
Youth pt 1


Recalling sexual adventures from my teen years
The Legalities: This is a story written by
me. It may or may not have happened exactly this way, or at all. If
material involving masturbation, brothers and sisters, sex between young people, etc. bothers you, JUST DON'T READ IT! This is not for readers under the age of 21. If you are not 21, please stop now. I will not be held responsible. You have been warned.

This is a true story. I am not a homosexual, nor am I a pedophile, so
mail directed to those ends will be universally disregarded. This is for
entertainment purposes only. I have to add - this is not exactly a stroke story. If you are looking for reasons to get offended, go spend some time watching how your government takes away your right to free speech, your right to read and write what you want, and spending your tax money on worthless programs which fund studies to link literature like this to sociopathic behavior. Even you Bible-thumpers should find that offensive.

A true story of growing up. The names have been changed to protect the guilty. : mf mf, mmf, oral, anal, cons.

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Ah, how to begin? Let me fill you in on a little background of my troubled youth:)
Tracy was my younger next-door neighbor, a young man fourteen to my fifteen older, wiser years. We first met when he moved next door two years earlier and we became best friends ever since.

The trouble with being older and having a younger 'shadow' around all the time was whatever I did, Tracy wanted to do it too. I was just starting to smoke ( yeah, I know. . . nasty habit), so Tracy started also. His father bought a rather ramshackle cabin at a local lake and me having the experience as a carpenter/electrician/plumber from working with my dad, enlisted me to remodel it for his family. I tore out the inner walls and replaced the shoddy paneling with sheetrock, new outlets and windows, walls painted and put down new linoleum in the kitchen and bath. Next, I replaced the worn out shallow water well head with a new one.

After looking over several weeks of my work, his dad commented that he could never begin to repay me for all the work I had done. Tracy and I put our heads together and came up with the idea we'd like to have our own cabin, away from parental unit's prying eyes. To our surprise, his dad thought it was a marvelous idea and began to shop around. Actually, I think we were cramping whatever they did on weekends.

A couple of weeks later, his dad had us scalp the yard about 300 feet from the house and told us just to wait and see our new 'surprise'.

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   In about 2 hrs, a truck pulled up and three guys started laying railroad ties in the area we'd scalped, then a set of rails, spiking them down. WTF we thought! Soon another flatbed came with a huge winch and offloaded a railroad caboose.

Man, it didn't take the head cashier at Wally World to see whatever else it needs to make it our home away from home. I gave Tracy's dad a list of supplies I'd need and the next day he'd brought enough plastic pipe for me to tie into the well system and electrical wire to splice into the house wiring. With running water and electricity, we needed little else.
Oh, we did put up funky little curtains over the few windows on the lower level and made the 'crows nest' into a fold-out queen bed.

Now the real story begins. . . . . . . . .

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  . . .

Tracy and I, being normal pubescent teens kind of went into a homosexual stage - mutual masturbation, a little sucking and finally fucking one another. This was all great and took the 'edge' off, but was a poor substitute for what we really wanted. . . . real live girls!

At this point in the story, I need to fill you in on Tracy's family situation. His mom and dad were die-hard alcoholics and once his dad was home from work, it took him probably an hour to get blind drunk, his mom not being far behind. Tracy also had a sister a yearyounger, making her a gangly thirteen year old, blond hair, titless, no ass and kinda scrawny legs. Barb was different than most little sisters- never telling the parents or adults what went on at home or at our new cabin. The neat thing was, she ran around with another young lady of thirteen but who was starting to blossom out into young womanhood.

Sal had lost her baby fat and was tall for her age, almost as tall as Tracy. She had developed probably A cupped breasts and had the beginnings of a cute bubble butt.


   Sal was a very quiet girl, had hardly anything to say, even when directly addressed, but went along with whatever Barb wanted to do. Funny, Tracy and I never mentioned any sexual feelings toward either girl the whole summer we stayed in our new cabin( the girls stayed in the main cabin with Barb's folks). We DID, however wonder from time to time, what went on in there because, being true to form, both parents were drunk on their asses about an hour after arriving at the lake. They also had a lot of friends over who'd party till the wee hours most weekends. What the girls did while this was happening I'll never know. We were aware that Barb's mom, although kinda grossly overweight, would get down to her bra and panties after the sun went down and dance around the living room of their cabin- entertaining the guests, I suppose.

As I mentioned, Tracy and I explored each other that summer and sat and talked for hours of what we'd do with a 'real' woman, but like everything, time passes and summer came to a close.
School the next year was a bore, as usual, but I managed to score a Honda 65 motor cycle. Wow, mobility! Tracy and I nearly wore the tires off that coming spring. One day, I had the dubious pleasure of sweeping out and straightening the garage for my dad. I'd finished and was sitting on a folding chair in the shade of the garage door, nursing a soda to cool off when Tracy ran over and told me I'd never believe what Barb and Sal were doing.
"Ok, what?" waiting for the other shoe to fall.
"I dunno what it is their doing but they call it 'witchy' and they keep running around the house, rubbing on furniture. "

Well, this I had to see first hand, so over to his house we went. Remember when I mentioned his parents were seldom home? True to daily form they were absent and not expected back til evening.

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   We walked into the living room and there were Barb and Sal rubbing their crotches along welting on the back of the sofa, evidently enjoying the texture of the heavy polyester against their panty-clad pussies. Seeing me there, they stopped and looked kind of embarrassed and turned several shades of red when I asked them just ' what ' they were doing.
Barb, never the bashful one, said "We thought up something to do. We call it Witchy. It feels SO good when we do it. "
Sally just sat there, looking at Tracy and I with the 'deer-in-the-headlights' look.

"Ladies, there are much better ways to get that same feeling and a lot more fun too" I said, looking them directly in the eye.
"How do we do that?" Barb said with a smile.
"Come into Tracy's bedroom and I'll demonstrate. "
At this point, I should elaborate that another neighbor, an eighteen year old girl had introduced me into eating pussy, ass fucking and blow jobs during the previous fall and winter, but that's a story for another time. Needless to say, if the girls were willing. I was ready to rock their world. Tracy wouldn't be a problem- just tell him what to do and he'd go at it, possibly without the finesse I'd learned, but certainly with enthusiasm.

After entering the bedroom, I told the girls to strip off. Barb jumped on the bed and did a little dance as she dropped her t-shirt, soon followed by her panties.

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   Sal was a little slower to respond, but after seeing Barb nude and hopping all over the bed, stood and within a minute, was as bare-assed as her friend. THIS is when I first got a close up look at Sal's charms. She was possibly a year more mature than Barb. Compared to Barb, she had a chest full at a B cup, whereas Barb still had mosquito stings on hers. Barb had a near featurless little slit, zero hairs and still had no ass. Sal, on the other hand, had breasts, not big - more like a third of a grapefruit, womanly hips and a bulgy little twat.
Barb chimed in and said it wasn't fair for them to be naked while we were still in our street clothes. She added that she'd never seen a 'grown man's cock' and she wanted to see mine. ( I about died here-me? with a grown man's dick?? Not likely, but who was I to burst her bubble).
I looked at Tracy and said "Strip", whereas we both got naked at about the same moment. I was hard as a steel rod at a modest 6. 5 inches ( I knew- Tracy and I had measured each other often).

Barb crawled across the bed on her knees in front of me and asked if she could hold it - who am I to refuse a lady? Putting it in her little hand, she bent her fingers around it.
"Gawd! It's so warm and hard and soft at the same time" she cried, Sal had yet to grab at Tracy but I could tell by her eye movements she was considering it.
"Go on - touch it.

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   Hold my brother's dick. Feel how nice it is. "
All this time, Barb isn't stroking me - damn, if she had been, she'd probably have gotten her first cum bath. Instead, she just kept squeezing it in her fingers. I figured we needed to get down to some serious stuff pretty quick or the show would be over, for me at least.

"Barb, lean over and just kiss it, feel how velvety it is. " Damned if she didn't do just that, kissing the helmet over and over.
"Oh Sal, you just gotta try this. I can't describe how it feels, but it's giving me tingly feelings all over!" said Barb.
As usual, Sal was a little slow getting into the act, but soon was kissing Tracy's four inch dong up and down it's length.
Ready for more stimulation, I told Barb to put it in her mouth and suck it like a popsickle. She was a little reluctant to do it, but after a moment's hesitation, took about three inches into her mouth. Her little tongue was going a mile a minute and I was about to get my nut from this little vixen waay too soon. Pulling back away from her, I told her if she kept that up much longer, the party would be over.

"Why? Doesn't it feel good? Makes me get goose bumps.

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   I've never done anything like this before but I want to do it again" she pouted.
"Oh, hon - it feels great but I don't want to cum just yet" I told her.
"What's coming?"
"Well when I guy gets around a sexy girl and starts thinking sexy thoughts, his dick gets real hard and then he shoots some white, milky stuff out. "
"Is that the stuff that makes babies? Oh, you mean semen. We learned about that in sex-ed class but I've never heard it called 'come' before. I took a minute and explained to the girls about coming and cumming. They both replied that, ok, CUM, was supposed to be in their vaginas.
Yup, I told them, right on the money, IF we planned to make babies, but the practice was oh so much better. You can practice all you want as long as neither of you has had a period yet and then there are several other ways to enjoy it without fear of getting pregnant.
"How? Tell us how to do it. "
Neither girl admitted to having a period and I looked at Sal. If anyone, she'd be the first to 'bloom'.
"Wait' ladies. . .

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  . the whole idea here was to show you better ways to get that good feeling besides rubbing on furniture. Besides, doncha think your parents would soon figure out what you were doing while they were gone once they saw all the snail tracks down the top of the couch?"
That got me a hard punch on the arm when Barb figured out the correlation between her soaked, sticky panties and the upholstery.
"Ok, wise-ass, HOW do we make this better and hide what we're doing. "

I had the girls lay side by side, but head to hips of each other. That way they could watch what we were doing to them from each other. Tracy and I had had long talks about foreplay and how I'd learned to please a woman, so whatever I did, he would mirror on Sal.
I asked them together if they'd ever touched themselves and as nearly one person, they explained that only in the shower when they washed themselves. Evidently both mothers had told each to wash their genitals well, and so they'd gotten little charges out of a washcloth on their clits.
Opening Barb as wide as I could, I could see Tracy looking up and over to see what I was doing and followed suit on Sal. Looking at Sal, I asked her if she could see this little bump at the top of Barb's slit. She nodded her head yes and Tracy was showing Barb on Sal's slit.

"Ok girls, remember from sex-ed, this is called a clitoris or clit for short and it makes girls feel very good. "
I proceeded to wet a finger with spit and stroke it along Barb's clit, every stroke making her jump and wiggle her tiny ass around.
"Is that uncomfortable, hon" I asked?
"Oh! Oh! Shit no, oh crap, I feel that all the way up to my face.

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I looked over at Sal. She had nothing to say - her eyes were rolled up in her head, so she must be enjoying it. After doing this about ten minutes, I could tell Barb was tensing up, her hips were bouncing of the bed with every stroke of my finger. Sal still had her eyes closed but she was undulating her hips as Tracy stroked her clit.
Barb was the first to get hers as she let out a big moan and arched her back. She looked like a fish out of water, gasping like she couldn't get enough air and sweat poured off her pre-pubescent body. I glanced over at Sal and she twisted her head from side to side, making unintelligible noises. From the silent one, I took this as her getting her rocks off.

We continued to rub them until Silent Sal finally said "Too much! Too sensitive!!", so Tracy and I left them in their afterglow and went into the kitchen for cold sodas.
"What do you think? I asked Tracy
"Gawd, this is the best day of my freekin life! I never thought I'd get to touch a live girl until I'd at least hit high school. "
"Welp, the day ain't over yet, Pard" I said with a wink.
Going back into Tracy's bedroom, we found the two girls sitting knees to knees, legs spread, examining the other. I suppose they wondered if both had the same equipment. Gang leader Barb looked up and asked me what else I had to show them. Taking a moment, I thought of something really wicked for my young age.



"Well, there's oral sex, but you girls are probably too young to do that!"
"Who does oral sex and what is it" asked Sal. Wow! The deaf and dumb COULD talk!
"Lots of people do oral sex. A lot of people think its normal and natural and just gets people in the mood for bigger fun and games. " I looked at Tracy with questioning eyes. He just turned kinda red and nodded his head.
"How do you do it?" Again, the dead speak.
"Well it involves putting your mouth on some one else's sex, kinda like you girls did when you kissed and licked our dicks. "
"Oh Wow, that was fun. Are we gonna do it again" asked Barb?

"Maybe a little later. You girls aren't around Tracy and I all that much and since you hang out together all the time, it's something you could do to each other. "
"Eeeewwww, that's gross. We pee through down there!" said Barb. Sal was back to her stoic self again, but her eyes were lit up.
"Tracy and I do it once in a while and we PEE through our thing!"

Barb chimed in and told us that the girls at school talked about it and told everyone it made you queer lesbians and talked about all the short-haired women around town and how they dressed like guys.

"No, it doesn't make you a lesbian, although many women prefer the company of other women over men, but that's their choice to make.

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   We do it to feel good but we still chase girls every chance we get, so that doesn't make us homo's. "
"Really? Barb and I dress and undress in front of each other all the time but we never have tried to touch each other. I think I'd be embarrassed. " said Sal. I looked at Barb - she looked at Sal and piped up " I will if you will!"

Once they both agreed to try this, they lay head to crotch with each other. I pulled Barbs bottom leg out and had Sal lay her head on it and the same with hers - that way, both girls were eye to twat with the other.
"Ok, now just lean in and lick that part that Tracy and I just played with. Real soon, you'll both feel great. "
What I hadn't figured on was the natural girl smell, along with a little pee odor coming from both. Barb and Sal could only get in smelling distance of each other. To remedy this, I had both go to the bathroom and wet a washrag and wash their twats. The little vixens, little did I know, once in there with the door closed, they cleaned each other. Coming back to the bedroom, both seemed in a better frame of mind.

Dare-devil Barb was the first to put her little lips on Sal's clit and take a tentative lick. Sal soon returned the favor and Barb's little clit began to sneak out of its hood.

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   With a little more stimulation from Barb, Sal's poked waay out, a good half inch. Within scant minutes, both girls were going at it hot and heavy. Tracy and I stood there watching them both, wondering what next trick to pull out of my hat. In less than ten minutes later, both ladies had cum hard, alternating between burying their face in the other's twat or just moaning. Pretty soon, they fell apart looking drained. I sent Tracy to the kitchen for a round of sodas while I sat between the two girls rubbing their hard little nipples. Barb's just went up like hard little BB's while Sal's areola and nipple both swelled. I noticed that Sal's great little breasts seemed to swell along with them. Pretty quickly, they had me alternating nipples and wiggling around on the bed. I wasn't sure at this point, but if past performance was any indication, whoever fucked these two young ladies had better be a rodeo rider.

Tracy came back loaded with pop and we sat around talking. Tracy, as always, didn't have a whole lot to say, but hung on every word the girls and I uttered.
"What did you think of that, ladies?" I said.
"Oh Gawd, I didn't know I could EVER feel that good. You sure it doesn't make me queer or anything?" asked Barb
"Do you feel queer? Or do you feel good?"
Looking at Sal, it was time for her to throw her hat in the ring.

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Sal just kinda sat there with a dazed look on her face, smiling.
"I don't feel queer, hell, I don't even feel embarrassed any more. What else ya got for us, Teach?"

I looked at Tracy - this was going to be either educational or a total disaster because we were getting to the down and dirty.
"Tracy - got any hand lotion?" Surely with two women in the house there had to be some somewhere.
He left to rummage around and came back with some Vaseline Intensive Care lotion. Perfect!
"Ok ladies, time for the next chapter in your education. Lie here, side by side. "
Once they were positioned, I had them lock adjoining legs around the other, splitting their crotches apart. Both lay there with eyes closed, I suppose wondering what I had in store for them next. I reached out a hand to Tracy for the lotion, then poured some into one hand and letting it warm up a little. Dipping my fingers into my palm, I lathered up the fingers on one hand and transferred a gob to the other.
"Ok ladies. From here on in you call the shots. At any point you decide you don't like what I'm doing or its too uncomfortable, just say so and I'll quit - deal?"
Barb kind of rolled over to Sal and asked WHAT she thought I'd do.
"Relax girls, this should be very pleasant to each of you, but remember my promise.


With that, both kind of snuggled together and held hands.
I put my lotion laden fingers inside the slits of both girls. At first touch, they both sort of froze up.

"Have I hurt you yet?"
"NO, but what are you going to do?"
"Lay there and enjoy. "
I started running my slick fingers from their clinched little assholes to their clits and it didn't take long for both to start hunching on my traveling fingers. I spent a little time on both nether holes, rubbing my greasy fingers around and I actually felt their little rosebuds loosen up. Hmm, that would be part of my contraceptive lessons in the near future.

After feeling them hunch and actually push their little twats up towards my hands, I figured it was time to ramp this up a notch. Letting my finger enter both love tunnels, I couldn't believe how tight it was. . . . like sucking little mouths. I fingered them until I got to feel their cherries. Barb's was very close to her opening while Sal's was slightly farther back, first knuckle back because of her thicker lips.

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   I'd never fingered a virgin before so I was kind of perplexed as to the intricacies of the female anatomy. The neighbor I'd been fucking had no such obstruction and depending on her state of mind, was tight as hell or big as a house. I was aware that virgins had a membrane over their openings and what it was for, but feeling it and book knowledge being two different concepts.

I gently prodded both inner walls and low and behold, both had an opening in them. Making sure I was still greasy, I slid a finger into both twats to my hand. Looking up, Barb was in another world while Sal looked to be in a little pain.
"Sal, am I hurting you? I'll stop. "
"It's not a big hurt, kind of like a little stinging. It feels good when you touch me down there. I'll be ok. "
"You're sure?"
"Damn it, How would I know, I've never done this before" she said. I noticed her looking at Barb whom I've yet to cease fingering. Barb must have sensed her looking because she just turned her head to Sal and told her it felt wonderful. I looked at Sal again with raised eyebrows. She got the message and nodded her head.

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Ok, with approval from both, I finger fucked them for at least ten or fifteen minutes and soon had them squirming on my fingers, any pain forgotten.

After getting both girls off, I looked at Tracy and asked him if he could do it and be as gentle as I had. Never having done this, he was a little sheepish but game to try.
"Ok ladies, Tracy is gonna try this out. It's his first time too, so let him know if it makes you uncomfortable. Tracy then lathered up his hands and inserted them into both love holes. He looked up at me astonished and said:
"Damn, I never knew girls were this tight. I can barely move my fingers around. "
"Well, enjoy it while you can because they won't always be that way. " I said this relying on my experiences with the neighbor and the locker room talk from school.

Tracy fingered them both to climax and I could tell the girls were getting pooped again. When he'd withdrawn his fingers, I bent down and licked their little nipples and kissed them on the mouth. Barb took all this in stride, but Sal looked like she was going to swoon. The girls got up and went to the bathroom, I suppose to swap experiences and just giggle. I pulled on my cutoffs and donned my t-shirt and went out in back to smoke.

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   Tracy soon joined me and was buzzing with excitement. Wow! to have a hot sister like that AND her girlfriend. {I could see wheels turning in his head, so it was time to play Big Brother.

"Tracy, yer my bud and I love ya like a brother, but please don't try to fuck Barb, she's your sister for God's sake. It's bad enough what we did today but at least I felt like I was in control. "
"Why can't I fuck Barb? She enjoyed everything we did. She was even the first to try a lot of those things. "
I could tell Tracy was in a predicament. Hot sister, willing to do just about anything that felt good and both were alone ALL DAY LONG. At the time I didn't know any better about genetics, that brother and sister could mate and have normal offspring, BUT Tracy was fourteen and Barb thirteen. Barb could start her periods any day. What would he do if he knocked up his thirteen year old sister, huh? How would he take care of them. I told him his dad and mom may be drunks but that doesn't mean either would have any qualms about castrating his young ass. He finally got the point.
"What about Sal" he asked?
"About the same thing applies, dude.

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   She has parents and two older, very mean brothers. . . . wanna take the chance of knocking her up AND getting the crap beat out of you, THEN castrated?"
I thought he was gonna start bawling.

The girls were back in the bedroom, heads together giggling like mad. Barb looks at me and with a serious gleam in her eye says:
"Are you two gonna fuck us or what?"
"Wow, dunno, do you want us to?"
"You got both of us so turned on, we want more, we want to be real women. "
"Little darlins, you are real women. A lot of girls never get to feel all this until they are way into high school and some, not even until they hit college. "
"But we are both sooo horny now, you can't just like, STOP!"
In my head I could hear the police sirens blaring up to my front door if any of this ever got out. Even at that young age, I was not prepared to be someone named Bubba's bitch inside the slammer.

"Girls, neither Tracy nor I are gonna take your cherries. IF and I say IF you want to go all the way, you'll have to help yourself. "
"And how do we go about that" asked Sal.
"Tracy, yer old man still have that junk drawer full of tools and candles and stuff?"
"Yeah, so what?"
"Got grab me a couple of tapers and a couple of thick candle stubs about 6" long.

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He looked at me a while and trudged off to get what I wanted.

Back in his bedroom, I laid out the tapers and the stubs by each girl.
"Ok, here's what you need to do. Pick up a taper (these were maybe 1/2" thick at the small ends and tapered up to 1" near the bases), Grease them up good with lotion and put them in your twats. You may have to poke around gently until you find the hole in your hymen, but once you find it, ease it into you like I did my finger. Once you feel comfortable with the fit, try going down farther on the candle where it's thicker. We'll check on you in a little bit. " I grabbed the stubs and pulled Tracy outside.
"What's with the stubs? I know what they're doing with the tapers, it's gonna stretch them out isn't it. "
"Yup and if they're lucky, it'll take their hymens with it. . . . no mess and we weren't really the ones taking their cherries. "

"Wicked!" he said smiling.

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   "But what about the stubs?"
Pulling out my Zippo, I proceeded to melt the ends down so they were smooth and somewhat rounded. When I finished, I had two 6" dildos at least as thick as we were at the time. It didn't take long for the light to go on in Tracy's eyes. . . . . all he could say was 'Wicked!"
After about a 18 minute interlude, we walked back into the bedroom. Both girls were flat on their back, pistoning the tapers into their virgin cunts. I looked and no blood. I'd always heard girls bled when their cherry broke. Maybe they weren't stretching the membrane far enough.

"How we doing ladies?"
"Oh wow, this feels great. It felt kinda stingy at first but we're way past that now. See how easy it slides in?" Yeah, so easy it was making my mouth water.


I had them remove the tapers and handed them each a stub, telling them to grease these up and try some more. Tracy and I leaned against the wall behind us and watched as the girls eased the stubs into their now semi-virgin twats. Both had a mixture of looks on their faces- from an occasional grimace to a sleepy smile until they had the stubs sliding in and out with ease. This time, there was a little blood.
"Damn- that felt good. . . are you gonna fuck us now?" asked Barb
"Not just yet, hon. I need to run next door and get a couple things. Be right back. " I took off out the door like a shot.

Going back into my room, I hit my stash of condoms. Hell, every normal 18 yr old has at least one somewhere. I had gotten brave after pronging the neighbor girl and bought a whole box and kept it hidden among my baseball card bundles. Out the door I raced again, glad my mother didn't think to even ask where I was headed, when I'd be back.

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  . . the usual parent crap.
I went back inside Tracy's and the girls had the stubs in their pussies again, sliding them in and out with blissful looks on their faces. I handed a couple of condoms to Tracy and grabbed two for myself.

"Ok girls, here is where we get down, but first, both of you have to promise this goes no farther than these walls. I mean it. Tracy and I would go to jail in a heartbeat and both of you would probably end up in foster homes. I don't want to see either of those things happen but I'm not taking the chance if you're gonna act like little kids and blab about this at school. . . . not even to another 'best friend'. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"
Both girls were silent a while and soon went into the bathroom. Everything was deathly quiet for a minute or two before the giggling started.

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   I just hoped I wasn't making a major mistake in my life, but they say a hard dick has no conscience. . . . . possibly people are correct on this point.

The girls came out and Barb walked up to me, Sal walking up to Tracy and Barbed looked me in the eye.
"We promise. We don't want any of us to get in trouble. Just promise us that we can do this again and you won't treat us like little girls anymore. "
Party Time!!!
I pushed Barb back onto the bed and Tracy followed suit. I opened the condom pack and started to roll it over my already stiff dick. A thought occurred - why should I have all the fun? Barb was watching my actions like I was getting ready to perform some kind of magic trick. I had only started to roll down the rubber, instead, rolled it back up and handed it to her. Both Sal and Tracy were giving this show their rapt attention.

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"What's this thing for? What am I supposed to do with it?"
"You saw what I started doing. . . this is to keep my baby making juice trapped so we don't have any kind of 'accident'. I'd strongly suggest that anytime you feel the need to stick a man's dick in your pussy, you do the same thing. It's also good to stop the spread of disease. Now, just put it on the tip of my dick and roll it all the way down. " Thankfully, this was before the AIDS scare. Clap was the most common thing but I was clean and I knew Tracy was. Barb and Sal were no-brainers, but good habits stay with you. Barb rolled it down my hard shaft like she'd done it a hundred times, sitting back on her heels with a pleased smile on her face.

"Did I do it right?"
"Just fine, little lover, just fine. " Barbs eyebrows shot up at this remark, but she didn't elaborate.
"Now what do we do?"
I looked over and checked Tracy. Sal had rolled it down but the reservoir at the end was down on the side of his helmet.


  . . . not a good idea. I showed the two of them how it should fit and they adjusted it again.
"What's the little thingy at the end for?" said Sal.
It give the cum a place to go, rather than all down the inside of it. You don't wanna take the chance of even one sperm getting to one of your eggs. Real smart people figured this all out a while ago and now nearly all rubbers have it. It also keeps our dicks dry to help keep the condom on, rather than sliding off when you really don't want it to. " Satisfied with the answer both girls were on their knees now.

"What we need you two to do is lay back and spread your legs as wide as you can. " That part was easy. Barb nearly put herself into the splits while Sal just spread her feet and knees shoulder wide. Tracy knew about fucking, at least as far as the time he fucked me, so the mechanics of it weren't all that foreign to him.

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I eased up between Barbs outstretched legs and supported my weight on knees and elbows. I leaned down and gave her what I thought was going to be a soft kiss. Hell, was I surprised! As soon as our lips met, this little girl opened her mouth and played dueling tongues with mine. I pulled back after 18 or 20 seconds and looked at her.

"Where the hell did you learn that?" Shocked.
"I told ya we weren't 'little' girls anymore. "
With that, I kissed her again, tasting the sweet mouth that only a 18 yr old has. I started nibbling down her neck and she had a fit of giggles and the squirms. I propped up on my elbows again and just gave her the hard eye.
"Ok, I know that was childish, I promise I won't do it again, although I don't promise not to giggle. It's the first time anyone has ever done that to me. It feels wonderful but it still tickles. It tickles clear down to my little pussy. Please don't stop. "

I resumed my path of kisses down her neck and she did TRY to keep from squirming.

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   I suppose it goes with the territory. I got to her already stiff little nipples and sucked them into my mouth. By this point, the giggles were far behind and she was squirming, pushing her little chest up into my face. I let go of one nipple and turned to the other, sucking as much of her little breast and chest up into my mouth as possible. Her hands went to my head and she pulled my head harder into her. Hmm, must like this. . . . . a lot!

Traveling further down, I took a dip into her belly button and the giggles began again. I just looked up into her eyes from my position on her belly and she stopped immediately. I let my tongue travel further south until I reached the top of her slit. Already her little nubbin was peeking out of its hiding place so I obliged by sucking it between my lips. Her back arched and she started breathing heavy.

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   Wow, this little lady was hot! I slid farther down until i was eye level with her slit and opened her up with my fingers. I could see moisture pooling up near the bottom and I hated to waste it. Lapping it up and making a path with my tongue from her puckered little anus to her clit, I gave her the best tongue washing I could produce. By this time, I'm having to hold her bucking little hips down to keep me from losing my little nectar patch. Her knees had my head trapped and for a little girl, she was about to crush my skull. I tongued her until it was obvious she'd gone into an orgasm. I propped up to look at her. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing like a bellows. Makes a guy feel good to know he's doing a good job. I looked over at Sal and Tracy. He hadn't taken the scenic tour like i had and was plowing his hips into her like no tomorrow. Sal, on her part was meeting him thrust for thrust. I had my own hot little number to deal with.

Barb leaned her head up and said "Fuck me now!"
Who am I to deny such a shy request.
Easing back up until I was in position over her, I told her to reach down and put it where she'd slid the candle earlier.

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   I could feel her nervous little fingers grab hold of me and put me right at the base of her opening.
"Hon, rub it up and down your slit a little, get it wet. "
No problem on that, she rubbed it down, over her asshole, which made her jump and squirm a little until she found her clit on the upstroke. She rubbed it over and over her little nub and I thought if she kept this up, it would soon be all over. I pushed her hand down and let her guide me into a warm, slick tunnel. I looked down on her and asked her if she was sure this was what she wanted. She just stared into my eyes and nodded her head.

Slipping slowly inside this tight little body, I let maybe an inch slip inside. I was already past where her hymen used to be. I felt her jump a little and asked if she was ok.
"Are you gonna fuck me or just think about it?" Again, who am I to turn down a demure request.
I eased in, inch by inch until I bottomed out about 4" in. I figured I was against her cervix and that was the end of this road. I could feel her vaginal walls pulsating around my stiff dick. Looking back now, I wonder if her pussy was relaxing around me or feeling this intruder out.

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   I pulled out a couple of inches and slid in again, doing this slowly for maybe 5 minutes when she started pushing back at me, hunching her little pussy up as if to capture more of my hard dick. I looked down at her again and she went from eyes rolled back to lustfully staring right back at me. I couldn't resist.

"Feel good?"
"You fucker, you big fucker. Is this how you fuck? I need it harder, fill me up. "
As the lady wishes, I pulled out and slowly pushed in until I felt something inside her move out of the way. I didn't know a cervix could move, but whatever it was let me bury the whole thing in up to my balls. Pulling back a few inches, I eased it into her again. She began to buck up into each of my gentle thrusts, turning them into hammering blows. I figured if that's what trips her trigger, who was I to argue. Pulling out until only the tip remained in the wet little pussy, I slammed it in. I thought this would cool her ardor a bit but she began to buck so hard it was all I could do to stay in the saddle and stay plugged in. And plugged in I was, buried to the root and digging my feet into the bed to get more traction. Who da thunk a little 80 lb girl could move my 180 lb. body around like I weighed next to nothing.

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Barb started moaning and then the moan turned into a scream as she hit her peak. I grabbed a pillow and crammed it into her mouth to keep the neighbors from investigating who was being slowly dismembered. After what seemed like long minutes, she quieted and her hips quit bucking. She just ground her ass around on the bed a little while, then stretched.
"Gawd, if I knew fucking was this good, why didn't you do it a long time ago?"
"Hon, you weren't ready then. The whole 'Witchy' thing showed you were at least aware of your body. You just need to learn how to tune in to it. "
Sal and Tracy were just laying there quietly. I never checked them. They were apparently sleeping. Barb told me to get dressed and come with her.

I got dressed, at least in my cutoffs & shirt, Barb pulled on her panties and top and led me into the garage.
"What's this all about, sweet thing?" I asked.
She pulled me down and kissed me like an 18 yr old, swabbing my tonsils with her sharp little tongue.
"I've wanted you to kiss me for the longest time, but you never paid attention to me.


  . . . ever!"
"Well" I said in my own defense, "You never hinted you WANTED me to kiss you, so there. "
"Sal and I have dreamed about it, thought about it, schemed about it for more than a year and finally today it happens. " She looked kinda downcast so I put my hand under her chin and lifted it up to look in her eyes.
"What's bothering you, babe? If you didn't wanna fuck, you shoulda said something. "

"It's not THAT, stupid. Sal and I have been dreaming about what real fucking would be like for the last couple of years, but that's not the problem. "
"Well, if you don't tell me, I'll never know what's bothering you. "
"Sal has had the biggest crush on you, ever since the day you walked into the bathroom at the cabin when she was changing clothes. She LOVES you and you had Tracy be her first. "

Wow! sensory overload. She'd just dropped a bombshell on me.
"Wait a sec.

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   I vaguely remember walking in on her but I honestly don't remember actually SEEING anything. You guys were just a couple of little girls then. "
That got me another hard punch on the arm.
"We might be younger, but that doesn't mean we don't have feelings!"
"Ok, so what do I do? I can't 'take back' fucking your hot little pussy. I have to say, it's the best I ever had. You know I've been putting the pole to the neighbor girl but she isn't near as sexy as you are, and that's the truth. "

"You remember earlier when you called me lover?"
Trying to remember pillow talk is hell.
"Uh huh" I said as non-commital as possible.
"I think you broke Sal's heart. You're all she talks about and then you fuck me and call me lover. But I guess it's not your fault, you didn't know. "
"Ok, so what do I do? Listen, lemme tell you something. I have some kind of thing about letting Tracy fuck you. Not because I'm jealous, but because he's your brother. I wouldn't want anything to happen to such a cute little lady.

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   I can't be around you two 24/7 but promise me no vaginal intercourse with him, at least until you're way older. Can you do that?"
"My first time fucking and you put limits on it. What am I supposed to do for fun then? Wait, what did you mean by VAGINAL intercourse?"
"I meant, there are other pleasurable ways to fuck that won't let his baby makers into your sweet little womb. "
"So, how then?"
"Anal intercourse"

"You mean take his dick in my poop shute? Gross! Besides, sometimes when I poop a big one, it hurts. Why would I want his thick dick up my ass? He's thicker than you are. Now you - I wouldn't mind trying with. You're longer but thinner than he is. "
"Babe, I know just what you mean. I've had Tracy's dick in my own ass and it's something you have to relax and get used to, but it only takes 30 seconds or so. At least with me. I love something in my ass. I'm not gay, but if it feels good, do it. If it feels that good, do it more. "
Barb rolled this around in her head a little. I think I could hear the gears rattle.

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   She finally smiled and looked at me.

"You're gonna take Sal's anal cherry. That way, at least there's some 'first' the two of you could do. C'mon, let's wake those two duds up. " With that, she rushed off into the house, with me bringing up drag, wondering just how the hell this was going to play out.
Barb shook Sal and drug her into the bathroom. For a good 20 minutes all I heard from the whole conversation is:
"You told him WHAT!!!"
After coming back in, Tracy was beat, fucked out, on overload and sleeping soundly. Me? Just getting my 2nd wind.

Sal got on the bed in front of me with a hangdog look in her eyes, just staring at my dick. I pulled her chin up and looked her in the eyes.
"I hear there's something you've been wanting to tell me. " I smiled at her. She began to sob so I took her hand and led her off the bed and out into the garage.
"Ok, now tell me what's on your mind, pretty girl. "
Her shoulders started to shake and I could hear her sob, quietly, but sobbing none the less.



"I've been in love with you for so long and you never give me a second look and TODAY, today of all days, you fuck my best friend right in front of me. Tracy's ok, he's nice and he's considerate but he isn't the one I want. "
"Darling, all you'd needed to do was drop a hint or two, maybe even a few broad hints but until today, I've never thought about you or Barb as anything but girls. What girl would be interested in an old fart like me?" I'd already figured out the term 'little girl' was definitely a trigger word with these two.

"Did you just call me darling? Did you mean it or was it just something to say?"
"Baby Doll, let me tell you something and if you repeat it to Barb, you'll not only hurt her feelings but I won't talk to you ever again. . . . understand?"
She nodded but acted like whatever I was about to say would be the last thing she wanted.
"You are way more mature than Barb. She's sweet, she's aggressive and she fucks like a mink, but you are still way ahead of her in looks. You've got boobs, a sweet looking ass, legs that look good from the ground to where they grow together. You just never tipped your hand to me that you were attracted, Doll. How was I supposed to know?"
She started blushing and I could tell she had something she wanted to get out. I waited but she held back.

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"Like now - I can tell there's something on your mind but you dummy up. Hell for the longest time, I thought you were a mute. You never talk when I'm around. "
"When you're close I just clam up. There's so much I want to say to you but you'll think I'm a stupid little kid. "
"I'll listen to anything you want to say, but you DO have to say it. "
"I wanted you to fuck me, I wanted you to be my first and now that's all gone away. I've got nothing to give you to show you how much I love you. " With this, she started to outright crying.

"Oh hon, like I told you both when we got down to it, this was a point of no return. Lemme explain something to you. " I went through the whole rigamarole about the incest thing with Tracy and Barb.
"I would have made love to you first in a heartbeat if it weren't for that and if you'd given me the least little sign, Hell, I'd have sent Tracy off somewhere and done you both if that's what you'd wanted. " I would have actually hated to cheat Tracy out of his first real fuck, but there were other considerations.
"You mean you care about me, even just a little? What do I have that you want that you can be my first?"

"Darlin, I think you are beautiful, sexy and way grown up past your young years.

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  . . . what's not to like?" I hugged her to me and she clung like a leech.
"As for what you have that would be a first, there's always your anal cherry. "
"You mean I have a hymen in my butt?" After all, she is only thirteen even if she's close to her 14th birthday.
"No, silly, I mean like someone poking a dick in your cunt the first time, that gets your cherry. Hell, you could have lost the hymen in a bike accident or in gymnastics. . . it's the dick that counts. Besides, when I think about it, you have at least one other cherry. "
"I don't have that many openings for something the size of a cock. " she thought about it a minute.

"You mean my mouth? I put Tracy's dick in my mouth, so that's out.

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"No you pretty thing, yes, you put his dick in your mouth, did he cum? Did you swallow it?"
"No, I just put it in and sucked on it a little like Barb did. Does that mean my mouth is cherry too?" she started bouncing up and down, smiling as she went.
"Yeppers, still cherry and waiting for her first dick. "
"Oh, pleeaase, take my other cherries, let me give you something no one else has ever had. "
"You sure? This is like the other thing - once we start there's no going back. Anal will hurt just a little at first then it gets better. Would you please do me the honor of allowing me to pluck those remaining cherries of yours?"
"I'll kill you if you don't then die as a wretched old maid, so get moving. "

Sal led me into the house by the hand. Anyone looking in a window would have seen a naked young lady leading someone half again her size into the room. Sal was determined to give me whatever 'cherries' she had left to give to prove her love for me. I never asked for them, this was her whole deal. Tracy was still out of it. I guess the poor kid had put his all into the previous session. Hell, let the kid sleep. Barb, Sal's best friend and the instigator of the whole deal was showering, knowing her best friend had finally 'fessed' up to her feelings for me and waiting for us to do the dirty deed.

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Sal led me to Barb's bedroom and threw herself down on the bed, legs spread in a wanton invitation. Who was I to turn down something this tempting.
"Please make love to me. Do it better than Tracy and make me your girl. I wanna be your woman in any way possible and you did promise to take my other two cherries, so get busy!" Wow, tells me she loves me and now she's a pushy little thing. I knelt between her sweet thighs and put my tongue straight into her waiting little twat.

"Oh, oh, do me, do me all over. Tracy just licked around a little but I saw how you drove Barb crazy. I want it all. "
So, being the kind person I am, I licked her from her puckered little asshole to the top of her bulging, wet slit, circling her nubbin that poked at least 1/2" out from it's hood. Every pass over her clit made her bounce off the bed and she grabbed me by the ears and held my head just where she wanted it. I bet it didn't take a minute until she got her rocks off the first time. As she fell into a limbless state, I moved down and began to tongue her ass, rubbing wet circles around it until I felt it relax. Swiping a wad of girl goo from her gushing pussy, I rubbed that around her pucker until it was very slick. Pushing her knees up to her chest, I had a clear path to her little rosebud.

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   I pushed a finger in her butt to the first knuckle then waited to feel her response. She squirmed around a moment, then relaxed her grip on my digit. My entire finger was slick with spit and her juices so I eased in to the second knuckle and once she relaxed again, started to twist it around, ever loosening it. Soon, I was able to introduce a second finger, both going in all the way to my hand. I looked up at her and asked if she was ok. She just gave me a dreamy smile as an answer. I pulled out my fingers and crawled up her body, stopping to suckle her B breasts with their large nipples. Moaning, she clutched my head to her chest and pushed her breasts up to me.

"Oh, suck them, suck my titties, suck them hard!"
I released the one I was on and moved to the other, sucking as much of her tit-flesh into my mouth as possible. This just drove her up the wall! I could not believe it, the girl had an orgasm from me sucking her tits.
Moving upwards, I put my lips against hers and felt her tongue pushing back at mine. She sucked it into her mouth and rolled her own around it. I pulled back a little and began to suck and bite on her lower lip. This made her moan some more so she evidently liked it. Pushing up on my elbows, I looked her in the eyes.

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"How are you doing, beautiful?"

"Why did you stop down there? I thought you were going to take my little ass for the first time," frowning.
"I plan to but my cock needs to be clean for what I have in mind now. "
"You mean my mouth cherry?"
"You got it. " I shoved up in the bed until my crotch was at head level to her.
"Just pick it up and put in your lovely little mouth. . . . . that's the way. . . . suck on it like it was a pop sickle. .


  . oh yeah, that feels so good!"
I watched her work it into her mouth, rolling her tongue around it, little cheeks sucked in with effort.

"You don't have try to suck my cum out. It'll show up all on it's own in due time, just keep doing what you're doing. "
She rolled me over onto my back and leaned over me, bobbing her head up and down. I put my hand behind her neck and sort of pushed her further down on me. She took it completely to the back of her throat and started to gag. I pulled her off and kissed her then told her to just let it slide down, swallow and breath through her nose. So, slide she did and soon I felt it make the bend of her throat and continue downward until the hair around my dick tickled her nose. I pulled her head up a little and eased it down again, setting up a rhythm. Soon, she got that down pat and was actually deep throating me her first try. No one had ever done that to me before and I could feel the cum boiling up in my nuts.
"Darling, I'm going to cum really quick. either swallow it or spit it out. You're doing wonderful.

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I think she could feel the pressure of my cock swelling in her throat but made no move to pull off of it or pull back. I held her head while gushers of thick cum splashed down her throat. She gagged a little but held it all in until I started to go soft.
She sat up and kind of licked her lips and smiled.

"That's one cherry down! I loved it. I could feel you swell up and I knew something was going to happen. Did I do it right, did it feel good?"
"My little love, that was the best feeling ever. Gawd, I love the way you sucked me right down, just like you'd always been doing it and I love you just FOR doing it. "
She began to tear up and I wondered if I'd done something wrong, but the way she clung to me told me I'd done everything right, for once.
"How's your throat hon? Did I hurt you? I'd never want to do anything that hurt you, you know that, doncha?"

"It's a little sore but I think that's from where I tried to force it down. It just seemed to be the thing to do, getting you as deep in my mouth as possible. "
"Baby Doll if were any better, I think I'd had a heart attack. I love the way you got into it. " Some people are born cocksuckers and this little lady was one of them and the best thing is, she was mine!
We snuggled for a while, me rubbing her back and stroking through her short brown hair while she tickled my chest and ran her fingers through the hair around my cock.

We rested and after a while, she looked up at me and said:
"Are you going to take my other cherry now? I liked what you were doing before so I think I'm going to enjoy the real thing.

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  " She leaned up and kissed me again and pushed me down her lithe body.
"Baby, we are going to need something to grease up with. You remember what happened to the hand lotion?" She thought a second and leaped up to run into the other bedroom. When she returned, she had the bottle of lotion in her hand.
"Was Tracy still asleep?"
"Yes and Barb is curled up next to him. " I'm going to really worry about those two for a while. Barb probably wouldn't take no for an answer and I don't think Tracy would turn her down anyway. Not my problem at the moment.

I told Sal to get on her knees and put her head down on the bed. I spread her knees as wide as possible, looking at that sweet ass poking up in the air, waiting to be filled.
I dribbled lotion down Sal's ass crack and dammed it up right below her pucker. Taking a finger, I swirled it through the lotion and started rubbing circles around her little puckered ring until it softened up. Lubing a finger, it slid in to the first joint with very little resistance, so dipping a second finger, it slid in with only a slight push. Soon, I had both fingers in up to my hand and moved them around trying to get her as relaxed as possible. When I thought she was loose enough, I leaned over her back to whisper in her ear if she was ready to go through with this.

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"I'm ready" she said hesitantly, "just be slow and let me get used to it. "
Getting into position behind her, I rolled my dick around in the remaining lotion, getting it pretty well covered. Placing the head at her tiny pucker, I moved it up and down a little and her tight ring seemed to grab at it. Slowly I pushed and the head popped in. I waited, feeling her tense up a little, then relax.

"How does it feel, baby?"
"How much of your dick is in me?" she asked, "I feel full and feel like I need to shit at the same time. " I knew the feeling well.
"We're just getting started hon. Want me to quit?"
"No, damn it, do it. I want to really feel what it's like. "
Needing no further prodding, I eased another inch or so inside her tight ass. No complaints, no spasms, so I slid in to the hilt.
"Oh God, I feel like I'm going to explode. You are so deep inside me. Just stay there for a little bit, ok?"

"No problem.


  " I eased back a little, getting my lower belly off her rump. Pretty soon I felt her humping back against me, pushing my hard tool deep inside her young body. She's feeling good now, I bet. I started to ease it in and out of her tight ass, pulling out until only the head remained locked within her puckered tan asshole. I pushed in until I hit bottom and she ground her ass against my pubes. Soon, I began pounding into her and she started moaning and moving her ass back to meet every one of my thrusts. After 18 minutes or so of this, I could feel the cum churning at the base of my nuts again and leaned over her back, asking her if she was ready for a load of my hot cum in her bowels. She moaned again and tossed her head like a racehorse at the starting gate. Suddenly I knew there was no more holding back and I shoved it in her until I thought I'd crawl inside her bowel and blasted shot after shot of hot cum deep within her. She screamed and shouted "Don't stop, don't stop. . . I'm cumminggggg. " I held my dick in her, trying to cram more of it into her until she fell limp and my soft dick plopped out. Her little tan ring stayed open enough for me to see what she actually looked like within her bowel.

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   It looked so sweet, I planted my tongue as deep in her ass as it would go. Eventually, it closed down around my tongue and I let it slip out.

Crawling up her body, I pulled her to me and held her close, stroking her hair.
"You got it, you got all of me I had to give you. I hope it was enough. " I could tell although sated, she still felt a little insecure as I hadn't gotten ALL of her the first time.
"My sweet little love. You gave me more than most grown women would have and I love you for it. Tell me sweet thing. Since you and Barb hatched this plan out, where are you going with it?"
"I don't know. I never thought it would even get to this point. I just know I've wanted you and wanted your arms around me like this for nearly two years. Now your finally mine. "

"Babe, I am yours now. I don't want to make you mad but you know I've been fooling around with the neighbor girl on the corner but she's nothing compared to you.

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   Besides, I'm just a passing fad for her until she goes back home at the end of summer. That part was fine but I don't mean anything to her and she means nothing to me. I wish the hell you'd have said something earlier. Think of all the time we've wasted. "

"I know. It was me. I just got so scared to say anything to you for fear you'd make fun of me or worse, ignore me like you've done the last two years. Do you remember that day you walked in on me changing clothes? You scared hell out of me at first, then I wanted you to look at me. I even paraded around in the tiniest bathing suit I had, even trying on Barb's who is like 3 sizes smaller than me just so you could see my body. I get goose bumps every time you looked in my direction. then I just clam up. While I'm finally getting this out, I may as well tell you all of it. When we'd all go to the lake and swim, I'd pull my bottoms off, hoping you'd get close and I could brush up against you and let you know I was naked under the water, but you didn't ever get close enough to me. Ya know what? I never quit trying though. At night, Barb and I would sneak out and we'd watch you guys beneath the bottom of the curtains you put up.

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   Boys! You don't know anything about curtains. They have to fall BELOW the window to keep people from peeking and peek we did. We watched about everything you and Tracy did and all I wished that it was me in there with you. "

Wow! this is the most I've heard this girl talk in the two years I've known her.
"While we're on the subject of the lake, tell me - do weird things happen in the main cabin?"
"You mean after dark when everyone is tanked up? Oh yeah, creepy things. Tracy's mom will start taking off her clothes and she dances nude with whoever is sober enough to stand up. Last year, she and his dad tried to get both of us to dance around for them. I think her mom actually fucks whatever guys are visiting for the weekend. For a long time, I thought they slept on the couch and got up before we did, but last year when we started spying on you and Tracy, we'd sneak out after midnight and no one was in the living room. That meant they all had to be in her mom's bedroom. If we came in early in the day when they'd just started drinking, her dad and some of the visitors kept trying to get us to sit on their laps. We'd stay with you guys as long as possible and only go to Barb's room when everyone was drunk. We were afraid to sleep for fear one of them would come in the room with us. That was one of the reasons we snuck out. "

"You poor kid, why didn't you at least tell one of us.

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   I wasn't really paying attention to you as a woman then, but I'd have let you share a bunk with us. . . way better than staying up because you're scared. "
"Listen to me. If I'd have done that, I don't know what I would have tried after you fell asleep. I'd have proved to you I wasn't just a little girl any more. "
"So summer is here and we'll be headed for the lake. I think this year, since I'm so 'old and responsible' , Tracy's mom & dad will probably leave us out there all week long. His dad still has to work through the week, I have no clue what Barb's mom does all day, except she's never home. I would bet we will pretty much have the place to ourselves except on the weekends. "
"So what will you do with two little girls all week?"

"Make sure they get bedded properly, I mean bedded down properly"
With this, she broke into a spasm of giggling. Since she was in a happy mood now, I couldn't resist it, so I dug my fingers into her ribs and armpits. Wrong move. .

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  . she wet her pants from laughing so hard. Oh well, I carried her into the shower and we washed off the pee and all the dried cum sticking to her body. I let her soap up my dick and nuts. . . she just had a ball doing that, telling me she'd never spent so much time holding a dick in her hands.
I knew I'd have to do something about Barb and Tracy, since I'd obviously made a choice. Should I just turn a blind eye and let the two of them go at it?

What to do, what to do. There were actually not that many people who stayed at the lake all summer. Crap! Tracy and I had tried romancing the weekend visitors (female) until we were just plain frustrated. The girls were either too young or too old. I would have better luck, but where would that leave Tracy? Time will tell what this summer's crop of tourists would have to offer.

Sure enough, the next Thursday, Tracy's dad came over and asked me if I was still up for an exciting summer at the lake. He wanted me to do some more repairs, for which he'd pay me a fair wage plus my room and board to watch his 'kids' while his wife and himself were in town all week.

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   He assured me they'd both be there every weekend so it wasn't like I'd be trapped there with the young'uns all the time. Damn guy, get a clue. I suppose in his alcoholic fog I looked like the best choice to keep the 'kids' out of their hair and a lid on their activities. I told him sure, I'd do the work and watch Tracy and Barb and whoever all summer. Slapping me on the back, he told me to stop by his store Friday and pick up grocery and gas money for the coming weekend. The motorcycle had gone the way as a trade-in on a 2 year old Mustang hard top.

Friday arrived and the four of us drove to Tracy's dad's store. His dad gave me a couple of blank checks and $50 cash. As we were making out a grocery list, he asked if I'd mind hauling up a box for him and put it in the main cabin when we got there. I opened my trunk and he loaded it in, slapping me on the back and telling me what a responsible young man I was. Finally, we were off to the cabin, by our horny little selves, with no parental unit snooping. When we'd made the 40 mile trip, we opened the cabins for the first time since last fall and let them air out. I asked the girls if they needed to open their bedroom windows and they told me they wouldn't be sleeping there, so why bother. I opened the trunk a grabbed the box Tracy's dad put in there - CRAP! it was heavy. After toting it in the cabin, I set it on the dining room table and just kinda opened it.


   24 bottles of booze of about every flavor. I guess the parental units would be off to a typical summer

The girls and Tracy hauled our bags into the caboose. The girls immediately started fussing with our 'guy' stuff, arranging it so it suited THEM. Damn, at least my own mom left my crap alone as long as it wasn't scattered all over the floor. Thinking to myself, it was time to sort out the Tracy/Barb situation.
I told the girls to take a walk down to the local store and grab as much pop as they could carry and gave Barb a $20. Sitting on one of our built-in couches I asked Tracy what his plans were.

"I wanna try and get with one of the tourists this year. Having our own cabin and no parents oughta make it easy. "
"So, you're ok with me and Sal?"
"Sure", he said.
"What about Barb? You know she's gonna be climbing the walls if I have Sal and you have one of the beach bunnies. "
"Hmm, I don't know - you told me not to touch her, so I mean, I have to find someone. "
I could sympathize with his problem. It wasn't like I hadn't thought about it at all the last couple of weeks.

"Look, I warned you not to fuck her ma.

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