'Number of abortions rise in Gujarat a couple of months after Navratri' A statement made by Gujarat state's women & child welfare Minister comes in India's leading newspapers during Navratri season. The entire Gujarat wasagog with celebrations all over. Why Gujarat,every part of India celebrated Navrathri in their own way. Durga Pooja in West Bengal is theirnational festival. In Tamil Nadu they displayKolu in each home. In Andhra, Karnataka and in Kerala, all nine days and nights are full of cultural celebrations. Butin Gujarat it is something special. All the girlscome out in the streets to sing and dance. Itemslike Garba, Ras are famous. Girls especially teen age girls and women intheir twenties and thirties move around tovarious dance sites and participate. This goes onfor the whole night. Nobody can keep a watchon any girl to know where she is going and what she is doing. Immediately after Navrathri, hundreds of teenage abortions are done privately in hospitals. Some husbands and parents even engageprivate detectives to know whether these girls/ women go astray in the name of garba dance. Most of them do go astray, but they enjoy life. They may have sex with boy friends, withbosses, colleagues, or even servants, orstrangers.
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Most of them do have sex. I came toknow that girls even boast about the number ofpeople they had sex with during the navrathri. Once I happened to be in Mumbai on my way toDelhi and for overnight stay I went to a hotelwhich was in a gujarati locality. I just forgotthat it was Navrathri and a great surprise wasin store for me. I had to cat the early morningflight and hence I went to bed very early so that I may a few winks of sleep. Suddenly at 10pm Ihad loud sounds of drum beatings and I sprang in may bed wondering what happened. I came outand saw the preparations for the dance. Theywere forming groups and singers were gettingready and drummer was just beating the drum to attract attentionand to call people to come. Then the songstarted and the dance also started. It was awonderful spectacle. I thought let me just watch it becaue this kind of visuals are rarelyavailable. Very beautiful young girls, with cheerful faceswere dancing with sticks in their hands in arhythm. I just stood at the gate and watched. Ijust waved at some of the very nice girls andthrew flying kisses at them.
Two or three girlswere thrilled and responded enthusiastically.
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It was a slow number and it took more than anhour to complete. When it was over new groupswere being formed. Suddenly one of the girlswho responded to my flying kiss came runningand asked me in gujarathi something which Icould not understand. I asked her in hindi what she wants. She askedwhether I stay in this hotel, I said yes, can Icome to your room for some water, she asked,certainly, I said and I moved towards my room in the first floor. I was moving fast and the girlwas practically running after me. When I reached my room, I opened the door andtook the water jug and offered her a filledglass. But she was not there to accept my glass. She was lying in my bed and said she was tiredand just wanted to lie down for some time. Mebahoot thuggayi hoom, thoda let javoon. I sat near her. I noticed she was a buxum girl inher early twenties, big boobs, flat navel, nicemake up, Her blouse which was specially madefor the dance with lot of shining materials waspinching her and she just unhooked her blouseand her boobs which were in the bra were projecting up. I asked her whether I may helpher to unhook the bra. She just looked at meand smiled and said ok and turned to her sideopposite to me. I lifted blouse bottom, found her bra hooks and unhooked them.
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She came back to lie on her back and was looking at me with expectations. My a/c was in full blast and theroom was very cool. I ran my hand over herboobs in circulatory motion. She semi closed hereyes and enjoyed my touch. Her nipples wereerect. What more invitation I wanted. She waslying diagonally on my bed. It was convenientfor me. I came in front of her and just leaned forwardand held both of her boobs in my hand andsucked her nipples. She was moaning loudly andextended her hand searching for my cock. Shecaught my pyjama strings untied the knot,pulled down my brief and caught my erect cockin her hand. I was surprised. I just lifted her ornamentalskirt, and a pettycoat below and her beautifulthighs were visible. I lifted her dress further upand her panty was already wet. Without waiting for her permission, I pulled down her panty andsaw her clean shaven pussy, a golden colouredpussy.
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I lifted her knees and kept it wide inpreparation of my next move. Juldi karo, logdundthe honge, she said.
Do it fast, they may be searching for me. I just took my cock at theentrance of her cunt and pushed forward. Shewas tight, but not a virgin. Her tightness wasvery enjoyable. She also started to moan loudly. I gave her inlong slow strokes, rubbing her clit with onehand. She was quivering with pleasure andmoaning as I plunged into her. It took more than ten minutes for me to come to an orgasm. Bythat time she came to orgasm twice. She trembled each time she met orgasmicstroke. Finally I sprayed my semen inside her. When I pulled out she got up hurriedly and asked fo rthe bathroom went inside, cleaned herselfup, streadied her dress and rushed out andthanked me and gave me a kiss on my mouthand rushed out running. I was watching she wasmoving under shadow and got mixed up withthe crowd in no time.
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I did not even ask her hername. I waited for another hour for the secondnumber to conclude. I saw another girl comingtowards my room. I wondered how they make a beeline to myroom. Perhaps she may be a friend of the girlwho came earlier. I waited at my door. She tooasked for some water. I said ok, come in. Thisgirl of the same age group came rushing in andwent straight to my bed and stretched herself diagonically. I gave her a glass of water whichshe drank fast. I placed my hand on her navel. She looked up at me and smiled. I told herwhether your friend told you to come her forwater. She smiled and said yes. Ok, then turn sothat I may unhook your bra.
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With protest she turned and I unhooked her braand turned her up and lifted her bra and blouseends and revealed her boobs. Her nipples werealready erect and was waiting for me tomassage them. I just leaned forward and tookthe nipple in my mouth and sucked them. I lifted her skirt etc and pulled down her wetpanty. This girl was very hot and was verycooperative in fucking. She guided my cock intoher hole and suggested that I lie down and shewould ride me. I said ok, for a change it is ok. The girl, whose name was Rati, got on me andtook my cock inside her cunt in one jerk andstarted to fuck me. She was an expert and did it perfectly positioning her crotch appropriately to make my cock rub her clit. I was squeezing hernipples and boobs. She was contorting her face and giving out wildsounds and finally when she came to orgasm,she banged her crotch on me. Very hot girlindeed. When one fuck was over, I asked her forthe second fuck. She said not now, people arewaiting for me. I will come later.
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She just jumped down, rushed to the bathroomand cleaned herself and came back gave me akiss and rushed back to join the crowd. Time was already 1am and I cannot have any morefemales for the day, because I had to catch theearly morning flight. I switched off my lightsand went to the bed. I was wondering the luck Ihad with these two girls. .