Freedom Denied 03.
Mandi had been used and abused for some three hours by these guys, when Adam entered the room and blew a whistle. The guys grabbed Mandi and immediately retied her binds before grabbing their clothes and disappearing; Adam approached Mandi with out her seeing the ball gag in his closed hand. Seconds later the foul smelling and tasting gag was forced into her mouth and the straps tightened.
Adam delighted in telling Mandi of the sponge interior of the object wedged tightly in her throat, but more importantly of the soaking it had had for the last six hours in the urine tank of the women slaves here at the centre. (Adam stressed the word centre as if it was his pride and joy). He also took great pains to explain that as she salivated the urine trapped in the sponge would mix with her saliva and eventually trickle in to her stomach. Laughing he said it would be like taking the worlds longest piss as it has been known to go on for several hours.
Mandi unable to utter a intelligible response looked wide eyed and scared. Further discouraging events unfolded when Adam produced Mandi's own mobile phone asking "Is your company's number in here?"
Mandi, unable to answer and bound in such a way that she could not struggle very well, felt the tears welling in her eyes as she realised that he latest chance of being listed as missing in London was quickly disappearing. A quick text message later and Adam left the room laughing like a hyena. In the lonely solice of her predicament, Mandi began to realise that fate and circumstances had conspired against her. She could now see no way of getting out of this mess in the near future; but she promised herself at the first opportunity to make good her escape she would make sure she took it and vowed to seek full revenge of Adam, who she now despised more than any other male in the world.
Suddenly her concentration was interrupted by two tattooed ladies entering the room and approaching they began untying her wrist straps; Mandi pretended to be so drowsy that she hoped they would be lax in their handling of her. At what she perceived as the right moment, she thrust out her arms with all the strength she could muster and managed to knock the two women over. She then turned and began to run as fast as she could towards the open door.
In her mind she was running in quicksand and the strides became heavier and slower as she ran.
She was going to make it, only three more strides and she would be out of this room and home free.
As she passed through the doorway everything suddenly went black, immediately after she had felt this heavy thud in her stomach. She did not register falling to the floor as she was out cold. The two women then gathered themselves up and grabbed her dragging her back into the room. The hose of freezing water soon began to revive Mandi; Adam stood laughing over her shaking his head as he did so.
"Tut, you should know better than to think you could escape so easily, and now you will need to be punished for your foolishness" He insisted.
At this he clapped his hands and three guys carried into the room, a full standing stocks with leg spreader; placing it carefully on a set mark they fastened the unit to the floors with heavy bolts. Mandi was then dragged over to the stocks, still unable to struggle her wrists were placed in the stocks and her head forced into the central retaining hole, she remembered hearing the sickening thud as the two halves of the stocks were locked shut. Next her legs were forced apart and placed in the leg spreaders. This caused her head to jerk back and her breathing became a little restricted.
Less than three inches in front of her face was the maniacal laughing face of Adam;"I suppose I should offer you the choice of quick or slow!" he commented.
Mandi tried to speak but the ball gag prevented her as did the awkward angle that her head was being forced into by the height of the stocks.
"What no preference!" he taunted. "Very well I will choose for you! Fast I think, as we have to catch up on the time you have just wasted trying to escape!" he added.
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"Oh Mandi, what a bad choice you have just made as the quick method is far more painful! But still if you want it over and done with quicker then you have to accept the extra pain" he teased.
The two women with the tattoo's came forward and Mandi could see that their number were different from the last pair she had seen, one was 1013 and the other was 1045, but they looked like identical twins. Adam must have noticed her looking and he asked "Do you have any sister's Mandi? 1015 here did and sure enough she traded punishment in exchange for delivering her twin sister to us!" He continued "we like them so much that we kept them here at the centre instead of sending them to our clients"
Mandi struggled to shake her head, "Shame because if you did you could have avoided this next punishment by simply calling your sister to meet you, at a location of our choosing"
The tattooed women then accepted whispered instructions from Adam and quickly disappeared. They returned after a very short time carrying a long wooden box.
Placing it on the table in front of Mandi, they opened it; but because they had it facing away from her, Mandi had no chance to see what was inside the box.
They then removed what looked like a corset and promptly fastened it around Mandi waist, then attached several wires to strategic places and ran the cables back to the case, obviously plugging them in to units inside the case. Next Adam attracted Mandi's attention with a cat-o-nine tails, pointing out the studded ends of the leather braided tails. He then said "Think of a number between one and a hundred and tell me your number!" Mandi mumbled her number 7.
Because of the gag it was unintelligible, so Adam said "Ok thirty it is!" Mandi panicked as she tried desperately to correct him shaking her head trying to fight back the overwhelming feeling of nausea welling up in her stomach from the vile urine tasting gag and fear of what was about to happen to her. Adam merely walked behind her and in the space of ten minutes laid the cat-o-nine tails across her arse cheeks thrity times. Such was his skill with the weapon that he left almost parrallelred lines of his strokes and where the studs had connected with her tender flesh, small gouges of bloody stains now congregated.
Twice Mandi passed out from the pain only to be shocked back to consciousness by the electric shocks of the corset administered with glee by the tattooed twins. Thankfully for Mandi, the punishment was soon over and she was released from the stocks. All immediate thoughts of escaping banished from her mind; she could barely stand let alone run. Suddenly she was bent double whilst still wearing the corset and her left hand was tied to her left leg, her right hand to her right leg and the same muslin bandages were being applied to her from the ankles up.
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Soon she was cocooned inside the swathed bandages with only two drinking straws which had been pushed up into her nose for breathing. It felt really weird for her to have her head inside the bandages level with her pussy and she really felt the pain in her spine and her now burning arse cheeks.
Then a canvas sailor's kitbag was put over the whole arrangement and she was unceremoniously dumped on to a trolley and wheeled out of the room. The only movement and sounds Mandi could detect was when she was paced in the back of a van and she heard the engine start, she also felt the movement of the van. She dreaded to think where the van was taking her now.