Topic: An Evening at the Nelson'sI had just turned fifteen and had been going out with Sarah for a few months. She was nearly a year younger than me but had already turned fourteen. We had hung out at school and I had been over to her place a couple of times and she to mine a time or two as well. We had kissed several times but that was about it as far as that type of thing goes. Then one Friday at school she asked me if I wanted to come over to her house and spend the evening. I told her I would. She said we would just hang out and probably watch movies or play games with her Dad and younger sister. Her Mom and youngest brother and sister were going to spend the weekend at her grandma’s place. I told her that would be cool. I had met her Dad a couple times and her eleven year old sister was always bugging us when I was at her place so it wouldn’t be any different than my usual visits there. Or so I thought!
After school I went home and told my Mom my plans for the evening. She was very okay with it because she had plans of her own and I think it was a relief to her that I wouldn’t be spending the night at home by myself. Sarah’s house was only about five blocks from mine so I started walking over there about six. She said I could come anytime but I didn’t want to get there too early. It was still light outside when I arrived there and Sarah opened the door immediately after I hit the doorbell with a big smile and a welcome hug. Sarah was cute by any guys’ standards and I really felt good about her liking me.
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She had brownish hair and beautiful brown eyes and just a perfect mouth that was so cute when she smiled. She was slender and in my opinion was perfectly proportioned. When she answered the door she had on a cute light blue blouse with jeans and white stockings. I slipped off my Nike’s in the front entry way and followed her into the family room.
“Hi Kenny!” came the enthusiastic greeting from Rachel.
“Hey Rachel,” I replied. She was lying on the couch in the family room with the TV on but her eyes were on me and Sarah as we came into the room. I couldn’t help but notice her slender brown legs as she had on white shorts and a pinkish t-shirt that didn’t cover her navel. She set up as we came into the room.
“You ready for some fun tonight?” she asked with a grin that was so like her sister’s gorgeous smile.
“Sure I am. ”
“Just mind your own business for now Rachel,” Sarah said.
“Where’s Dad?” Sarah asked Rachel.
“I think he is in the kitchen making something to drink,” replied the younger girl.
As if on queue their Dad came into the family room carrying a pitcher of what looked like orange juice and four glasses.
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“Hey Kenny,” he greeted. “You ready for another boring night at the Nelson place?”
I laughed and said, “I never find it boring here. ”
“That’s good,” he said. “We’ll try to make sure tonight isn’t an exception. I got a good drink mixed up for starters anyways. ”
He placed the glasses on the coffee table and poured the juice into the four glasses.
“Drink up!” he said enthusiastically.
As we each took a glass to drink I noticed that Sarah was looking at me. When she saw me look at her she smiled but it seemed there was nervousness in her smile. We both raised our glasses to our lips and took a drink. Then I realized why she was watching me so closely. The drink had an orange juice flavor but there was something extra in it. It went down smoothly but I instantly knew it was more than just an innocent drink for popcorn and movies. I had tasted drinks with alcoholic beverages mixed in them a few times before and this definitely seemed to be that variety of drink. Sarah was watching my reaction to my first taste.
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“Do you like it?” she asked.
“Yeah, it’s great,” I replied with whatever air of coolness I could muster out of a tingling throat.
Mr. Nelson laughed. “We want this evening to be anything but boring Kenny. ”
“Seems like we are off to a good start,” was my sly reply.
“We are going to play some fun games,” chimed in Rachel whose glass was nearly half empty already.
“I’m not sure Kenny is ready for the games you are talking about Rachel,” responded Sarah.
“I’ll play any games you guys want,” I said in between sips of the amazingly better with each swallow tasting drink.
“Don’t be too sure bout that,” whispered Sarah.
“Oh Sarah, don’t try to talk him out of it. He said he was willing to play,” her Dad said. “I really think he will enjoy what we got in mind. Do you like card games Kenny?”
“Sure,” I answered.
“I’ll get the cards,” volunteered Rachel.
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“We are going to play strip cards Kenny. ”
Sarah blushed and her Dad laughed. “I think she means our version of strip poker. Are you up for that Kenny?”
My answer wasn’t immediate because my mind was trying to interpret what I had just heard and make some logical sense out of it. But somewhere during of my state of confusion there came a, “Sure. ”
With that Sarah leaned towards me and planted a kiss on my confused lips. “It will be fun,” she said softly.
Rachel came back into the room with a deck of playing cards. “Tell him the rules Dad. ”
“It’s a pretty simple game. We shuffle the cards and put them on the table. Everyone takes one card. The person with the low card has to take off a piece of clothing. The last person with any clothes on wins the game. ” He said it as if they had played it before and from the way the girls responded to what he said it was obvious that they had.
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My glass was nearly empty but I was thinking clearly enough to do some assessment of the situation. I had on my shirt, jeans, two white socks, and my boxer underwear. Good for only five losing cards. From my observation Sarah had on two stockings, her jeans, her blouse, and in all probability a bra and panties. Good for six losing cards. Rachel was barefoot and had on shorts, t-shirt, and my best guess said she also had on a bra and panties. She would be naked with four low cards. Their Dad was in shorts and golf shirt and probably underwear and a t-shirt or something under his first shirt. He was good for at most only four losing cards.
During my mental assessment Rachel had been trying to shuffle the deck and her Dad was refilling the four glasses. Sarah continued to snuggle close and seemed genuinely excited by the whole situation. I was excited at the prospect of the girls being the first losers but was also scared that I might be the first one without clothes. Then the thought of their Dad being the first to lose also entered my mind. It was hard to put an emotion on that thought. Guessing his age in the mid to late 30’s he was a fit and handsome man.
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He had burnt blond hair and his legs were tanned. He seemed to be in great shape and from just looking at him one would assume that he stayed active with some type of physical exercise regiment. His natural good looks were apparently passed on to his daughters with the help of Mrs. Nelson. I had met her before and knew that she was very pretty. She had very dark hair and brown skin. Sarah had told me her Mom’s parents were from Brazil and they had visited there once. In the two girls I saw the combination of the handsome dad and the gorgeous mom.
“Ok, everybody draw a card,” instructed the excited voice of Rachel. She seemed the most eager to get the game started.
“And enjoy your drinks as well,” said her Dad as a full glass of the mixed drink was placed before each of us.
Rachel took the first card and then we went in clockwise order as we set around the coffee table. Her Dad drew the second, me the third, and Sarah then reached forward and pulled the forth card from the top of the deck.
I looked at my card and probably didn’t disguise the fact too well that I was staring at a 4 of hearts.
“Lay your cards on the table in the order that we drew them,” directed Mr.
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As Rachel laid down a 9 of diamonds my heart sank even further. Her Dad quickly laid down a king of spades. I reluctantly laid down my four. Sarah immediately giggled and lay down a 7 of clubs.
Everyone but me clapped and laughed.
“Take something off,” said the over anxious Rachel. I removed one of my white socks and threw it on the floor. I smiled and hoped for better luck as the game continued.
To the best of my recollection the game proceeded in the following manner. Rachel was the next to have to remove a piece of clothing. She took off her pink flowery t-shirt. As I had suspected underneath she had on a small white bra which was more than likely the bulk of her 18 year old bust. But I was anxious to see her without the bra to determine what she really had there. I lost the third round and thought it wasn’t going to be my day.
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I took off my second sock.
“You have kissable feet,” chided Sarah as I pulled off the second sock.
“Perhaps he has talented toes,” added her Dad with a laugh. I could tell he was really enjoying this and also noticed his second glass was almost empty.
Then Sarah drew the low card and she removed her first stocking.
“Now those are kissable toes,” I teased.
When Rachel ended up low card on the next round I was totally pleased and somewhat excited to see which piece of clothing she would remove next. She half heartedly groaned but excitement was all over her face. She pulled her white shorts down her slender dark legs and the white panties with flower designs on them shouted out a reminder that she was just a young girl.
“Good choice Rachel,” said her Dad. “Those are the cutest panties you have. ” Rachel blushed slightly and looked at me to make sure I was looking. When our eyes met she smiled and I winked at her.
The next turn fell on Sarah again and I began to wonder if Mr. Nelson had the cards rigged.
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She removed her second stocking.
“Now we are the same,” she joked and rubbed her bare foot on mine.
Finally their Dad ended up with the low card. He laughed and said, “Thought I was just going to be a spectator. ” He took off his shirt and he had a white t-shirt on underneath that would allow him an extra turn.
Then to my absolute delight poor Rachel drew a two. She groaned and giggled at the same time and the three of us cheered and laughed. She undid her bra strap and pulled it off. It had provided a lot of the bulk of her bust as it bulged against her t-shirt but under the bra were two simply gorgeous puffy nipples with breasts that were just beginning to bud. Her nipples were brown and puffy and because of her excitement they were more erect than I thought they normally should be.
“They look very suckable don’t they Kenny?” her father stated in questioning form.
Now I was the one blushing.
“Give an honest answer,” Sarah said smilingly and gave me a soft punch in the arm. “It’s ok, be honest. I don’t mind.
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“I think they would be excellent to lick and suck,” I said. Everyone laughed and Rachel smiled at me.
“I agree,” blurted out Sarah. I laughed and gave her a soft punch in the arm.
“Oh, I see how it is,” I laughed.
“Well, maybe we will all get to see how suckable they are later in the game,” said their Dad. My thoughts raced. I kind of thought this was all going to lead to something but now I had a better idea as to where we were heading.
Unfortunately I was the next one to remove a piece of clothing. My shirt was removed and I had no t-shirt underneath. The girls giggled at that and Sarah brushed her soft fingers over my chest.
“Smooth, not hairy, just the way I like them,” she said.
“You seem to keep yourself in good shape,” added her Dad.
“I try,” is all I could mutter.
Nelson’s luck seemed to be changing as he received the next low card. He took off his t-shirt. He had a very manly chest, but did not have much in the way of chest hair. His muscles were well pronounced and there was little to no flab anywhere on his chest or stomach. I imagined that he could flex his muscles and look like a weight lifter.
“I told you I like smooth, not hairy chests,” laughed Sarah.
“That’s why she likes mine so much,” blurted Rachel. Everyone laughed loudly.
“Time out,” their Dad said. “I need to make up another pitcher of drink and use the restroom. If you need to Kenny you know where the guest bathroom is. But everybody be back here dressed exactly as you are now in five minutes. ” With that he got up and took the pitcher back to the kitchen. Rachel ran off to her own bathroom.
“Are you okay?” Sarah asked, “We can stop this whole thing if you are uncomfortable with it.
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” Her voice was sincere but there was no mistaking that she wanted to continue as did I.
“I’m loving this,” I said. “Let’s let it take its course. ” With that she kissed me again but it was unlike any kiss we had ever had. Her tongue intertwined with mine and her soft fingers caressed my exposed nipples. She was excited and that made me very excited. I excused myself to go to the bathroom. To my horror I found that I had a visible wet spot on my light blue boxer underwear. After taking a needed piss I tried to dry the spot so it wouldn’t be too visible when I had to remove my jeans. After repositioning everything I returned to the family room.
Rachel was the only one there when I returned. She was sitting back in the same chair but she had her knees held up against her chest with her chin resting on her knees. I enjoyed the lengthy smoothness of the back of her legs and it was very sexy how her flowery panties contrasted to the brownness of her skin. Jut the small strip of flowered cloth obscured the view of her precious bare pussy lips.
“Are you tired?” I asked.
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My words seemed to startle her a bit but after a quick jerk she looked up with the trademark Nelson smile.
“No, I’m not tired,” she replied, “but I don’t think I’ll have any more of Dad’s drink. ” We both laughed. “Can I sit by you till Sarah comes back?” she asked.
“Sure. ” She came over to the couch where Sarah and I had been setting and she sat beside me and rested her head on my shoulder. I put my arm behind her head and around her shoulder and pulled her close against me. Her smooth skin and soft hair felt so good against my arm. Her hair had the same smell as Sarah’s. I looked down on her and was captivated by her small budding breasts and the brownness of her nipples. The thought of them in my mouth was arousing.
“Hey you two! Don’t get too comfy,” chided Mr. Nelson as he came back into the room with another full pitcher. His voice caused us both to jump a bit but his warm laughter soon dispelled the tenseness. He placed the full pitcher back on the coffee table and then picked it up again to refill his glass.
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He also topped off Sarah’s glass and then mine.
“I don’t need anymore Daddy,” Rachel said.
“You can’t have anymore,” he replied good naturedly, “Unless you say pretty please later. ”
“Who’s trying to steal my spot?” asked Sarah in a joking tone as she came back into the room.
“I’ll move back to my chair,” Rachel quipped, “Although I like it better here by Kenny. ”
‘Yeah, I bet you do,” said Sarah as she laughingly pushed Rachel back towards the chair.
I took another sip from my glass and everyone drew another card from the dwindling deck. Mr. Nelson groaned when he looked at his card and quickly placed a two down on the table. I placed my five down on the table with relief as he stood and undid his shorts. He pulled them down and kicked them off across the room. We all laughed as he acted like an underwear model. He had on white boxer style underwear with thin gray lines that made small squares. A quick glance gave me comfort to know that I would not be the only one sporting a wet spot on my boxers.
“Let’s reshuffle the entire deck and start again,” said Sarah as she eyed the short stack of cards that remained.
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“Fine with me. It might change my luck,” said her Dad.
Sarah shuffled the cards with ease and then placed the deck back on the coffee table. Once again we all drew a card and after all were shown it was finally Sarah that had to remove another piece of clothing. With only her two stockings removed up to now I had been hoping for this turn of events. She unbuttoned her light blue blouse and slid her arms out of the short sleeves. She tossed it on the arm of the couch and sat down beside me again. Her sheer white bra held her gorgeous breasts tightly in place but also revealed a good portion of them. The impressions of her nipples were clearly visible in the sheer material. She blushed a little when she made eye contact with me and probably noticed how I was staring at her. Then she leaned in towards me again and her bare shoulder brushed against my arm.
“Let’s keep the game moving,” she nearly commanded.
“We were just pausing to admire the beauty around us,” teased her Dad. “But okay, let’s move on with it. ”
Apparently the reshuffle did not change Mr.
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Nelson’s luck as he now held the low card that would require him to remove his last remaining piece of clothing. Both Sarah and Rachel cheered loudly and I tried to act disappointed for him although I found such a turn of events exciting. I was glad it was him instead of me that would be the first one without clothes. He stood slowly from his chair and then swiftly lowered his boxers to his ankles and kicked them off. He made no effort to cover himself with his hands and he actually seemed to be enjoying the fact that the three of us all had a clear look at his enlarged but not hardened cock. He was well endowed and I instantly knew that I would be the smaller of the two.
“Enjoy the view,” he said. “I can just set back, relax, and watch the rest of the show now. ”
“We are getting the show,” shot back Sarah with a laugh. “The big show!” We all laughed.
“Just keep playing,” her dad said with a grin as he reached down, held his cock in his hand, and shook it at us. We all laughed harder and the three of us all took another card. I held a nine but as it turned out it was the lowest card. Without hesitation I stood up and lower my jeans. After they were off I adjusted my blue boxers and hoped that the wet spot could not be seen.
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“Leakage!” shouted Rachel. “What yeah been thinking about Kenny?”
“I’ve been thinking of your bare pussy little girl,” I said with confidence and as a jest.
“Yummy, you want it don’t you? Don’t give up, you might get it”
“Play more cards,” Mr. Nelson barked out. He was near the bottom of another glass and I was not sure how many drinks he had had. I was still only part way through my third and Sarah was nearly finished with her third as well. The results of the next round of cards thrilled me. Rachel lost again. She squealed and squirmed when she realized that her flowery panties had to be removed.
She stood and slowly lowered her panties down her smooth slender legs. My eyes zeroed in on her bare pussy mound and I felt myself harden and leak an additional drop. After she was out of her panties she sat back on the chair and covered her bareness with her hands.
“No hiding!” yelled her Dad. “Stand up and do a slow walk around the coffee table so Kenny can get a good look at you. ” This made it more obvious that I was the only one who had never seen her like this and I wondered how often they did this together.
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Rachel stood and walked from her chair at the end of the coffee table in front of the couch where Sarah and I sat. As she passed Sarah, Sarah reached out and tried to tickle her. They both giggled and then she walked in front of me.
“Stop and face Kenny,” her Dad instructed. She stood before me, her hands at her side, giving me a clear view of her gorgeous tender young body. I looked into her eyes and she smiled, but I could see in her eyes the effect of the drinks she had consumed. As I took in the sight of her fully exposed body I noticed what I first thought was a tattoo on her inner thigh between the front of her leg and her pussy mound. Then I realized it was just a mole or birthmark of some kind. It was not fully exposed as she stood there but I thought if her legs were spread it would be more visible.
“Give her a kiss Kenny,” encouraged Sarah. I turned to look at Sarah and she nodded as if to say she really wanted me to do it. I leaned forward and Rachel stepped forward and our lips met. What I thought would be just a quick peck on the lips became a kiss of passion and her tongue actively sought out mine. As we kissed I put my arms around her and I placed my hands on her smooth ass and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Enough for now kids,” her Dad said.
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“Let’s get the game finished before this gets out of hand. ” I released my grasp on Rachel and she walked on around the table past her Dad. As she passed him I noticed that he was in a semi-hard state. He was a good looking guy with the full package.
Now it was only Sarah and I that drew a card. I was in my blue boxers and she was still in jeans, bra, and panties. I drew a jack, she drew a seven. She moaned disingenuously and then stood and undid her jeans. She pulled them off her hips, let them fall to her feet, and then stepped out of them. Her legs were breathtaking and she wore white bikini cut panties that protected her mound. Her panties were sheer enough that I could see a thin black strip of hair. She sat back on the couch beside me and let her leg touch mine. I got harder.
Sarah won the game with the next cards we drew. The girls squealed with delight and their Dad laughed.
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I felt a bit tipsy as I stood. I lowered my boxers quickly and kicked them aside and was about to set back down.
“Take the loser’s walk around the table,” Rachel giggled.
“Yeah, give us a good look,” added Sarah. “You got to stop and face each one of us for a few seconds. ”
I looked to Mr. Nelson for help but received none. “Fair is fair,” he shrugged.
I turned to face Sarah and saw her eyes looking straight at my semi-hard cock. She looked up into my eyes and smiled. Then she got my full attention by unsnapping her bra strap and letting her breasts free. She put her hands to her nipples and gave each one a slight squeeze. My cock stood a little straighter.
“My turn now,” pleaded Rachel.
Turning to face Rachel I took a step towards her chair.
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She sat in the chair with her legs slightly parted to give me a full view of her hairless bare pussy. I could now also see her entire birthmark which was about the size of a quarter and was more like the shape of an egg than a perfect circle. As we stared at each other she put a finger to her pussy and rubbed her pussy lips.
They were so pink and they parted slightly as she touched herself. I had never thought looking at a girl her age could turn me on so much. I was totally hard.
“Keep moving,” Sarah said.
“Come over here Kenny. Give me a look too,” directed their Dad.
I laughed as if he was joking but when I turned to look at him I could tell he wasn’t. He was stroking himself and his fully erect cock attracted my gaze. I am not an expert in judging lengths but my best guess would put him at eight to nine inches. I had measured myself before and knew that I was only about six inches. He gave me a motion with his eyes and head that was undeniably a come over here nod. I took a couple of steps towards him and stood facing him in front of his chair.
“You’re a good looking kid,” he said. “Nice cock. ”
“Thanks,” was all I could muster.
“Ok, now the game changes a bit,” he said. “Reshuffle the cards again Sarah. ”
With that I returned to the couch and as I did I realized that while I was standing in front of Rachel or her Dad, Sarah had removed her panties and was now completely nude. She was leaning over shuffling the cards so it was difficult to get a good view of her pussy but I could see her thin strip of dark hair. She looked so beautiful as she shuffled the cards, her perfect breasts in clear view. I sat down by her with my cock still totally hard. She put the deck of cards on the table and as she sat back beside me her right hand came across my leg and she grasped my cock firmly. She moved her hand up and down a couple of times and a large drop of precum leaked down my shaft and onto her fingers.
“No fair! No touching yet!” yelled Rachel.
“Ok, ok,” Sarah replied as she removed her hand from my pleasured cock. She put her hand to her mouth and licked the moisture away with her tongue.
“Ummmmm,” she laughed, “Tasty.
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“Here are the new rules,” her Dad explained as he laughed along with his oldest daughter. “Everyone still takes one card and the one who gets the highest card gets to say what they want to do or what they want the others to do. No other rules. ”
I was feeling the effects of the drink but I was still able to understand that things could now go in any direction. It was again apparent that these rules were not new to the girls and that they had played this type of game before.
“Everybody take a card,” Rachel said anxiously.
Although his luck had gone badly during the stripping game Mr. Nelson now laid down a king that no one else could match. He laughed amid the girls’ groans and my silence. He did not take long to make his demand.
“I want each of you to suck on me for at least thirty seconds,” he blurted. “Are you still playing Kenny?” It was more of a challenge than a question.
“I’m playing,” I answered without really even thinking of the consequences. But I got a big hug from Sarah and I felt her nipple on my arm.
“Ok, Rachel first, then Sarah, and then Kenny if he is really in this game.
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” He still wasn’t convinced and there was still an implied challenge in his statement.
Rachel wasted no time in going to her father’s chair, kneeling in front of him, and taking his enlarged cock head into her mouth. At each suck more and more of his cock disappeared into her mouth. His hands gently held her by the back of her head and he seemed to push her head a little harder against his cock each stroke. I noticed her slender straight back and her gorgeous young ass that I had held just moments ago. I was surprised by how much of his cock she could take in her mouth and then heard her gag slightly. He released her head and she moved away. Sarah, who had grabbed my cock again as we watched, released her grasp on me and went to her Dad. I reached out to Rachel and pulled her to me as Sarah knelt down and began to suck her Dad’s wet glistening cock.
Rachel’s body felt so good against me and her hand also found its way to my cock as we watched her Dad with Sarah. My finger also found Rachel’s damp pussy lips and I rubbed her as we watched. Sarah was very adept at taking her Dad’s large cock deep into her mouth. As she sucked her ass was pointed towards us and her legs were slightly parted as she knelt. She was gorgeous. The tip of my finger parted Rachel’s pussy lips and my finger went into her up to my first knuckle.
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Her small hand pumped up and down on my leaking hard cock and I began to wonder how much more of this I could take without exploding. But when Sarah moved away from her Dad I knew the rising passion would momentarily subside.
“You don’t have to do it Kenny,” Sarah said, but even in her voice I heard more of a challenge than a desire for me not to do it. I passed Rachel to her sister and I leaned forward from my position on the couch and crawled more than walked towards their Dad. As I got close to his knees I looked up and saw him staring at me.
“You’ll like it, Kenny,” he said in an almost reassuring way.
As his cockhead entered my mouth I did not know exactly what to do. I let it go deeper into my mouth towards the back of my throat and I tried not to bit down on it. He had not put his hands on my head like he had the girls so I just tried to move up and down on him like I had seen him make the girls do. I tried to take his cock as deep as I could without gagging on it. There was a salty taste on my tongue so I knew he was leaking some as I sucked him. Part of the time my eyes were closed and when they weren’t I looked into his bush of hair at the end of his cock.
“Thirty seconds is up,” said Sarah. I pulled away and looked up at her Dad again.
“You did great Kenny,” he said.
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“You’re a serious player. ” I moved away and returned to the couch where Sarah now held Rachel and I saw her remove her finger from Rachel as I sat beside the both of them.
Rachel reached for the table. “Everyone get another card,” she said. Her excitement only increased when she won the round with a queen.
“I want Kenny to fuck me!” She said it so fast and quickly after she had won that it caught me totally off guard. I looked at Sarah. She smiled and laughed.
“She won,” Sarah said.
“Get me ready Sarah,” Rachel said as she laid horizontally in the seat of the chair and spread her legs. Her open pussy lips were resting right on the edge of the chair at a perfect height for me to fuck her from my knees. Sarah went to Rachel and began to kiss and lick her spread pussy.
“She can take it Kenny. Don’t hold back,” their Dad instructed and I knew he meant it. I touched Sarah on the back as she licked her younger sister and then felt down the crack of her ass.
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My finger rested briefly on her warm asshole and then I slipped into her wet pussy. As I fingered her she continued to lick and tongue fuck Rachel.
“I’m ready for Kenny,” the younger girl said. Sarah moved away from Rachel and as she did she took time to kiss me. Our tongues touched and flickered together. I could taste her sister on her lips and tongue and wondered if she could taste her Dad on mine.
As we ended the kiss she whispered, “Fuck the little bitch good. ” Sarah guided my hard cock to her younger sister’s spread waiting pussy. She licked her sister’s pussy lips again then flickered her tongue on the head of my cock as it slipped into the warm love tunnel of the eleven year old. I pushed it in slowly and then pulled back until just the head remained sandwiched in her pussy lips. Then I slid it in again and pushed it a little further than it had gone the first time. As I fucked Rachel, Sarah was leaning over the arm of the chair and was sucking on the younger girls brown nipples between passionate kisses the two were sharing. I increased the pace and found that she could take my entire six inch cock. I was still buzzing from the drink but I could feel the pleasure building within me. I grabbed Rachel’s legs and had then propped up against my shoulders as I fucked her harder and harder.
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As I looked down and saw my cock move in and out of her bare pussy it was more than I could stand. I shuddered and with a final thrust I exploded inside her. Then I pulled my cock from her drenched pussy and unloaded a couple of spurts onto her slender brown belly. Sarah licked my cum from her sister’s belly and then sucked what she could from my softening cock. Then she was gone. I leaned down and kissed Rachel on the mouth hard and sucked her nipples like I had wanted to do all evening. She rubbed her hand through my hair and when I looked at her face she smiled and giggled.
As Rachel and I looked across the coffee table we saw Sarah spread wide, her back against her father’s chest, riding his lengthy cock like a carnival ride. Her Dad had his hands on her hips helping her bounce up and down on him. Her breasts bounced in unison as they fucked hard. She looked across and saw us watching.
“Come lick me bitch!” she demanded. Rachel obediently went over the coffee table and began to suck on Sarah’s nipples. Sarah pushed her head down and Rachel went down and began to lick Sarah’s clit as her Dad’s cock pushed in and out of her. Rachel kissed and licked Sarah’s pussy and her Dad’s cock as the tempo increased.
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Sarah and I exchanged looks and I knew she wanted me over there. Her kiss was powerful and she almost seemed to want to suck my tongue from my mouth. I squeezed her erect hard nipples as we continued to kiss. Then my mouth was on her breasts and I licked and sucked one nipple, then the other, back and forth. Her hands were on my head and she was pushing me downward. As my face went lower Rachel moved to make room for me. My nose touched her strip of back curly hair and my tongue found her clit but it was difficult to keep my tongue on her as they fucked. Sometimes my tongue was on her; sometimes it was on his wet glistening cock. When he was deep in her his balls bounced against the bottom of my chin. Their pace quickened and she moaned in pleasure. She shuddered and he moaned as well. Then his cock came out of her pussy and without thinking my mouth opened and his cock slid into my mouth. As it slammed into the back of my throat I felt a warm spurt of cum and I nearly gagged. He spurted two more times in my mouth before Sarah pulled my head up away from him. As she kissed me now she sucked all that was left in my mouth into her own.
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We kept our mouths together sharing this cum filled kiss. When we finally parted I looked down and saw Rachel sucking and licking the remaining cum from her Dad’s limp spent cock. I felt suddenly dizzy and nauseous.
“You’re good Kenny,” Mr. Nelson said as he got up from the chair and walked away. Rachel moved over to the couch and curled up.
“Go to bed Rachel,” her older sister instructed.
“Goodnight Kenny,” Rachel said and she hugged me and left.
Sarah kissed me and also left. I gathered my clothes and put them on the best I could. Sarah came back wearing a long white t-shirt. Her nipples shown plainly through the cloth and it nearly made me hard again. We walked to the door and there she kissed me again. There was still the taste of her Dad in both our mouths.
“Did you like it?” she asked.
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“I loved it, but I wish I could have you,” I replied.
“Soon enough,” she giggled. We kissed again.
“Next time Mom and the other kids will be here if that’s okay?”
“Sure,” I said. We kissed again.
“Goodnight Kenny,” she whispered as she closed the door.
Later as I lay on my bed with the ceiling still spinning I thought about the last thing she told me. ‘Next time Mom and the other kids will be here. ’
“Wow!” I thought.