
School For Hung Young Boys: Part One


After that little exchange with Mrs. Sparks, Mr. Vickers turned his attention to Brian and asked gently, “So tell me, son, what seems to be your biggest problem?!?” With his head bowed down and his face reddening by the second, the eighteen year old stammered, “Back at home they tease me because of my large penis!!!” “Just the boys,” Jordan Vickers asked?!? “No, the girls too,” he replied sadly, “the boys told the girls what a large penis I had and they all started bothering me, and then when they found out I didn’t want to be with girls but with boys, everybody just turned on me!!!” Mr. Vickers’ heart was breaking for the young man, and in very soft voice he answered, “Well you won’t have to worry about that anymore, Brian, because in our school everyone has a big penis and all of the boys are gay!!!” Brian’s face literally brightened at the prospect of being with others like himself, so when Mr. Vickers asked him to stand up and expose his organ, he happily did as he was told!!!“See,” Virna Sparks offered, “if may say so he’s hung like a horse!!!” “Yes he is,” Mr. Vickers replied softly, “he has a very fine penis, and from the looks of it, it’s also very thick!!!” “I’ll save you the trouble of measuring it,” she retorted, “it’s ten and a half inches long and seven and a quarter inches around when it’s fully erect, and from the looks of things he’s getting very close to his full tumescence right now!!!” “That he is,” Mr. Vicker observed, “so tell me Brian, how often do you masturbate!?!” “At least twice a day,” the young man whispered, “i-is that bad of me!?!” “See what those assholes have done to him,” Virna Sparks retorted bitterly, “no matter how often his father and I tell him everyone masturbates, he still feels like he’s doing something wrong!!!” “Well we’re going to change all that,” Jordan Vickers replied, gently, “in fact just to show Brian that he’s not alone we’re all going to masturbate right along with him!!!” Mr.

And Mrs. Sparks both looked at each other a little bit nervously, but when prodded on by the head master they both exposed their genitals and began masturbating along with their son!!!
Mr. Sparks, while not in the same class as his son size wise still had a very impressive penis, and when the father and son got to stroking, it was truly a sight to behold!!! None of the Sparks noticed it at first but Mr. Jordan had also pulled out his own erection, and much to Brian’s absolute glee, he saw that his new head master was hung at least as long as himself!!! “Do you like looking at my penis, Brian,” he asked the flustered young man!?! “O-oh, yes,” he gasped while his hand flew up and down his super sized organ, “I-I’ve never seen another cock like mine before, it’s really incredible!!!” “Why thank you, son,” Jordan Vickers replied smoothly, “would you like to suck it for me, I mean only if you want to, we don’t make anyone do anything they don’t want to do here at Private Prep!?!” “C-can I really,” the wide eyed youngster panted while riveting his gaze on the monster pecker sprouting like a tree trunk out of Mr. Vickers’ groin, “y-you want me to suck it for you!?!” “Of course I do,” he replied quickly, “I’m just as gay as you are, and there’s nothing quite like being in a room with other gay men with huge erections just begging to be sucked!!!”
Brian looked hopefully at his parents, and one look told him that they were very happy for him, and without another word he made his way over behind the large oak desk and after giving a long sigh, let Mr. Vickers’ erection slip into his warm eager mouth!!! “Whoa there, son,” Mr. Vickers said with a laugh, “we’ve got plenty of time, it’s not a race, take it easy and savor it, okay!?!” Brian moaned as he caressed the big organ with his tongue, but after a few moments he realized that Mr. Vickers was right and that he didn’t have to hurry at all, so for the next fifteen minutes he teased and nibbled at the huge head until almost without warning his mouth was being flooded with a hot sperm shooter from the big cocked head master!!! “Oh myyyyyy,” he groaned, “your son has a definite talent for cocksucking, I think he’s going to be a fine asset to Private Prep!!!” Both Mr. And Mrs.

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   Sparks had there own cums while Jordan Vickers was filling their son’s mouth with cum, but now as they watched him cleaning the big shaft with is soft tongue they knew that they had made the right decision and that Private Prep was just the place for their boy!!!
The only thing left now was for Brian to have his own orgasm, so like any good son would do, he went over in front of his mother and offered his erection to her mouth so that she could suck him good bye before leaving for her return trip to Chicago!!! After having allowed her a good two minutes with his cock, he gently pulled away and gave his father the same privilege, and just like his mom his father proved to be a very attentive and responsive cocksucker!! After his parents had dressed and gone, Brian stood silently by the window as their car went down the driveway and out of sight, and as he turned around with tears welling up in his eyes, he was more than grateful when Mr. Vickers dropped to his knees in front of him and drank from his fountain of youth until he filled the older man’s mouth with what seemed like gusher after gusher of life giving cum!!! When he was completely spent, he said softly, “So this is home, and I’m so glad to be here!!!”

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