Let tell you about myself; I am 13yrs old, red hair, and I am in a 'B' Cup bra already. I love my family, we do a lot together. My mom is very pretty, big breasts, brown hair, and a very nice butt. My dad is handsome <I want Him>, has brown hair, blue eyes, and a 10" cock. Yes I have seen dad's dick before and have wanted it badly ever since then. I even want to lick mom's pussy. I was watching a movie in my room and heard a load wierd sound coming from m parents room. I turned down the Tv and walked to their room and heard my dad moaning. Oh baby that feels so damn good, OOOOOhhhhhh, OOOOhhhhh, YYYYYYYEEEEESSSSSSS!!!! I opened the door and there was mom on her knees sucking dad's cock. I was stunned, I could not move, and I just watched as dad enjoyed it having his dick sucked by mom. The panties I had on became soaking wet and it was running down my leg. I knew what it was, mom, dad, and myself have had the sex talk. Yes, I play with my pussy and sometimes dream it's mom or dad eating me. Anyway, Istarted rubbing my pussy through my panties, as I closed my eyes, I heard well we have someone enjoying our little show Honey.