Mike knew the instant he did it he was in trouble! "Dammit," he cursed out loud, "stupid stop sign!" The spinning blue light on the police squad car told him instantly that he had just committed his third moving violation in the past twelve months! "Christ alive," he thought, "I'm gonna lose my fucking license again!!!!" He waited until the officer was next to his door before rolling down his window, trying the "I don't have a clue approach", he offered, "Something wrong, officer?" The female police woman ignoring his obvious con job, said, "Sir, you just ran that stop sign and you didn't even make an attempt to stop!" "Well," he ventured, "I am late for work and I just didn't see the sign, I'm real sorry!" "I'm sure you are," she intoned, "but we'll have to write you up a ticket anyway, maybe next time you'll pay a little more attention. " Now feeling desperate, Mike decided to plead with her, hoping that by throwing himself at her mercy she might let him go with a warning, but by this time her partner had joined her and was wondering what was taking so long. The first officer answered, "Mike here says that he has had two other violations over the past year and will lose his license if he gets another mover. " Her partner just shrugged and said, "No skin off our nose, give him the ticket!!" "Damn her," thought Mike, he figured he had convinced the first one to give him a pass until this new bitch screwed up the works! Please," he begged, "I'll do anything, just don't give me a ticket, I need to drive for my work, please!!!"The two cops looked at each other and in lowered voices exchanged a few words. After a minute or so, the first officer said, "Get out of your car and lock it, then follow me back to the cruiser. " Mike didn't know what was up, but it sounded like there was a chance that he might get out of this, so he quickly replied, "Yes officer, right away!" Hopping out of his car, he locked it and follow the two cops back to their car. The back door was opened up, and he was ordered in side. Crawling in, he was surprised when the first cop got in the back seat with him and closed the door. Now he became a little alarmed, when the other cop got in the drivers seat, started up the engine, and drove away with him inside. "Where are we going," he asked in a wary voice? "Just be quiet and you'll soon find out," the driver said, as she turned the car into a deserted part of a county forest preserve. Now Mike began to worry for real, here he was, all alone in a squad car with two female cops hidden from public view deep in the woods! What the hell was going on here! They parked the car behind a stand of trees at the end of a dirt path and shut off the engine! No one would ever see them in a million years back here, it was totally isolated from the city!The cop in the back seat turned to him and said, "Instead of giving you a ticket, we're going to teach you a lesson. " "What kind of lesson," he asked slowly? She reached out her hand and began rubbing the inside of his thigh and said to the cop up front, "He's kinda cute, don't you think, I think we can figure out a way to make us forget about the ticket, don't you!" Before she could answer, "Mike jumped in, "You can't do this, it's illegal!" "Arrest me," smirked the cop as she pulled her gun, "take them off," she ordered, pointing to his blue jeans! Seeing the . 357 magnum in her hand, Mike decided that this wasn't exactly the time to put up an argument, so he unbuckled his belt and slid his pants to his ankles. As he looked the two women over, he could see that they weren't unattractive, in fact the one in the back seat actually looked pretty decent.
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