I reached the age of 18 and though I had come to accept that I was different, my soul longed to find others like me. I felt I needed a place where I could belong and not feel quite so different. My whole life had been spent moving from one place to another. We never stayed in any one place for too long as ‘The Hunter’ was always on our trail. Mother and Father had never talked of others like us though I knew we were not alone. This brings us to the present time. I have been searching for nine years to find a place with others like me. I traveled all through the west of the states and had found no one like me or no place to call home. I began to travel east in search of at least one other person like me. I crossed into the mountains of the eastern states and, on a deserted back road in the middle of no where, I came upon a sign that read ‘Wolf City two miles’. My heart skipped a beat. Had I at last found a place that I could call home? Had I finally found a place with others like me? My mind began to race as I got closer and closer to the place on the sign. The first building I saw as I entered the small town was a gas station. I turned in and decided to ask about a hotel to stay in as the full moon was that very night and I would need a place to be alone. I parked the car out front of the gas station and walked inside to see a elderly man behind the counter. He smiled as I entered.
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I grabbed a snack and a drink then made my way to the counter. “Hello there, I haven’t seen you around these parts before. My name is Gus. ” He said as he smiled brightly. “Hello Gus. I am Marissa. I was just traveling and came upon your fine town here. I was wondering if you might help me, is there a hotel nearby where I might find a room for a few days?” I mumbled hurriedly. “Well it is so nice to meet you Marissa. There is a great little hotel about a half mile up the road. The lady who runs it is my first cousin. She has reasonable rates and I‘m sure she will have a room for you. Tell her I sent you. ” He beamed at being so helpful to me. “Thank you so much Gus.
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I’m sure I would have been lost if not for your help. ” I smiled brightly in return. I paid for my items and made my way down the street Gus had indicated to the hotel. It appeared to be the only one in town. I passed by a few stores and a diner that left the lingering smells of home cooked meatloaf and barbeque in the air. I continued on a bit further and up ahead I saw the sign ‘Wolf City Inn’. I had finally reached the place I was looking for. The hotel looked like a homey place. There were flowers out front and all the windows of the rooms had pretty flowing curtains that were swaying slightly in the soft breeze that was blowing through the open windows. I parked the car and made my way to the office of the hotel. As the door opened a small bell chimed to announce the arrival of a visitor. I stood by the desk and looked around the room. It was small and sparsely furnished though it felt more like home then I ever did when I lived with my family out west. My mind was wandering as the owner of the hotel came into the room. “Yes, May I help you young lady?” I jumped.
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Lost in thought as I had been I never heard her enter the room. When I turned and saw the lady who owned the hotel, I was taken aback at her beauty. “Yes ma’am Gus sent me here and said that you might have a room for me to rent for a few days. ” I blushed. “Sure thing young lady. I have a few rooms available. ” She smiled. The inn keeper began to shuffle papers. She pulled out a sign in book, and a pen. As soon as I had signed in and paid for my stay she led me out the door and to my room. As we got closer, I noticed that I had been given room number 12. She opened the door for me and bade me to enter. As I crossed the threshold, I instantly felt at ease and at home. She handed me the key and quickly made her way to the door again. “By the way, my name is Tessa.
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It is wonderful to have you staying here and if you need anything feel free to come ask or give me a ring. ” She winked and with that she was gone. I left the door open to my room as I made my way to the car and retrieved my suitcase and the snacks I had purchased from Gus. I smiled. I had only been in this town a little less than an hour and, I already had met two very nice people. It was approaching dark quickly and I decided to hurry and return to my room. There was no sense in being out when the moon began to slowly rise into the sky. The oncoming sunset and rising of the full moon meant that I would once again change from being human to that of wolf. I learned a long time ago that it was better on the nights of the full moon to bathe and go to bed early. I had also learned that wearing any clothes to bed at this time would only result in having to purchase more later on. So my full moon ritual began. I bathed and crawled in bed for some rest before I changed. I closed my eyes and laid my head back on the pillow. It was instantly that I was asleep, I could feel the tingling in my body that told me I was well into the change. My skin felt hot as it changed and sprouted the soft fur that would cover my entire body.
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I imagined the town I was in was full of people like me. Then I began to run. Powerful legs fueling the momentum as I made my way across the countryside. I was not far from the town when I heard a howl. Had it been a dog? I had not recalled seeing any dogs since I had arrived in town. I sniffed the air smelling something that smelled unlike any dog I had ever encountered. I heard the howl again. This time it was closer. I smelled the air again. I smelled a male wolf. I had never been around any other wolves other then my family. Never having been around another wolf other then my parents, I was very nervous, so nervous that I began to run as fast and as hard as I could run back to town and the safety of my hotel room. My fur was slick with sweat from the long hard run I had. I was panting and trying to catch my breath. My paws ached from the stones and brambles I had run through to get back to town as quickly as I could.
My mind kept replaying the sounds of the other wolf howling. I heard his voice as clearly as if I was right next to him, calling out to mother moon to light the way for the hunt. My nervousness turned into confusion. Why had I run away? Had I not been searching so long to find others like me? If the male I heard in the woods was like me then I had nothing to fear, I had finally found a place where I could at last feel at home. I awoke from my dreams of running wild and free feeling as though the sounds and scents from the night before had been just a part of the dream. Had it really been real? I awoke late as usual on the day after a full moon. I was still tired but I knew I had to get up and be seen moving about or people might think something is odd or wrong. I cold not afford to attract attention to myself. My eyes could hardly focus as I was so tired but I made my way to the shower. A quick once over then I got dressed and set out in search of food. The only place I remembered was the little diner. The smells of home cooked food drawing me closer and closer. My stomach growled loudly, reminding me that I had not hunted last night and I needed to eat. As the door to the diner opened, I heard a bell chime announcing a visitor. I took a quick look around and the diner that yesterday had been full of patrons, today was rather quiet and empty.
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The only person that seemed to be here was the cook/waitress. She was a rather short grey haired lady who looked tired as if she had not slept all night. She approached the table and placed a menu down for me to read over while she went to fix a glass of water for me. Returning the waitress set the glass of water down with a crooked half smile. Her eyes were not shining as brightly as if she was really smiling, but being tired myself I paid no mind to it at all. I looked hurriedly over the menu and selected my lunch. The waitress turned to leave and prepare my lunch when I heard the door open, and the bell chime again. I turned to see who had entered, and there before me was Gus. He didn’t look like the same jovial man I had talked to the day before. I looked at him and smiled as best as I could. He returned the smile with one of his own, making his way to the other corner of the diner, for a quiet lunch of his own. The waitress brought out my lunch placing it upon the table. No sooner had the plate set fully upon the table top and I was tearing into the meal as if I had not eaten in a month. Within minutes my lunch was finished, my water was gone, my bill was paid, and I was on my way back to the hotel for a nap to refresh myself. The walk back to the hotel was a blur.
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I vaguely remember turning the door handle to the room. I laid down and I was instantly asleep and dreaming of the night before. I could hear the howling getting closer and closer to me as I walked through the woods. I could smell the musky scent of the male as he approached me unseen from behind. A rustle of leaves was all that signaled his approach. My mind said to run but my body betrayed me. I was planted in that very spot as the male came ever closer to me. I could feel his breath upon my fur as he got closer and closer. I sensed his power as he walked around me in circles looking at me. I could feel the coolness of his nose as he began to sniff my neck as if he was trying to figure out who I was. The feeling of his nose against me made my skin begin to burn with a fire that I had never known before. Images flooded my mind then of mother and father during mating season, as they had been overtaken by the carnal urges that flowed within them. The images blurred and became a muddled picture of me and the male I had heard. My body came alive to his touch. He nuzzled my neck again sending shivers throughout me.
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My flesh was alive in a new way that I had never felt before. My body ached to know more about him. I awoke in a cold sweat. I tried to remember every part of the dream I had. The images were mixing together. Though I had slept, I was still so tired. I opened the window by the bed. The breeze coming in was cool and felt good on my flushed skin. I removed my clothes and laid back down. I curled up and was asleep again. This time I did not dream as I was resting to prepare for the long night ahead. I partially awoke during the change, My flesh was tingling all over. I could feel the fur as it sprouted from my skin turning my body from smooth hairless human to that of the animal that lives deep inside me. I could feel my hands as they changed slowly into paws upon which to run. My hearing soon became better and better as my ears turned from that of human to wolf.
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I had been fortunate in all the years of changing from human to beast, for most the change hurt and was a rather uncomfortable trial yet for me it did not hurt. I felt completely free to do as I wished and not have to worry about what anyone would think of me. I hunted and grew in power as I got older and less and less my parents accompanied me on my moonlight travels. It was almost as if time itself stood still for me. After the change, I was free to do as I wanted and had all the time in the world to do it in. As I entered the forest my mind quit wandering and focused on the things at hand. I was hungry and the only way to satisfy the need was to hunt and feed. I began to trail a deer. As I followed the scent trail, I was led deeper and deeper into the forest, even the bright light from the full moon was drowned out in the dense trees and undergrowth. I smelled the scent of hundreds of smaller animals as I tracked my game. In a clearing up ahead I spotted my game, a doe was standing there, nibbling on some tender shoots of grass that had sprung up from around a tree stump. I crouched down lower making my profile less noticeable to her as I closed in on her. I crept closer and closer. The doe did not see me until the last second as I sprang upon her. My teeth sank into her neck deep as I pulled her from her feet and threw her to the ground.
The only sounds were that of her surprise and not being able to breath as her feet kicked about trying to right her self.
The hunger that filled me was all powerful. I needed to feed. Soon I would feast upon my catch. I waited for her to stop moving. I was so focused that I had not smelled or heard the male approaching me from behind. I heard the soft growling and turned to see who had happened upon my kill site. My eyes met that of a handsome looking male wolf. He came closer to me sniffing the air. My eyes never left him as he began to walk around me. Instinct took over in my mind and the hair on my back bristled showing my annoyance at being disturbed. He took no offence to my growling or snarling and laid down next to my kill. I was hungry and was in no mood to have to wait for him to leave so I began to feast. I ate until I had my fill, then and only then did he move from his spot. He slowly moved closer to the kill until he himself could feast upon my find.
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I was sated and tired from the events of the night and curled up nearby. Soon I was resting peacefully as my new found companion feasted. In no time, there was not much left of the feast. My new found companion had eaten his fill and was soon curling up next to me. I could feel his breath upon me as he got closer to me. He brought his face close to mine and nuzzled his nose against mine. The feelings were sheer joy as I had never known it to be before. I laid my head down to rest upon the outstretched paws of the male I had come to know as my companion. My eyes drifted closed as dreams overtook me. As I slept, he kept guard of me watching to make sure I was not harmed and allowed to rest. The dreams that filled my mind were happy ones of running and playing in the meadow from my childhood. The next images I saw before my eyes were that of the hunt, the feelings of being free, and being one with mother earth. The happiest times of my life had been when I was in wolf form. I was at peace with myself and my world when I could run free. I was startled by the feeling of movement.
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I lifted my head and my eyes focused on my companion. He was looking into the trees nearby rather worriedly. My eyes shifted to where he was looking and it was then that I caught the scent of a human. Though we were well hidden in our little nook by the tree stump, we both could make out the form of a male human coming into the small clearing. Remaining still we watched as he approached the carcass left from our feast. We watched as he crouched down slowly looking upon the scene before him. Our eyes followed his every move as he stood up again and slowly made his way out of the clearing. As soon as he was gone far enough away for us to move from our nook in the tree, we made a quick trip out of the area. All wolves know of man and what they can do. We have been hunted all our lives by them. Running as fast as I could, I made my way back to town with my companion following closely behind me. I led us to the hotel and the window I had left open to allow me to enter into the room before daylight brought about the change to human. We both curled up on the bed and fell fast asleep from the long hard run we had just went on. Noises of pain awoke me. Startled I looked around and realized the sounds were coming from my companion.
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We both were changing back human. I could feel my fur as it disappeared into my skin. My hands were becoming human again, fingers elongating and nails becoming flat and short. Soon I could no longer hear or smell as powerfully as the wolf but that of mortal human. We laid there upon the bed both changed back to human form. He curled up closer to me trying to stay warm since our fur coats had disappeared. I welcomed the warmth of him as his arms came around me and held me close to him. We slept for a few more hours, laying still in the embrace of each other staving off the waking hours. Our dreams were filled with the images of running free through the forest. I awoke to the sound of a bird upon the window sill singing the song of sunshine. I stretched and yawned. I was still so tired, yet I could not sleep all day. Though I had feasted the night before I was growing hungry, running for long distances made me ravenous. My stomach growled in approval to getting something to eat. I tried to move off the bed without waking him yet as soon as one foot hit the floor, he was sitting up and looking at me as if seeing me fully for the first time.
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His eyes roved over my body from head to toe as a sly smile played across his handsomely chiseled face. His hand reached out to mine and instinctively I took it in mine and sat down again upon the edge of the bed. The electricity between us was amazing. Even now in human form he had my body reacting to his. My heart was thundering in my chest as I looked upon the features of the man who, in one night had changed my whole life. My pulse quickened and my breathing grew shorter and shorter. I felt that familiar ache deep inside me, the ache of longing and need wanting to be released. My breasts heaved up and down as I was breathing in short pants. I longed to feel his touch upon my skin, his breath upon my naked flesh as I had felt it just last night. He pulled my hand to his lips and placed a feather light kiss on the back of my hand. He looked deep into my eyes as if searching for the longing deep inside me. There were no words spoken as we had already met. Names were no longer a concern as our bodies seemed to melt into one another. He leaned in towards me, and his lips sought out mine in a passionate kiss of longing and unbridled lust. His lips parted and his tongue snaked out to seek out and encircle mine.
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Our tongues danced upon one another enjoying the feel of the other as we brought out small moans of pleasure from each other. His hands sought out my breasts and began to massage them with his palms. The weight of my globes heavy in his hands and filling his palms. My nipples were hard and aching to feel his touch and kiss. His hands sought out the hard nubs and he began to roll each one between his thumb and finger making them even harder still. I moaned into his mouth and he sensed my need and continued on with his caresses upon my flesh. Every inch of my skin was on fire from his touch. I needed him as I had needed no other person in my life. His hands strayed from my breasts across the taut expanse of my stomach and slowly began to descend lower. Our tongues still seeking out each other and probing the depths of each other’s mouths. His hands ventured lower still and brushed against the top of my thighs. His hands seemed soft as they caressed my flesh and my legs opened to him to allow him access to my womanly treasures. The heat emanating from my core was drawing his hand nearer to my mound. He broke the kiss only to lay me back upon the bed and take a nipple between his lips as his hand sought out the source of my heat. His lips sucked my nipple into his mouth, rolling his tongue over it and making it swell even more under his expert touch.
I arched my back to allow more of my breast to reach his mouth. His hand stroked the inside of my thigh, and I moaned again louder this time as I wanted to feel more of his touch. His fingers stroked the now wet lips of my sex moving up and down slowly exciting me and fueling the flames burning deep within me. I arched my back again thrusting my hips toward his hand as his fingers found my clit. The electric touch of his fingers upon my clit made my legs twitch. His fingers flicked wildly over my clit making it engorge and peek out of its hood, exposing more of itself to his touch. I could feel the hardness of his arousal pressed tightly against my thigh as his hand and mouth worked across my flesh, exciting me to the point of no return. I snaked my hand out slowly and began to massage his manhood. He moaned onto my nipple as I grasped his hard shaft and began to pump it slowly up and down. I felt the pulses of blood flowing to his member as it twitched in my hand. I pumped it faster and faster, working my hand from base to head again and again. He took his lips from my breast but his hand remained busy on my clit, bringing me closer to orgasm. My hand worked faster and faster upon his hard throbbing manhood. I felt his body begin to tense up as he was pushed over the edge and let the feelings bring about his orgasm. “OHHHHH OHHHHH UGGGHHH YEAHHHH!” He moaned into my ear as his seed shot across my thighs and stomach.
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My orgasm hit at the same time as his. I could feel the waves building deep inside me. His moans pushing me over the edge into orgasmic bliss. “OHHHH YEAHHHH SOOOO GOOOODDD YEAHHHH OHHH OHHHH” I moaned as my orgasm washed over me. My body twitched as my orgasm flowed through out me. The waves of ecstasy began to subside leaving me with a warm almost glowing feeling from deep within. My heart swelled knowing I had finally found someone like me with whom I could share so much more than the human side of life. The smile that broke across my face was that of joy unlike anything I had ever known. The fire that lit my eyes told the whole story. Our bodies still entwined laying upon the bed. Holding each other close as if it might be a dream that would vanish before our eyes. Our breathing was getting back to normal and our rhythm was becoming one. I took his hand in mine as I sat up on the bed. A warm shower would work wonders on us both. Hand in hand we made our way to the bathroom where I turned on the shower and set the temperature just right.
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The invigorating effects of the water spray upon both of our bodies was exciting. With great tenderness and care we slowly washed each other. Moving the soap over each other’s body as erotically as possible. Our hands exploring the others body, feeling every inch of flesh. The shower ended much too soon as the water suddenly turned very cold. We both hurried out of the way of the water and reached for towels with which to dry off. I could not drag my eyes away from the site of his gorgeous body, glistening with droplets of water. His dark brown hair was wet falling onto his forehead, partially hiding his deep piercing blue eyes. Eyes the color of the deep ocean. I made my way to the other room in search of clothes for us both. Searching quickly I found a pair of shorts and a shirt for us both. I dressed quickly and returned to the bathroom with the clothes for my companion. I realized then that he has no shoes to wear. I knew that he could not go about town bare foot. I was very nervous now knowing that we would have to speak in more then just looks, touches, and body language.
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My hands began to shake as I tried to collect my thoughts. Before I could even speak my companion broke the silence that we had been in since the night before. “Last night I searched for you. I had to find you. I had heard you in the forest the night before and called to you. I had to make sure it was not a dream. ” He whispered as he looked deep into my eyes. I blushed, deep crimson as he spoke, his words were soothing and his voice was gruff with feeling. I was at a loss for words. Everything that I wanted and needed to say I could not form into coherent sentences. I felt like a child again upon meeting someone for the first time, unsure what to say and unable to form the words to say anything at all. “My name is Dane. ” He said as he reached out a hand to caress my cheek in such a tender and loving way. “My name is Marissa. ” I stammered almost stuttering trying to form the correct words.
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“Marissa, such a lovely name that is. I know that you are not from here but I’m so glad that you have found me here in our little town. ” He half smiled as he spoke. His smile lighting his piercing blue eyes. My legs became weak when he smiled. He had such a way about him that even the smallest thing was erotic and sensual. Though I had only known him for a very short time, I knew in my heart that I had found the one person with whom I could be happy for the rest of my days. “I have been searching a very long time to find others like me. I grew up out west and my parents never discussed any other people like us or where they might be. The only thing they did say was that they had left and moved west to leave ‘The Hunter’ behind. ” I said, rambling on about everything. “Last night, the man we saw in the clearing, that was ‘The Hunter’. He has been tracking us here in the mountains for a very long time. He has not been able to catch us, yet every night of the full moon he is out on the hunt. ” Dane said sounding rather smug.
“You must not live too far from here then, right?” I asked in a rather low tone. “I only live about a mile from here. If you would be so kind as to drive me by my house to pick up a few things then we can come back to town for lunch. ” Dane said then winked knowingly at me. “That sounds like a good idea. I am rather famished. ” I replied with a giggle. With that Dane took me by the hand and we headed out to the car to make our way to his house.
Pulling out of the driveway to the hotel was like turning on a water faucet, Dane started to talk about himself and his family, sharing more of himself then would be thought possible. We talked back and forth sharing stories from childhood and talking of the places we had seen. Our talk seemed as though we had known each other for years. There was no subject we didn’t cover. Even arriving at his house, we continued to talk. The ride back to town was full of interesting things about ourselves that made the other smile. We arrived at the diner and there seemed to be a few more people there then had been yesterday.
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There were only a very few empty tables though we did get one in a corner where we could continue to talk and enjoy our lunch. The waitress came by our table and left menus while she went to get us some water to drink. Upon her return we both had already decided upon our lunch and were deep in conversation. “What can I get for you and your lady friend today Dane?” The waitress asked as she smiled. “Good morning Becca. We would like two plates of my usual lunch and two big glasses of your sweet tea. ” Dane answered, then smiled at me and winked. “Very good. It will be done shortly. ” The waitress said, and with that she bustled away to the kitchen. While we waited for our lunch, we continued to talk about everything. I told him all about my childhood and moving around a lot. He was very understanding and even said that as a child he had felt pretty much the same way as I had, feeling so very different and looking to find someone like him. With that we smiled at each other knowing that in fact we each had found the other half to our wild soul, the one with which to be truly happy. After we finished our lunch, we returned to my hotel room.
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We both were exhausted and needed to rest. The long night before and then the big lunch had made us both tired. We undressed and pulled down the covers of the bed. Smiling at each other we laid down, covered up, and soon were in the arms of the other and very much asleep. We both slept soundly for hours with no dreams, just the feelings of being in the arms of the other. I awoke and stretched lazily. I realized that Dane was no longer next to me and I sat up with a start. I looked around the room, he was no where to be seen. I got up and went to the bathroom, opening the door slowly and he was not in there either. Just as I was beginning to worry the door opened. Dane walked in with a huge smile on his face, and he was carrying dinner for us both. “You looked so peaceful I did not want to wake you to go and get dinner, so I let you sleep and I went to the diner and got us both a big dinner. ” He beamed then crossed the room quickly kissing me upon the forehead. “Thank you for dinner. I am starving again.
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It was so very sweet of you to go and get it for us. ” I said as I kissed him on the cheek. Dane blushed and then made his way to the table to set out the food he had brought back for us both. From the looks of all the things he had laid out on the table we would have plenty to eat, and have left overs even. He was so proud of himself. He had even remembered to bring tea and cups for us to enjoy with our dinner. We had a long leisurely dinner enjoying our time together. We ate almost everything and drank almost all of the tea when there was a knock upon the door. The knock startled me and I remembered that I was still only half dressed. I scrambled to put some clothes on as Dane went to the door. “Well hello there Dane. ” Tessa said and then she giggled. “Tessa come on in. Marissa and I were just enjoying some dinner. ” He said in a tone that was rather quiet.
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“I just stopped by to see if all was well with Marissa and now that I’m here I can see that it is. ” Tessa giggled again. “Oh yes. Marissa is just fine. ” Dane said with a wink and a wicked laugh. I came out of the bathroom fully dressed. I looked a bit flushed from having to scramble and get my clothes. Though Tessa saw the look upon my face, she never let on. “Hello Tessa. Would you like some dinner?” I mumbled nervously. “Thank you Marissa but I think I will pass tonight. I just wanted to check on you and make sure all was well and see if you would be needing your room after tonight. ” Tessa said looking from one to the other of us smiling madly. “I don’t think Marissa will be needing her room after tonight Tessa. ” Dane said in matter of fact tone.
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Tessa giggled and with that she made her way back out the door. I stood there in shock looking at Dane as though he had grown a third head. I wouldn’t be needing my room kept running through my mind. What did he have planned? My stomach began to do flips as I thought about what he said. “In the morning after you check out of the hotel you will be coming home with me. ” Dane said in a hushed tone that spoke volumes on how he felt for me after such a short time. I blushed deeply. I was flattered that he felt for me the way I feel for him. I tried to speak though the words would not come. I stood there looking much like a fish out of water. Dane giggled and then walked over to me and took me into his arms, pulling me tight against his body and placing his warm lips to mine. I melted at the touch of our skin. I parted my lips and his tongue dove in to seek out mine. Our tongues dancing upon each other and telling the other of the passion burning deep inside us. I wound my hands into his shoulder length hair, pulling him tighter to me.
His hands roamed over the back caressing every inch of me that he could reach. We slowly inched backward until the back of my legs touched the edge of the bed. Dane pushed me backward slightly to ease me down upon the bed and covered my body with his. He worked his hands between us to massage my breasts. I arched up to his hands trying to feel more of his touch upon me. Moans that sounded like growls escaping me as his hands sought to pleasure me. The carnal needs of the flesh had taken over both of our bodies. We sought to please each other and to find release. My hands strayed across his back. Pulling his shirt up higher and higher until I could remove it from him. Dane pulled his lips from mine just long enough for me to tug his shirt off over his head. Like a man possessed his lips hungrily sought out mine again. Our lips met in a tangled mass of flesh that seared the other with passion and need. His hands pulled my shirt up far enough to take both of my naked globes into his hands. I moaned loudly into his mouth wanting to feel his touch even more.
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Like the primal urges we felt, we removed the clothing from each other, almost yanking it free so that our naked flesh could touch that of the other. The searing heat of flesh upon flesh was burning into our souls. Hands and lips hungrily seeking out the other. Bodies alive with primal urges and carnal needs. His strong hands upon my breasts molding them. My hands running along his back, nails biting in urging him on further as need overtook all other thoughts. Dane placed a knee between mine, and I spread my legs willingly for him. His hands moved from my breasts to go lower until he had reached the heat of my passion. My sex was wet, very wet and waiting for him to enter and make me his, to take and ravage me, and capture my heart and hold it within his own heart. His fingers rubbed over my wet lips up and down enjoying the feeling of the smoothness of my shaved sex and the heat from my core. He slowly parted my lips and ran one finger up and down from my clit to my sopping wet box. Removing his lips from mine he sought out my tender nipples with his mouth while his finger began to slowly sink deeper and deeper into my hot wet tunnel. Taking a nipple between his lips he sucked it in and began to run his tongue around it. My back arched up to meet his mouth. Moaning loudly as he sucked harder on my nipple until it was hard and begging for even more attention from his loving lips.
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His finger was pumping in and out of my wet tunnel, I was being carried along on the waves of orgasm that would soon overtake me and wash me away. My breath was coming in short gasps and pants now as I was lost in feeling. My hands grasped his head and held it tightly to my breast reveling in the feeling of his mouth upon my flesh. I arched my back again and again, allowing his mouth more access to my globe he had captured, and to give his hand better access to my dripping wet sex. I reached between us and took his rock hard manhood into my hand and pumped it up and down to the rhythm of his finger pumping in and out of my dripping wet pussy. I could feel the blood pulsing through his cock as it slid in my hand. Dane released my nipple with a growl, taking my legs in his hands and thrusting his hips toward my tunnel. The head of his hard cock was at the entrance to my awaiting pussy. I teased him as I slid his cock up and down along my wet slit. Another primal growl from Dane and he thrust his hips forward just as his cock had gotten to my tight tunnel. I moaned loudly and arched up to meet his thrust burying half of his length in one thrust. He brought his face down to mine and our tongues met in a fury of movement, circling and enticing the other. Dane began to pump his cock slowly in and out. Each thrust brought him closer and closer to having his full length buried deep inside me. I was close to orgasm, with one final thrust he had his full length was buried deep inside me.
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My muscles were contracting upon his cock, milking it. He pulled his lips from mine and moaned loudly as I buried my face in his shoulder. He pumped his cock in and out of my tunnel as it massaged his throbbing hardness. The pace was slow at first and I arched to meet every thrust moaning loudly. Dane soon picked up the pace and was pumping in and out of me faster. I could feel my juices running down my crack and pooling upon the bed. I was close to orgasm, I could feel the waves crashing in on me as he pumped harder and faster into me. One more thrust and I was pushed over the edge into the crashing waves of my orgasm. My muscles clamped down on his cock as it was buried deep inside me and began to pulsate on his rigid manhood. “OHHHHHH DAANNNEEEEEEE YESSSSSSSSSS YESSSSSSSS OHHHH YESSSSSSSSSS DAANNNEEEEEEEE!!!! “ I screamed out as my orgasm swept me away. Dane’s body began to tense up and he thrust harder and faster then before. His cock was slamming into me with enough force to move me across the bed and almost knock the wind out of me. His orgasm hit full force with one final thrust. “OHHHHHH MAARISSSAAAAAA OHHHH YEAHHHHHH OHHHH OHHHH OHHH” Dane moaned as he shot his seed deep within me. His orgasm and the feeling of his cum filling me up send me spiraling into yet another huge orgasm that left me near breathless.
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“OHHHHHHHHHHH DANNNNEEEEEEEEE YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS YESSSSSSSSSS YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS OHHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” I screamed as my orgasm took over my body. We laid there upon the bed tangled in the embrace of each other and went to sleep. The secure feeling of his weight upon me and the heat from his body making me drift off to sleep. Dreams. The dreams of happiness and being at one with another soul. No longer feeling the longing in my heart for another. The bond we share in life and in love. The images of his smiling face and piercing blue eyes. The feeling of his body on mine. The feelings of our lovemaking. Dreams. Wonderful images filling my mind. I awoke to the sounds of birds singing in the new day. It was still dark in the room but I knew the sun had risen already. The familiar weight of Dane as he slumbered was exquisite.
I leaned and placed a tender kiss upon his cheek as he slept. I saw a smile stretch upon his face. Dane opened his eyes and looked into mine, no words were spoken nor did they need to be said. We both knew how the other felt. Today was the beginning of our new life together. We would walk through life side by side meeting each new challenge as it comes and being happy. Each of us had found the other half of the wild soul we had longed for. We would run wild in the forests on the the full moon together. We would raise a family together. We held forever in the palms of our hands. As for ‘The Hunter’ well that is a story that can be best told on another day. *Thank you for reading my story. I do hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. All the names in the story are in no way representing anyone in real life and any resemblance is purely accidental. Don’t forget to take the time to comment and vote! *.
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