmed it. Knowing that Tabitha always ordered a Teenburger - no onions, Caroline went over to the counter and placed the order. She ordered just a root beer for herself as she had just eaten at Greg’s.
"Hey there!" Tabitha exclaimed with a smile as Caroline slid into the seat across from her. She noticed Caroline didn’t get any food for herself. "Aren’t you eating?"
"Hi!" she answered, returning her smile. Did she look especially sexy today or was it just her lust- inspired imagination? She shook her head. "No, I just ate. "
Tabitha unwrapped her burger and began to eat. She swallowed a bite, then getting straight to the point, she looked straight into her friend’s large brown eyes. "So where have you been hiding?"
Caroline grinned but didn’t offer a reply.

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   Her eyes sparkled mischievously. Tabitha gave her a stern look and she chuckled. "Ok, ok!" She leaned over, meeting Tabitha halfway across the table. "I was having trouble with my report last night so I . . . gave Greg a call. "
Tabitha’s eyes grew in disbelief. "You didn’t!"
Caroline nodded, trying to keep a calm demeanor. "He invited me over to his apartment. He really gave me some great ideas!" ‘And a great fuck!’ she thought to herself.
Tabitha looked at her skeptically. "I see. So all you did was discuss ‘The Great Gatsby’ with him. What time did you get home?"
Caroline shrugged and leaned back in her seat.

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   "About eleven-thirty, I guess. "
Tabitha shook her head and leaned back, folding her arms over her ample breasts. "Uh-uh. The last time I called was just before midnight. You weren’t home. "
Caroline looked at her watch. It was twelve-thirty. "No, I mean I got home an hour ago!" Caroline thought Tabitha’s jaw was going to hit the table. Her eyes grew even wider and she sat there in stunned disbelief, the burger halfway to her mouth. Caroline grinned at her and nodded.
When Tabitha finally found her tongue, she stammered, "Y . . . you didn’t!" Caroline nodded again, still grinning. For a brief second, Tabitha’s face flashed a look of what Caroline could only describe as jealousy, but she quickly recovered.

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   "You wouldn’t shit me?"
Caroline shook her head and chewed on her bottom lip, remembering the incredible sex her and Greg had shared. She leaned forward and whispered, "It was amazing! I had no idea it could be that good!"
Tabitha nodded but didn’t reply, instead taking a bite of her burger and chewing it slowly, avoiding Caroline’s eyes.
While she could obviously tell that news of her little rendezvous was troubling her friend, she decided to tell her about it anyway, making sure to emphasize everything in hopes that the sexy brunette would later agree to their little menage-a-trois. When she finished with her blow-job before leaving his apartment just over an hour ago, Tabitha just stared at her, her green eyes sparkling.
She sighed deeply. "Sounds like you had a great time. I wish I could find a guy like that. "
Caroline saw her opening and took it. "Why don’t you give him a call? He said he thought you were cute. "
Tabitha’s eyes widened. "He really said that?!"
Caroline nodded. "I swear he did. Last night in bed. " She hoped that part about them talking about her while lying naked in bed together would put her mind on the right track. Tabitha thought for a moment, then slumped back in her seat.

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"Aw, I wouldn’t have the guts to call him, let alone sleep with him!" She looked over at her best friend. "Besides, you found him first!"
Caroline laughed. "He’s not my boyfriend! He’s free to see whoever he wants! It was just sex. Great sex, but nothing more!"
"You mean you don’t want to see him again?" Tabitha asked, a puzzled, and perhaps hopeful look on her face.
Caroline shook her head. "I didn’t say that. As a matter of fact, he wanted me to come back over this afternoon. But I told him we had plans. "
Tabitha looked at her friend in her tight sweater and jeans. She was feeling more than a little jealous of Greg for having the girl she so often fantasized about, but did her best not to let her feelings show. "Well, thanks for thinking about me . . . but I couldn’t," she said, shaking her head.
Caroline fidgeted nervously with a napkin.

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   If she was going to ask her, this was the time. She glanced up at Tabitha then looked back down. "He, uh, told me you were welcome to come along, too," she said softly. She glanced up at Tabitha’s surprised expression, then lowered her eyes to the napkin and hastily added, "I mean, if you want to. "
Tabitha snorted. "And what would I do? Watch TV while you two went at it in the next room? No, thanks. "
Caroline stared at the shredded napkin in her hands and didn’t reply right away. Finally she said quietly, "Do you remember when you told me . . . " She looked around to make sure they couldn’t be overheard, then leaned closer to Tabitha. " . . . about how you find girls attractive?" Tabitha’s face reddened and she swallowed, now nervous herself.

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   She looked down at her hands. Caroline continued. "Well, for a while now I’ve . . . uh . . . I’ve had a . . . bit of a crush on you. "
There. She’d said it. She looked up cautiously to Tabitha’s eyes and saw both surprise and relief in them.

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   She smiled uneasily. Tabitha stared at her for what seemed like a long time before responding.
"Y . . . you do?" Caroline nodded sheepishly. "You’re not just . . . teasing me, are you?" She didn’t believe for a minute that Caroline would do such a mean thing, but she was so taken aback by her revelation that she had to ask.
Caroline shook her head vehemently. "I would never do that to you, Tab!" She lowered her voice. "I’ve been trying to work up the nerve to tell you ever since the day you told me about . . .

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   you know. . . how you thought you might be . . . "
Tabitha nodded absently, her thoughts swirling. Finally she looked into Caroline’s warm, chocolate eyes. "Actually," she said with a nervous smile, "it’s really just you I find attractive. "
Caroline’s heart leapt. She smiled and shrugged. "So what do we do now? Go out on a date?" Tabitha giggled and Caroline soon joined in.
"I think we’re past the dating stage," Tabitha told her, her face serious as her eyes met and held Caroline’s.
Caroline nodded. So far, so good.

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   "My parents aren’t going to be home tonight. Why don’t you stay over at my place?"
Tabitha’s eyes lit up. "Ok! That sounds great!"
Caroline smiled and nodded. "But," she added, "I’d really like to see Greg again, too. Come with me. We can all . . . get together! It’ll be fun!"
Tabitha’s smile disappeared and her jaw dropped open. "All . . . all of us?!"
Caroline looked around. No one was looking in their direction. She reached across the table and took Tabitha’s hand.


   "Think about it, Tab. He has experience. You can lose your virginity to a wonderful and gentle lover, instead some bumbling high school boy like I did! And I’ll be there, too! We can explore our relationship at the same time!" Tabitha’s expression softened and Caroline knew she was at least considering her proposal. "You do think he’s cute, don’t you?"
Tabitha looked up at her. "Well, yeah, of course! He’s gorgeous! But . . . " She sighed and stared out the window for a long moment before turning back to Caroline. "If I agree to this - and I’m not saying I will . . . " Caroline nodded and waited for her to finish. "I want the option of leaving if it feels too weird. "
Caroline nodded, her face serious. "And I’ll leave with you if you do.

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   But I hope you stay. Trust me, you’ll be thanking me in the morning if you do!" Tabitha still looked doubtful. Caroline leaned closer so there was no chance of anyone overhearing them. "The first time we did it I lost all track of time, but it felt like I was cumming non-stop for about five minutes!" Tabitha raised her eyebrows and looked at her skeptically but Caroline nodded, a slight grin teasing the corners of her mouth. "No shit!"
Tabitha sighed resignedly. "All right. I’ll do it. " Caroline’s eyes sparkled and her grin widened. "But," Tabitha added, holding up a hand. " . . . remember; too weird, and I’m outta there, ok?" Caroline nodded, still grinning.
"I understand. All I ask is that you give it a fair chance.

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  " Tabitha said she would try. Caroline stood up as Tabitha finished her nearly forgotten burger. "I’ll go give Greg a call. " Tabitha looked up at her, a fry halfway from her napkin to her mouth, then nodded. Caroline smiled and gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze, then went over to the pay phone on the wall. Tabitha watched her go, wondering what she had gotten herself into.
Chapter 8
Caroline hung up the phone and returned to the table where Tabitha was nervously pushing her wrappers onto the tray. She slid in across from the leggy brunette. "Ok, it’s all set. He’ll meet us at the back door at three o’clock sharp!" Tabitha nodded, absently chewing on her lower lip and staring out the window. "Tab? Are you ok? You aren’t having second thoughts are you?"
Tabitha continued looking out the window for a few more seconds before turning to her friend. Caroline could read the fear and apprehension on her face. "Second and third thoughts," she replied. Caroline smiled reassuringly and Tabitha sighed. "But I said I would give it a try, and I meant it.

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  " She paused again, still watching Caroline’s face intently, her brow furrowing. "Does it hurt much?" she finally asked. "I mean, when he first . . . " Her voice trailed off.
Caroline took her hand and squeezed it. "Only for a few minutes," she replied, her face serious. Then she broke into a warm smile. "But then it starts to feel really good!" Tabitha attempted an apprehensive smile, then turned back to the window.
"We still have a couple of hours to kill," Caroline said as she swallowed the remainder of her mug of root beer. "Why don’t we go over to your place? You can tell your mom you’re staying over at my house and get your things together. " She bit her lower lip and leaned closer, a seductive grin on her face. "And maybe we can get some practice in at my house before we go over to Greg’s!"
Tabitha turned back to her. Her face seemed to light up a little and some of the nervousness left her eyes.

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   Caroline was actually more nervous about hooking up with Tabitha than with Greg. Greg was just sex, but there were some serious feelings involving Tabitha. Love being the biggest. Caroline had no question about her love for her friend, and she was certain Tabitha felt the same way about her. But could they turn it into a love affair? Neither of them had ever been with another girl and if they failed, it might just be the one thing that could put an end to their close friendship. She hoped it was worth the risk.
They left the restaurant and walked the short distance to Tabitha’s house mostly in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Tabitha packed a few things into an overnight bag and said goodbye to her mother, with a promise not to stay up all night talking. Caroline smiled to herself. She didn’t say anything about staying up all night fucking! The girls left Tabitha’s house and walked the two streets over to Caroline’s.
"I think I’ll change into a skirt, too," Caroline said as they went into her room. "These jeans are a little too hard to get in and out of!" She went over to her closet and began sifting through her clothes while Tabitha sat nervously on the bed and watched her. Caroline tugged a short pleated skirt from a hanger, then selected a white blouse from another one. She laid them on the bed and began to undress, her eyes on Tabitha’s as she tugged her sweater over her head. She shook her hair free from it and tossed it in the general direction of the clothes hamper.

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   Tabitha’s eyes were riveted to her bra covered tits but followed Caroline’s hands as they moved slowly toward the button of her tight jeans. She glanced up, then met and held Caroline’s gaze as she unbuttoned her jeans and lowered the zipper. Her eyes moved to Caroline’s hips as she wriggled the jeans down, revealing a pair of white bikini style panties. She swallowed a large lump while Caroline tugged the tight jeans off one leg at a time, then stood before her in just her bra and panties. Caroline reached out and without even realizing she was doing it, Tabitha took her hands and Caroline pulled her to her feet, then stepped closer to her pretty friend.
"Hi," Caroline whispered, her dark eyes glittering with excitement. Tabitha moved another step closer until their bodies were only a few inches apart. Tabitha’s eyes quickly took in Caroline’s nearly naked body, from her slender legs to her curved hips; her small firm breasts with her nipples making tiny bumps in the nearly sheer fabric of her lacy bra; then finally settling on her pretty face.
"Hi," Tabitha whispered back, unconsciously licking her lips. They moved closer and could feel the other’s warm breath on their face, their lips almost touching. They stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment, then Tabitha closed her eyes and pressed her soft lips to Caroline’s. Caroline immediately felt a spark of electricity shoot through her and a warm feeling of exhilaration deep in her stomach. She moved her lips against Tabitha’s, then parted them, inviting Tabitha’s tongue inside. Tabitha wrapped her arms around Caroline’s neck and pushed her tongue deep into her mouth. Their bodies pulled together as they embraced and kissed deeply, like two anxious lovers finally united.

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   Their hands roamed freely, caressing and petting, while their mouths devoured each other in a long, wet, passionate kiss.
Caroline had never experienced such a memorable first kiss. She felt herself melting into Tabitha, giving in completely to the pent up feelings finally released. When they finally pulled apart, she grinned at Tabitha. "W . . . wow! That was some kiss!" Tabitha returned her smile and nodded. She, too, felt the same powerful feelings. She took Caroline’s face in her hands and kissed her again, not satisfied with just one taste of her friend’s warm, delicious mouth. Caroline eagerly returned her kiss, but after several minutes, pushed her gently back. "I better get dressed or we’ll be late!" she breathed as she planted several kisses on Tabitha’s face and lips. Reluctantly, Tabitha sat back down on the bed and watched her get dressed. She looked very sexy in the short pleated skirt and the white blouse almost gave her the Catholic schoolgirl look.
Tabitha chewed on her lip and grinned up at her.

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   "Very sexy!" Caroline grinned, struck a brief pose, then they both giggled. She tossed a few items into an overnight bag and they left for Greg’s apartment.
Instead of going straight up to the door as Caroline had done the night before, they decided to take a more subtle route through the woods the apartment building backed on. Greg had suggested that it wouldn’t look right for two sixteen year old girls to be going into an older guy’s apartment building in the middle of the afternoon carrying overnight bags. Caroline had agreed and they took a narrow path that led through the woods and ran roughly parallel to the back of the buildings on that street. As soon as they were in the woods, Tabitha grasped Caroline’s hand and they walked hand in hand until they came to a spot behind Greg’s building. Caroline led Tabitha through the brush until they reached the edge of the trees and crouched behind a bush where they could see through the glass doors at the back of the building. Greg wasn’t there and Caroline checked her watch.
"We’re about ten minutes early," she told Tabitha as they knelt on the soft carpet of pine needles. Tabitha pulled her closer and they began making out again. Caroline ran her hand along Tabitha’s bare thigh up under her skirt and gently squeezed her firm ass over her cotton panties. Tabitha signaled her approval by moaning into her mouth and forcing her tongue deeper into her throat. After a few minutes, Caroline pulled away and glanced over at the apartment doors. Greg was standing inside them and looking out, occasionally looking at his watch.
Caroline pointed him out to Tabitha, whose hands were squeezing Caroline’s tits over her blouse.

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   She was seriously considering saying the hell with Greg and ripping Caroline’s clothes off right here and now, but Caroline gave her one final peck and stood up, smoothing her rumpled clothes. Reluctantly, Tabitha stood up as well. Caroline waved to Greg and he finally saw them, then waved them over. They glanced at the other buildings and, seeing no one, emerged from the woods and walked quickly over to the door. He held it open for them and they stepped inside.
"Ladies!" he said with a smile and a kiss on the cheek to Caroline. He nodded to Tabitha with a warm smile and she blushed, lowering her eyes. "Welcome! Come on up!" He led the way up the three flights of stairs to his floor with Caroline following and Tabitha bringing up the rear. He opened the door and stepped back so they could go in first. Caroline went right in, while Tabitha hesitated and gave him a nervous smile. Greg returned it warmly and she felt a sense of desire as his eyes met hers and she quickly followed her friend inside. Greg came in right behind her, his eyes on her small ass inside the short, sexy skirt. Greg and Caroline embraced and kissed while Tabitha looked around at the small, tidy apartment, trying hard not to look at Caroline kissing someone else.
As if sensing her unease, they broke off their kiss and turned to her. Caroline walked over and took her hand while Greg went into the kitchen.

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   Caroline led Tabitha into the living room where they both sat on the couch. Caroline relaxed back on it and crossed her bare legs while Tabitha perched nervously on the edge of the cushion. "Would you ladies like some wine?" Greg asked, reaching for a bottle.
"Sure!" Caroline piped up. Tabitha shot her a questioning look.
"Do you think we should be drinking?" she asked in a hushed tone. "What if . . . ?"
Caroline shook her head, chuckling, and cut her off. "What if what? He gets us a little tipsy and tries to seduce us?" She grinned and shrugged. "Oh well!"
Tabitha grinned sheepishly. "You’re right, I guess. " She still didn’t appear completely convinced and Caroline hoped the wine would ease her apprehension. Their make out sessions had left her very turned on and she wanted this to go well.

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   She hadn’t forgotten her promise to Tabitha that she would leave with her if she changed her mind, but she desperately wanted Greg’s long, hard cock inside her wet pussy once again!
Greg arrived with the wine and passed a glass to each of them. "What’s the big secret?" he asked with a warm smile. "I hope you’re not talking about me!"
Caroline took a sip and nodded to Tabitha. "Tab’s afraid that you’ll get us drunk and take advantage of us!" Tabitha felt her face getting hot as Greg turned to her. He smiled and gave her a slight bow.
"I promise to be a perfect gentleman!" he said with a wink to Caroline.
Caroline set her wine down. "Well in that case, I’m leaving!" They all had a good chuckle, but Tabitha was still very nervous. She sipped her wine and watched as Greg and Caroline chatted comfortably with one another.
Finally Greg turned back to Tabitha. "In all seriousness, Tabitha, I just thought it would relax you. You seem a little tense, which I perfectly understand. " He smiled his disarming smile again. "Hell, I’m nervous, too! I’ve never done this before, either!" He finished off his wine and refilled all of their glasses. "Why don’t we just sit and talk for a while.


   Get to know each other a little better?" he suggested, settling back in the easy chair across from them. They sat and talked for about half an hour and Caroline could see Tabitha starting to warm up to him. As for herself, she was only getting hornier by the minute! Hoping to get things started, she uncrossed her legs then slowly opened them, giving Greg a nice unobstructed view of her panty clad pussy. His eyes immediately picked up on the damp spot that was growing larger on them. He grinned and looked over at Tabitha, who was describing a book she had recently read. She stopped talking and followed his gaze to her friend’s lewd pose.
"I think someone’s trying to tell us something!" he said to Tabitha with a grin and a wink. Tabitha rolled her eyes.
"What? I’m horny, dammit!" was her quick retort.
Greg chuckled and set his glass on the coffee table. "Well, let me see if I can help!" He got up from his chair and dropped to his knees at Caroline’s feet. He moved between her open legs, then leaned in and kissed her passionately. His hands moved along her waist and finally settled on her firm tits. She moaned under his tender touch and put her arms around his neck, returning his kiss. Tabitha watched, still sipping nervously on her wine, as Greg’s hands moved from Caroline’s tits down to her bare thighs, then up them and under her skirt.

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He noticed Tabitha watching them and released Caroline’s lips. Before Tabitha realized what was happening, he had pulled her to him and his warm lips were pressing against hers. She responded stiffly at first, then relaxed a little and allowed him to push his tongue into her mouth, finally kissing him back.
While they kissed, Caroline unbuttoned her blouse and opened it to reveal her firm baseball sized tits inside the sexy lace bra. She let them kiss for a few more seconds, then tugged at Greg’s pants. "Stand up. I want to see that monster in your pants!"
He broke off the kiss with Tabitha and grinned at Caroline with a questioning look. "What’s gotten into you today?"
She flashed him an impish grin. "I told you already! I’m horny!" She winked at Tabitha. "And I can’t wait for Tab to get a look at your beautiful cock!" With a chuckle, he stood up before her and Caroline began to unfasten his jeans. Meanwhile, Greg removed his shirt and Tabitha was pleasantly surprised to see that his body was as nice looking as his face. Caroline looked over at her as she lowered his fly, her eyes sparkling. "Wait until you see this!" She tugged his jeans down and Tabitha’s eyes were immediately drawn to the bulge in his shorts as he kicked his jeans off.
‘Holy shit!’ she thought to herself. ‘Just a little bigger than Steve!’ Caroline then removed her blouse, then reached behind her back and unclasped her bra.

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   She tugged it free, exposing her perky tits to them, her nipples rock-hard. She looked over at Tabitha.
"C’mon, Tab! Your turn!" She teased her erect nipples and watched her friend. Tabitha looked down at her own chest. She had pulled a sweater on over her halter top. Nervously, she pulled it over her head while the others watched. She pulled it free from her long hair, and dropped it onto the couch beside her. She looked over at them, but they simply looked back expectantly. With a sigh, she pulled her halter top off, placing it with her sweater. Now wearing only a lacy black, and very sexy bra over her tits, she looked over at them, her hands twisted together in her lap. She had never been this exposed before any guy before. Not even Steve. Sure, she had let him feel her up, but that was under her shirt in the dark. This was a whole new experience and she wasn’t sure if she could go any further.
"Very nice," Greg said softly as his eyes moved over her ample chest, then met hers.

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Caroline nodded her agreement. "Yes, very nice, baby," she whispered. She leaned over to give her a kiss. Tabitha was a little hesitant at first with Greg right there, but she gave in and kissed Caroline back. Before she realized what was happening, Caroline reached behind her back and deftly released her sexy black bra. Tabitha’s hands immediately went to it to hold it in place, but Caroline had anticipated that move. She pulled it free before Tabitha’s hands could come up.
"Hey!" Tabitha exclaimed, trying desperately to cover her bare tits with her hands.
"Don’t be shy!" Caroline said with a wide grin as she spread her arms. "We’re all topless!" Tabitha held her hands over her large tits and looked from one to the other. After a moment, she slowly lowered her hands, revealing her bare tits to them.
And they were magnificent! They were perfectly shaped, bouncing just slightly as she removed her hands. The erect nipples stood out nearly half an inch from her large, dark areolas and were as thick as Caroline’s pinkie. They quivered gently as Tabitha leaned forward.
Greg shot her an admiring look.

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   "Tabitha, those are the nicest set of tits I have ever seen!" He moved his eyes to hers and smiled.
"They are beautiful, Tab," Caroline agreed with a smile and an approving nod.
Tabitha blushed nervously. "Uh . . . thanks," was all she said.
Caroline pulled her gaze from Tabitha’s tits and looked up at Greg, a seductive grin on her face. She grasped the waistband of his shorts, giving Tabitha a knowing glance, then began to pull them down.
Tabitha watched in rapt fascination as Caroline pulled the boxer shorts down. Her eyes widened when his hard cock sprang out, bobbing before Caroline’s face. Caroline licked her lips, then looked back over at her. "And it tastes even better than it looks!" she said as Tabitha’s mouth dropped open at the sight of the thick head on the hard shaft. She looked up to Caroline, who grinned. She was wondering how something like that would ever fit inside her when Caroline seemed to read her thoughts.

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Caroline chuckled and wrapped her small hand around it, causing Greg to sigh in contentment. "Don’t worry; it’ll fit!" She looked up at Greg, who was running his fingers through her hair. "But first . . . !" She leaned closer and licked all along one side of it to the base, then moved her wet tongue up the other side to the soft tip. She looked over at Tabitha and beckoned her over. "C’mere, Tab. You’ve got to try this!"
Tabitha looked at the stiff rod still clasped in Caroline’s hand and scrunched up her face. "Do I have to?" Caroline smiled and reached out for her hand.
"It’s not a bad thing, Tab. I love doing it!" As if to prove her point, she parted her lips and sucked the head into her mouth, all the while watching Tabitha’s reaction. Greg sucked in a sharp breath as her warm mouth closed over his sensitive cock. Tabitha still looked doubtful, but she was intrigued by Greg’s response. Caroline began to pump the thick rod in and out of her mouth while Tabitha watched, dumbfounded by her best friend’s surprising enjoyment of this odd, and in her opinion, disgusting, act.

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   After a moment, Caroline pulled her mouth from the hard organ and grinned at her. "Yummy!" she exclaimed, looking up at Greg before looking over at Tabitha and licking her lips. She continued to stroke it while she reached out again to Tabitha. "C’mon! Just touch it!"
Tabitha hesitated, her eyes moving back and forth from Caroline to Greg, then to his throbbing cock. She finally moved over closer to Caroline. Before she could resist, Caroline leaned over and kissed her, thrusting her tongue deep into Tabitha’s mouth. Tabitha could taste the tangy flavor of Greg’s precum and was pleasantly surprised. While not exactly delicious, or ‘yummy’, it wasn’t all that unpleasant. Caroline broke off the kiss and moved Greg’s cock closer to Tabitha’s mouth. "Go ahead, babe!" she urged.
Tabitha studied the long shaft. A drop of clear fluid seeped from the hole in the tip and quivered there. Caroline reached over with her finger and scooped it up before it fell, then popped her finger into her mouth, sucking it clean. She grinned at Tabitha, licking her lips. Tabitha turned her attention back to the cock just inches from her face.

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   It couldn’t be that bad if Caroline liked it this much. Slowly, she moved closer and pressed her lips to the large head. Then she stuck out her tongue and gave it a tentative lick. She glanced over at Caroline, who grinned and urged her on. She turned back to it, took a deep breath, and slid her lips over the soft head. The taste of his sex was strong as the tip slid into her mouth and over her tongue, but once again, it wasn’t unpleasant. Her thoughts went back to when she had given Steve her first hand-job; the feel and smell of his precum as the slick fluid coated her hand. She would never have imagined putting his cock in her mouth then, but here she was, willingly sucking on one! And Caroline was right about something else. It was turning her on. She began to pump it slowly in and out of her mouth and she felt her pussy getting wetter with each passing minute. Caroline rubbed her bare shoulders. "See! I told you you’d like it!"
"Mmmph!" Tabitha murmured, nodding slightly.
Leaving Tabitha to her task, Caroline stood up and kissed Greg. Then she unfastened her skirt and let it drop to the floor at her feet. She stepped out of her skirt and began kissing Greg’s chest.

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   She rested one hand on Tabitha’s head as she continued to move back and forth on his cock. She was really getting into it! Greg’s breath was beginning to come in shallow gasps.
"T . . . Tabitha! You better stop!" he warned with a gasp. "You’re gonna . . . make me cum!" Caroline dropped to her seat next to Tabitha as she pulled her lips from his throbbing dick.
"We don’t want him cumming just yet, baby," she said softly as she stroked her girlfriend’s long, soft hair. Tabitha kissed her then looked up at Greg. He was breathing hard and trying to regain his composure after her first blow-job almost made him cum.
"That felt great, Tabitha!" he said with a smile, which she returned. For some reason, giving him pleasure was making her even wetter! He pulled her to her feet and kissed her deeply, pressing her large tits to his hard chest.

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While they kissed, Caroline unfastened Tabitha’s short skirt and pulled it over her slender hips. She wore a pair of black thong panties under it that matched her sexy bra. Caroline took in a deep breath at the sight of her beautiful girlfriend in the sexy thong, then began to tug it down. Tabitha started to protest, pulling her lips from Greg’s, but he pulled her back and she surrendered to his warm, soft lips, allowing Caroline to finish undressing her. The idea of her making out with a naked man while completely naked herself turned her on even more.
Caroline stood up and kissed her neck. She broke off the tender kiss with Greg and kissed her. Greg slid his hands down her naked torso and over her gently curved thighs. He moved lower, caressing her smooth ass, then slipped his hand between her slightly spread legs and ran his fingers over her bare, wet and swollen lips.
Tabitha gasped at his touch, pulling her lips from Caroline’s and unconsciously spreading her legs a little more. "Oh, shit!" she gasped, burying her face in Greg’s chest. Caroline glanced down, saw what Greg was doing, and grinned.
"Maybe you should sit down, Tab," she suggested, pushing her gently back down to the couch. Taking the hint, Greg knelt in front of her and pushed her knees apart. He looked down at the open pink flesh of her untouched pussy, then looked back up at her.

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   He smiled seductively and Tabitha gave him a nervous smile.
"Relax. You’re going to love this!" he said as he moved closer.
Chapter 9
Greg leaned in and pulled her toward him, kissing the long-haired beauty. Then his warm lips slid to her neck before moving down to her hard nipples. He caressed one tit, teasing the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, while sucking and nibbling on the other. Tabitha moaned and closed her eyes. Steve had fondled her tits several times and it had felt good, but he had never made her feel anything like this! She sighed and moaned, thoroughly enjoying his sensual touch. She was disappointed when his lips left her sensitive nipples and kissed along her stomach. Her disappointment soon faded when she felt his warm breath on her swollen labia and then his tongue moving lightly along her sensitive skin. She shuddered as he continued licking all around her wet slit, her anticipation growing with each passing second. She began to move her hips, trying to force her dripping pussy to his mouth, but he always kept just out of reach, only close enough to tease her with the lightest touch.
After a couple of minutes of this, she couldn’t take it any longer. "Please!" she pleaded in a small voice barely above a whisper and thrust her pelvis upward. Greg looked over at Caroline and winked, a crooked grin on his lips.


"He wants you to tell him what to do," Caroline whispered as she planted small kisses on her delicate skin. Tabitha turned her head to Caroline, a puzzled look on her face. Caroline smiled. "If you want him to lick your pussy, tell him to lick your pussy," she explained. Tabitha looked down at Greg’s grinning face poised between her legs. He nodded slightly. She looked back to Caroline, who smiled. "Tell him, honey. "
She looked back down at Greg and after a slight hesitation said in a shaky voice, "P . . . please! L . . . lick my pussy!" He smiled and lowered his face between her legs.

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   She gasped as his tongue pushed between her tender lips and moved along them, all the way from the bottom to just shy of her clit near the top. He repeated the process again and again, causing her to twist her body and moan in pleasure.
Caroline watched her best friend and new lover as Greg’s talented tongue caused her to writhe in ecstacy on the couch. She lifted her hips and slid her own panties off, then started rubbing her slick pussy, remembering how his tongue had felt as it pushed deeper and deeper into her the night before.
Tabitha’s moans increased as Greg’s tongue pushed further into her, swirling around her virgin hole. She began to feel a warm sensation in her belly, which soon spread outward until her entire body felt like it was being charged with electricity. Her face, chest, and pubic area were flushed a deep red as blood rushed to those areas. Her breathing became shallow and she knew that when she finally came, it was going to be like no orgasm she’d ever given herself.
When he wrapped his mouth around her little love button and began flicking his tongue across it, she went wild. Her slender young body went completely rigid for a long moment as the orgasm built inside her. She groaned loudly and released, her body jerking uncontrollably. She cried out, cumming over and over while Greg continued to suck on her clit, struggling to hang on throughout her violent thrashing.
Caroline watched, her eyes wide and her fingers probing her pussy, while her best friend experienced her first full-fledged orgasm. She was so turned on by Tabitha’s reaction that she felt herself nearing her own orgasm. She began pumping her fingers faster and was soon cumming hard, her pussy clamping down on her fingers while Tabitha was begging Greg to please stop.

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   She opened her eyes to see Greg grinning at her. Tabitha was sprawled on the couch, her legs splayed wide open in a very unladylike pose while her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath.
"Couldn’t wait for me, huh?" he asked, running a hand along Caroline’s upper thigh.
She grinned at him and held up her wet fingers. He took them into his mouth without hesitation, sucking her sweet juices from them. "Sorry, babe, you two were turning me on too much!" she exclaimed. She reached over and touched Tabitha with her free hand. She opened her glassy eyes and smiled weakly.
"Th . . . that was incredible!" she gasped. "I thought I was going to pass out there for a second!"
Caroline chuckled. "If you think that was good, wait until he fucks you!"
Tabitha smiled dreamily and closed her eyes. "I’m gonna need a few minutes first!"
Caroline looked over at Greg.

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   "Well I’m ready to go!" she said with a devilish grin. He winked at her and eyed her supple naked body. He stood and pulled her to her feet. They embraced and kissed. Caroline could taste herself on his lips as well as Tabitha. She savored their combined flavors and thought about her own mouth on Tabitha’s tender pussy.
Greg pulled apart and spun her around so that she was facing the couch. He wrapped his arms around her, cupping her breasts and kneading them tenderly. He kissed her neck, then moved his lips down her back, tasting the her salty skin. She could feel his hard erection rubbing along her inner thighs. She parted her legs slightly and gasped in pleasure as it rubbed against her excited pussy. She offered no resistance when he bent her at the waist and gently pushed her forward. Her arms went out instinctively and she grasped the back of the couch, assuming the same position as she had the night before. She glanced down at Tabitha, who was sitting on the couch next to them, her eyes following their every move. Caroline smiled at her then gasped as Greg’s fingers probed at her wet slit.

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   She spread her legs further apart and he pushed two fingers into her dripping twat. She bit her lip when he inserted a third finger and began to slowly finger-fuck her tight little pussy. Tabitha watched in rapt fascination, one hand moving unconsciously to her hard nipple and twisting it between her thumb and forefinger.
Caroline was becoming very aroused and could feel the start of another orgasm. Abruptly, Greg withdrew his fingers and she started to turn her head to ask him why, when she felt the tip of his hard cock pressing against her swollen labia. She gasped, the words forgotten, as he slowly drove his cock into her waiting cunt. She grit her teeth and groaned as he filled her with his hard cock. Her lips were stretched thin and his thick meat spread the soft walls of her tiny vagina until she felt his pubic hairs touching her ass and the weight of his balls on the back of her thighs.
Tabitha sat up when she saw what Greg was about to do. She wanted to see first-hand how his long dick would fit inside Caroline’s tiny body. She stared in awe as he penetrated her, then continued pushing into her until most of it was buried inside her distended pussy. She kept looking from his cock to Caroline’s face, fully expecting to see a look of intense pain as her young body was stretched in a way she thought must be painful. But instead there was only serene pleasure visible on Caroline’s features. She licked her lips and moaned "Yes!" over and over as he pushed deeper into her. When Greg was all the way in, he looked over at Tabitha and winked, then began to slowly move in and out of Caroline’s tight hole.

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Caroline had never tried this position with Justin and when Greg had penetrated her from behind the night before, she was amazed at the different feeling it invoked in her. It felt like he was going deeper and touching areas that had never been touched before. She pushed back against him, relishing the feel of his hard cock deep inside her. When he gripped her hips and began the slow fuck, she felt her orgasm start up again almost immediately and began to move her hips in time with his thrusts. She sensed movement and looked up to see Tabitha moving closer to them, her eyes wide in wonder.
Tabitha could hear the wet sucking sound Greg’s cock made as it slid in and out of Caroline’s dripping snatch. They increased the pace until their bodies shook and slapped together. Caroline’s moans turned to a low wail as her orgasm built closer and closer to climax. As Tabitha watched, awestruck at the scene unfolding before her, Caroline suddenly cried out and her body stiffened. Her cries died off into a strangled gurgle and Greg drove his cock hard into her and held it there. Her body began to jerk as the orgasm released and crashed through her small body, every nerve ending electrified.
"Yes! Ahhhh! Oh, god, yes!" she cried. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut and her face was contorted into a pain-like grimace. Tabitha was held spellbound, marveling at the sheer intensity of Caroline’s orgasm. Her fingers remained on her firm tits, but no longer moved.

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When Caroline’s thrashing finally eased, Greg slowly withdrew his rock-hard cock from her twitching cunt. Caroline sighed as it slid out, bemoaning the sudden loss of its’ presence in her now empty vagina. Completely spent, she turned and collapsed onto the couch next to Tabitha, her sweat-soaked body heaving as she gasped to regain her breath. Greg turned to Tabitha, his hand stroking his wet, hard cock.
"Would you like a turn now?" he asked, grinning at her. Tabitha’s eyes went from his face to his throbbing cock, slick with Caroline’s cum.
Caroline opened her eyes and looked up at him in surprise. "Y . . . you didn’t cum?" she asked.
Greg shook his head. "No, but I was getting really close!"
Caroline looked up at him, an impish grin on her face. She suddenly seemed to regain some of her lost strength. "Then I guess I better finish the job!" Before Greg could say anything, she grabbed his cock and popped it into her mouth, tasting her own juices mixed with his precum.

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   She began sucking on it vigorously, her head bobbing back and forth as she slurped and sucked on his thick meat. Greg moaned and threw his head back, sucking in his breath as her warm, wet mouth worked over his very aroused cock.
After a few moments, she pulled her mouth from his shaft and looked over at Tabitha. "Want a turn?" she asked. Tabitha hesitated only a second, then slid over and began to suck on it. She wasn’t as aggressive as Caroline had been, but her warm, soft tongue and sensuous lips were definitely having the desired effect. He began breathing rapidly and thrusting his pelvis forward as she sucked it in, being careful not to push too hard and hurt her.
"Oh, shit!" he gasped. "I’m gonna cum!" Tabitha’s eyes widened, not wanting him to cum in her mouth, and she began to pull her lips from his cock.
Caroline suddenly grabbed her arm before she could pull free. "No, wait!" she cried. "Let him cum in your mouth!" Tabitha pulled her mouth from it and looked at her as if she was crazy. Caroline grinned and nodded toward his throbbing member, still gripped in Tabitha’s hand. "Just try it!" Tabitha stared at her friend for a long moment until Greg moaned.
"Somebody do something! Please!" Tabitha looked up at him, then back to Caroline, who grinned and pointed at his dripping cock.

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   She slowly moved her lips back to it and sucked it into her mouth. Greg immediately sighed a soft groan of relief and resumed gently fucking her hot mouth.
After a few moments, Caroline recognized his body language. "Any time now! Get ready!" Tabitha kept slurping on the large tool, unsure of what to expect. But so far Caroline had been right about everything else, and she trusted her. She didn’t have much time to give it more thought. A few seconds later, Greg groaned loudly and her mouth was flooded with his warm, salty seed. Startled, she pulled her mouth from his spurting cock, letting his cum spill down over her chin while he pumped more onto her face.
"Swallow it, Tab!" Caroline urged before wrapping her own lips around the shooting head and sucking up the remaining jism. When he was finished cumming, she licked and sucked on the soft, sensitive knob like it was a lollipop.
Tabitha did swallow some of his cum, although it wasn’t intentional. She had done it instinctively when the first load was pumped into her mouth. She touched her face, wiping gobs of the sticky goo from her eyes. More of it ran from her chin and dripped down onto her tits. Her mouth was coated with it and she could still taste the musky flavor on her tongue.

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Caroline licked the last of it from Greg’s deflating cock and turned to her. "You’re a mess!" she exclaimed and leaned in to kiss her, their spermy lips meeting in a warm kiss. Caroline broke away from her soft lips and licked a small rivulet of cum from her cheek. "Mmm . . . don’t want to waste a drop!" she said, smacking her lips. She methodically cleaned the remaining gobs from Tabitha’s face, then moved down to her luscious tits.
Greg, exhausted from the energetic fuck and the final release as the two pretty teens sucked the cum from his cock, flopped back into the lounge chair across from them and watched as Caroline licked his seed from Tabitha’s hot little body. He smiled to himself, wondering how he could be so lucky to have not one, but two beautiful and horny young girls there to fuck him, suck him, or whatever he could imagine.
When Caroline finished cleaning Tabitha, they settled back on the couch, arm in arm, and looked over at him. Caroline’s eyes fell to his limp penis. "Looks like you’re out of commission for a while," she said, moving her eyes back up to his.
Greg looked down at his flaccid dick, then shrugged, grinning. "Looks like," he replied.

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   "But it shouldn’t be too long before I can go again. " He looked at Tabitha. "I hope you didn’t mind my cumming in your mouth. "
Tabitha shook her pretty head. "It wasn’t your fault. " She gave Caroline an accusing look. "I was distracted!"
Caroline feigned a surprised look. "What? Was it so bad?"
Tabitha chuckled and leaned her head on Caroline’s shoulder. "No, actually it wasn’t. It was kinda hot!" She made a face. "I mean, the taste was ok, I guess. But it was so thick!" She made a face.
Caroline laughed. "I know what you mean. " She found a gob of cum in Tabitha’s long hair and wiped it up.


   "You need a shower, sweetie. It’s all through your hair. "
Greg pointed toward the bathroom. "Why don’t you two go ahead. There are clean towels in the linen closet. I’ll get supper started. " He stood and went into the kitchen, not bothering to put anything back on.
Caroline and Tabitha stood up and walked toward the bathroom, hand in hand. Tabitha looked over at her. "That looked like quite an orgasm! Are you ok?"
Caroline smiled and nodded, her hand caressing Tabitha’s back as they stepped into the bathroom. "Couldn’t be better!" she replied. Then she leaned closer and whispered, "After dinner, it’s your turn!"
Chapter 10
While Caroline and Tabitha showered, Greg readied the meal he had been working on before they had arrived. About twenty minutes later, the girls emerged from the bathroom wearing long t-shirts, their damp hair hanging limply over their shoulders. Greg was still naked and Tabitha giggled when he stepped out from behind the counter. His cock was beginning to get hard again.

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   He glanced down at his growing hard-on, then grinned and shrugged. "I’m only human," he said. They all laughed.
He dropped the dish towel he was wiping his hands on to the counter. "I’m going to take a quick shower. Everything should be ready by the time I’m finished. " He nodded to the bottle of wine next to the two full glasses on the counter. "Help yourselves. I’ll only be a few minutes. " He disappeared into the bathroom and the girls heard the shower start a few seconds later. Caroline picked up the glasses and handed one to Tabitha. They each took a sip as they made their way over to the couch.
"So, are you glad you came?" Caroline asked, then quickly added with a grin, "No pun intended!"
Tabitha rolled her eyes at her bad joke as they sat down, their t-shirts riding up so that their pussies were exposed if they opened their legs. She took another swallow of wine and nodded. "Yeah, I guess.

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   I mean, I’m still pretty nervous about . . . you know. "
Caroline nodded and set her glass on the coffee table. She took Tabitha’s and set it next to hers, then turned to her, moving in closer. "I know. And it’s ok to be scared. But you won’t regret it, I promise you. Greg is a wonderful lover. " Tabitha looked up and met her eyes. She smiled demurely and Caroline leaned in, pressing her soft lips to hers. Tabitha’s lips parted invitingly and Caroline’s tongue darted out to meet hers in a warm, wet, and passionate kiss. They embraced for a long moment, until Caroline pulled her lips away and kissed along her jaw line, then began to nibble on her ear. "I’ve been thinking about tasting your sweet pussy all afternoon!" she whispered.

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   "C’mon, before we eat!" She squirmed as Caroline’s lips touched on a ticklish spot, but nodded her consent. Caroline slid off the couch and knelt at her feet, then pushed her knees apart. Tabitha watched her move closer, then leaned back onto the couch as she lowered her head between her legs. She kissed her inner thighs, but quickly moved her attention to the warm, pink flesh of her virgin pussy. She stuck out her tongue and for the first time touched it to another girls’ pussy. Tabitha closed her eyes and sighed. She was still a little sensitive from when Greg went down on her and Caroline was rekindling the same erotic and sensuous feelings very quickly.
Caroline licked her lips, savoring the fresh taste of Tabitha’s sweet virgin twat. She ducked back down and pushed her tongue deep into her hole, swirling it around before licking up to her erect clit.
Tabitha moaned and sighed, rolling her head from side to side as Caroline’s tongue teased and swirled around her pussy. It was like she knew exactly what to do; where to touch her; and how to bring her the most pleasure. She felt the tingle growing exponentially and she came very quickly. Caroline continued to tongue-fuck her spasming cunt and lick her dripping lips until Tabitha pushed her way, pleading for her to stop.
Caroline reluctantly pulled her head from between Tabitha’s long, lean legs and took a seat next to her. They kissed again with Tabitha tasting herself on Caroline’s lips.

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   Caroline pulled away and grinned at her lover. "Wow! You started cumming almost as soon as I touched you!"
Tabitha smiled and stroked Caroline’s cheek. "I know. It’s because it was you doing it," she said softly. They held each others’ eyes for a moment, then embraced and kissed again, this time with even more passion and love.
"Well, what have we here? Couldn’t you wait until after we ate?" Greg was standing behind Caroline. The towel wrapped around his waist had a very noticeable protuberance in it.
Caroline giggled. "I figured a small snack wouldn’t ruin my dinner!" Tabitha joined in and soon all three were laughing.
Greg finally swept an arm toward the kitchen. "Well, dinner should be ready. Why don’t you two set the table while I get it from the oven. " A few minutes later, they all sat down to eat the chicken dinner Greg had prepared. Both girls declared the seasoned chicken breasts delicious and Greg accepted their praise humbly.
After dinner, they all retired to the couch with full glasses of wine.

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   They were now on their third bottle and Tabitha noticed that her inhibitions were pretty much forgotten. She casually stroked Caroline’s hair as they chatted, her other hand playing with her own nipples over her t-shirt. Greg noticed what she was doing and placed a hand on her bare knee.
"Are you ready to play some more?" he asked. His blue eyes shone as they met hers.
She followed his gaze down to where her fingers twirled over her hard nipple and grinned. "I . . . I guess so!" she replied with a nervous giggle.
Greg leaned over and kissed her, then Caroline. As the two girls exchanged kisses, he stood up, reaching down for their hands. "Why don’t we move into the bedroom?" They took his hands and he led them into his room with the huge king-size bed.
He stopped and turned to face them, then dropped the towel. He was once again fully hard, his hard cock bouncing slightly as he moved over to the bed.

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   Caroline pulled off her t-shirt and went over to him. Tabitha watched her lean, slender body and tight buttocks as she walked over and embraced Greg, kissing him hard. She then dropped to her knees and gobbled his thick head into her mouth.
Greg sighed and looked up at Tabitha. He beckoned her over with his irresistible smile. Biting her lip, she tugged her shirt over her head and went slowly over to him, teasing and playing with her hard nipples as she did, a demure smile on her lips. Caroline continued to bob her head back and forth, slurping noisily.
Tabitha came up to him and they kissed. As they pulled apart, his tongue darted out and licked her luscious upper lip. She responded by doing the same to him and soon their tongues were flicking out, meeting in a sensuous dance as their lips almost touched. Finally Greg moved his lips to her ear and whispered, "I want you, Tabitha. I want to feel your tight pussy squeezing my hard cock as I fuck you until you cum over and over!"
Tabitha absorbed this, a feeling of fear rising in her stomach. Then Greg’s lips began kissing her ear again and she was once more lost in the world of sensual pleasures she had recently been introduced to. Her hand went to his head, pulling his face lower. She closed her eyes as he began to kiss her shoulders and neck.

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"Yes!" she whispered. "Fuck me, Greg!"
He lifted his head and met her eyes, holding them for several seconds. He brushed a loose strand of hair from her face. "Are you sure?" She nodded, her eyes never leaving his.
"I’m sure. All I ask is that you be gentle. I . . . I’ve never done it before. "
He smiled and nodded understandingly. "Of course! The last thing I want to do is hurt you!"
Upon hearing their conversation, Caroline stopped giving him head and stood up, wrapping her arms around both of them. She looked at Tabitha and smiled. "Are you ready, honey?" Tabitha nodded, chewing nervously on her lower lip. Caroline took her hand and they crawled onto the bed.

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   "Just lie down on your back," she said in a comforting tone of voice. Tabitha lay back and Greg pulled her toward him by her legs until her ass was at the edge of the bed. He reached over and grabbed a pillow.
"Put this under you," he said. Tabitha raised her hips from the bed and Caroline slid the pillow under her. Greg picked up her legs and lifted them up, then spread them wide, cradling her knees across his forearms. Caroline lay down next to her, her face near her right breast.
"I’ll be right here, baby," she whispered with a reassuring smile. Tabitha returned her smile and tried to put on a brave front, but Caroline could read the fear in her eyes. She kissed her tit as Greg moved into position, the tip of his cock touching her pussy at her opening.
"Ready?" he asked.
Tabitha took a deep breath and swallowed hard. Caroline gripped her hand tightly. She looked up at Greg, her green eyes pleading with him to be gentle, and nodded. He began applying pressure, but was met with much resistance.

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   He reached down and spread her lips wide open, then slipped his cock between them and pushed while working it from side to side, trying to force her tiny opening to expand and let him in.
"Try to relax, honey. Just let it happen. It’ll be a lot easier for you," he said in a soothing voice.
Tabitha nodded. "I’ll try," she gasped. She wasn’t willingly tensing up, she was just scared. Caroline squeezed her hand. Greg worked the tip of his cock into her opening and pushed harder. Tabitha grimaced and closed her eyes as she felt her pussy spread open and the soft tip of Greg’s cock slip inside her. He stopped and caught his breath. Her tight pussy was squeezing him very tightly.
"Are you ok, Tabitha?" he asked.
She opened her eyes and nodded. "It .

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   . . doesn’t hurt. Just feels . . . weird!"
He smiled. "Well, weird’s better than hurt. We’re going to keep going, ok?"
She nodded, lay her head back on the bed, and closed her eyes. She felt her vagina being spread wider as he slowly pushed further into her. She still couldn’t believe his cock actually fit into her tiny opening! She was sure it would have split her in half! But she was doing it! And Caroline was right; it did feel good!
She was starting to relax a little, almost convinced that it wasn’t going to be painful, when a sudden searing pain tore through her womb. "Ahhh!" she cried, her body tensing against the burning pain. Greg stopped his forward movement and Caroline leaned over and kissed her cheek.
"Ok, sweetie, this is the hard part. But it’ll be over soon and you won’t have to deal with it again," she whispered, then planted another comforting kiss on her forehead.


Tabitha nodded, her jaw set and her eyes tightly closed. She could handle this. She squeezed Caroline’s hand. Caroline looked up at Greg and nodded. He pulled back a little, then with a big push, drove balls-deep into her virgin pussy, tearing through her cherry in less than a second.
Tabitha cried out when he pushed into her, ripping through her hymen into the depths of her tight warmth. By the time she realized what had happened, he had completely buried his long, hard cock into her tender, previously untouched pussy. He stopped as she sobbed quietly while Caroline whispered soothing words in her ear. She was so tight and he was so aroused from the frantic fuck he and Caroline had shared earlier that he also needed a moment to compose himself. He could feel the contractions as her vagina reacted to the invader and it took all of his will power to keep from emptying his load inside her right then and there. After a moment or two had passed and he had regained some control, he looked down at the pretty brunette.
"Are you ok?" He could feel her pussy lessening it’s grip somewhat and sensed that she was ready to continue.
She looked from Caroline’s concerned face up to his and nodded slowly. "I . .

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   . I think so," she said. "Just go slow, ok?" He nodded and slowly withdrew until just the tip remained inside her incredibly tight cunt. She winced as he slid out, rubbing on the tender area where her cherry had once been. Then he slowly reentered her. Her face once again contorted in pain. They continued this slow, agonizing fuck for several minutes, their low grunts the only sounds in the room. It was a constant battle for him not to blow his load the whole time and he had to pause more than a few times to prevent it.
After a while, she became more relaxed as the pain lessened and he found it easier to move. She still winced with each stroke, but was starting to move with him. She was probably even staring to feel some pleasure.
Caroline picked up on this as well. She kissed Tabitha, who smiled briefly. Caroline moved her lips to her voluptuous tits and began sucking on her erect nipples, much to Tabitha’s obvious delight.
"Oh, yeah! Oh, Caroline! Yes!" she panted, her eyes still closed.

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   Greg began to move a little faster and her reaction was to increase her own movements to match.
"Feeling better?" he gasped as his cock slid in and out of her steamy cunt.
"Uh-huh!" she gasped. "F . . . feels real good! Go faster!"
He slowly increased his speed, picking up the pace until eventually their bodies were slapping together with almost the same intensity as he and Caroline had earlier. Tabitha twisted the sheets with one hand while the other held Caroline’s head to her tit. She made little whimpering noises and began to buck her hips harder in an attempt to force Greg deeper into her.
"Oh yeah! Oh yeah! I’m cumming! I’m cum . . . !" Her voice trailed off as the orgasm built to a climax and exploded within her. Her body jerked and her pussy squeezed Greg’s cock, trapping it deep inside her womb. He felt her strong vaginal muscles contracting on his sensitive cock until he couldn’t take it any longer.

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"Oh, shit!" he cried, throwing his head back and pulling her tight to him. With a long groan, his cock erupted, filling her tight hole with his hot seed. Tabitha felt it splashing against the sensitive walls of her pussy, the warm wetness of it triggering yet another series of orgasms. Her tight pussy clamped down harder on his spurting cock and it felt like she was literally milking the cum from his balls. They remained locked together in intense, simultaneous orgasm as Caroline watched, a small smile forming on her lips.
Finally, Tabitha’s orgasms eased and her muscles relaxed. She sank back onto the bed breathing deeply, her ample tits heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Greg slowly withdrew his semi-hard cock from her, releasing a flood of semen and Tabitha’s own juices onto the bed under her. He collapsed onto the bed beside her, lying on his back, his chest also heaving. Caroline watched them for a moment. Both were sweating profusely, their bodies flushed a deep crimson. She got up and went over next to Greg, grasping his quickly deflating cock. He looked down at her. She grinned, then slipped his wet cock into her mouth, slurping loudly.



