
The Coach and Mary Jane


He left the locker room and went to his tiny office. He had to lock up after the girls were done. He knew that most of them did not shower so it would not be long and he could make a dent in the 12 pack in his refrigerator. He knew only that he would not coach a bunch of girls any more no matter what. MJ sat on the bench in front of her locker. A towel over her head to hide the tears from the team, and to prevent MJ from having to look at the girls she had let down. A few of the other girls said a little to MJ like "Good game" or "Its not your fault. " Mostly there was silence. Soon the slamming of the lockers and the opening and closing of the locker room door stopped, and still MJ sat with the towel and her thoughts. Ever since she was small she loved the game of basketball. It was the one thing she could do almost better than anyone. While her parents fought and later divorced, basketball was a refuge from all of the fighting at home. She loved the game and knew she was becoming very good at it. Coach Reed had been her coach for two years, and he was the one who pushed her to get better, and he let him down. The door to the locker room opened with its customary squeak, and Coach Reed saw someone sitting on the bench with a towel over their head. As he got closer he saw it was MJ.

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  "Walsh, what are you still doing here?" he asked. No answer other than the shaking of a body that was crying and an infrequent sniffle. "Hey, come on Walsh its over. Wasn't your fault. You played a heck of a game. Scoring 32 points is nothing to be ashamed of. Next year you will be playing varsity. " said Reed in a voice that bordered on pleading. "Walsh, take the towel off your head and look at me. " said Reed in a tone that made MJ listen. MJ slowly removed the towel from her head and turned to face her coach. Her brown eyes red from crying, and tears running down her cheeks. "I'm so ssssssoooorrrrrry. " stuttered MJ. "I lost the ggggame for you.

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  ""Walsh for crying out loud let it go!" said Reed. "You are only one part of the team, and we would have not had as good a season as we did if you weren't on the team. I am proud to have you as a player. Now I will leave so you can shower and get the heck out of here. ""Don't leave me. " begged MJ. "You can sit there and I will shower quick. Don't go. "MJ got up and grabbed a towel off the shelf and headed around the corner to the shower. Reed stood up and started rounding up the playbooks he had told the girls to leave on the bench. As he picked them up, he wondered about his future. At 30 he knew that if he was to advance in the ranks of coaching he needed to do so now. He could not bear the thought of another year of this. During his playing days in college his dream was to be in the pros. A 6'5 forward did not fare well in the pros so that dream was gone.

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   He did not want another dream to pass him by. He had gathered up the playbooks and saw that MJ's was still in her locker. He pulled it out and a piece of notebook paper fell to the floor. On the outside of the paper was a heart with an arrow and the initials MJW and PR. Reed looked at it and wondered who PR was. Opening the paper he saw written over and over the words Mary Jane Walsh loves Paul Reed. Reed was stunned. It was him that was in that pencil drawn heart with the arrow through it. A 18 year old girl had a crush on him? It couldn't be true, but on the other hand there was something exciting about it. She was not bad to look at. The years of basketball had given her great legs, and well ok so he did sneak a look now and then at her very nice ass. Reed never heard the shower shut off and was taken aback to look up and see MJ standing there. "I ummmmm was getting the playbooks together so I could take them to my office. " said Reed. MJ was staring at the paper he still held in his hand.

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   Her hands clutching the towel wrapped around her upper torso. "So you found it. " MJ whispered. "What? This? Have not hardly looked at it. " replied Reed. "Open it and see. " said MJ. "Nah, I don't want to look at your personal business. " mumbled Reed. "It's ok. I mean it is sort of about you. " said MJ as she looked down at the floor. Reed made a show of opening it and looking at it. "What does it mean?" he asked. "All of this is about you.

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   I like making you happy and winning makes you happy. Its why I try so hard. " she replied. Reed could not help it as he felt a stirring in his crotch. He did not know how to take his mind off the girl in the towel standing in front of him. "You have lots of guys your age crazy about you. Why do you want to think about me?" he asked. "You make me feel good about me. All the time my parents were breaking up and stuff and now my mom is gone a lot, well you are like here for me. " she mumbled. The stirring of his crotch was now gaining momentum. He knew in no time it would be noticable, and he also knew that he was fast approaching the point of not caring. "Coach, I wanted to do whatever I could to make you like me more. That is why I'm sorry I let you down. " said MJ.

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  Overcome with an urge that would not subside Paul Reed decided to push the limits of what he ever thought he would do. "Gee if you really liked me you would let me see what is under the towel. Just kidding. " He gave a little laugh as if to diffuse the full effect of his words. MJ was looking at him and gave a smile and a little laugh. "Oh you mean like this?" she said. With those words she quickly opened then closed her towel again. Reed had images burned into his mind. Her breasts were firm and nipples puffy and the drying water had made them hard. He also got a glimpse of the brown triangle between her legs that pointed to delights he could only imagine. He was speechless but wanted more. As he worked to find his voice he tried to think of another comeback. "Gee you must like me only a little, since all I got was a little look. " He thought it sounded lame, but it was all he could think of at the moment. He could not take his eyes off the towel or the girl wrapped in it.

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  MJ laughed and her eyes lit up with a sparkle that had not been there earlier. Her smile turned to a laugh and she said,"What if I like you this much?"With that she dropped the towel to the floor. Her smile left as if she was not sure if she did the right thing, but she made no move to pick it up. Reed stood there frozen to his spot on the locker room floor looking at this girl before him. "Guess I was wrong. You do like me. " he said. "It feels like something else in here likes you too. "MJ was not sure what he meant. She thought it was just them until she saw him look down at his groin. It was then she thought she knew what he meant. She had no idea what to say. This was something she had thought about, but had never had to reply to. Reed moved closer to her. He was hypnotized by how beautiful MJ was.

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   His breathing was rapid and he could hear his heart pounding in his ears. "If you really liked me, you would put my hands where you want me to touch you. " he whispered. MJ looked down at Reed's hands. She wondered where he wanted to touch her. She took his hands in hers, lifted them up, and placed them on her breasts. His rough finger tips brushed her nipples and it made her shiver. Reed took his hands away, and MJ thought she had guessed wrong. She was amazed to see him lick his fingers and trace them around and then on her nipples. The sensation made her tingle from head to toe. It felt lick her nipples had grown a foot, and never before had they felt like this. His head lowered and his tongue took over for his fingers. First one, then the other. A licking and sucking that made MJ feel like she never had before. She could feel her pussy getting wet and her clit was throbbing.

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   She felt his left hand work its way down to her pussy and she shut her eyes. She felt his finger enter her and move slowly in and out until he pulled it out and placed it on her clit. He rubbed slowly in a circle and it was the best thing she had ever felt. Even when she rubbed it herself it never felt this good. He began to suck her nipples harder as he rubbed faster, and MJ could feel the wave of an orgasm spread through her like wildfire. She moaned and Reed rubbed faster until at last she whispered with an intensity that was deep,"Yes, yes yes. "With that she collapsed against her coach and wrapped her arms around him. "That was the best thing I have ever felt. " she gasped. Reed stood her up and undid his pants. Slowly he slid them down along with his boxers. His eight inches of cock had not been used in a quite a while and it needed release. "What do you want me to do with it?" she asked. Reed looked at MJ and said,"Touch it. Take it in your hand and stroke it for me.

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  "MJ reached down and put her hand around it. Some pre-cum covered her palm as she started to stroke in a slow even fashion. "Like this?" she asked. "Yes. That's it. A little faster. " he gasped. "Have you ever been fucked?""No. " she replied as she worked on stroking him faster. "Can I fuck you?" he grunted. "If you want to. " she said. "Lean over the bench for me. Let me get in. "he commanded.


  MJ leaned over the bench that earlier she had sat crying on. He could not believe at how nice an ass she had as she waited for him to get in. He guided his cock to the opening of her pussy. He was amazed to see how wet she was as the head of his swollen cock entered her. She was tight. Tighter than anything he could remember. The wet and warmth of her pussy made his cock throb as he slowly pushed in. He buried the his shaft in her and she grunted. "You ok?" he asked. "It's ok. " she replied. He started to move in her slowly. He knew that he would not last long as he picked up speed in his thrust. With each thrust MJ would give a little grunt and rock with his movements. Reed could feel the tension mounting.

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  "I'm gonna cum. " Reed moaned. He pounded her faster and harder until his orgasm erupted. Once, twice, and a third time he spurted into her virgin cunt. Grabbing her by the hips he stayed in until he was completely spent. He pulled out of his young player and saw the results of his efforts leak out of her pussy. "You ok?" he asked again. "Yes I am ok. Did I do ok?" she asked. "That was the best I have ever felt. " he told her honestly. "No way!" she said smiling. "Yes way. " he replied. "I'm glad you liked it.

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   So did I. " she said. Reed looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was almost 18 o'clock. "Your mom will kill you for being late MJ. ""She's working at the bar tonight so I doubt she will even be home til tomorrow. " said MJ. "Want to come over for awhile then?" asked Reed. "Sure that would be cool. " replied the young girl. Already Reed could feel his cock stir at the thought of what might happen the rest of this young night. . . . . .

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  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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  . . . . Mary Jane Walsh or MJ to the rest of the team moved the ball up the court. A glance at the clock showed 18 seconds left and they were only down by one. MJ held up her left hand holding up one finger as she expertly dribbled the basketball with her right. It was a play they had run to perfection so many times both in practice and in many games. MJ would pass it to the post move to her left off a screen and be open for a ten foot jumper near the basket. Without even a glance at her target the ball went in to the center who watched MJ move to her designated spot on the floor. Five seconds and MJ had the ball. Four seconds and MJ was bringing the ball up to shoot. Three seconds and the ball left her hands. As the buzzer sounded the ball hit the rim, and for what seemed like an eternity it rolled slowly around the rim and came out. MJ stood in disbelief as the hopes of the team to be Junior Varsity champions crashed to the floor along with the ball.

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   She could not move nor bring herself to look at the other team celebrating at center court. It was not supposed to end like this. No more Junior Varsity, and no more Coach Reed. Coach Paul Reed was numb. It was not supposed to be like this. He wanted to coach the boys varsity next year. He knew that this was the last year for that old fool Benson, and by taking this group of young girls to a championship it would have gotten him noticed. He could have been Bensons replacement, and from there who knew? Instead here he was walking into a locker room of crying 18 and 18 year old girls trying to say words of comfort that he did not really feel, and telling them what a good season it was, and all the time thinking it was bullshit. He left the locker room and went to his tiny office. He had to lock up after the girls were done. He knew that most of them did not shower so it would not be long and he could make a dent in the 12 pack in his refrigerator. He knew only that he would not coach a bunch of girls any more no matter what. MJ sat on the bench in front of her locker. A towel over her head to hide the tears from the team, and to prevent MJ from having to look at the girls she had let down. A few of the other girls said a little to MJ like "Good game" or "Its not your fault.

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  " Mostly there was silence. Soon the slamming of the lockers and the opening and closing of the locker room door stopped, and still MJ sat with the towel and her thoughts. Ever since she was small she loved the game of basketball. It was the one thing she could do almost better than anyone. While her parents fought and later divorced, basketball was a refuge from all of the fighting at home. She loved the game and knew she was becoming very good at it. Coach Reed had been her coach for two years, and he was the one who pushed her to get better, and he let him down. The door to the locker room opened with its customary squeak, and Coach Reed saw someone sitting on the bench with a towel over their head. As he got closer he saw it was MJ. "Walsh, what are you still doing here?" he asked. No answer other than the shaking of a body that was crying and an infrequent sniffle. "Hey, come on Walsh its over. Wasn't your fault. You played a heck of a game. Scoring 32 points is nothing to be ashamed of.

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   Next year you will be playing varsity. " said Reed in a voice that bordered on pleading. "Walsh, take the towel off your head and look at me. " said Reed in a tone that made MJ listen. MJ slowly removed the towel from her head and turned to face her coach. Her brown eyes red from crying, and tears running down her cheeks. "I'm so ssssssoooorrrrrry. " stuttered MJ. "I lost the ggggame for you. ""Walsh for crying out loud let it go!" said Reed. "You are only one part of the team, and we would have not had as good a season as we did if you weren't on the team. I am proud to have you as a player. Now I will leave so you can shower and get the heck out of here. ""Don't leave me. " begged MJ.

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  "You can sit there and I will shower quick. Don't go. "MJ got up and grabbed a towel off the shelf and headed around the corner to the shower. Reed stood up and started rounding up the playbooks he had told the girls to leave on the bench. As he picked them up, he wondered about his future. At 30 he knew that if he was to advance in the ranks of coaching he needed to do so now. He could not bear the thought of another year of this. During his playing days in college his dream was to be in the pros. A 6'5 forward did not fare well in the pros so that dream was gone. He did not want another dream to pass him by. He had gathered up the playbooks and saw that MJ's was still in her locker. He pulled it out and a piece of notebook paper fell to the floor. On the outside of the paper was a heart with an arrow and the initials MJW and PR. Reed looked at it and wondered who PR was. Opening the paper he saw written over and over the words Mary Jane Walsh loves Paul Reed.

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  Reed was stunned. It was him that was in that pencil drawn heart with the arrow through it. A 18 year old girl had a crush on him? It couldn't be true, but on the other hand there was something exciting about it. She was not bad to look at. The years of basketball had given her great legs, and well ok so he did sneak a look now and then at her very nice ass. Reed never heard the shower shut off and was taken aback to look up and see MJ standing there. "I ummmmm was getting the playbooks together so I could take them to my office. " said Reed. MJ was staring at the paper he still held in his hand. Her hands clutching the towel wrapped around her upper torso. "So you found it. " MJ whispered. "What? This? Have not hardly looked at it. " replied Reed. "Open it and see.

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  " said MJ. "Nah, I don't want to look at your personal business. " mumbled Reed. "It's ok. I mean it is sort of about you. " said MJ as she looked down at the floor. Reed made a show of opening it and looking at it. "What does it mean?" he asked. "All of this is about you. I like making you happy and winning makes you happy. Its why I try so hard. " she replied. Reed could not help it as he felt a stirring in his crotch. He did not know how to take his mind off the girl in the towel standing in front of him. "You have lots of guys your age crazy about you.


   Why do you want to think about me?" he asked. "You make me feel good about me. All the time my parents were breaking up and stuff and now my mom is gone a lot, well you are like here for me. " she mumbled. The stirring of his crotch was now gaining momentum. He knew in no time it would be noticable, and he also knew that he was fast approaching the point of not caring. "Coach, I wanted to do whatever I could to make you like me more. That is why I'm sorry I let you down. " said MJ. Overcome with an urge that would not subside Paul Reed decided to push the limits of what he ever thought he would do. "Gee if you really liked me you would let me see what is under the towel. Just kidding. " He gave a little laugh as if to diffuse the full effect of his words. MJ was looking at him and gave a smile and a little laugh. "Oh you mean like this?" she said.

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  With those words she quickly opened then closed her towel again. Reed had images burned into his mind. Her breasts were firm and nipples puffy and the drying water had made them hard. He also got a glimpse of the brown triangle between her legs that pointed to delights he could only imagine. He was speechless but wanted more. As he worked to find his voice he tried to think of another comeback. "Gee you must like me only a little, since all I got was a little look. " He thought it sounded lame, but it was all he could think of at the moment. He could not take his eyes off the towel or the girl wrapped in it. MJ laughed and her eyes lit up with a sparkle that had not been there earlier. Her smile turned to a laugh and she said,"What if I like you this much?"With that she dropped the towel to the floor. Her smile left as if she was not sure if she did the right thing, but she made no move to pick it up. Reed stood there frozen to his spot on the locker room floor looking at this girl before him. "Guess I was wrong. You do like me.

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  " he said. "It feels like something else in here likes you too. "MJ was not sure what he meant. She thought it was just them until she saw him look down at his groin. It was then she thought she knew what he meant. She had no idea what to say. This was something she had thought about, but had never had to reply to. Reed moved closer to her. He was hypnotized by how beautiful MJ was. His breathing was rapid and he could hear his heart pounding in his ears. "If you really liked me, you would put my hands where you want me to touch you. " he whispered. MJ looked down at Reed's hands. She wondered where he wanted to touch her. She took his hands in hers, lifted them up, and placed them on her breasts.

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   His rough finger tips brushed her nipples and it made her shiver. Reed took his hands away, and MJ thought she had guessed wrong. She was amazed to see him lick his fingers and trace them around and then on her nipples. The sensation made her tingle from head to toe. It felt lick her nipples had grown a foot, and never before had they felt like this. His head lowered and his tongue took over for his fingers. First one, then the other. A licking and sucking that made MJ feel like she never had before. She could feel her pussy getting wet and her clit was throbbing. She felt his left hand work its way down to her pussy and she shut her eyes. She felt his finger enter her and move slowly in and out until he pulled it out and placed it on her clit. He rubbed slowly in a circle and it was the best thing she had ever felt. Even when she rubbed it herself it never felt this good. He began to suck her nipples harder as he rubbed faster, and MJ could feel the wave of an orgasm spread through her like wildfire. She moaned and Reed rubbed faster until at last she whispered with an intensity that was deep,"Yes, yes yes.

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  "With that she collapsed against her coach and wrapped her arms around him. "That was the best thing I have ever felt. " she gasped. Reed stood her up and undid his pants. Slowly he slid them down along with his boxers. His eight inches of cock had not been used in a quite a while and it needed release. "What do you want me to do with it?" she asked. Reed looked at MJ and said,"Touch it. Take it in your hand and stroke it for me. "MJ reached down and put her hand around it. Some pre-cum covered her palm as she started to stroke in a slow even fashion. "Like this?" she asked. "Yes. That's it. A little faster.

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  " he gasped. "Have you ever been fucked?""No. " she replied as she worked on stroking him faster. "Can I fuck you?" he grunted. "If you want to. " she said. "Lean over the bench for me. Let me get in. "he commanded. MJ leaned over the bench that earlier she had sat crying on. He could not believe at how nice an ass she had as she waited for him to get in. He guided his cock to the opening of her pussy. He was amazed to see how wet she was as the head of his swollen cock entered her. She was tight. Tighter than anything he could remember.

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   The wet and warmth of her pussy made his cock throb as he slowly pushed in. He buried the his shaft in her and she grunted. "You ok?" he asked. "It's ok. " she replied. He started to move in her slowly. He knew that he would not last long as he picked up speed in his thrust. With each thrust MJ would give a little grunt and rock with his movements. Reed could feel the tension mounting. "I'm gonna cum. " Reed moaned. He pounded her faster and harder until his orgasm erupted. Once, twice, and a third time he spurted into her virgin cunt. Grabbing her by the hips he stayed in until he was completely spent. He pulled out of his young player and saw the results of his efforts leak out of her pussy.

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  "You ok?" he asked again. "Yes I am ok. Did I do ok?" she asked. "That was the best I have ever felt. " he told her honestly. "No way!" she said smiling. "Yes way. " he replied. "I'm glad you liked it. So did I. " she said. Reed looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was almost 18 o'clock. "Your mom will kill you for being late MJ. ""She's working at the bar tonight so I doubt she will even be home til tomorrow. " said MJ.

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  "Want to come over for awhile then?" asked Reed. "Sure that would be cool. " replied the young girl. Already Reed could feel his cock stir at the thought of what might happen the rest of this young night. . . . . . . . . . . .

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