anice must have watched for us. ·
As we reached the front door she opened it, like me she was naked.
· We went inside and upstairs it was dark and the stairs creaked.
· Assoon as we were in the bedroom she turned threw herarms around Chrisand kissed him. Her hands then went down to hisshorts and pulled themdown.
· Janicetriedlifting her feet up and wrapping her legs around Chris's waist,he wasnot ready for it and they both fell to the bedroom floor laughingandknocking the sleeping bags off the pile of papers.
· "Comeon lay on the bed" bed I said to her. She lay on her back andstretchedher arms up to me. We kissed and I could feel her tongue inmy mouth.
· "Lay on your side" I said. She obediently rolled over
· I laid behind her my chest pressed against her back and my erection pressing against the crack of her buttocks.
· Itook a deep breath to calm my self and waited for myerection tosubside. I did not want to use a condom or lubricant, butdid not wantto hurt with as I penetrated her.
· WhenI was calmer my erection subsided I raised myself slightly andpushedmy limp manhood into Janices anus. I felt my hips against herbuttocksmy erection grew slowly inside her, soon I was full length anddeep inher my balls against her buttocks.
· Chris laid in front of her and she lifted her left leg to allow him to penetrate her.
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· I put my hand between us and between her legs I could feel Chris’s dick in her vagina and mine up her anus.
· Ikissed her neck as she kissed Chris full on the mouth. Iput my handsaround her between her and Chris and cupped Janice’sbreasts, hernipples were hard with her arousal.
· Asshe moved her hips with Chris her anus moved up and down masturbatingmy dick until I came filling her anus. I moved away.
· Janicerolled on to her back Chris on top. The bed rocked to theirmovementsas they fucked each other. Janice came and they swappedpositions withJanice on top straddling Chris. She took hold of hisdick and guided itinto her.
I leaned over and kissed Chris, his tonguetouched mine and wecarried on kissing while Janice moved up and downon him, I moved away. This time they came together both panting hard.
· Christophermoved away and I rolled Janice on her back Iparted her legs with myhands and kissed the inside of her thighsmoving up licking around herwet entrance, teasing and finally I put mytongue into her wet holeprobing her and licking her clit. I couldtaste both hers and Chris’scum. She held my head between her legs withher hands and closed herthighs squashing my head. I carried on mytongue as deep as it would go.
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She started to buck and opened her legswide as she reached orgasm. Icould taste her fresh juices in my mouth,I kept on licking keeping herorgasm coming. Chris moved and startedto suck on her nipples, she cameagain and again. As my tongue tired Ilay on back.
· Janiceknelt over me and took my dickin her mouth, running her tongue up anddown it and sucking. I grew anerection and could feel the tip of itagainst the back of her mouth.
· Shetransferred to Chris taking him in her mouth andsucking andmasturbating him with her hands until he came, sheswallowed it.
· I kissed her on the mouth and ran my tongue around the inside of it again tasting Chris’s cum.
· Sheopened her legs for me, I was desperate and pushedmyself quickly intoher wet pussy. We rocked and rolled until the twoof us came. .