
Birth of a Sex Object (Part 1)


My father was a porn addict he would get something in the mail every day. Mostly magazines and after a while he would not even hide them under his bed anymore he just left them out. So while he was at work I would look through them. So my first impression was what men wanted and that's how you show them your love. I wanted to loose my virginity at 6 and my friend who was 9 at the time was going to arrange it all. How crazy was that? Well thank god he bailed out of it he knew I was too young and told me to wait. My babysitter would take me to different kinds of people and houses. On night she had an errand to run and left me with these strangers a married couple who where a little out of date and sent a strong weird vibe. It was getting late and I fell asleep on a couch in their room. They woke me up having loud sex. I remember peeking through the blanket watching them. They eventually stopped and my babysitter picked me up. I told her what happened and she was surprised that they had sex in the same room that I was in and apologized to me and asked me not to tell my father. I liked my babysitter a lot so I did what I was told. My dad took me over to another babysitter’s house because my usual couldn't do that day. I didn't like it over at her house and her son who was 18 had a fetish with scaring the crap out of people.


   I went over to their house about a week and on the last day she told me that there where kittens upstairs I begged her to see and finally she let me. So I ran up the stairs and barged into the room only to see my dad’s girlfriend and some other guy fucking. I ran back down the stairs and told the lady who was watching me. She told my that was my dad’s girlfriend’s uncle and that she was doing him for money. That night I told my dad the whole story and he broke up with her soon after. There where a lot of messed up memories to follow and even though my life changed for the better after my mom got me. Those carried over into my teens. I repressed them because I was actually having a childhood with my mom that I did not have with my father. I did loose my virginity at 18 and my escapades started young but I wanted to try and know everything. My early year in high school is when I started getting introduced back into the world of sex and money. Something I was avoiding for a while. One day a girl I knew at school asked me if I wanted to go with her to her job. It sounded fun so I went. It was a strip club it was small but very nice inside. She told me to tell the owner I was 18 so I did and not another question was asked.

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   The club was not busy at first and I was getting comfortable. My friend took me in the changing room and talked me into putting on one of her outfits. "WOW" she said. "I knew you had a body under them clothes" I blushed and admired myself in the mirror. She asked me if I wanted to make a lot of money and told me how much she made a week. Her parents had no idea and she saved over 40 thousand dollars and that she was moving to CA after graduation. She asked me if I wanted to try out for the owner eventually I did. I loved to dance seductively but I was nervous. The club was beginning to fill up. After I picked out a stage name and what slot I wanted it was my turn to dance. I stood behind the beads and I felt like my legs where going to give out. With a couple of words of encouragement my friend nudged me out. Lucky for me the DJ had a song I was familiar with and I started to ease into my groove. I was really starting to enjoy myself and the attention I was getting from the voyeurs. As the night went on I really caught on quick and started to read the men.

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   I played with them and chatted with them after my sets. I enjoyed the compliments and my friend and I danced together here and there. We made a good pair on stage. Men started calling the club inquiring when we would be on and what nights we worked. My friend and I became close and partied a lot. We never told others in the school what we did. I started knowing the other girls who prostituted or stripped in our high School. But we all never spoke of it in the school. It became a normal way of life in the fast lane for me. Lying to my parents was hard for me. I hated lying especially to my mom. My friend and I would talk at school about what we would tell our parents and had back up plans. We both only worked two nights a week and on the nights our parents would not budge we called in sick. After a while it became too much trouble to get rides and come up with stories that a stopped dancing. After I graduated I was working at a cute little boutique.

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   I loved my job and my boss was great. Every other weekend I'd go to clubs and mingle at the dinners afterwards until the morning. One night at this particular club I bumped into a guy who used to watch me dance often. He recognized me and we talked after a while he told me that he owned a club of his own and would love it if I came and danced for him. I got his number a pondered it for a day or two and called him. He seemed excited and I drove up that night to meet some of the girls and talk with him. The club was huge and had three little stages with one big one on the middle. This was big time money to these girls and the hottest club in the state. The girls bodies where as perfect as perfect could be and they each had their own erotic trade marks about them. I was a little intimidated to say the least. The owner assured me that I would do fine and could learn a lot. Little did I know that it was going to be hell with some of the girls?.



