
Hypnotic life


My name is Eric and I have a story that you all need to hear I am 26 years old I was adopted as a baby and joined a wonderful family. My adopted parents died in 2010 leaving my adopted brother and his family as my only family members. My brother and his wife had a daughter who they named Elena I just called her Elly. When Elly was 18 her parents were in a car accident my brother died on impact my sister in law survived but was gravely injured. I received a call from the hospital at around 1pm I sped to the hospital when I entered her room she called me to sit beside her.

Sarah said, “Listen Eric me and your brother had a discussion a long time ago that if anything were to ever happen to us that we wanted you to take care of Elena. ” I responded, “I would be happy to take care of her but are you sure I am the right person for this responsibility?” Sarah said “yes you are the right and only choice there is something important I have to discuss with you about Elena. But first go get Elena and bring her here as fast as you can understand?” I nodded turned and left the hospital driving straight the school and practically ran to the office signed some papers. A few moments later Elly comes dashing to the office when she saw me she came running and gave me a hug, “hi uncle Eric what’s going on what are you doing here?” I motioned her question off and told her I had to take her to the hospital. Elly got a weird look on her face, “why am is sick?” I shook my head no and responded, “its your mom and dad Elly they were in a car accident I have to take you to see your mom fast. ” Elly’s usually bright face went gloomy and grabbed my hand, “lets hurry uncle Eric mom is waiting for me. ” I signed the last form and took Elly to my car as she got in she crawled through the driver side door she had a thigh length skirt on and it slid up her back. I could not believe my eyes this girl was going commando and even more of a sight was how wet she was. Elly slid into her seat and buckled up I slid in the driver seat and got us moving.

I drove to the hospital a few miles over the speed limit all the way to the hospital pulled into one of the parking spots Elly jumped out of the car as I unbuckled and had my door open as I reached for it. Elly grabbed my hand and was almost pulling me into the hospital with her.

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   After we entered the hospital I led the way to Sarah’s room when we entered Elly let go of my hand running to the bed side. Elly crying, “mommy are you going to be ok?” Sarah coughing, “no I do not think I will make it baby the surgery I need to have the doctor said I only 5% chance of survival. ” Elly almost collapsed onto Sarah’s bed before she did Sarah brushed Elly’s right cheek with the palm of her hand Elly immediately stood up straight. Sarah motioned me to come closer, “Eric there is a few things you need to know about Elena but it is not private here to tell you so after you leave here with Elena take here to my house gather up what you both need and make sure to go to my room in the closet there is a safe the key to it is under the dresser taped to the bottom. In it you will find all the information that I can’t tell you here.

Sarah took her attention from me and looked at Elly touching her right palm against Elly’s right cheek, “Elena I am passing your controls to your new master Eric do you understand?” Elly responded in a monotone, “yes mother I understand Uncle Eric now controls me. ” Sarah looked back at me, “Eric take your right palm put it on Elena’s right cheek and say (Elena I am your master now give me full control) then tap her on the forehead. ” I asked, “why am I doing this?” Sarah smiled, “like I said it is not private enough here but. ” Sarah grabbed me and pulled me down to whisper in my ear, “Elena is under hypnosis controls has been since she was 12. Inside the safe I was talking about are all of Elena’s birth papers are there as well as legal forms for you to sign. Inside the safe as well are a bunch of small books inside the cover of the black book labeled 1 is a letter that will explain everything. ” I stood back for a moment taking everything in then did as I was told by Sarah. The minute the phrase finished Elly fell to the floor. I jumped to catch her but Sarah started laughing, “Eric do not worry about Elena she collapsed because when you took control of her she had an orgasm. ” Elly was on her knees trembling on the floor in front of me I stood there watching her for a moment.

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   Sarah interrupted the silence, “Eric please take her home get her stuff and the safe you must read all the info we left for you. ” Elly came back to her senses a few minutes later, “why am I on the floor like this and why am I wet all over my legs?”

Sarah laughed bringing Elly to her feet and whispering in her ear a moment later Elly turned to face me. You saw me squirt didn’t you master I am so embarrassed Elly lowered her head covering her face. I walked over and gave her a hug, “do not be embarrassed about stuff like that around me but enough of that for now we need to get your stuff from your house. ” Sarah smiled, “Elena go with Eric start your new life and remember your father and I both love you. ” Elly started crying, “yes mom let’s go Uncle Eric. ” I gave Sarah a hug and took Elly’s hand walking out of the hospital to the car I let Elly in first then got in myself and drove to my later brother’s house. Elly ran into the house I walked in and went straight for her parent’s room grabbing the safe and the key then went through the drawers found some cash and a couple suspicious DVDs. Then I grabbed movies and other stuff that I saw useful after I finished up in there Elly ran up and grabbed the safe and box out of my hands putting them in the car. I looked out in the car and she had the trunk packed full and the backseat half full she had left just enough room for the cooler. Elly came back in and grabbed the cooler packing it full of food from the freezer and fridge.

Elly said, “that is everything of use master did you get everything from my parent’s room?” I told her I thought so we will come back another day and go through everything here to make sure. ” Elly smiled then said, “ok master after we search through the house what are we going to do with all of the stuff and house?” I will leave that up to you sweetie this was your parents’ house. Elly (shaking her head) said “no master it is your choice I do not care about any of this stuff except for pictures you are all I need in my life master. ” I smiled then told her “if that is how you feel we will clear the pictures out and look for other important stuff in a few days then we will sell all of the stuff.

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   We will put that money in a college savings for you so just in case you want to go to college. ” Elly said, “no master I don’t want to go to regular college I want to attend culinary school. ” I smiled then told her “we will let you go to the best culinary school we can find I promise. ”

Elly smiled said, “thank you master but can we go home now?” I motioned Elly out of the door telling her “of course Elly let’s go to your new home. ” Elly smiled and said, “ok master I can’t wait to start our new life together. ” I smiled and told her “me either Elly once we get home and unload stuff we need to go shopping for a few things my house is setup for one person only, so we need some other stuff. ” Elly started to jump up and down before saying “mom and dad never let me go shopping with them except for groceries. ” I told her “well you will be living with me, so we need to get stuff that you like as well. ” Elly ran up and gave me a huge hug then she said, “thank you master let’s go home. ” We drove back to my house and pulled into the garage I got out and unlocked the door and we started unpacking the stuff from the car. After everything was inside the house Elly started putting the food in the fridge and throwing out stuff I left in there.

Elly stood up and faced me before saying “master please promise me you will not cook leave all that to me the way you were eating was not healthy. ” I told her I promised and that I would not cook anymore that I never learned to really cook much anyway. Elly said, “that is good master I will happily cook food for you anytime you want it I know a lot of recipes I used to read cookbooks and memorize the recipes that sounded good. I even wrote down recipes in a notebook got a collection of over 700 recipes written down already.

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  ” I told her that I can’t wait to start trying some of your cooking but first let’s go get the shopping done do we need to make a list of groceries we need? Elly said, “no master as I was putting stuff up I got a look at everything you have in the kitchen I know what we need its going to cost a lot of money to get all the food and spices we need. Do you know the other items you said we needed?”

I nodded and told her “yes I know everything we need extras for and you will need to get your shampoo and other hygiene items. ” Elly said, “ok master I will make sure to do that what kind of soap do you use?” I told her I use Irish spring body wash. Elly said, “I like Irish spring let’s just get more of that for both of us to use I will just need to get other items. ” I smiled and told her that sounded good we will be taking the van this time since we will be picking up a lot of stuff. Elly asked, “ok master are we ready?” I told her “Let’s go Elly van is on the side of the house take the key and go unlock it while I lock the door. ” I handed her the keys and pushed her out the door. Elly laughed then said, “yes master” Elly ran around to the side of the house. I locked the door walking out to the van and getting in the driver seat and turned on the ignition. I pulled out and drove to the stores we stopped at a couple home stores and picked up towels, washcloths, cookware, and dishes. Then we stopped at the electronics store and picked up 2 flat screen TVs, a Blu-ray player, and a stereo. Then we went to the grocery store both of us grabbed carts and started going down every aisle picking up everything Elly said to. By the time we finished at the grocery store both our carts were packed full and had 2 store workers pushing 2 more carts behind us.

I asked if she was sure we needed all this stuff. Elly said, “yes Eric I am sure this is everything to stock the kitchen completely where I can cook you any kind of meal you want.

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  ” We checked out the total bill came to over $1200 we paid for everything and got it all in the van when we got back to the house we unloaded all the food and Elly started putting it up while I unloaded the other stuff from the van. Elly smiled and said, “master you go ahead and let me handle putting the kitchen together and you can handle the other stuff. ” I told her that sounds good that if she needed my help just call for me. Elly shook her head and motioned me away I smiled and grabbed the rest of stuff putting the towels and stuff up in the hall closet. Took 1 of the TVs to Elly’s room along with a Blu-ray player and set them up for her and put all her hygiene stuff in the bathroom. I walked back to the kitchen to see Elly up on the chair putting plates up as she stretched up to put stuff in the cabinet her skirt hiked up baring her ass and juicy pussy to my view. My cock went instantly hard as I stared at her ass she turned around to see me standing there with a hardon and smiled a sexy little grin before jumping off the chair.

Elly walked toward me and said, “you know master all you have to do is take me if you want me I am yours. ” I stared at Elly as she got closer and closer to me and said, “Elly we really can’t do this not yet until I decide which papers to sign we can’t do this. ” Elly smiled and said, “are you worried about getting caught in bed with me then how about I just pleasure you with my mouth master?” I told her that it still was not a good idea. Elly said, “you say that, but this here says otherwise please let me do it one time for you master I know this must hurt. ” I told her that I was glad she was willing to do that for me Elly put her finger to my mouth before slipping her hand down the waistband of my pants I told Elly to stop before anything happens that we will regret later.

Elly smiled, “are you sure master it would be my pleasure to do that for you?” I got down on my knees next to her and pulled her into a hug before replying, “it makes me happy to hear that from you but I have to go over the papers tonight I need to know the rules. So, for now no Elly I am sorry sweetie. ” Elly pouted a little before smiling again asking, “ok master I understand but you said this was my home as, well right?” I shook my head yes and said, “Elly this is your home now as well I promised your mother that I would take care of you.

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  ” Elly smiled then just yanked her clothes off in an instant before turning to face me and said, “sorry master even at home with my mom and dad I walked around naked all the time I am calmer this way I hope it is ok with you?”

I smiled saying, “Elly you are beautiful and you’re just trying to tempt me, aren’t you?” Elly’s skin turned a bright red from her forehead to her stomach she looked up at me and said, “yes master I am I am sorry. ” I shook my head and gave her an ok before telling her that I was going to read the papers and everything else to just call me when dinner was done. Elly smiled grabbing food from the fridge still naked going straight to work. I stood there watching her naked body running around the kitchen bending over to get pots and utensils before turning toward my room grabbing the safe and envelope off the couch. I took everything to my bed and first went through the papers and rules under each. I set the adoption and marriage papers on my nightstand before opening the safe.

Contents of the safe:
1: $50,000 cash
2: A collar fancy made with a silk lining.
3: 2 black diaries both having numbers 1 and 2 printed on them with read me first labeled across them.
4: 4 red diaries labeled advanced control and pleasure controls.
5: 1 blue diary labeled perfect wife/slave controls
6: was a letter addressed to me which I opened on sight.

Letter read:

Yo Eric,

How’s it going bro if you are reading this then me and Sarah died but don’t fret if all else is true Elena will be still alive and you will understand why you will love her being with you. Elena is a hell of a cook and she loves the house being clean she is already yours bro whether you knew it or not. Once I finish telling you what I wanted to tell you must read the black books first once you do you will understand everything. The rest of the books are for either better control or to become the perfect wife. But bro please do not do the perfect wife control it turns her personality off and binds her to a specific mindset.

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   Let her grow on her own no matter what her mind will always be on you. Just to let you know we were planning on giving Elena to you as a gift when she turned 18 just be good to her she is still my little girl. Also, all the money in the safe is yours bro use it to make your house livable for Elly. There is also a collar in the safe I am sure you saw it that is Elly’s wedding ring if you choose to marry her. That collar is a family heirloom from Sarah’s family if you and Elly decide not to use the collar just put it on display so Elly can always remember her mother the collar used to be worn by her and Elly loved it. Love you brother

I folded the letter up and put it in the envelope putting it back in the safe. I grabbed the 2 black books and started reading them it was basic commands and triggers as well as guidelines for each command. Then in the second book it started taking on darker tones the second book was a list of dangers that prolonged use of commands or modes could do to Elly’s mind. Most of the controls had no bad issues it was mainly the controls that were labeled modes that flips on certain aspects of Elly’s personality and switches others off.

I read through the rest of the black books I picked up the first of the red books and a folded letter dropped out from the cover. Once again, my name was printed on it and it read.

Dearest Eric,

You are receiving this letter one of 2 ways either I handed it to you on gift day or something happened and you are awarded custody of Elena. Either way it has happened now you should at least know about the females of my family Elena is bound to you in every way a woman can be. You can’t change her so do not try next try to stay open minded the controls were placed on Elena to keep her under control so that you did not end up in jail. But we also found out some very pleasant control words one is where every time you touch her bare skin she will orgasm on contact.

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   I left a few commands open for you to define more and left some blank for you to create your own. I just ask one thing if you use a personality altering command keep her in it no more then 1 hour anymore and it could screw her mind up and you would never have that sweet girl act right again. Read through the first book 2-4 you can take your time reading. Love Sarah

I read through the 1st red book and got through half the second one before I heard Elly calling me to dinner. I walked in met by an incredible smell of spaghetti and turned only to walk right into Elly who was standing on a chair so my mouth ended up right next to her bare pussy. I pushed back to hear Elly let out a huff then a giggle. Just in that short contact my nose and mouth were covered in her juices I licked around my mouth getting a good taste of Elly’s pussy. Elly was scooping out noodles onto plates then jumped down off the chair holding out our plates for me to pour sauce onto them. After done I grabbed the forks napkins and carried them to the table. We sat down next to each other Elly still naked giving me a full out show uncensored. We finished eating Elly cleaned up the dishes and then grabbed her clothes and asked which room was hers. I pointed out the one across from mine she skipped into the room and started putting up her clothes. I walked to the door and stepped into the doorway only to be greeted once again by her pussy in full view she was bending over a box scooping stuff out of it. I walked away a moment later back to my room and picked up reading where I left off in the second book. Finished the second book and part of the 3rd before putting it down and walking out to see what Elly was doing.

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As I walked into her room she was on the bed fingering herself I stood there frozen for a moment before Elly opened her eyes saw me standing there and started cumming instantly. I watched her squirt out for a good 2 minutes the whole time staring right at me. Elly jumped up instantly and started cleaning up the mess she just made. I walked over to her and raised her head up to me and told her that was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Elly looked up at me with blushed cheeks asking, “really master you thought that was beautiful?” I leaned down and kissed her on the nose shaking my head yes. Elly jumped into my arms and hugged me tightly I hugged her back before telling her that I would do everything I can to make her happy.

Elly smiled, “I know master same goes for me to you” Elly hugged up to me pressing her naked body against me. I stood up and slid her off me onto her bed then sat down beside her. I looked at her and gave her a smile I asked, “Elly did you know you have been under constant hypnosis by your parents?” Elly smiled answering, “I was actually wondering about lost time not long-ago master. ” I shook my head yes and told her the whole story. Elly tilted her head to the side and asked, “master you could have hid all of this from me and I never would have known why tell me now?” I smiled and replied, “Elly I did not want to start this life out under a lie I wanted to give you the chance of telling me if you wanted to keep the controls in place or release most of them except the ones protecting me. ” Elly got a shy look on her face for a moment before looking at me with deep red cheeks then said, “can I speak honestly master?” I shook my head yes and said, “yes Elly speak honestly nothing you say will make me upset. ”

Elly smiled the blushing easing up a little before saying, “first keep the controls in place master I find it hot being under your control. Second as I said master I am yours and no one else’s as long as it is you with the controls you can play me like a video game for all I care. ” My jaw dropped hearing her use that in a sexually explicit phrase she just gave me a sexy grin and said, “master I love you with all of my heart even before I stole that kiss from you I always loved you that is what drove me to steal the kiss in the first place.

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   So, no matter what happens as long as I am with you I am happy I promise. ” I smiled leaned down and kissed her on the forehead Elly got up from my lap and finished cleaning up the mess she made. After she finished cleaning up she came to the living room where I was sitting and sat beside me.

Elly sat there quietly for a few moments before looking at me and asked, “master may I ask a question a serious one?” I turned to face her and muted the tv replying, “Elly I told you already this is your home you can ask me anything you want. ” Elly smiled before saying, “thank you master I have been offering myself to you nonstop do you not find me attractive?” I watched for a moment as tears started welling up in Elly’s eyes I replied, “Elly I promise you I find you very attractive but I can’t jump to a single choice right away I hope you understand. Whatever choice I make affects you and me and the future of both of us. ” Elly smiled responding, “master talk it over with me and we can discuss the pros and cons of both then after hearing my side of the choices then you can make your final decision. ”

I smiled nodded then explained everything to her. We discussed both choices soundly I was surprised that Elly left out sex as her points. After about 2 hours we finished talking and Elly stood up leaned over kissing me on the cheek and said, “ok master I will let you hash out your decision now that you listened to my side of the choices. ” I put my hand on her cheek replied, “Elly I am glad you gave me your side of the choices I will put your side into account when I make my final choice I promise. ” Elly turned to leave then stopped and looked back over her shoulder giving me a seductive wiggle of her ass before saying, “Also master if you make the right choice you can have me anytime you want me. ” Staring at her and hearing her say that made my cock instantly harden as she walked down the hall. I sat there dumbfounded for about 18 minutes before coming back to reality and headed to my room. I sat down on my bed and took out the last few books I had not read yet after I finished reading the last of the books I put them all back in the safe.


   After putting them back into the safe I grabbed the envelopes with the different forms.

I pulled the adoption forms out and read them over there was a highlighted section on the adoption papers that stated “If both parties admit they love each other before Elena’s 18th birthday they have permission to get married. ” I went over the contract fully and they even posted financial info out on the forms stating that if I adopted Elly we would get $2000 a month if we did not get married before or by her 18th birthday Elly would gain all of her money in her own name. I put the papers back in the envelope and pulled out the marriage forms and instantly saw a letter hand written from Sarah and my brother.

Sup Eric.
If you are reading this letter that is just telling me you are being the same ignorant person you have always been. I noticed growing up with you that you always sat there with a grumpy look overthinking everything. Bro cheer up we are giving Elena to you once she learns your ways she will adapt to your way of life to please you. Yes, Elena is young but just like with Sarah you can mold Elena into your ideal woman without taking away her personality. We trust you with Elena completely Eric just take care of our little girl and she will take care of you. Love Sarah and your brother.

I read the letter 2 more times before putting it in the envelope I read over the marriage forms and noticed that Elly gets nothing after signing the marriage forms everything goes to me immediately. I read over everything and then understood if I married Elly that moment the marriage is official Elly will switch into perfect bride mode. She will retain the personality she had before but will be in insta command mode and orders, requests, or questions answered truthfully gives Elly pleasure. I also noticed that once I sign the papers it states she becomes mine I must take care of her and give her a wonderful life.

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   If I signed the papers all accounts and property is immediately transferred to me. I finally finished reading everything I put everything back in the envelope and set it down on the bed before getting up. I walked out of my room and stopped in Elly’s door I chuckled as I noticed she was still naked and on top of the blankets. I walked into the room and lifted her tiny body off the bed with one arm and pulled the blanket and sheets down. I set her back on the bed and pulled the blanket over her as I leaned in to kiss her forehead Elly grabbed me and planted a passionate kiss on my lips. Elly opened her eyes and looked me right in the eyes. Elly smiled and said, “I love you master” she rolled over and pulled the blanket over herself drifting back to sleep. I chuckled and tucked her in I left her room went to the kitchen grabbed a beer and drank it down fast followed by 2 more before returning to my room. I scooped up everything and put it back in the safe and plopped down on the bed letting myself drift to sleep while thinking about everything. As morning rolled around I was woke up by the smell of something incredible I walked into the kitchen to see Elly on the chair still naked cooking bacon and making waffles. Elly turned to me and said, “good morning master did you sleep well?” I walked over and kissed her on the forehead told her good morning then replied, “yes Elly I slept well after we do the shopping today we need to discuss some things seriously. ” Elly smiled replying, “understood master what are we going shopping for today?”

I tussled her hair a little eliciting a giggle from Elly before responding, “I would like to get a couple things for the house that I had no real use for like a vacuum and a new mop. ” Elly smiled, “ok master how about we goto the home stores and just shop for whatever we want. ” I stood up and went to my room grabbing the shoebox I put all the cash in carrying it back to the living room. I sat back beside Elly on the couch and counted the money after I finished I told Elly that there was $8k in cash that came out of her house that is the spending budget.

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   Elly smiled, “of course master also may I ask for a cell phone master I have a couple friends that I would like to talk with. ” I told her we would stop by my cell carrier and get a phone added for her on my account. Elly ran to her room and got dressed returning 20 minutes later dressed in a midthigh skirt and a tank top both pink and her long red hair tied up in a ponytail. I pulled on a clean shirt and combed my hair before we left the house as we walked outside I opened the garage door. Once the door opened my next-door neighbor came up to the garage door she is about 28 typical dumb blonde beach bimbo. Her IQ would probably be a 22 if they released scores like that always wearing a skimpy bikini that she wore 2 sizes smaller then needed. Alice giggled replying, “aww that’s how it is you like them a lot younger no wonder I couldn’t get you to fuck me like I wanted.

Elly giggled replying, “Eric this girl is just a horny nerd and it is only for you she doesn’t stay in the bikini nonstop after talking with you she changes into her sweats. ” Alice got a surprised look on her face replying, “how did you know that?” Elly laughed, “you are actually smarter then you let on to be aren’t you but you think acting stupid will get someone to fuck you faster. ” Alice dumbfounded stuttering a response, “how do you know all of this stuff” Elly giggled walking toward Alice stopping right in front of her. Elly reached out her left hand and pressed it against Alice’s crotch and started rubbing. Alice started moaning as Elly expertly rubbed her pussy through a very thin bikini. Elly giggled asking, “Eric tell this silly girl that you do not like girls that are dumb as dirt you actually like them with intelligence. ” Alice looked me in the eyes and watched as I nodded Alice lost her composure and had a massive orgasm while staring me in the eyes. Elly slid to her ear and whispered something to Alice who got really red in the face before nodding.

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   Elly and Alice then shared a kiss before Alice stood up straight and adjusted her bikini over her wet pussy and winking at me.

I watched Alice leave before asking what just happened Elly gave me a sexy grin and replied, “Alice is just horny as hell and needs someone to fuck her master I told her I would discuss this with you she will just be a weekly booty call until she graduates college. ” I laughed responding, “what are you doing Elly trying to setup sex dates for me?” Elly giggled, “actually master it is also for me to I will get to play with them as well. ” I laughed and told her to get in the car so we can get the shopping done. We drove around to 3 different stores picked up stuff that we needed for the house. After loading everything into the car I noticed Elly staring over at a GameStop/comic store. I laughed and told her to wait on going to game stores until she sees the game room at the house. Elly shifted her head sideways before asking, “game room master?” I laughed and told her one of the rooms was made into a game room I will show it to her when we get back home. We did stop by the store anyway to look at comic books and yugioh cards for Elly. I watched Elly as she looked around before she stopped shifting her vision and locked onto something. I walked over behind her and looked down to notice her looking at cards in protected showcases. I asked if she liked to play yugioh she responded with an energetic bouncing head nod. I went through and bought a ton of cards from the cases and binders I spent over $900 from loose cards and bought a ton of boxes of booster packs.

After I paid for everything and we left the store Elly asked why I bought so many yugioh cards I told her I was buying them mainly for her but the game looked interesting so I want to create a deck to play with her. Elly giggled, “yay game of sexy yugioh winner can make the loser do what they want.

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  ” I laughed as we drove towards the house Elly said, “master I have 8 decks made I can teach you how to play using one of them and then you can take my extra cards and the new ones and build yourself a deck or 2. ” After we pulled into the garage I saw Alice walking over towards us wearing sweats and a pair of glasses and her hair messed up. Alice stopped a few feet from me and Elly and said, “this is how I usually look I don’t care about my appearance because I am more into school I just need to take my mind off school and flip the fuck me stupid switch. ” Elly walked over to me and whispered into my ear, “master bring her inside and fuck her just use her as a fuck doll. ” Elly looked at Alice and said, “when you come before my master asking for his cock you better be naked understood slut?!!” Alice got red in the face and instantly stripped herself naked her small C cups bouncing with every movement. Alice stood there naked as the garage door closed Elly grabbed Alice by the hand and led her into the house. I picked up Alice’s clothes and brought them inside the house dropping them on the dining room table. I walked toward the couch and heard Elly telling Alice to eat her pussy like a good slut. As I walked around the side of the couch I watched as Elly had a handful of Alice’s hair pulling her mouth onto her pussy hard.

Elly looked up at me with a sexy grin pointed at my cock and then at Alice’s ass I pulled my shorts down and got behind Alice. I rubbed my cock up and down Alice’s slit Alice took a moment break from licking Elly’s pussy and yelled, “please stop teasing me just slam it in and fuck me!!!!!” I did as she asked and slammed nuts deep into her instantly looking down to see blood dripping around my cock. Alice smiled, “thank you for getting rid of my virginity now please give me a good hard fuck take my mind off of school and life and just fuck me stupid. ” I started slamming into Alice she was half moaning and half squeaking each time I bottomed out in her juicy pussy. Elly giggled saying, “wow master she was a virgin and now she is a complete slut she is loving you fucking her hard. ” Alice gave me a sexy grin putting her hands on my stomach making me stop thrusting then stood up moved next to Elly and sat down.

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   Alice leaned over kissed Elly sat back and put her ankles behind her head and said, “now just plow me pick me up do whatever you want” I slid my cock back into her eliciting a loud moan from her. Elly got over Alice’s face and sat down and instantly started moaning as Alice buried her tongue inside Elly. I looked over and saw in Alice’s purse was a skinny purple vibe I grabbed it and put some of Alice’s juice on it and inserted it into Alice’s ass and turned it on. Alice instantly froze up Elly jumping off her face only to see Alice with open mouth frozen in a silent scream and a look of sheer lust on her face. After a few moments Alice snapped out of her daze and smiled telling me to keep going. I started slamming into her again at full force while her anal toy vibrating hard in her ass. We kept shifting positions for a bit I finally slammed hard into her and asked her where she wanted me to cum. Alice let a loud moan telling me to cum inside her pussy. I slammed deep into her and shot my load inside her pushing her into another orgasm. As soon as I pulled out of Alice Elly jumped between her legs licking at her pussy drinking my cum as it dribbled out of Alice.

Alice had 2 more orgasms as Elly cleaned her up Alice sat up on the bed touched her pussy and said, “thanks to both of you I had a good first time and if you don’t mind making me your fucktoy once a week I would be happy then I can focus on school the rest of the time. ” Elly smiled handing Alice her clothes off the table. Elly said, “let me and the master talk it over we will give you an answer soon and I know you had a fun time your face is still flushed. ” Alice giggled, “first thanks again for drilling me, second take your time on deciding after that fuck my mind should be good for a few weeks. ” Alice was about to leave and then stopped for a moment before turning around and said, “can I ask something without either of you getting mad at me?” Elly and I both nodded and listened to her questions.

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   Alice said, “first why do you keep calling him master?” Elly smiled, “he is my master simple answer I serve him and feel pleasure from doing anything for him. ” Alice laughed for a moment and said, “you both have not had sex together yet have you?” Elly shook her head, “not yet I am saving myself for him but he asked for time to sort everything out first. ” Alice smiling, “I know it is tormenting you not being able to let him take you the way you want. But it is to protect you both from the law until he decides but when It happens I promise if its like my first time was you will enjoy it. Ok that is it for now thanks again I think after a shower I will go straight to bed. ”

More coming soon. . if i get comments asking for it. .



