
Call escort girls

Friendly balanced woman, pleasant physique
  • 39250
  • 3925024-06-2024
  • Città:Charleroi
  • More...
  • Categoria:Lei cerca lui
  • Nazione:Belgio
  • Città:Anversa, Charleroi, Namur
  • Telefono:+33756822593
  • Email:Inviare un messaggio

Friendly balanced woman, pleasant physique

Here you will find a discreet, elegant and sensual girl, gentle and passionate at the same time and my expertise to offer wonderful experiences. I am a pretty woman I take good care of myself, I'm always healthy and always clean, fragrant and well dressed. Discretion, courtesy and mutual respect are my expectations

Visualizzazioni totali: 3029
Marie  is available for you to make your day full of fun
Marie  is available for you to make your day full of fun
Marie  is available for you to make your day full of fun
  • 33083
  • 3308306-07-2024
  • Città:Charleroi
  • More...
  • Categoria:Lei cerca lui
  • Nazione:Belgio
  • Città:Courtrai, Charleroi, Bruxelles
  • Telefono:+14052691249
  • Email:Inviare un messaggio

Marie is available for you to make your day full of fun

Marie is available for you to make your day full of fun

Visualizzazioni totali: 1840
Moment coquin
Moment coquin
Moment coquin
  • 39204
  • 3920421-06-2024
  • Città:Charleroi
  • More...
  • Categoria:Lei cerca lui
  • Nazione:Belgio
  • Città:Charleroi, Bruxelles, Anversa
  • Telefono:+32466903061
  • Email:Inviare un messaggio

Moment coquin

Je suis disponible pour vos moments de plaisir sans tabous. Je reçois exclusivement Vrai Gentleman Mature, courtois, respectueux, éduqué et surtout d'une Irréprochable Hygiène corporelle . Contactez moi pour prendre vos rendez-vous par WhatsApp 

Visualizzazioni totali: 3208

