
The South Marline Circle Bondage Club Chapter 22


The day after Shiho and Matt became a couple, they joined everybodyin front of Jeff Perlis' house holding hands before heading toschool. Of course everyone noticed this. "Alright Shiho!" DanielPerlis cheered. "Oh my God, I'm so happy for you Shiho!" Aoi bubbledas only she can. "Matt, you totally lucked out, man. Half the schoolwas trying to date her," Steven said. "Steven's right, dude. Shiho'sso nice and beautiful that you watch her walk through the quad andyou see all the boys and even some of the girls saying, 'wow!' Ethannoted.   Shiho was embarrassed by the shower of compliments. "Dude,you need to watch her spar with Haruko or Rie sometime. She's like aballet dancer, really agile and graceful," Brandon  enthused Thiswas news to Matt, who hadn't been told of Shiho's martial artsbackground yet. "Spar? In what?" he asked. "Shotokan karate dude. Totally badass," Brandon responded. "Has she ever used it?" "No, buther sisters have.   Rie absolutely dismantled some chick with asingle kick to the head while Haruko used a pressure point to get averbally abusive guy to lick the bottom of her shoe.

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   It was epic!""Man Brandon, you better stay on Rie's good side or else, huh?""Yeah pretty much, bro. She's the greatest girl in the world, soI've never really been mad at her, but I'm not sure I ever want tobe," he laughed. "So are any of the other girls into martial arts?"Matt pondered. 'Yeah, Yumi is into Aikido. She dropped some guy whowas hassling Steven and Haruko and busted up his ribs. " "Aoi, you'reinto judo, right?" Jeff asked. "Yeah. " "We have the most killergirls in this neighborhood, both literally and figuratively," Danielbragged. "God, sounds like it," Matt chuckled.

Before they left, Haruko put her hand over Steven's mouth. As usual,the gesture made him hard as he took her hand and kissed it whilegazing into her eyes. He smiled and folded his hand over hers whilethey set out for school. He kept looking at her as they walked,something she was used to now since drinking in her beauty was oneof his favorite things. Occasionally, he brought her hand up to hislips to kiss it again. He knew she wasn't perfect.

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   Nobody is. Butfor him, she was the closest thing to it.

Shiho had her left arm wrapped around Matt's waist and her head onhis shoulder as they ambled somewhat awkwardly on the sidewalk. Sheloved having his warm body close to hers on this cold morning andthey shared the occasional kiss. She was more relaxed now with ashoulder to lean on. Matt was a big boy at six feet even and 200pounds with long brown hair down to the middle of his back. Helifted weights two hours a day five days a week and feeling themuscles in his arms and chest was fast becoming a fetish of Shiho's.

Shortly before they reached school, it began to rain. So when theyarrived there, Haruko sat on her book bag against an outer wall ofone of the classrooms with Steven positioned with his back to herand between her legs. She placed her righthand over his mouth andkept it there, which only made his erection fill out that much more. He was almost in sub space, such was the degree to which he wasenjoying her silencing of him. And it wasn't just that, either. Itwas that her hand was so soft and felt so good against the skin onhis face that really helped make this erotic to him. When theyparted ways to go to their classes, he kissed her hand once more andhugged her.

Because of it was raining, which made hanging out outdoors in thequad uncomfortable, the South Marlin Circle crowd decided to adjournto the hallway of one of the classroom buildings, where they sat onthe floor, many of them against the walls and doorways, while theyate lunch.

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   When Haruko and Steven had finished eating, she had himsitting between her legs again with her hand over his mouth. Some ofthe other students observed this and one could see the questionmarks on their faces. Finally a classmate of Haruko's came up toher. "Hi Haruko!" "Hi Serena. " "Do you mind if I ask you aquestion?" "Sure Serena. " "How come you hold your hand over yourboyfriend's mouth? Doesn't that annoy him?" "Serena, honey, you knowthat boys can't talk. Belching and bragging, that's all that comesout of their mouths. Here, let me demonstrate. " She took her handoff of Steven's mouth and he let out a long belch. "Hey dude, youshould have seen me in battle last night in World of Warcraft. . . . "Haruko put her hand back over his mouth as everybody in the SouthMarlin Circle audience were almost in tears from laughing so hard. "See what I mean? You know the teacher in the Peanuts cartoons ontv? 'Wah wah wah wah.

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  ' That's how boys sound to me," she said,laughing. "God Haruko, if I did that, my boyfriend would get reallymad. " "Boys should be seen and not heard, Serena," she said,sticking her tongue between her teeth to indicate she was taking thepiss. Steven threw his hands up in the air in a "what can I do?"gesture. He grabbed her hand, kissed it and then turned and gave hera quick kiss on the lips. " "Yeah, they're basically Penn andTeller," Jeff joked. "Maybe we should start calling him Harpo,"Eddie riposted. Serena walked away confident that Haruko and Stevenwere just horsing around.

"You guys should take that act into a comedy club," Brandon laughed. That was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. " Steven tiltedhis head back and said something into Haruko's ear. In a bad fakeMexican accent, she said, "S'alright?" She lifted the bottom half ofher hand from his mouth and he blurted, "S'alright" like he wasSenor Wences' fist.

"Hey Haruko, can I talk to you in private for a minute aboutsomething?" Eddie requested. "Sure Eddie. Give me a second," shesaid, extricating herself from behind Steven.

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   They went into anempty classroom and into a far corner of the room and he whisperedinto her ear. "Mistress Haruko, do you intend to collar Stephanie?""Yes Master Eddie, but I'll have to wait a bit over a year at leastbefore I can do it. " "No, you might not. I got special permission tocollar Yuki after she turned 18 and I was still 18 because she was alegal adult and there was the possibility she was going to go awayto college and I wouldn't have a chance to collar her until she was19. So I went to Master Alan and talked to him about it and theboard approved it, though it wasn't unanimous. Then another masterwas able to collar his slave early because of the same thing. Sinceyou guys intend to go to different schools and he's an adult now itmight be something you want to think about. " "Master Eddie, youradvice is so helpful. Thank you so much for taking the time andeffort to lend it to me. I'm definitely going to do that. " "Killer!Please invite me to the ceremony. You guys are such a cute couple. ""I would be honored by your and Yuki's presence Master Eddie. " Shehugged him and they returned to the hallway. This time, it wasSteven doing the holding, as she slid between his legs and reclinedagainst his chest.

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   "Hey baby, can you massage my shoulders?" Heimmediately and quietly dug his fingers into her shoulder muscles. She purred and she reached back and stroked the back of his head ashe attended to loosening her up.

After they left Mrs. Westfield's, Haruko told him he was dismissedfor the day , so he went home, changed into some running shorts andtook a jog through the misty rainfall, which felt good to him as ithit his skin. In the meantime, Haruko called Jeff. "Hi Master Jeff,this is Haruko. I'm so sorry to interrupt the peace and quiet ofyour home, but are you available to talk?" "Sure Mistress Haruko,What's up?" I was talking to Eddie earlier in the day aboutcollaring Steven and, well, I'm not going to be 18 until a year fromFebruary. By that time, Steven will be away at college. Since he'salready 18, I was wondering if Master Alan and the board would grantme permission to collar Steven before I turn 18. " "I understand yourpredicament Haruko and I think dad will be pretty sympathetic. There's a board meeting Friday. I'll talk to him after he gets homefrom work tonight and either he or I will get back to you withwhether or not he'll present your proposal before the board. ""Master Jeff, that would be so kind of you and Master Alan. Again, please accept my apologies for taking so much time out of youralready busy day. " "Always great to talk to you Haruko.

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   That littleexhibition you put on with Steven today was super funny, too. Sotake care. " "Thank you Master Jeff. Bye bye. "

At just before nine that night, Haruko's cellphone rang. "HiMistress Haruko! How are you tonight?" "Hi Master Alan. I was justdoing some kata with my family to stay loose. How about you?" "Justhangin' around, takin' it slow, like the song says. " "That soundsvery relaxing, Master Alan. " "Oh yeah, especially with my sweet Lynnhere. Anyway, you wanted permission to collar Steven early becausehe's going to a different college than you and he's already 18?'"That's correct Master Alan. " "It looks like you've got him prettywell trained. I asked Jeff and Yumi about your relationship and theyseem to think it's on pretty solid ground. I still have to surveyeveryone else before I can give you an absolute  final answer, butfrom what I know about you and Steven, especially as he was broughtin as one of a very short list of outsider honorary members, I thinkit's likely your request will be approved. However, keep in mindthat isn't a promise.

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   The board could still say no if they judgethat your relationship isn't at the point that would warrantpermission for collaring. " "Thank you Master Alan. I'm truly sorryfor putting you to so much trouble. " "That's why I'm here, MistressHaruko. Send my best to Steven, okay?" "I will Master Alan. Pleasesay hello to your beautiful wife for me. " "I will Mistress Haruko. Please pass on my best wishes to Master Erik and your wonderfulmother. " "I will Master Alan. Goodnight. " "Goodnight. "

Two days later, Haruko received a call from Alan Perlis. She waswith Steven, so she excused herself and went into the livingroom totake the call. "Sorry about that Master Alan. Steven was in the sameroom with me and I don't want him to find out yet.

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  " "Perfectlyunderstandable Mistress Haruko. Now let's talk about your proposal. I did some asking around with the rest of the kids and Mrs. Westfield and I was very encouraged by what I heard. So I'll presentit to the board tomorrow night and I'll give you a finaladjudication on your proposal sometime Saturday. "Master Alan, thankyou so much for going to all that trouble. I'm really sorry tobother you with it. " "That's why I don't get paid the big bucks," helaughed. She echoed his mirth. "Tell everyone in your spectacularhousehold I said hi. " "I will Mistress Haruko. Please give yourgreat family my love. " "I will Master Alan. And Thanks again. "

Saturday morning, which was clear and crisp but rather chilly, Alanrang Haruko again.

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   She grabbed her cellphone and ran back out to theliving room. "Hi Mistress Haruko! Alan here!" "Good morning MasterAlan! I hope today finds you and your family well. " "Oh yeah,they're rampaging like party vikings. " 'Sounds like fun!" "Yeah,gotta start putting xanax back in their milk," he joked. She giggledat this bit of self deprecation. "Anyway, about your request to beallowed to collar Steven: it's a go. Now you are going to be 18 onFebruary 9th, right?" "Yes Master Alan. " If you wouldn't mind, March6th is the start of Arisa's swimming season and Cecil wants toorganize an excursion to Mission Viejo to lend her some support. Howwould you feel about going to the swim meet with the rest of thecrowd and then we could have a party afterward, at which you couldthen collar Steven? I think he would be very surprised. We'll haveMrs. Westfield arrange the catering. Jeff, the Langfords and Yumiare already planning the excursion. It could be quite the festiveevent!" "That sounds super fun Master Alan. We'll also be going tocheer Arisa on, so please let Master Jeff know. " "Tally up how manyof your family members are going Mistress Haruko and get back to melater today.


   The earlier we can get all the details in place thebetter. " "Absolutely Master Alan. Everyone is home right now, soI'll call you back in 18 minutes. " "Outstanding Mistress Haruko. Give everybody a hug for me. " "No problem Master Alan. Bye byesweety!"

Haruko called her family together and told them what was going on. Everybody agreed to go. She was finally able to get back to Steven ,who sat silently in her bedroom in his hip huggers, halter top andflats as well as panties and bra. "Sorry to keep you waitingStephanie. Yumi and Jeff are making plans for an excursion to go seeArisa compete in a swim meet in March. " "Oh great Mistress! She'lllove the show of support!" "Yeah, plus it will have been sinceDecember when the community did something together. We'll get toyell and scream, so it'll be fun!" "It sounds like it, Mistress. "

There was a knock at the door and Maki answered it. It was Matt forShiho.

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   She went out to greet him and then they began to head to herbedroom. He saw Haruko and Steven. "Hi Mistress Haruko! HiStephanie!" "Hey Matt, how's your hammer hangin'?" Steven greeted. "Always to the left, girl," he chuckled. "I know the feeling. "Steven returned, laughing. "Anyway, Shiho and I are going to gohangout. " "Okay you guys. Have fun!" Haruko chirped.

"Okay, what day is it today, Stephanie?" "It's laundry dayMistress. " "That's right. Get to it!" "Yes Mistress. " Steven went toHaruko's hamper and began separating out the clothes that were to bewashed. He gathered up the first load and went to the washingmachine with Haruko in tow and put that pile into the machine andreached for the detergent and put some in. " "Very good, Stephanie.

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  You've really learned how to do this. Next week, I will have you doit unsupervised. Don't make any mistakes. " "Yes Mistress. " Steventurned the washing machine on to the proper cycle for the type ofclothes he was cleaning and then he went to the bathroom to wash hishands and go back to Haruko's room. "Okay sweety, while we'rewaiting for that load to finish, get some fresh bedding from thelinen closet and change my bed clothes. " "Yes Mistress. " He fetchedthe new sheets and pillow cases as well as duvet and brought it intothe room. After stripping the bed of its dirty coverings, he beganto resheet it. Haruko watched as he then put the top sheet on andreplace the pillow cases. He put the bedspread on and now Haruko hada nice fresh smelling bed.

"You're going to make a good wife someday," Haruko laughed. "Thankyou Mistress," he chuckled. She had him dust her bookcases and audiosystem and vacuum the rug. Just as he finished the last task, theyboth heard moaning coming from down the hall.

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   "Looks like Shiho isabout to lose her virginity," she smiled at Steven. "Do you want towatch?" "To be honest Mistress, yes, but I don't to make Shiho orMatt uptight. " "God, I remember the first time we had sex here. Youwere so focused on what you were doing you didn't notice my mom wasstanding there," Haruko recalled. "Yeah, that's true Mistress," hesmiled. "Come on Stephanie. " "Okay Mistress. " They softly steppedinto the hallway and stood next to the doorway trying not to be toonoticeable. They heard Shiho moaning as Matt's tongue flicked herclit, her ample breasts trembling as the pleasurable impulsesrippled through her nervous system. Steven's cock went rigid at thesight of the lithe 18 year old's body and exposed pussy as herbreathing indicated a rising heatwave within her, her thighs andvulva glistening with her wetness. Matt was naked from the waist upand Shiho's ankles were resting on his lower back while he suckedher nubbing and distended it, the blood gushing into theminiaturized girl penis like it was being given a blowjob. Herindications of pleasure were now louder and more frequent, the paceof her panting like a series of tsunamis before she let out asuppressed scream and began to orgasm. To any male, the music of awoman in the throes of climax is sweet indeed and Steven wasenraptured by it.

Matthew kept at it and took Shiho to four more orgasms before heslid his body up the bed between her legs and pointed the head ofhis flesh drill at her slit. "Okay Shiho, take some deep breaths andrelax," he suggested.

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   She did that and he pushed his cockhead intoher and now he was about to open her vaginal cavity. He got halfwayin and she started to indicate she was feeling pain as her sugarwalls struggled to stretch against his dick. He froze and listenedto her urgent breaths, her system attempting to compensate for itsfirst penile penetration. He very, very slowly coasted his cockheaddeeper into her. She didn't have a hymen because it broke a longtime ago during her strenuous martial arts workouts. Nonetheless, hestill had to bore a path out of the center of her body and hefinally had it in to the hilt. He held it there as she writhed inpain and tried to breathe it away. He gingerly withdrew it andpushed it back into her, her pussy feeling like it was packed by hisvery thick seven inch rod. 'Sorry that this hurts baby, but it won'tfor much longer. So try to relax and I'll be as gentle as I can," hetold her. He began to thrust in and out of her at a very leisurelyrate, hoping that the pain would dissipate quickly and be replacedby more pleasurable signals. Her vaginal muscles had an iron grip onhis prong and her cunt felt exceedingly cozy to him as a result. Theminutes went by as he continued to slide his meat stick in and outof her. Finally, the pain disappeared and it was becoming morecomfortable for her to receive his fat pole. He smiled as hecommenced upping his thrusting rate and Shiho felt the firsttendrils of pleasure.

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   She was relieved that it wasn't  going to keephurting endlessly. She smiled up at Matt as he endeavored to igniteher love furnace with each stroke of his poker. She felt theintimacy of their being connected by his penis as she received morepleasurable sensations. "God baby, it feels so good," she breathilyreported. He ratcheted up the intensity of his screwing of her somemore and now heat was slowly spreading through her. Oooohhhh GoodMatt!" she sighed, as she realized intermittent surges of euphoricsensations. Oh Jesus baby, ohhhh fuck oh yesssss," she hissed, herardor voyaging northward while his skin torpedo tried to detonatethem both to a molten climax. Faster and faster he was thrustingnow, his pubic bone tattooing her ass while she accepted his spearover and over and over. She dug her nails into his beefy biceps asshe impatiently waited for each instroke, the pistoning of hisbattering ram moving her closer to temporary insanity, her sweethigh pitched gasps and pants reverberating around the room, hisbreathing almost feral.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh fuck!" she desperately cried as she feltthe pleasure peaking, the heat now making her face and upper chestflushed. "Oh God, oh God baby, oh yes, God oh god damn, shit!" shebarked before her orgasm poured into her body and made her gasp inchoked bursts, now understanding why so many women like to befucked. He was at the end of his tether, too, and, five minuteslater, plastered her pussy with his sperm frosting.

Haruko choked back a tear after observing the seizure of her youngersister's maidenhead while Steven was turned on and wanted to fuckthe bejesus out of Haruko right then and there. "How are you Shiho,"Matt asked solicitously. "God Matt, that was a real rollercoasterride.

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   And oh my God, your cock is so thick!" she commented. "Sorryto cause you the pain you suffered. " "It's okay baby. It's not yourfault. And it's nice to now be able to feel even closer to you. ""Shiho, I swear to God I love you so much that I will always be goodto you. " "Thanks Matt. I love you, too and your strong arms willalways be my safe place. " "Yes they will baby. Please crawl intothem whenever you need them. " "Well, I could use them for anothercouple of hours," she smiled. "Thank you for flying Air Matt, wherethe seats are never in the upright and locked position," he joked. "And every seat is in first class," she chuckled. "Oh yeah. Andyou're the only passenger allowed to fly with me.

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Haruko and Steven stealthily slinked back to Haruko's  bedroom. "Steven, hold me. That was so beautiful," Haruko reacted. "Mypleasure Mistress. It's so nice to see your sweet little sisterenjoy her first time and told that she is valued that much. " Thepair cuddled in Haruko's bed. She put her hand on his mouth and hegrabbed it and kissed it. Maki passed Haruko's room carrying somewater and rice balls. She smiled at Matt and briefly caressed hisface as a way to convey her thanks for turning her young daughterinto a woman. Maki then came into Haruko's room and they held eachother and cried. Steven put his arms around both of them, remainingsilent as he was commanded.





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