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Guys please check black list . girl not health !😒
She had a previous profile called ALISA, and after reporting that she was sick, she closed her profile, changed her name and is working again. She has herpes in her vagina. Many men have been infected. If you have met her, go get tested. 😒😒😒
It is very dangerous.
Sofiia: Man, do you have problems with your head??? What kind of nonsense are you writing???
You constantly ruin all the girls' profiles!! Maybe you are another girl and a competitor in general?? Most likely that is the case!!! Check your head with a doctor before you start writing such things!!
popotas1995: instead of checking my head, I checked my health. after meeting the girl in Chania, I got herpes. The doctor gave me treatment, 1) Valtrex 500 mg, 3 times / day for 5 days, 2) Zovirax cream 3 times / day for 7 days. You are dangerous, the girl needs to go to the doctor, for the sake of her health, and the sake of men's health!!!
Sofiia: 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
αδελφέ μάλλον μπερδεύεις την καθαριότητα με την υγεία ... το ότι είναι καθαρή δεν πάει να πει ότι δεν έχει αρπάξει κάποιο μικρόβιο και τώρα το μεταδίδει .
γνώμη μου , δες ένα γιατρό καλού κακού, και κανε μια αιματολογική !
δεν υπάρχουν ανταγωνιστές σε θέματα υγείας φίλε μου !!!!!
Guys please check black list . girl not health !😒
Alisa: What kind of nonsense is this?? You’re not even in Greece, and your account constantly says nasty things about me and other girls! Never in your life have you been my client and you’re specifically writing this way so that I don’t have work and someone gets scared and doesn’t come! But a normal and adequate person understands that this is a terrible lie! And you are apparently just competitors who have no clients, it’s a pity that you’re trying to work this way, It’s so low to stoop to such an extent and write such insults!
: It’s write another girl I think 😂😂
αυτό το προφίλ το είχα δει πριν ένα μήνα όταν ήμουνα στο Μπαλί . είχα δει ότι είχε κάνει πέρασμα από το νησί μας , μιας και είχε κριτική από συνάδελφο από την Ρόδο . της στείλαμε μήνυμα με την παρέα μου , αλλά δεν πήραμε ποτέ απάντηση . και έτσι συναντήσαμε μια άλλη κοπέλα !