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Please note that they now renamed 'Sofia' to 'Kamila' and 'Olga' to 'Katerina', hoping these factual reviews would go away... 😅
Hence, avoid these supposedly Russian/Ukrainian 'models' in general, otherwise something akin to a lady boy will knock on your door! 😱
Kamila: 🤣🤣🤣I change my name many times a day, but this won't help your non-erect dick, you need to see a doctor, although I'm sure he won't help you either, I feel very sorry for you...🤣🤣🤣
Contacted Olga first, but her 'manager' said she was busy and sent another girls's ("Sofia"'s) photos, which I accepted.
When she came by and undressed it was obvious that the girl which came looked much more like an average lady boy than the girl in the photos!
Hence, typical 'bait and switch' scam, AVOID!
Katerina: Men, remain men, no need to write nasty things about girls, if your penis doesn't get hard, it's not the girl's fault, accept this defeat with dignity and be a gentleman, although that's what I'm talking about... how hard it is for you to accept this... then you don't need to contact us and our services🙏🏻
Contacted Olga first, but her 'manager' said she was busy and sent this girls's photos, which I accepted.
When she came by and undressed it was obvious that the girl which came looked much more like an average lady boy than the girl in the photos!
A typical 'bait and switch' scam, AVOID!
Kamila: Sorry, but it's not my fault that your dick doesn't get hard, it's not my fault, no need to write lies and nasty things, but it's not my fault that nothing works for old men.